Küçük Taş


ARA SIRA önemsizliğimin duygusu ezici. Evrenin ne kadar geniş olduğunu ve Dünya gezegeninin hepsinin ortasında nasıl bir kum tanesinden ibaret olduğunu görüyorum. Üstelik bu kozmik noktadaki yaklaşık 8 milyar insandan biriyim. Ve yakında, benden önceki milyarlar gibi, toprağa gömüleceğim ve belki de bana en yakın olanlar dışında neredeyse unutulacağım. Bu utanç verici bir gerçektir. Ve bu gerçek karşısında, bazen Tanrı'nın benimle hem modern evanjelizm hem de Azizlerin yazılarının önerdiği yoğun, kişisel ve derin bir şekilde ilgilenebileceği fikriyle mücadele ediyorum. Yine de, ben ve birçoğunuzun sahip olduğu gibi, İsa ile bu kişisel ilişkiye girersek, bu doğrudur: zaman zaman deneyimleyebildiğimiz sevgi yoğun, gerçektir ve kelimenin tam anlamıyla "bu dünyanın dışındadır" - öyle ki, Tanrı ile gerçek bir ilişki gerçekten En Büyük Devrim

Yine de, küçüklüğümü, Tanrı'nın Hizmetkarı Luisa Piccarreta'nın yazılarını ve Tanrı'ya derin daveti okuduğum zamanlar kadar yoğun hissetmiyorum. İlahi İrade içinde yaşamak... 



Those of you familiar with Luisa’s writings know well how one can shrink before the immensity of what God is about to accomplish in our times — that is, the fulfillment of the “Our Father” we have prayed for 2000 years: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” In İlahi İradede Nasıl Yaşanır?I summarized both what it means, and how to begin living in the Divine Will, as Adam once did before the Fall and original sin. I included the Morning (Prevenient) Prayer that is recommended to the faithful to begin each day. Yet, sometimes when I am praying this, I hissetmek as though I am making little or no difference at all. But Jesus does not see it this way. 

Many years ago, I was walking alongside a pond and cast a stone into it. The stone caused ripples to extend to the very edges of the entire pond. I knew in that moment that God had something important to teach me, and over the years, I continue to unpackage it. Only recently have I discovered that Jesus uses this very image to explain aspects of the Divine Will. (As a sidenote, I just learned that the very place where that pond is has a new retreat center being built where, apparently, the writings on the Divine Will are to be taught.)

One day, Luisa was feeling the same sense of futility that I have described above, and she complained to Jesus: “What is the benefit of praying in this manner? On the contrary, it seems to me that this is nonsense, rather than prayer.” And Jesus responded:

My daughter, do you want to know what the good and the effect of it is? When the creature comes to cast the little stone of her will into the immense sea of my Divinity, as she casts it, if her will wants to love, the infinite sea of the waters of my love ripple, are agitated, and I feel the waves of my love giving off their celestial fragrance, and I feel the pleasure, the joys of my love being agitated by the little stone of the will of the creature. If she adores my sanctity, the little stone of the human will agitates the sea of my sanctity. In sum, whatever the human will wants to do in Mine, it flings itself like a little stone into each sea of my attributes, and as it agitates them and ripples them, I feel I am given my own things, and the honors, the glory, the love which the creature can give Me in a divine manner. —July 1st, 1923; Volume 15

I can’t tell you what joy this word brings me because lately I have really struggled to believe that my dry prayers were touching the Heart of the Savior. Of course, I know well that the fecundity of prayer is not based on our feelings but faith, and especially, on the Aşk with which we pray them. In fact, the dryer our prayers the more they delight the Lord because then we are saying to Him, “I am loving and adoring you now out of faith because it is your due, not because of feelings.” Indeed, this is a “big deal” to Jesus:

This is what it means to enter into my Will: to stir — to move my Being and to say to Me: “Do You see how good, lovable, loving, holy, immense, powerful You are? You are Everything, and I want to move the whole of You in order to love You and to give You pleasure”. And do you think this is trivial? -İbid.



The Scriptures remind us:

... iman olmadan onu memnun etmek imkansızdır, çünkü Tanrı'ya yaklaşan herhangi biri onun var olduğuna ve onu arayanları ödüllendirdiğine inanmalıdır. (İbranice 11: 6)

Ve yeniden,

…let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name. (Hebrews 13:15)

I can testify that although there can be periods of dryness, prayer is rarely that way forever. God always knows when to “reward those who seek him” with the graces we need, when we need them. But our goal as Christians is to olgun into the “full stature of Christ.”[1]Eph 4: 13 And so, the sense of our nothingness, our awareness of sin and need for purification is essential to remaining humble before our God and dependent upon Him. 

You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

So the next time you feel that your prayers are futile… know that this may simply be pride or even a temptation to abandon prayer through discouragement. Jesus said He is the Vine and we are the branches. If Satan can get you to stop praying then he effectively has cut you off from the sap of the Holy Spirit. Do you see or feel the sap flowing in a fruit tree? No, and yet, the fruit comes in the summer when it is time. 

Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. (John 15:4)

So don’t give up. Continue to praise God, always and everywhere, despite your feelings.[2]cf. Aziz Paul'un Küçük Yolu Continue to persevere and know that it yok make a difference — especially to Jesus — who feels the ripples of the little stone of love that is cast into the sea of His Divinity.  




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1 Eph 4: 13
2 cf. Aziz Paul'un Küçük Yolu
Yayınlanan ANA SAYFA, ILAHİ İRADE ve etiketli .