Реч сада у 2020

Марк & Леа Маллетт, зима 2020


IF рекли бисте ми пре 30 година да ћу 2020. године на Интернету писати чланке који ће се читати по целом свету ... смејао бих се. Као прво, нисам се сматрао аутором. Друго, био сам на почетку онога што је постало награђивана телевизијска каријера у вестима. Треће, срчана жеља ми је заиста била да стварам музику, посебно љубавне песме и баладе. Али овде сада седим и разговарам са хиљадама хришћана широм планете о изванредним временима у којима живимо и изванредним плановима које Бог има након ових дана туге.  

I receive letters every day from people who are not only finding direction for their lives, but are even experiencing conversion through these writings. There are many priests reading Сада реч too, and that, to me, is one of the greatest gifts: that I can give back to them a pittance for the great Gift they give us each day in the Eucharist. 

As I was archiving Сада реч a few days ago, I realized that I have now written the equivalent of about fifty books of about 150 pages long! And I want to say what absolute joy it gives me to be able to make this freely available to all of you. I have always felt this was necessary—that people be able to readily hear God’s “now word” to His Church.

Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. (Matthew 10:8)

For that reason, when I am asked to speak at conferences, I also do not charge a speaker’s fee. The hosts, in turn, often take up a collection for my family’s needs, which I am grateful for. 

Likewise, on this website, there is a little “collection basket” at the bottom of each page—a “donation” button to help me not only provide for my family but for the expenses of running this ministry (which includes graphic and web maintenance support, an office and sales manager [of my books and CD’s] and other regular expenses to keep the technology smooth and seamless). Likewise, Lea and I have been quietly working for over a year now on new resources we want to give you to help you, not only spiritually, but bodily, since the Lord cares about our temples. Pray for that… we hope it’s coming soon. And finally, I am collaborating with three other beautiful souls (Christine Watkins, Peter Bannister, and Daniel O’ Connor) to create a website that will expand the “now word” so that you will be able to find поуздан  аутентичан prophetic voices in the Church. We want you not only to be able to hear these voices, but have the tools to discern them with the Church.

With that, I once more make an appeal to your generosity, to those who can. This is a full-time ministry for me that is funded almost entirely now through that little red button at the bottom. Yes, I admit, it’s kind of scary for me sometimes. I have no savings. I’ve poured everything, including any kind of retirement, back into this ministry (this website, my book Завршна конфронтација  my CD’s — over a quarter million dollars in materials and production), and I still have five out of my eight children living at home. I know that, if the economy goes belly up, we’ll be the first to feel it. And yet, I see the lives God is apparently touching through this ministry and so I just say, “Clearly, Lord, you have a plan.” He just doesn’t tell me. 

And so, with that, would you consider making a donation to my work here? If you are edified, would you help me to continue edifying others? We’ve noticed, especially this past year, that readership is really growing—and so is the spiritual attack in order to discourage me. But when I see the kindness, prayers, and generosity of the Body of Christ, it truly is more than just “money”; it’s охрабрење. 

Lea and I хвала for your love and support. God has many more powerful things in store, and we are delighted to be a part of it. In fact, with your donation and prayers, you too become a part of helping Heaven spread Сада реч. 

In the same way, the Lord ordered that
those who preach the gospel should
live by the gospel.



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