O le Itula lea…


LE tane a le taupou Amuia o Maria


SO e tele mea ua tutupu, ua vave tele i nei aso—e pei lava ona fetalai mai ai le Alii.[1]ff. Warp Speed, Faateia ma Awe Ioe, o le latalata atili atu i le "Mata o le Afa", o le vave foi lea o le savili o suiga o loo feula. O lenei Afā na faia e le tagata o loʻo gaoioi i se saoasaoa le faʻaleatua e "tei ma le maofa"tagata soifua i se nofoaga o le faʻaaloalo - o mea uma "mo le manuia lautele", ioe, i lalo o le igoa o le "Great Reset" ina ia "toe faʻaleleia atili." Ua amata ona toso ese e le au mesianist i tua atu o lenei utopia fou meafaigaluega uma mo la latou suiga - taua, vevesi tau tamaoaiga, oge, ma mala. O loo oo moni mai lava i luga o le toatele “e pei o se gaoi i le po”.[2]1 Thess 5: 12 O le upu galue o le "gaoi", lea o loʻo i le fatu o lenei neo-communistic movement (vaai O Valoaga a Isaia o le Communism i le Lalolagi).

Ma o nei mea uma o le a avea ma mafuaaga mo le tagata e leai se faatuatua e gatete ai. E pei ona faalogoina e Sagato Ioane i se faaaliga i le 2000 tausaga ua mavae e uiga i tagata o lenei itula o faapea mai:

“O ai e mafai ona faatusalia i le manu feʻai, po o ai foʻi e mafai ona tau faasaga iā te ia?” (Faaaliga 13:4)

Ae mo i latou e faatuatua ia Iesu, o le a latou vaai i vavega a le Atua i se taimi lata mai, pe afai e leʻi oʻo i le taimi nei…


Le Faʻapaʻiaina Faʻaiʻu

By this, I do not mean that the remnant will be spared suffering. The world has gone completely astray and the foʻi is going to be painful. As Jesus said to St. Faustina:

I le Feagaiga Tuai na ou auina atu perofeta o lo o fai ma faititili i Ou tagata. Le aso nei ou te auina atu oe i loʻu alofa mutimutivale i tagata o le lalolagi atoa. Ou te le manaʻo e faʻasa le faʻalavelave o tagata, ae ou te manaʻo e faʻamaloloina, seʻi oʻo atu i Lou Loto Alofa. Ou te faʻaaogaina le faʻasalaga pe a latou fai mai ia te Au e faia; Ua musu loʻu lima e taofi i le pelu o le faamasinoga. E oʻo i le aso o le faʻamasinoga ou te lafo ai le aso o le alofa mutimutivale.—Iesu i St. Faustina, paia Alofa Mutimutivale i Loʻu agaga, Tusi, n. 1588

The way in which Jesus wants to triumph over evil is through His mother — who is a symbol of the Church. Why? Because it was Eve, “the mother of the living”,[3]Kenese 3: 20 who led mankind into the fall and all the catastrophic effects of original sin. Now, Our Lady’s fiat is that which has “undone” Eve’s sin, beginning the reversal of the satanic order that sin ushered in and which disturbed the plan of God to bring all creation into perfection.[4]CCC, 307; cf. Foafoaga Toe Fanauina

E pei ona taʻua e St. Irenaeus, "O le usitaʻi na avea ai o ia ma mafuaʻaga o le faaolataga mo ia lava ma mo tagata uma." O le mea lea e le toʻaitiiti o Tama anamua na taʻua ma le fiafia. . .: "O le faapogai o le le usitai o Eva na tatalaina e le usitaʻi o Maria: o le mea sa fusifusia e le taupou o Eva ona o lona le talitonu, na faʻamalolo e Maria lona faʻatuatua." I le faʻatusatusaina o ia ma Eva, latou te faʻaigoaina ia Maria o le "Tina o e ola" ma fai mai masani: "Oti e ala ia Eva, le olaga e ala ia Maria." -Catechism o le Katoliko Ekalesia, l. 494

I luga o lenei tulaga lautele, a maua le manumalo o le a aumaia e Maria. E manumalo Keriso ia te ia aua e finagalo o Ia ia manumalo le Ekalesia i le taimi nei ma le lumanaʻi ia fesoʻotaʻi ia te ia… —POPE IOANE PAULO II, Sopoʻia le Nofoaga Faʻamoemoe o le Faʻamoemoe, i. 221

As I have documented in my book Le Fetauiga Mulimulithe “end game” of Satan began with the birth of the so-called Enlightenment period. In the following four centuries, seeds of philosophic pride were gathered: deism, materialism, scientism, evolutionism, atheism, Marxism, etc. until they finally found the perfect field in which to be sown: Lusia. As Pope Pius XI pointed out in his powerful and prophetic encyclical, Paia Redemptoris, this country and its people were faoa e i latou…

… Tusitala ma le au faʻamautu na manatu ia Lusia o le sili saunia sauniuniga mo le faʻataʻitaʻia ma se fuafuaga faʻalauteleina sefulu tausaga talu ai, ma ai mai iina o loʻo faʻaauau pea ona faʻasalalau atu mai le tasi itu o le lalolagi i le isi ... O a matou upu o loʻo mauaina nei faʻamaoniga faʻamaonia mai le maataga o fua oona o manatu le faʻasolosolo, lea na matou vaʻaia ma valoʻia, ma o le mea moni o loʻo faʻateleina ma le fefefe i atunuʻu ua uma ona afaina, pe faʻamataʻuina isi atunuʻu uma o le lalolagi. —POPE PIUS XI, Divini Togiolaina, Le. 24, 6

Na manaʻomia le faʻatulagaina o Sosaiete a Lilo e faʻafesuiaʻi manatu o le au faifilosofia i totonu o se sima ma faigata faiga mo le faʻatafunaga o malo.—Nesta Webster, Lalolagi Fouvalega, i. 4 (faamamafa laʻu)

This, in a word, was the “sign of the dragon” that St. John foresaw in Revelation 12:3. But another sign also appeared at the birth of the Enlightenment in the 16th century — a “woman clothed in the sun”.

… O ona ofu na susulu pei o le la, e peiseai ua lafo mai ai ni galu o le malamalama, ma o le maʻa, o le papa na tu ai o ia, na foliga mai na susulu mai ave. —St. Juan Diego, Nican Mopohua, Don Antonio Valeriano (pe tusa o le 1520-1605 TA,), n. 17-18

O se faʻailoga tele lava na faʻaali mai i le lagi, o se fafine ua ofu i le la, ma le masina i lalo o ona vae, ma i luga o lona ulu se pale o fetu e sefulu ma le lua. Ona faʻaali mai ai lea o le tasi faʻailoga i le lagi; o le tarako mumu tele lava, e fitu ona ulu ma ona nifo e sefulu, ma i luga o ona ulu sa i ai palealii e fitu… (Faaa 12: 1-4)

Hence, this Woman also reappeared again in 1917, a month before Lenin stormed Moscow and gave birth to Communism. God’s remedy was simple, voiced through the Woman herself:

O le a ou sau e fesili mo le faapaiaga o Lusia i loʻu Loto Mama, ma le Faʻamanatuga o le toe faʻaleleia o le Aso Toʻonaʻi muamua. A faʻalogo i aʻu talosaga, o le a liua Rusia, ma o le a i ai le filemuA leai, o le a salalau e [Lusia] ana mea sese i le lalolagi atoa, ma mafua ai taua ma sauaga a le Ekalesia. O le lelei o le a faamaturoina; e tele mea e puapuagatia ai le Tama Paʻia; atunuu eseese o le a faaumatia—Maua a Fatima, www.vatican.va

The rest is history: we did listen to Our Lady. The Consecration was done, at least not as requested.[5]ff. Na Tupu le Faʻapaʻiaina o Lusia? While Our Lady accepted the consecration of the world by John Paul II in 1984, it was not what she asked for: specifically Lusia. This has been confirmed in numerous credible private revelations since. And how many have made reparation through the First Saturdays? Years later in a private revelation to Sister Lucia, one of the Fatima seers, Our Lady appeared with the Infant Jesus, saying:

They did not want to pay attention to my request. Like the king of France, [6]ff. lifesitenews.com they will be sorry, but it will be too late. Russia will already have spread its errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer!—Iuni 13th, 1929, livefatima.io

To the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi in 1990, Our Lady repeated:

Russia has not been consecrated to me by the Pope together with all the bishops, and thus, she has not received the grace of conversion and has spread her errors throughout all parts of the world, provoking wars, violence, bloody revolutions and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. —given in Portugal on May 13th, 1990 on the anniversary of the First Apparition there; with Le faʻamaonia (tagai foi i ana savali na muamua atu ia Mati 25, 1984, Me 13, 1987, ma Iuni 10, 1987).

Notes Cardinal Raymond Burke:

Certainly, Pope Saint John Paul II consecrated the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984. But, today, once again, we hear the call of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, in accord with her explicit instruction. —Cardinal Raymond Burke, Me 19, 2017; lifesitenews.com

E talafeagai le manatu faapea, ina ua toe iloiloina le gaoioiga a Ioane Paulo II i le 1984, na faatagaina ai e Sister Lucia o ia lava e faatosinaina e le siosiomaga o le faamoemoe na salalau atu i le lalolagi ina ua mavae le paʻu o le Emepaea o Soviet. E tatau ona maitauina e leʻi fiafia Tuafafine Lucia i le uiga faʻamaoni o le faʻamaoni i le faʻamatalaina o le feʻau maualuga na ia mauaina. O le mea lea, e tatau i le au tusitala o talafaasolopito, o le aufailotu, ma faifeau o le Ekalesia ona iloilo le ogatasi o nei faamatalaga, na aoina e Cardinal Bertone, ma faamatalaga muamua a Sister Lucia lava ia. Ae ui i lea, e tasi le mea e manino: o fua o le faapaiaga o Rusia i le Loto Mamalu o Maria, na fofogaina e lo tatou Fafine, e mamao mai le tino. E leai se filemu i le lalolagi. —Father David Francisquini, published in the Brazilian magazine “Revista Catolicismo” (Nº 836, Agosto/2020): “A consagração da Rússia foi efetivada como Nossa Senhora pediu?” [“Was the consecration of Russia carried out as Our Lady requested?”]; cf. onepeterfive.com

And now, in what is no doubt a significant event, Pope Francis has at last called for the Consecration of Russia (and Ukraine), in union with the bishops of the world, on March 25th, 2022.[7]ff. vaticannews.va This, too, fulfills another prophetic word from Our Lady as to its taimi

Particular circumstances have not yet allowed the Holy Father to expressly consecrate Russia to me, as I have repeatedly requested. As I have already told you, this consecration will be made to me when bloody events are now in progress. I bless the courageous act of “my” Pope, who wanted to entrust the world and all nations to my Immaculate Heart; I receive it with love and gratitude and, for this act, I promise to intervene in order to greatly shorten the hours of purification and to make the ordeal less burdensome. —Message #287 on March 25, 1984; “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Children”

According to a recent message, Our Lady has made good on that promise:

Little children, the times are being shortened: you have come to the time of reckoning; obey my requests and your Father will still give you times of final possibilities.-Lo matou Fafine ia Valeria Copponi, Mati 16th, 2022

Lo'u afafine e, ua ou iloa ma ou faatasi ma lou faanoanoa; O aʻu, o le Tina o le alofa ma le faʻanoanoa, e matua mafatia lava ona o le le faʻalogoina - a leai semanu e tupu nei mea uma. Ua ou talosaga soo mo le faapaiaina o Rusia i Loʻu Loto Mamalu, ae o loʻu tagi o le tiga e leʻi faʻalogoina. Lo’u afafine e, o lenei taua e oo mai ai le oti ma le faafanoga; o ē ola e lē lava e tanu ai ē ua oti. La'u fanau e, tatalo mo le au faapaiaina oe ua lafoaia le alofa, le faatuatua moni ma le ola mama, ua faaleagaina le Tino o lo'u Atalii, ua tulia ai le au faamaoni i mea sese tetele, ma o le a avea lea ma mafuaaga o mafatiaga matautia. Lau fanau e, tatalo, tatalo, tatalo tele. -Lo matou Fafine ia Gisella Cardia, Fepuari 24th, 2022


Sili Lelei Nai lo le Leai

It didn’t have to be this way. The peace Our Lady promised through the conversion of Russia could have come, just as Heaven promised. As Jesus said to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta after World War I:

O lea la, o Faʻasalaga na tupu e leai lava se isi mea ae o faʻataʻitaʻiga a i latou o le a oʻo mai. E fia isi taulaga o le a faʻatafunaina…? E le toe mafai e laʻu faʻamasinoga; Loʻu manaʻo e Manumalo, ma ou te manaʻo ia Manumalo e ala i le Alofa ina ia Faʻamautuina Lona Malo. Peitai e le manaʻo le tagata e sau e feiloaʻi ma lenei Alofa, o lona uiga, e tatau ona faʻaaoga le Justice. —O Iesu e Auauna a le Atua, Luisa Piccarreta; Novema 16th, 1926

In this regard, the Book of Revelation is being fulfilled at this hour — not because it was written in stone — but precisely because St. John foresaw the consequences of the saoloto saoloto of the People of God beforehand. He foresaw and heard the disobedience and unheeded warnings of Jesus to the Church.[8]ff. O Faʻasaʻoga e Lima He foresaw the apostasy that would give rise to the lawlessness that is now spreading throughout the world — not in the form of anarchy (at least not yet) — but by institutions and judiciary branches overturning and trampling upon the laws of God, upon ola lava ia.[9]ff. Le Itula o le Amioleaga And hence, he foresaw that our past century would pave the way for the rise of the Beast — an Antichrist — who, building on the foundation of the “errors of Russia”, would attempt to erect a Olo Fou o Papelu through science — fale talavai (Rev. 18:23) — in order to control the world through a “digital ID” (cf. Rev 13:16-17).[10]ff. futurism.com; le-sun.com; we-forum.org; ff. aa.com.tr ma rte.ie; ID2020 

But for those reading Heaven’s messages on Countdown to the Kingdom, it remains eminently clear that God has not abandoned His children; Jesus has not betrayed His Bride, nor will He. This, too, is recorded in the Scriptures:

And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it…. The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days. (Matthew 16:18; Revelation 12:6)

In a rare message to Gisella Cardia, the Heavenly Father allegedly spoke to her recently, promising:

I, your Father, am here to remind you that I love you all. Do not be afraid… Do not worry; let go of human things and have faith — everything will be fulfilled according to My plan. The angels, in the place blessed by Me, will protect you and make you safe; they will make you invisible and I will not leave you lacking for anything. I am a good Father, but I am a just Father. I love you, My children, I love you so much: do not be afraid, do not fear, all that you will have will be by My grace alone. -March 10, 2022; countdowntothekingdom.com

E manaʻomia le ola o se tamaʻi lafu, tusa lava pe o le a le laʻititi. —POPE PAULO VI, Le Mea Lilo ia Paul VI, Jean Guitton, i. 152-153, Tusitusiga (7), itu. ix.

Ia latou aioi atu foi ma le malosi faʻatoga a le Immaculate Virgin o le, na nutimomoia le ulu o le gata o anamua, tumau pea le mautinoa puipuiga ma le mafaatoilaloina "Fesoasoani o Kerisiano." —POPE PIUS XI, Divini Togiolaina, Le. 59

On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, recall how he took his family and fled the storm of Herod unleashed against the innocents — but only ina ua mavae he consecrated himself to Our Lady.

Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her… Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home. (Tala Lelei o lenei aso)

So too, the Herods of our day are unleashing a Storm against the world so as to remake it in their own image and hold onto their power.[11]ff. Leai le Ala a Herota; Protecting Your Innocents

The ten horns that you saw represent ten kings who have not yet been crowned; they will receive royal authority along with the beast for one hour. They are of one mind and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and king of kings, and those with him are called, chosen, and faithful. (Rev 17:12-13)

Precisely because we are entering the hour of the Beast, we are also entering the hour of God’s providence for His People. It is necessary for us to place ourselves, then, in the care of both St. Joseph and Our Lady (if it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!). The Consecration is late. It can no longer forestall the purification of the world that must now come.[12]ff. Le Taʻotoga Faʻapitoa But this simple act of obedience of the hierarchy, the size of a mustard seed, is enough for God to move mountains. And He’s going to. [13]ff. O le a Ala mai Mauga

For our part, this is the hour of raw faith, to have an Faʻatuatua Lē Faʻatuatua ia Iesu. There is still time to fulfill the First Saturdays beginning this April. And finally, faith that is not dead is accompanied by usiusitai.[14]cf. Iakopo 2:14 That also means entering into the sanctuary of His Divine Will… a gift that is being offered to us in this hour.[15]ff. Le Meaalofa

O le faamasinotonu faalelagi e faʻatautaia ai faʻasalaga, peitaʻi e le faʻalataina ia fili poʻo fili o le Atua i agaga o loʻo nonofo i le Finagalo Faʻalelagi… Ia e iloa o le a ou amanaʻia agaga o loʻo nonofo i Loʻu Finagalo, ma nofoaga o loʻo nonofo ai nei tagata… Ou te tuʻuina agaga o loʻo nonofo ma loʻu loto i le lalolagi, i le tulaga lava e tasi o le ua faʻamanuiaina [i le Lagi]. O le mea lea, nofo i Loʻu Loto ma aua le fefe i se mea. —Jesus i le Auauna a le Atua Luisa Piccarreta, Volume 11, Me 18, 1915


Faʻatau Fesootai

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kiliki i luga le fuʻa i lalo e lesitala.
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Faamatalaga Faʻamatalaga

Faamatalaga Faʻamatalaga
1 ff. Warp Speed, Faateia ma Awe
2 1 Thess 5: 12
3 Kenese 3: 20
4 CCC, 307; cf. Foafoaga Toe Fanauina
5 ff. Na Tupu le Faʻapaʻiaina o Lusia? While Our Lady accepted the consecration of the world by John Paul II in 1984, it was not what she asked for: specifically Lusia. This has been confirmed in numerous credible private revelations since.
6 ff. lifesitenews.com
7 ff. vaticannews.va
8 ff. O Faʻasaʻoga e Lima
9 ff. Le Itula o le Amioleaga
10 ff. futurism.com; le-sun.com; we-forum.org; ff. aa.com.tr ma rte.ie; ID2020
11 ff. Leai le Ala a Herota; Protecting Your Innocents
12 ff. Le Taʻotoga Faʻapitoa
13 ff. O le a Ala mai Mauga
14 cf. Iakopo 2:14
15 ff. Le Meaalofa
lafoina i AIGA, TAIMI O LE ALOFA ma pōpō , , , , , .