Буђење до олује


ЈА ИМАМ примила бројна писма током година од људи који су говорили: „Моја бака је о њима говорила пре неколико деценија“. Али многе од тих бака одавно су прошле. А онда је дошло до експлозије пророчког деведесетих са порукама Фр. Стефано Гобби, Међугорје, и других истакнутих видјелаца. Али како је прелаз миленијума долазио и одлазио и очекивања од непосредних апокалиптичних промена никада се нису остварила, извесна поспаност времену, ако не цинизам, наступио је. Пророчанство у Цркви постало је сумњиво место; епископи су брзо маргинализовали приватно откривење; а чинило се да су они који су је следили били на рубу црквеног живота у скупљању маријанских и харизматских кругова.

Данас највећи подругари пророчанства долазе не извана, него унутар Цркве. Било који појам о уједначености с обзиром these times in the light of private revelation, much less “end times” Scripture, is met with disinterest, if not derision. Which is not at all the attitude of the early Church. Not only did Jesus openly and readily speak about the signs that would accompany the so-called “end times,” but the writings of Peter, Paul, John, and Jude are засићен with the anticipation of the return of Jesus. It wasn’t until that generation of believers began to pass away that the first pope began to direct the budding Church’s eyes to a long-term vision of God’s salvific plan.

Know this first of all, that in the last days scoffers will come [to] scoff, living according to their own desires and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? (2 Pet 3:3-4)

And then he explains:

But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard “delay,” but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (v. 8-9)

The Early Church Fathers picked up on this and merged it with St. John’s Revelation in 20:6:

…they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for [the] thousand years.

Thus, they taught, the “day of the Lord” would not be a 24 hour day, but that symbolic period of “a thousand years”:

... овај наш дан, који је омеђен изласком и заласком сунца, представља онај велики дан на који круг од хиљаду година поставља своје границе. —Лацтантиус, Оци Цркве: Божански институти, књига ВИИ, Поглавље 14, Католичка енциклопедија; ввв.невадвент.орг

That is, the Day of the Lord will have a vigil, a dawn, a midday, and conclude at the end of time with a final clash at twilight (Rev 20:7-10; see the Timeline here). And here’s where it gets really interesting. The Church fathers saw, roughly, that the four thousand years prior to Christ (from the time of Adam) and the two thousand years after Christ, to be symbolic of the six days of creation. Therefore, the “seventh day” or “day of the Lord” would be a day of rest for the Church:

... као да је то погодно што би свеци тако требали уживати у некој врсти одмора суботе током тог периода, светог слободног времена након рада шест хиљада година од када је човек створен ... (и) требало би да следи након завршетка шест хиљаду година, као шест дана, нека врста суботе седмог дана у наредних хиљаду година ... А ово мишљење не би било приговорно, ако би се веровало да ће радости светаца, у тој суботу, бити духовне и последичне о Божјем присуству ... —Св. Августин из Хипона (354-430. Н. Е.; Црквени лекар), Де Цивитате Деи, Бк. КСКС, Цх. 7, Католичка штампа Универзитета у Америци

St. Paul taught as much:

А Бог се седмог дана одморио од свих својих дела ... ¦ Према томе, за Божији народ и даље остаје суботни одмор. (Јевр 4: 4, 9)

In other words, the Early Church was already pointing to this millennium, the period after 2000 A.D., to inaugurate the Day of the Lord. (Note: while the Church condemned the idea that Jesus would return in this time period to reign on earth “in the flesh,” the Church has никад condemned precisely what St. Augustine taught: that the joys of the saints in this period “shall be spiritual, and consequent on the presence of God” in the Eucharist and interiorly within His People. See Millenarianism – What It is and Isn’t)

[Јован Павле ИИ] заиста негује велико очекивање да ће миленијум подела пратити миленијум уједињења ... да ће све катастрофе нашег века, све његове сузе, како каже папа, бити сустигнуте на крају и претворила у нови почетак.  - кардинал Јосепх Ратзингер (ПОПЕ БЕНЕДИЦТ КСВИ), Сол земље, интервју са Петером Сеевалдом, стр. КСНУМКС

Након прочишћења путем кушње и патње, зоре нове ере ускоро ће пробити. -ПОПЕ СТ. ЈОХН ПАУЛ ИИ, Општа публика, 10. септембра 2003

The point is this: we do not know the “day or the hour” when Christ will come to reign in us His Church in an Era of Peace,[КСНУМКС]цф. Марко 13:32 али смо воља know the proximate time, precisely because He gave us clear signs and teachings to that effect.[КСНУМКС]cf. Matt 24, Luke 21, Mark 13

So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. (Matthew 24:33)



All that said, there is an awakening today to the Велика олуја that is now spreading across the earth. People who once smirked at this “end time stuff” are now reconsidering. Such as this young woman:

I just wanted to write to express my gratitude for your dedication and fidelity to God, His Church, and His people. Your emails along with my personal prayer have been my daily bread. They motivate me to not slip into discouragement and complacency and keep me in a constant state of prayer and offering myself to God for the welfare and salvation of as many as possible. 
I also want to tell you personally to not be discouraged by faithful Catholics who scoff at what you are saying. I admit that I was one of those at one time, so can attest to the spiritual blindness that many people of good faith still have. My mom whom you know, always would forward your emails to us over the years. I would give them a cursory glance, judge them as paranoid/sensational at worst, or “just not for me” at best. What I now see is that the enemy was using my unhealed wounds to distort and prejudge your words (along with much of God’s Word and Mary’s messages) and I never gave them the proper credit. Nevertheless I strove to do Gods will as best as I could, and so God honored this, and at the proper time, the scales were removed and I could embrace your message. 
I have forwarded your emails to several devout Catholic friends. Some have found them deeply helpful, others have had reactions to it the way I used to, which at first shocked and disappointed me until I remembered that, I too, was in their position at one time. I only can pray and trust that their scales will also be removed. I believe they will as they follow God as best as they are able, despite the enemy’s subtle influence on their blind spots. 
My sincere apologies for the persecution you are and have been suffering over the years as, I too, was in a subtle way on that train also. As you know, “no good deed ever goes unpunished”! But have Patience and Courage that your suffering and service to the Church will bear Abundant Fruit in the end! 
P.S. One thing that won me over to opening my mind and heart to your message was your недавно сведочење on God’s mercy during your visit to Rome. I felt that someone so rooted in God’s love and Mercy was worth hearing. 
I’ve posted the entirety of this letter primarily to encourage those of you who are being persecuted in your own situation for bravely standing as apostles of Christ and Our Lady. You’re trying to wake up family and friends, but some of them don’t want to hear it. Or they throw words back in your face that you are a “conspiracy theorist”, a “nut-job” or a “religious fanatic.”

У наше време, цена коју треба платити за верност Јеванђељу више се не веша, не извлачи и не рашчлањује, већ често укључује отпуштање из руку, исмевање или пародирање. Па ипак, Црква се не може повући из задатка проглашавања Христа и његовог Јеванђеља спасоносном истином, извором наше крајње среће као појединаца и као темељем праведног и хуманог друштва. —ПАПА БЕНЕДИКТ КСВИ, Лондон, Енглеска, 18. септембар 2010; Зенит

Don’t be intimidated! Устрајте заљубљен, which is like a sword that pierces the heart of the other.[КСНУМКС]цф. Јевр 4: 12 They may accept your words, they may reject them. Either way, “love never fails” to evoke some kind of response that stirs the heart, for better or worse. Love never fails to scatter seeds, whether they land on good soil or stones. We are the sowers, but God is the one who makes the seeds grow in His time, His way. But the time is already here, and other events are coming, in which you and I will have to say little more in the way of warning. You don’t have to convince someone that a hurricane is coming when it’s already on top of their house.

I remember a nun who sent one of my writings to her nephews several years ago. He wrote back saying, “Aunty, don’t ever send that crap to me again!” A year later, he re-entered the Catholic Church. When she asked him why, he said, “То писање started it all…” This is why it’s so important for us to be humble, speaking the truth in love. As was said in last Sunday’s Mass readings:

Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil. (1 Pet 3:15-17)



No writing in the past fifteen years has evoked more response than Пандемија контроле. It too has helped to awaken many souls to the Storm that is here. I just want to mention that I added a few more facts to that writing so that you could find it all in one place. In particular in the section on population control, where Bill Gates says:

Данас свет има 6.8 милијарди људи. То је достигло око девет милијарди. Сада, ако заиста сјајно одрадимо нове вакцине, здравствену заштиту и услуге репродуктивног здравља, могли бисмо то смањити за можда 10 или 15 процената. -ТЕД говори, 20. фебруара 2010; цф. ознака 4:30

I added the following two paragraphs:

If by “health care” is meant Big Pharma’s drugs, then it’s working. Prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death. In 2015, the total number of individual prescription medications filled at pharmacies was just over 4 billion. That’s nearly 13 prescriptions for every man, woman and child in the United States. According to a Harvard study:

Мало људи зна да нови лекови на рецепт имају 1 према 5 шансе да изазову озбиљне реакције након што буду одобрени ... Мало људи зна да су систематски прегледи болничких карата открили да чак и правилно прописани лекови (осим погрешног прописивања, предозирања или самопрописивања) узрокују око 1.9 милиона хоспитализација годишње. Још 840,000 хоспитализованих пацијената добија лекове који изазивају озбиљне нежељене реакције, што укупно износи 2.74 милиона озбиљних нежељених реакција. Око 128,000 људи умире од лекова који су им прописани. То лекове на рецепт чини великим здравственим ризиком, сврставајући се на четврто место са можданим ударом као водећим узроком смрти. Европска комисија процењује да нежељене реакције лекова на рецепт узрокују 4 смртних случајева; тако да заједно око 200,000 пацијената у САД и Европи годишње умре од лекова на рецепт. - „Нови лекови на рецепт: главни здравствени ризик са неколико компензационих предности“, Доналд В. Лигхт, 27. јун 2014; етика.харвард.еду

Многи јесу буђење right now to Велико тровање of humanity, disguised in the friendly words “health care”, “reproductive services” and “family planning.” Many governments and United Nations agencies want to tell us that COVID-19 is the greatest threat to humanity and that every aspect of our lives must now fall under their dominion. As it turns it, it’s the very ones who have penetrated these institutions with their anti-life ideologies that are wreaking havoc on the lives of countless billions in the name of “health care.” St. John Paul II knew this kind of rhetoric was a lie, rooted in what can only be described as a demonic fear driving certain men and women to take unthinkable measures against life itself:

Данас малобројни моћници земље делују на исти начин. И њих прогања тренутни демографски раст ... Према томе, уместо да желе да се суоче и реше ове озбиљне проблеме поштујући достојанство појединаца и породица и неповредиво право сваке особе на живот, они више воле да промовишу и намећу на било који начин масиван програм контроле рађања. - ПОЗИВИ ЈОХН ПАУЛ ИИ, Евангелиум Витае, „Јеванђеље живота“, бр. 16

Након што сам написао Пандемија контроле, someone sent me the following documentary that goes into some stunning detail about the Rockefellers and Bill Gates and how he has a hand in so much of what is being implemented all over the world. Several things written in Тхе Греат Цорраллинг appear here as well, tying Gates into it in ways I did not realize until now. You can hear it in his own words, said calmly, almost joyfully. Once you get past the short animated introduction, it’s into some serious journalism…

If YouTube has deleted this (cough), find other links for the video here: corbettreport.com/gatescontrol/

Of course, the mainstream media and social media giants are working overtime to utterly discredit and humiliate anyone who thinks outside of their box, labeling them as “extremists”, “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-vaxxers.” This is not the language of either science  or honest intellects but of control and manipulation. Moreover, the hypocritical standards imposed on the Church at this time of pandemic compared to other organizations or businesses,[КСНУМКС]цф. лифееситеневс.цом reveals how deeply the spirit of натурализам has possessed this generation.
It’s precisely what the Scriptures warned us to expect.
But you, beloved, remember the words spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, for they told you, “In the last time there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires.” These are the ones who cause divisions; they live on the natural plane, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. On those who waver, have mercy; save others by snatching them out of the fire; on others have mercy with fear, abhorring even the outer garment stained by the flesh. (Jude 1:17-23)
Сви су позвани да се придруже мојим специјалним борбеним снагама. Долазак мог Краљевства мора бити ваша једина сврха у животу. Моје речи ће доћи до мноштва душа. Поверење! Помоћи ћу свима вама на чудесан начин. Не волите удобност. Не будите кукавице. Не чекајте. Суочите се са Олујом да бисте спасили душе. Дајте се послу. Ако ништа не учините, земљу препуштате Сотони и грешите. Отворите очи и видите све опасности које прете жртвама и прете вашој души. —Јесус Елизабетх Кинделманн, Пламен љубави, пг. 34, у издању Фондације Деца оца; Имприматур Надбискуп Чарлс Цхапут



Како се изгубила ера

Преиспитивање крајњих времена

Маријанска димензија олује


На путовање са Марком у  Сада Ворд,
кликните на банер испод да бисте претплатити се.
Ваша е-пошта се неће делити ни са ким.

Моји списи се преводе на француски! (Мерци Пхилиппе Б.!)
Поур лире мес ецритс ен францаис, цликуез сур ле драпеау:

Принт Фриендли, ПДФ и е-пошта


1 цф. Марко 13:32
2 cf. Matt 24, Luke 21, Mark 13
3 цф. Јевр 4: 12
4 цф. лифееситеневс.цом
Објављено у ДОМ, ЗНАКОВИ.