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L' 25 Mart 2022'de Rusya'nın kutsanması, aşağıdakileri yerine getirdiği ölçüde anıtsal bir olaydır. açık Fatma Meryem'in ricası.[1]cf. Rusya'nın Kutsanması Gerçekleşti mi? 

Sonunda, Lekesiz Kalbim zafer kazanacak. Kutsal Baba, Rusya'yı bana adak edecek ve o dönecek ve dünyaya bir barış dönemi bahşedilecek.- Fatima'nın mesajı,

Ancak bunun, tüm sıkıntılarımızı ortadan kaldıracak bir tür sihirli değnek sallamaya benzediğini düşünmek yanlış olur. Hayır, Kutsama, İsa'nın açıkça ilan ettiği İncil buyruğunu geçersiz kılmaz:

Repent, and believe in the gospel. (Mark 1:15)

Will a period of peace come if we remain at war with one another – in our marriages, families, neighbourhoods and nations? Is peace possible while the most vulnerable, from the womb to the Third World, are daily victims of injustice?

Peace is not merely the absence of war, and it is not limited to maintaining a balance of powers between adversaries. Peace cannot be attained on earth without safeguarding the goods of persons, free communication among men, respect for the dignity of persons and peoples, and the assiduous practice of fraternity. Peace is “the tranquillity of order.” Peace is the work of justice and the effect of charity. -Katolik Kilisesi Din ve Ahlak İlkeleri, olumsuzluk. 2304

This is why the “reparation of First Saturdays” was also part of Our Lady’s request — a call to the People of God to lead the world in repentance.

And yet, we should take Our Lady at her word: a “period of peace” will come — but not as Heaven had hoped. Again:

Vasiyetim Zafer kazanmak ister ve Krallığını Kurmak için Sevgi aracılığıyla Zafer kazanmak ister. Ancak insan bu Sevgiyle tanışmaya gelmek istemez, bu nedenle Adalet kullanmak gerekir. —İsa'nın Tanrı'nın Hizmetkârına Luisa Piccarreta; 16 Kasım 1926

… Egemen Rab sabırla [ulusların] günahlarının tam ölçüsüne ulaşıp onları cezalandırmasını bekler… Merhametini bizden asla geri çekmez. Bizi talihsizliklerle disipline etse de kendi halkını terk etmiyor. (2 Makabiler 6: 14,16)

What the Consecration will do is open up a new channel of grace to hasten the coming Triumph and “period of peace”. Peace will indeed come — but now, by way of Divine Justice. It has to be this way. Cancer in its earliest stages can easily be dealt with; but when it metastasizes, it requires major surgery and treatment protocols.[2]cf. Kozmik Cerrahi And so it is: we did not listen to Our Lady, and hence, the “errors of Russia” have had a century to spread across the world allowing the philosophic seeds for global Communism to take root. As Our Lady said in a message to Italian seer, Gisella Cardia:

With your prayers and true faith you can avoid the third world war, but you are still enclosed in your shells and do not see beyond; catastrophes are coming, but do not abandon the sacraments. Despite my tears, your hearts are hard and you do not allow the light to enter. I ask that your faith be not only one of words, but of deeds. You have the most powerful weapon, the prayer of the Holy Rosary: pray. As time goes by, the Christian faith will no longer be professed and you will be forced to hide: be prepared for this as well. Communism is advancing rapidly. All of this will take place and will be punishment for the heresies, curses and blasphemies that have been perpetrated until now. Now, my daughter, I leave you with my maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. -Mart 24th, 2022
This, she has said to us on the vigil of the Consecration - üzerinde aynı gün as this first Mass reading:
But they obeyed not, nor did they pay heed. They walked in the hardness of their evil hearts and turned their backs, not their faces, to me… I have sent you untiringly all my servants the prophets. Yet they have not obeyed me nor paid heed; they have stiffened their necks and done worse than their fathers. When you speak all these words to them, they will not listen to you either; when you call to them, they will not answer you. Say to them: Bu dinlemeyen millet Tanrısı RAB'bin sesine, veya düzeltme yap. Sadakat ortadan kalktı; the word itself is banished from their speech. (cf. Jer 7:23-28)
A Time for Miracles
In the year 2000, I consecrated my life and ministry to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization. The next morning, the only thing different was that, now, I had a Mother who was given izin to mother me. But the same faults and weaknesses of the day before remained. Over the next two decades, I can attest that, without question, I have seen how Our Lady has had such a powerful hand in bringing about a more authentic conversion in my life. Before every one of my writings, I ask her to be in my words, and my words in hers so that she may mother us all. This, I feel, is a fruit of that personal consecration.
So too, Russia — already in a process of conversion through the previous but “imperfect” consecrations of other popes[3]cf. Geç Kutsama — has yet to become that nation that will be an instrument of peace, instead of war. 
Immaculate'in görüntüsü bir gün Kremlin üzerindeki büyük kırmızı yıldızın yerini alacak, ancak ancak büyük ve kanlı bir duruşmadan sonra.  - St. Maximilian Kolbe, İşaretler, Harikalar ve Yanıt, Fr. Albert J. Herbert, s. 126

The comfort we should take from this Consecration on the Feast of the Annunciation is that God still has a plan. Even though we have thwarted and delayed it by our disobedience (as the Israelites so often did), God knows how to make all things work to the good for those who love Him.[4]cf. Rom 8: 28 

A word spoken over me by a prophetic soul at the very beginning of this writing apostolate some seventeen years ago has been lingering in my heart as of late:

This is not the time for comfort but the time for miracles. 

This Consecration will, indeed, open the way for Heaven’s miracles — above all, the so-called “Warning” or Eye of the Storm.[5]cf. Işığın Büyük Günü Our role as faithful Christians is more crucial than ever: 

…the power of evil is restrained again and again, [and] again and again the power of God himself is shown in the Mother’s power and keeps it alive. The Church is always called upon to do what God asked of Abraham, which is to see to it that there are enough righteous men to repress evil and destruction. I understood my words as a prayer that the energies of the good might regain their vigor. So you could say the triumph of God, the triumph of Mary, are quiet, they are real nonetheless.-Dünyanın ışığı, s. 166, Peter Seewald ile Söyleşi (Ignatius Press)

In that regard, the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady is a orduya çağırmak onun Küçük Rabble. Through the Holy Rosary, above all, we have an opportunity to hasten the coming of her Triumph, which will ultimately usher in the Era of Peace and the reign of Jesus to the ends of the earth through a remnant Church.

Hıristiyanlığın tehdit altında göründüğü zamanlarda, kurtuluşu bu duanın gücüne atfedildi ve Tesbihli Meryem Ana, şefaati kurtuluşu getiren kişi olarak alkışlandı. —PAPA JOHN PAUL II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 40

May we not be counted among the stiff-necked of this generation!

Ah, bugün onun sesini duysaydın: “Harden not your hearts as at Meribah as in the day of Massah in the desert, where your fathers tempted me; they tested me though they had seen my works.” (Bugünün Mezmuru)

We have many difficult years ahead of us; but what is certain is that a “period of peace” is coming. While Heaven is always our goal, who cannot long for that day when swords will be beaten into ploughshares and the wolf will lie down with the lamb?

Evet, dünya tarihinin en büyük mucizesi olan ve Diriliş'ten sonra ikinci olan Fatima'da bir mucize vaat edildi. Ve bu mucize, dünyaya daha önce hiç tanınmamış bir barış çağı olacak. —Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, 9 Ekim 1994 (Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I ve John Paul II için papalık teologu); Aile Dinçiliği, (Eylül.9th, 1993), p. 35

When it does arrive, it will turn out to be a solemn hour, one big with consequences not only for the restoration of the Kingdom of Christ, but for the pacification of… the world. We pray most fervently, and ask others likewise to pray for this much-desired pacification of society. -POPE PIUS XIUbi Arcani dei Consilioi "Mesih'in Krallığında Barış Üzerine", Aralık 23, 1922

Pek çok yaramızın iyileşmesi ve tüm adaletin yeniden kurulmuş otorite umuduyla yeniden ortaya çıkması eninde sonunda mümkün olacak; barışın ihtişamının yenilenmesi ve kılıçların ve kolların elden düşmesi ve tüm insanların Mesih'in imparatorluğunu kabul edip O'nun sözüne isteyerek itaat etmesi ve her dilin Rab İsa'nın Baba'nın İhtişamında olduğunu itiraf etmesi gerektiği. —PAPA LEO XIII, yıllık sakrumKutsal Kalbe Kutsama Üzerine, 25 Mayıs 1899

İlahi emirleriniz bozuldu, İncil'iniz bir kenara atılıyor, eşitsizlik selleri tüm yeryüzünü, kullarınızı bile taşıyorlar ... Sodom ve Gomorrah ile aynı sona erecek mi? Sessizliğini asla kırmayacak mısın? Tüm bunlara sonsuza dek müsamaha gösterecek misin? İradenizin cennette olduğu gibi yeryüzünde yapılması gerektiği doğru değil mi? Krallığınızın gelmesi gerektiği doğru değil mi? Bazı ruhlara vermedin mi, sevgili, Kilisenin gelecekteki yenilenmesi vizyonu? -St. Louis de Montfort, Misyonerler için Dua, N. 5;

En otoriter görüş ve Kutsal Yazılarla en uyumlu görünen görüş, Deccal'in düşmesinden sonra Katolik Kilisesi'nin bir kez daha bir refah ve zafer dönemine gireceği yönündedir. -Bugünün Sonu ve Gelecek Hayatın Gizemleri, Fr. Charles Arminjon (1824-1885), s. 56-57; Sophia Enstitüsü Yayınları


İlgili Okuma

Dünya Neden Acı Çekiyor?

What happened when souls obeyed a prophetic revelation: Dinlediklerinde


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