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Не постоји други начин да се то опише осим опресивне тежине. Седео сам тамо, погрбљен у својој клупи, напрежући се да слушам мисна читања у недељу Божанског милосрђа. Као да су ми речи ударале у уши и одбијале се.

I finally pleaded with the Lord: “What is this heaviness, Jesus?” And I sensed Him say in my interior:

The hearts of this people have grown hard: Because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many has grown cold (cf. Matt 24:12). My words no longer pierce their souls. They are a stiffnecked people as at Meribah and Massah (cf. Ps 95:8). This generation has now made its choice and you are about to live through the reaping of those choices… 

My wife and I were sitting in the balcony — not a place we normally go, but today it was as though the Lord wanted me to see something. I leaned forward and looked down. The Cathedral was half-empty on this, the Feast of Mercy — emptier than I’d ever seen it. It was an exclamation point to His words that, even now — even with the world on the brink of nuclear conflict, economic meltdown, a global famine, and another “pandemic” — souls were not seeking His mercy and the “ocean of graces” [КСНУМКС]Diary St. Faustina, n. 699 that He was offering on this day.[КСНУМКС]видети Последња нада за спас 

I recalled again His heart-wrenching words to St. Faustina:

Не желим да казним болно човечанство, али желим да га излечим, притискајући га на Моје Милостиво Срце. Користим казну када ме они сами приморају на то; Моја рука се нерадо хвата за мач правде. Пре Дана правде, шаљем Дан милости ... Продужујем време милосрђа ради [грешника]. Али тешко њима ако не препознају ово време Моје посете ... —Изус до Свете Фаустине, Божанско милосрђе у мојој души, Дневник, н. 126И, 1588

While God’s mercy never ends, it seems to me He is saying that “the time of mercy” is now ending. When? How long do we have since we know we’ve been on borrowed time?


The Warning Phase

Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His plan to his servants the prophets. (Амос 3:7)

When God desires to warn mankind, He calls forth prophets or watchmen, often through a profound encounter that gets their attention. 

In their “one to one” encounters with God, the prophets draw light and strength for their mission. Their prayer is not flight from this unfaithful world, but rather attentiveness to The Word of God. At times their prayer is an argument or a complaint, but it is always an intercession that awaits and prepares for the intervention of the Savior God, the Lord of history. -Катекизам Католичке цркве, н. 2584

There is an urgency that the prophet feels when God gives Him a word to impart. The word стреса in his soul, опекотине in his heart, and even becomes a burden until it is spoken.[КСНУМКС]cf. Jer 20:8-10 Without this grace, most prophets would be inclined to simply doubt, procrastinate, or even bury the word “for another time.” 

The urgency the prophet feels is not indicative, however, of the иминенција of the prophecy; it is merely the propellant to spread the word to the Body of Christ and even the rest of the world. When exactly that word reaches fulfillment, or whether it will be mitigated, postponed or cancelled, and how many years or even centuries there will be after the prophet first speaks it, is known only to God — unless He reveals it (eg. Gen 7:4, Jonah 3:4). Moreover, there has to be time for the word to reach people.

This writing apostolate began some 18 years ago. It has taken many years for the message here to reach across the world, and even then, to a mere remnant. 


The Fulfillment Phase

The fulfillment phase often comes “like a thief in the night.”[КСНУМКС]КСНУМКС Тхесс КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС There is little or no warning, for the time of warning has passed — пресуда is in. God, who is love and mercy itself, always waits until either justice requires Him to act, or there is such hardness of heart, only chastisement is left as an instrument of mercy.

For the Lord disciplines him whom He loves, and chastises every son whom He receives. (Јевреји КСНУМКС: КСНУМКС)

Often the first stage of this chastisement is the individual, region, or nation simply reaping what has been sown. 

... немојмо рећи да је Бог тај који нас кажњава на овај начин; напротив, сами људи припремају своје казна. У својој доброти Бог нас упозорава и позива на прави пут, поштујући слободу коју нам је дао; отуда су људи одговорни. –Sr. Lucia, one of the Fatima visionaries, in a letter to the Holy Father, May 12th, 1982

Не сумњам да је “seals” of Revelation are not only man-made but are deliberate. This is why Our Blessed Mother warned at Fatima of the consequences of letting the errors of Freemasonry, (ie. “errors of Russia”) to spread across the world. This “beast” that is rising out of the sea uses smooth words and catchphrases like “build back better” and “Great Reset” to hide its intentions of creating order out of chaos (ордо аб хаос). This is, in a sense, “God’s punishment” — as much as the “prodigal son” was permitted to reap what he had sown through his rebellion. 

God… is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.  -Порука Фатиме, ватицан.ва

I do not know the Lord’s schedule for this Triumph. But the “now word” today is very clear: humanity has collectively rejected Christ, His Church, and the Gospel. What remains before Дан правде seems to me to be one last act of mercy — a worldwide Warning that will at once bring home many prodigal sons and daughters… and sift the weeds from the wheat. 
Пре него што дођем као праведни Судија, долазим прво као Краљ милосрђа. Пре него што дође Дан Правде, људима ће се дати знак на небесима ове врсте: Сва светлост на небесима ће се угасити и биће велика тама над читавом земљом. Тада ће се знак неба видети на небу, а из отвора где су биле приковане руке и ноге Спаситеља ће се појавити велика светла која ће временом осветљавати земљу. То ће се догодити мало пре последњег дана. -Исус светој Фаустини, Дневник божанске милости, Дневник, н. 83

Make Haste to Be in a State of Grace
We have reached a point where we must be ready to meet the Lord at any moment. Dozens of times throughout the messages to American seer Jennifer, Jesus calls people to be ready to stand before Him “in the blink of an eye.”

My people, the time of warning that has been foretold is soon to come to light. I have patiently pleaded with you, My people, yet too many of you continue to give yourselves to the ways of the world… This is a time when My faithful are being called to deep prayer. For in the blink of an eye you may be standing before Me… Do not be like the foolish man who waits for the earth to begin to rock and tremble, for then you may perish… —Jesus allegedly to Jennifer; Речи од Исуса, Јун КСНУМКС, КСНУМКС

Nuclear-armed jets are being deployed over the earth as leaders threaten annihilation of one another. “Стручњаци” are warning that a pandemic ‘100 times worse than COVID’ is already circulating in the United States. World-renowned virologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, has warned that we are entering a “hyper-acute crisis” among highly-vaccinated populations and we will soon see “a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among them.[КСНУМКС]cf. April 2, 2024; слаиневс.цом И стотине милиона face starvation with хиперинфлација and a growing global food crisis. 
At some point, we are going to pass through this Storm… and it appears sooner than later.
When asked about the Third Secret of Fatima, Pope John Paul II told a group of pilgrims:
Ако постоји порука у којој се каже да ће океани преплавити читаве делове земље; да ће, из једног тренутка у други, милиони људи нестати... више нема смисла да заиста желимо да објавимо ову [трећу] тајну поруку [Фатиме]... Морамо бити спремни да прођемо велика искушења у не-сувише -далека будућност; искушења која ће од нас захтевати да будемо спремни да се одрекнемо чак и свог живота и потпуног даривања себе Христу и за Христа. Вашим и мојим молитвама могуће је ублажити ову невољу, али је више није могуће отклонити, јер се једино тако може делотворно обновити Црква. Колико пута је, заиста, крвно извршена обнова Цркве? Овај пут, опет, неће бити другачије. Морамо бити јаки, морамо се припремити, морамо се поверити Христу и Његовој Мајци, и морамо бити пажљиви, веома пажљиви, на молитву крунице. —ПАПА ЈОВАН ПАВЛО ИИ, интервју са католицима у Фулди, Немачка, новембар 1980; „Поплава и пожар” о. Регис Сцанлон, евтн.цом
I suppose what I am saying is that there is little if any time left to even alleviate this tribulation. Collectively, the choice has been made to eject God from the public square. This should be obvious to all. Still, “we know partially and we prophesy partially… we see indistinctly, as in a mirror” (1 Cor 13:9, 12).
Nor is all lost. These labor pains are not the end but the beginning of a coming new birth, a new Ера мира
На крају ће моје Безгрјешно Срце тријумфовати. Свети Отац ће ми посветити Русију, и она ће бити обраћена и свет ће добити мирни период. —Масија Фатиме, ватицан.ва

Да, у Фатими је обећано чудо, највеће чудо у историји света, друго само након Васкрсења. И то чудо ће бити доба мира које никада пре није било додељено свету. —Cardina Mario Luigi Ciappi, October 9th, 1994 (papal theologian to John Paul II, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul I); Породични катекизам апостолата
Релатед Реадинг
Understanding “the last day”: read Дан правде

My interview with acclaimed author Ted Flynn



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1 Diary St. Faustina, n. 699
2 видети Последња нада за спас
3 cf. Jer 20:8-10
5 cf. April 2, 2024; слаиневс.цом