Ближе Исусу


ТАМО су три „сада речи“ које су ми биле у првом плану ове недеље. The first is that word which came to me when Benedict XVI resigned:

Сада улазите у опасна и збуњујућа времена.

The Lord repeated this powerful warning over and over again for at least two weeks—that was пре most anyone had heard the name Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. But after he was elected as Benedict’s successor, the papacy became a maelstrom of controversy that is exponentially increasing by the day, thus fulfilling not only that word, but one given to the American seer Jennifer regarding the transition from Benedict to the next leader:

Ово је час велика транзиција. Доласком новог вође Моје Цркве доћи ће до велике промене, промене која ће искоренити оне који су изабрали пут таме; они који одлуче да промене истинско учење Моје Цркве. —Исус Јеннифер, 22. априла 2005, вордфромјесус.цом

The divisions manifesting at this hour are heart-breaking and multiplying at a furious rate.

Људи моји, ово време забуне ће се само умножити. Када знакови почну да излазе попут вагона, знајте да ће се забуна само умножавати с тим. Молите се! Молите се драга децо. Молитва је оно што ће вас одржати јаким и омогућиће вам благодат да браните истину и истрајете у овим временима искушења и патњи. —Исус Јеннифер, Новембар КСНУМКСрд, КСНУМКС

Which brings me to a second “now word” from around 2006 being fulfilled in real-time. That a “Great Storm like a hurricane is going to pass over the world” и да “the closer you get to the “eye of the Storm” the more fierce, chaotic and blinding the winds of change will become.” The warning in my heart was to be careful in trying to stare down these winds (ie. spending vast amounts of time following all the controversies, news, etc.)… “which will lead to disorientation.” There are literally evil spirits working behind this confusion, the headlines, the photos, the propaganda that is passed as “news” on the mainstream media. Without the proper spiritual protection and grounding, one can easily become disoriented.

Which brings me to the third “now word.” A few years ago, I was taking a quiet walk when out of the blue I was given a deep and powerful “word”: no one will pass through this Storm except by grace alone. That even if Noah had been an Olympic swimmer, he would not have survived the flood unless he was in the ark. So, too, all our skills, resourcefulness, cleverness, self-confidence, etc. will not be enough in this present Storm. We must also be in the Ark, which Jesus himself stated is Our Lady:

Моја мајка је Нојева барка ... —Јесус Елизабетх Кинделманн, Пламен љубави, стр. 109; Имприматур од надбискупа Чарлса Чапута

Моје Безгрешно Срце биће вам уточиште и пут који ће вас одвести к Богу. —Наша дама из Фатиме, 13. јуна 1917, Откривење два срца у модерно доба, ввв.евтн.цом

Since Our Lady’s purpose is to draw us nearer to her Son, ultimately, our refuge is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the font of saving grace.



A priest asked me recently why it is necessary to speak of the “end times.” The answer is because these times are not just a set of certain trials but most especially certain опасности. Our Lord warned that in the last times even the elect may be deceived.[КСНУМКС]Матт КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС And St. Paul taught that, ultimately, those who reject the truth will be subject to a great deception in order to sift them:

Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false,that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

Yes, this is what drives me on: the salvation of souls (as opposed to some crazed obsession with the apocalypse). I confess that I am filled with a certain astonishment as I watch daily how evil is taken for good and good for evil; how multitudes accept as truth that which is obviously a lie; and how…

Широки сектори друштва збуњени су око тога шта је исправно, а шта погрешно и препуштени су на милост и немилост онима који имају моћ да „креирају“ мишљење и наметну га другима. —ПОПЕ ЈОХН ПАУЛ ИИ, Хомили Стате Парк, Цхерри Цреек, Хомили, Денвер, Цолорадо, 1993

Hence, I agree with Msgr. Charles Pope:

Где смо сада у есхатолошком смислу? Спорно је да смо усред побуна и да је уствари снажна заблуда дошла на много, много људи. Ова заблуда и побуна наговештавају шта ће се даље догађати: и откриће се човек безакоња. -„Да ли су ово спољни опсези донете пресуде?“, 11. новембра 2014; блог

The question is how do I not become one of the elect who are deceived? How do I not fall for the propaganda of this hour? How do I discern what is true and what is false? How do I not be swept up in this strong delusion, the Духовни цунами that is beginning to sweep through the world?

Of course, we must apply some intellectual rigor. One way is to be extremely careful about taking as “truth” that which is portrayed in the news. As a former television reporter, I can say that I am seriously shocked at how mainstream media is no longer even trying to hide their bias anymore. There are clear ideological agendas being openly pushed and 98% of them are utterly godless.

„Не говоримо о изолованим инцидентима“ ... већ о низу истовремених догађаја који носе „обележје завере“. —Archbishop Hector Aguer of La Plata, Argentina; Cатоличка новинска агенција, 12. априла 2006

The second thing is to actually question the so-called “fact-checkers” who are little more than political arms of the same propaganda machine (usually by conveniently omitting facts). Third is to not be silenced into cowardice by the ominous power of political correctness.

Do not love comfort. Do not be cowards. Do not wait. Confront the Storm to save souls. Give yourself to the work. If you do nothing, you abandon the earth to Satan and to sin. Open your eyes and see all the dangers that claim victims and threaten your own souls. —Јесус Елизабетх Кинделманн, Пламен љубави, пг. 34, у издању Фондације Деца оца; Имприматур Надбискуп Чарлс Цхапут

Keep in mind that the popes are well aware how the media is being used as an instrument of deception, and they have not been remiss to point it out.[КСНУМКС]цф. Лажне вести, права револуција

Постоји још једно објашњење за брзо ширење комунистичких идеја које се сада провлаче у сваку нацију, велику и малу, напредну и заосталу, тако да ниједан кутак земље није слободан од њих. Ово објашњење може се наћи у пропаганди толико истински ђаволској да свет можда никада није био сведок као раније. Режира се из један заједнички центар. —ПОПЕ ПИУС КСИ, Дивини Редемпторис: О атеистичком комунизму, н. 17

Hence, Our Lord’s warning is more relevant than ever:

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

But here again we have to realize the difference between human and Divine Wisdom. It is the latter so desperately needed today…

… Будућност света је у опасности уколико не дођу мудрији људи. —ПОПЕ СТ. ЈОХН ПАУЛ ИИ, Фамилиарис Цонсортио, н. 8



Divine Wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is given to those, ironically, who become “like children.” [КСНУМКС]Матт КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС

Wisdom opened the mouths of the mute, and gave ready speech to infants. (Wis 10:21)

And this is really the key: that we draw near to Jesus like little children, crawling upon His knee, letting Him hold us, talk to us, and strengthen our souls. This is a metaphor for several essential things for every Christian, but especially at this hour in the world…


I. Crawl upon His knee

To crawl upon Christ’s knee is to enter the confessional: it is there where Jesus takes away our sins, lifts us to a holiness we cannot reach on our own, and reassures us of His infinite love despite our weakness. I personally could not comprehend my life without this blessed Sacrament. It is through these sacramental graces that I have come to trust in the Lord’s love, to know that I am not rejected despite my failures. More healing and deliverance from oppression comes through this Sacrament than many realize. An exorcist said to me that “One good confession is more powerful than one hundred exorcisms.” 

Some Catholics are too ashamed to go to Confession or they go only once a year out of obligation—and that is the only прави shame, for…

„... они који често иду на исповест, а чине то са жељом да напредују“ приметиће кораке које чине у свом духовном животу. „Била би илузија тражити светост, према позиву који смо примили од Бога, а да не бисмо често учествовали у овом сакраменту обраћења и помирења.“ —ПАПА ЈОВАН ПАВЛЕ ИИ, Апостолска казнено-поправна конференција, 27. марта 2004; цатхолиццултуре.орг


II. Let Him hold you

Prayer is the means by which we draw near to Jesus, to permit Him to hold us in His strong, healing arms. Jesus not only wants to forgive us—to have us upon His knee, so to speak—but to cradle us.

Приближите се Богу, и он ће се приближити вама. (Јаков 4: 8)

I cannot say enough about how important лични prayer is; to be alone with Him, focused upon Him, loving and worshiping Him and praying to Him “from the heart.” Prayer should not be viewed as a set period where one simply recites words, though it may involve that; rather, it should be understood as an encounter with the Living God who desires to pour Himself into your heart and transform you by His power.

Молитва је сусрет Божије жеђи са нашом. Бог је жедан да бисмо могли да жеднимо за њим.-Катекизам Католичке цркве, н. 2560

In this exchange of love, we are changed little by little from one glory to the next through the power of the Holy Spirit. Whatever sacrifices we have made through прави conversion and repentance creates the space in our Hearts for God’s presence and graces (yes, there is no victory without the pain of the Cross). Where there once was fear there is now courage; where there once was anxiety there is now peace; where there once was sadness there is now joy. These are the fruits of a consistent prayer life united to the Cross.

Whoever then wishes to obtain wisdom must pray for it day and night without wearying or becoming disheartened. Blessings in abundance will be his if, after ten, twenty, thirty years of prayer, or even an hour before he dies, he comes to possess it. That is is how we must pray to obtain wisdom…. —Ст. Лоуис де Монтфорт, Бог сам: Сабрани списи светог Луиса Мари де Монфора, стр. 312; цитирано у Магнифицат, април 2017, стр. 312-313

Дао сам 40 day retreat on prayer that you can listen to or read ovde. But suffice it to say, if you have not been a praying person in the past, become one today. If you have put this off until now, then put it on tonight. As you carve out time for supper, carve out time for prayer.

Исус те чека.


III. Let Him talk to you

Just as a marriage or friendship cannot be one-sided, so too, we need to слушати to God. The Bible is not only a historical reference but a dnevni boravak реч.

Заиста, Божја реч је жива и делотворна, оштрија од било ког мача са две оштрице, продире чак између душе и духа, зглобова и сржи и способна је да разазна размишљања и мисли срца. (Јеврејима 4:12)

Almost from the moment I could read, my parents gave me a Bible. The Lord’s Word has never left my side as my teacher and strength, my “daily bread.” Тако, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” [КСНУМКС]Цол КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС “Be transformed,” рекао је свети Павле, “by the renewal of your mind.” [КСНУМКС]Ром КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС 


IV. Let Him strengthen your soul

In this way, through Confession, prayer, and meditation on God’s Word, you may be “strengthened with might through his Spirit in the inner man.” [КСНУМКС]Епх КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС In this way, a sincere soul will steadily climb toward the peak of union with God. Consider, then, that…

The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” “The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, наиме сам Христос, наш Пасцх. “ -Катекизам Католичке цркве, н. 1324

To draw near to the Eucharist is to literally draw near to Jesus. We ought to look for Him where He is!

… За разлику од било ког другог сакрамента, тајна [причешћа] је толико савршена да нас доводи до висина сваке добре ствари: овде је коначни циљ сваке човекове жеље, јер овде достижемо Бога и Бог нам се придружује у најсавршенија унија. - ПОЗИВИ ЈОХН ПАУЛ ИИ, Еццлесиа де Еуцхаристиа, н. 4, ввв.ватицан.ва

As St. Faustina once said,

Не бих знао да дам славу Богу да у свом срцу нисам имао Евхаристију. -Божанско милосрђе у мојој души, Дневник Свете Фаустине, н. 1037



In closing, I wish to return again to the initial thought on entering the Ark of Our Lady’s Heart. I have written extensively on this before, so I won’t repeat what you can find in the search engine above.[КСНУМКС]такође видети An Ark Shall Lead Их Suffice it to say that my experience and that of the Church is that the more one puts himself into this Mother’s hands, the closer she brings you to her Son.

When I made my first consecration to Our Lady after a thirty-three day preparation years ago, I wanted to make a small token of my love toward Our Mother. So I popped into the local pharmacy, but all they had were these rather pathetic looking carnations. “I’m sorry, Mama, but this is the best I have to give you.” I took them to the church, placed them at the feet of her statue, and made my consecration.

That evening, we attended the Saturday night vigil. When we arrived at the church, I glanced over to the statue to see if my flowers were still there. They weren’t. I figured that the janitor probably took one look at them and tossed them away. But when I looked to the other side of the sanctuary where the statue of Jesus was… there were my carnations perfectly arranged in a vase! In fact, they were decorated with “Baby’s Breath”, which weren’t in the flowers that I had bought.

Several years later, I read these words that Our Lady spoke to Sr. Lucia of Fatima:

Жели у свету успоставити приврженост мом Безгрјешном Срцу. Обећавам спасење онима који га прихвате и Бог ће заволети те душе попут цвећа које сам ставио да украсим Његов престо. —Блажена Мајка с. Луцији из Фатиме. Овај последњи ред: „цвеће“ се појављује у ранијим извештајима о Луцијиним указањима; Фатима у сопственим речима Луције: Мемоари сестре Луције, Louis Kondor, S.V.D., p, 187, Footnote 14

Mary was with Jesus until the very end when most everyone else’s courage failed. Who else would you want to be with during this Great Storm? If you give yourself to this Woman, she will give herself to you—and thus, give you Jesus for He is her life.

Јосифе, сине Давидов, не бој се да узмеш своју жену Марију у свој дом. (Лука 1:20)

Када је Исус угледао своју мајку и тамошњег ученика кога је волео, рекао је мајци: „Жено, ево, твој син“. Тада рече ученику: „Ево мајке ти.“ И од тог часа ученик је узе у свој дом. (Јован 19: 26-27)

If you find this Storm to be overwhelming, the answer isn’t to face it on your own strength, but rather, to draw nearer to Jesus with your whole heart. For what is about to assail the entire earth is beyond your strength and mine. But with Christ, “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” [КСНУМКС]Филипини КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5)



Олуја забуне

Велика транзиција

Лажне вести, права револуција

Духовни цунами

Молитва успорава свет

Права храна, стварно присуство

Молитвено повлачење

Избеглица за наше време

Writings on Mary



Ваша финансијска подршка и молитве су зашто
читаш ово данас.
 Благословио и хвала. 

На путовање са Марком у  Сада Ворд,
кликните на банер испод да бисте претплатити се.
Ваша е-пошта се неће делити ни са ким.

Моји списи се преводе на француски! (Мерци Пхилиппе Б.!)
Поур лире мес ецритс ен францаис, цликуез сур ле драпеау:

Принт Фриендли, ПДФ и е-пошта


2 цф. Лажне вести, права револуција
7 такође видети An Ark Shall Lead Их
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