Yaratılış Savaşı – Bölüm I


İki yılı aşkın süredir bu seriyi yazmaya çalışıyorum. Zaten bazı yönlere değindim, ancak son zamanlarda Rab bana bu “şimdi kelimesini” cesurca ilan etmem için yeşil ışık verdi. Benim için asıl işaret bugününkiydi Toplu okumalar, sonunda bahsedeceğim… 




ORADA Yaratılışa karşı bir savaştır ve bu, sonuçta Yaradan'ın kendisine karşı bir savaştır. Saldırı, en küçük mikroptan, "Tanrı'nın benzerliğinde" yaratılmış erkek ve kadından oluşan yaratılışın zirvesine kadar geniş ve derindir.

It’s interesting that Scripture uses the yılan or Ejderha as a symbol of Satan, the father of lies whom Jesus said was a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). Both are known to inject venom into their victims in order to kill and even consume them.[1]The Indonesian Komodo Dragon hides, waiting for his prey to pass by, and then strikes them with his deadly venom. When the prey has been overcome by his poison, the Komodo returns to finish it off. Likewise, only when societies have fully succumbed to Satan’s poisonous lies and deceptions does he finally rear his head, which is ölüm.

Of course, the spiritual poison of Satan is the worst, that which deceives and kills the ruh. But it is a mistake to believe his activity is limited to the spiritual plane. Satan hates creation because it is a reflection of God Himself:

Ever since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. (Romalılar 1: 20)

Hence, the enemy attacks our bodies and our health as well.

İnsan hayatına kim saldırırsa, bir şekilde Tanrı'nın kendisine de saldırır. —PAPA JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Özgeçmişi; N. 10

Creation is like a “fifth gospel” that points back to the Creator. Many a soul, in fact, has begun a journey toward the heart of God through an encounter with Him in doğa. Creation is, as essential oil distiller Brett Packer put it, a “Divine fingerprint.”

As we approach the end of this era and enter into what John Paul II called “the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the Gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the antichrist”,[2]Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; some citations of this passage include the words “Christ and the antichrist” as above. Deacon Keith Fournier, an attendee, reports it as above; cf. Katolik Çevrimiçi; 13 Ağustos 1976 we can see it is essentially an apocalyptic war between the “culture of life” vs. the “culture of death.” 

Bu mücadele, içinde tanımlanan kıyamet savaşına paraleldir. [Rev 11:19-12:1-6]. Death battles against Life: a “culture of death” seeks to impose itself on our desire to live, and live to the full… —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Cherry Creek Eyalet Parkı Homily, Denver, Colorado, 1993

Not just human life, but herşey of creation…


The Rise of the “Sorcerers”

Given what we have gone through in the past four years, suddenly, two Scriptures come absolutely alive to me as they sit in a remarkable juxtaposition in the Book of Revelation. The dividing line between these two passages is the death of the beast or “antichrist” that ushers in, not the end of the world, but a period of peace and renewal (cf. Rev 19:20 – 20:4).

İlahi emirleriniz bozuldu, İncil'iniz bir kenara atılıyor, eşitsizlik selleri tüm yeryüzünü, kullarınızı bile taşıyorlar ... Sodom ve Gomorrah ile aynı sona erecek mi? Sessizliğini asla kırmayacak mısın? Tüm bunlara sonsuza dek müsamaha gösterecek misin? İradenizin cennette olduğu gibi yeryüzünde yapılması gerektiği doğru değil mi? Krallığınızın gelmesi gerektiği doğru değil mi? Bazı ruhlara vermedin mi, sevgili, Kilisenin gelecekteki yenilenmesi vizyonu? -St. Louis de Montfort, Misyonerler için Dua, N. 5; ewtn.com

The first Scripture, which you’ve heard me quote before, is from Revelation 18:23: 

... tüccarlarınız dünyanın en büyük adamlarıydı, tüm milletler sizin tarafınızdan saptırıldı. büyücülük. (NAB version says “magic potion”)

"Büyücülük" veya "sihirli iksirler" için Yunanca kelime φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia)'dır - "kullanımı tıp, uyuşturucu veya büyü. Bugün “ilaç” için kullandığımız sözcük de buradan geliyor: ilaç.

What happened after a “pandemic” was declared in early 2020 is nothing short of extraordinary. An experimental mRNA gene therapy [3]“Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.” —Moderna’s Registration Statement, pg. 19, sec.gov — renamed as a “vaccine” — was rolled out to the general public who were in turn, in many places, forced to choose between the jab… or their jobs, freedom of movement, and access to businesses.

Bayer is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world (they own vaccine producer Merck, who was 2010 yılında dava açıldı for a vaccine that may actually cause mumps and measles; and they bought up Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of the herbicide glyphosate — Toparlama — now linked to cancer). Bayer’s executive, Stefan Oelrich, boasted of the achievement of rolling out this new gene therapy — at the same time that adverse events and deaths from the shot were accumulating around the globe.[4]cf. Ücretler 

…if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, “Would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?,” we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. —Opening Cermony, World Health Summit, 2021; YouTube

The CEO of Moderna stated bluntly that this technology is “actually hacking the software of life.”[5]cf. TED tartışma Did the public know that when they rolled up their sleeves?

Here is the point: these gene therapies, which have been shown to alter DNA,[6]19 Ekim 2023'te Kanada Sağlık Bakanlığı, Pfizer COVID-19 aşılarında DNA kontaminasyonunun varlığını doğruladı ve ayrıca Pfizer'in kontaminasyonu halk sağlığı otoritesine açıklamadığını doğruladı. Görmek okuyun. Moderna'nın ayrıca DNA içerdiği de bulundu: bkz. okuyun.

"Bize SARS-CoV-2 mRNA aşılarının insan genomuna entegre edilemeyeceği söylendi çünkü haberci RNA tekrar DNA'ya çevrilemez. Bu yanlış. İnsan hücrelerinde LINE-1 retrotranspozonları adı verilen ve gerçekten de endojen ters transkripsiyon yoluyla mRNA'yı bir insan genomuna entegre edebilen elementler vardır. Aşılarda kullanılan mRNA stabilize olduğu için hücre içinde daha uzun süre kalır ve bunun olma şansını artırır. SARS-CoV-2 Spike geni, genomun sessiz olmayan ve aslında bir protein ifade eden bir kısmına entegre edilmişse, bu aşıyı alan kişilerin somatik hücrelerinden sürekli olarak SARS-CoV-2 Spike eksprese etmesi mümkündür. hayatlarının geri kalanı için. İnsanlara hücrelerinin Spike proteinlerini ifade etmesine neden olan bir aşı aşılayarak, patojenik bir proteinle aşılanmış oluyorlar. Enflamasyona, kalp sorunlarına ve kanser riskinde artışa neden olabilen bir toksin. Uzun vadede, potansiyel olarak erken nörodejeneratif hastalığa da yol açabilir. Kesinlikle hiç kimse hiçbir koşulda bu aşıyı yaptırmaya zorlanmamalı ve aslında aşı kampanyası bir an önce durdurulmalıdır.” —Institute for Coronavirus Emergence Kâr Amacı Gütmeyen İstihbarat, Spartaküs Mektubu, P. 10. Ayrıca bkz. Zhang L, Richards A, Khalil A, et al. “SARS-CoV-2 RNA ters kopyalandı ve insan genomuna entegre edildi”, 13 Aralık 2020, PubMed; “MIT ve Harvard Çalışması, mRNA Aşısının Sonuçta DNA'yı Kalıcı Olarak Değiştirebileceğini Önerdi” Haklar ve Özgürlükler, 13 Ağustos 2021; Markus Aldén et. al, www.mdpi.com; “SARS-CoV-3 Furin Bölünme Bölgesine MSH2 Homolojisi ve Potansiyel Rekombinasyon Bağlantısı”, frontiersin.org; bkz. “Enjeksiyon Dolandırıcılığı – Bu Bir Aşı Değil” – Solari Raporu, May 27th, 2020. Finally, a Swedish study in 2022 confirmed that Pfizer vaccines have the propensity to alter DNA. See the study okuyun.
are going to become zorunlu bir Zamanlar dijital kimlikler and vaccine passports are rolled out, which the G20 nations have already approved.[7]12 Eylül 2023, epochtimes.com In other words, pharmaceutical companies, and the wealthy philanthropists funding them, will have massive control over the human population — fulfilling this passage in Revelation to the “t”.


The Return to Creation

After the death of the Antichrist, St. John is given glimpses of both Heaven and then the New Jerusalem — that is, the Church renewed, which appears to him symbolically like a city. Of particular note is this passage:

Then the angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its street. On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations. (Rev 22: 1-2)

Throughout the Book of Revelation, St. John bounces between visions of the Church triumphant in Heaven and the Church still on earth. This appears to be one of those times. For one, eternity is timeless, but St. John speaks of “years” and “months” in this passage. Second, the leaves of the trees serve as “medicine.” But would we need medicine in Heaven? It seems, then, that this is a vision of the purified Bride of Christ, “living in the Divine Will,” in her final stage önce dünyanın sonu.

Suddenly, the contrast of these two Scriptures brings a crucial aspect of this “final confrontation” into view: it’s a battle between Satan’s alchemy in the name of “healthcare” vs. God’s care for our health found in nature itself. 

Lavender, known for healing burns and a remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to fatigue, fungal infections and hair loss

Since the beginning of time, man has discovered the benefits in creation, not only in the shade and beauty plants and trees offer, but in their şifa properties. These benefits were used not only in poultices or broths but also by distilling the very “essence” of plants and trees into oils. Sacred Scripture is clear about this:

Değerli hazine ve petrol bilgelerin evinde ... (Özdeyiş 21:20)

Rab dünyadan ilaçlar yarattı ve mantıklı bir adam onları küçümsemeyecek. (Sirach 38: 4 RSV)

Meyveleri yemek, yaprakları şifa amaçlı kullanılır. (Hezekiel 47: 12)

… Ağaçların yaprakları milletlere ilaç vazifesi görüyor. (Rev 22: 2)

Allah yeryüzüne sağduyunun ihmal etmemesi gereken şifalı bitkiler verir ... (Sirach 38: 4 NAB)

In a parable, Jesus speaks of the “Good Samaritan” who disinfects and treats wounds by pouring “oil and wine” on them.[8]Luke 10: 34 

The late Frenchman Henri Viaud was considered the modern “father of distillation” of plants. One day, he asked the young American, Gary Young, who was just learning about essential oils, what they meant to him. Gary replied, “I believe that essential oils are the closest physical and tangible substance that carries the spirit of God on earth.”[9]D. Gary Young, The World Leader in Essential Oils, s. 21 Pointing his finger at Gary, he said in his heavy accent: “You are right, and anyone who messes with them should be treated like a criminal.”


The War on Creation

Ben yazdığımda Tanrı'nın Yaratılışını Geri Almak over three years ago, I was as excited about it then as I am now. In just the course of a hundred years or so, our “enlightened” generations have exchanged the goodness of God’s gifts in creation for synthetic counterfeits that attempt to mimic what is found in nature so they can manufacture their “drugs” at a fraction of the cost on a mass scale. As such, institutions such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States or Health Canada, often stacked with former pharmaceutical industry executives on their boards, have taken control of the health industry. Hence, we have the situation today where cigarettes are legal but raw milk is banned; where a vast array of health products are restricted while chemicals, additives, glyphosate, antibiotics, preservatives, vaccines, and a myriad of other unnatural compounds make their way into our food and drug supply unscathed.  

Earlier this year, the Canadian government ominously passed Bill C-47 to give Health Canada more enforcement over natural health products (as if natural products are a major threat to human health!). Many in natural health care fear this will crush the industry as well as access to these products.

These new policies on health supplements are so dramatic that several supplement manufacturers, particularly small businesses, claim it will be simply too expensive and burdensome to continue doing business in Canada. Retailers, distributors, health professionals, and every day citizens are saying this an attack from Ottawa on personal health choices and there is genuine concern that many NHPs [natural health products] people rely on will become unavailable to Canadians. —Tracy Gray, MP Kelowna-Lake County, tracygraymp.ca

But apparently, it’s just fine, even necessary they say, to inject yourself and your children with experimental mRNA gene therapies that contain toxic lipid nanoparticles.[10]“Our LNPs could contribute, in whole or in part, to one or more of the following: immune reactions, infusion reactions, complement reactions, opsonation reactions, antibody reactions… or some combination thereof, or reactions to the PEG…” —November 9th, 2018; Moderna prospektüs Do you see how completely upside-down this is? The entire system is geared to benefit “Big Pharma” while suppressing God’s creation. 

Sadly, one of the biggest lies of our times is that man-made “climate change” is the greatest threat to human existence. But over 1600 scientists, including Nobel laureates, have boldly rejected this narrative pointing out its faulty computer models and outright fraudulent data coupled to pseudo-science.[11]cf. Rüzgarın Arkasındaki Sıcak Hava The real crisis is that humanity is literally being poisoned: from the air we breath, to what ends up in our food and water, makeup, cookware, body care products, toys, etc. It is Büyük ZehirlenmeAnd yet, it is karbon dioksit — that natural gas that makes plants greener and richer in vitamins and minerals — that is being called a “poison.” Even the Vatican has repeated this utterly outrageous lie.[12]cf. İkinci Kanun


Taking Care of God’s Temple

The truth is that God’s creation is capable of healing and regenerating the body beyond what we can imagine (more on that in the next reflection). But one can only speak of these things in a whisper. And that brings us to today’s Mass readings. 

The first reading quotes Ezekiel, which is later echoed in Revelation:

Meyveleri yemek, yaprakları şifa amaçlı kullanılır. (Hezekiel 47: 12)

In the second reading, St. Paul asks:

Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Cor 3: 16)

Too often, Catholics focus solely on the “spiritual life” to the neglect of their bodies. Even some of the Saints were brutal toward their temples, bordering on a gnostic view of the body.[13]Gnosticism saw the body and the material as evil. Ancak Katolik Kilisesi'ndeki Catechism Bize hatırlatır:

The human body shares in the dignity of “the image of God”: it is a human body precisely because it is animated by a spiritual soul, and it is the whole human person that is intended to become, in the body of Christ, a temple of the Spirit… For this reason man may not despise his bodily life. Rather he is obliged to regard his body as good and to hold it in honor since God has created it and will raise it up on the last day. -CCC, olumsuzluk. 364

Today, Satan is unleashing a war on creation — a war on our organları. God’s healing plants (in the form of essential oils particularly, because they are so potent) were designed for the protection, building up, and restoration of our bodies. Conversely, the enemy’s subversive goal is to poison and destroy our bodies in his sheer hatred and envy of us being made in God’s image. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner we can take steps to honour, dignify, fortify and even heal our bodies, tam so that we are fully integrated witnesses for the Kingdom of God…  



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1 The Indonesian Komodo Dragon hides, waiting for his prey to pass by, and then strikes them with his deadly venom. When the prey has been overcome by his poison, the Komodo returns to finish it off. Likewise, only when societies have fully succumbed to Satan’s poisonous lies and deceptions does he finally rear his head, which is ölüm.
2 Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA for the bicentennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; some citations of this passage include the words “Christ and the antichrist” as above. Deacon Keith Fournier, an attendee, reports it as above; cf. Katolik Çevrimiçi; 13 Ağustos 1976
3 “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.” —Moderna’s Registration Statement, pg. 19, sec.gov
4 cf. Ücretler
5 cf. TED tartışma
6 19 Ekim 2023'te Kanada Sağlık Bakanlığı, Pfizer COVID-19 aşılarında DNA kontaminasyonunun varlığını doğruladı ve ayrıca Pfizer'in kontaminasyonu halk sağlığı otoritesine açıklamadığını doğruladı. Görmek okuyun. Moderna'nın ayrıca DNA içerdiği de bulundu: bkz. okuyun.

"Bize SARS-CoV-2 mRNA aşılarının insan genomuna entegre edilemeyeceği söylendi çünkü haberci RNA tekrar DNA'ya çevrilemez. Bu yanlış. İnsan hücrelerinde LINE-1 retrotranspozonları adı verilen ve gerçekten de endojen ters transkripsiyon yoluyla mRNA'yı bir insan genomuna entegre edebilen elementler vardır. Aşılarda kullanılan mRNA stabilize olduğu için hücre içinde daha uzun süre kalır ve bunun olma şansını artırır. SARS-CoV-2 Spike geni, genomun sessiz olmayan ve aslında bir protein ifade eden bir kısmına entegre edilmişse, bu aşıyı alan kişilerin somatik hücrelerinden sürekli olarak SARS-CoV-2 Spike eksprese etmesi mümkündür. hayatlarının geri kalanı için. İnsanlara hücrelerinin Spike proteinlerini ifade etmesine neden olan bir aşı aşılayarak, patojenik bir proteinle aşılanmış oluyorlar. Enflamasyona, kalp sorunlarına ve kanser riskinde artışa neden olabilen bir toksin. Uzun vadede, potansiyel olarak erken nörodejeneratif hastalığa da yol açabilir. Kesinlikle hiç kimse hiçbir koşulda bu aşıyı yaptırmaya zorlanmamalı ve aslında aşı kampanyası bir an önce durdurulmalıdır.” —Institute for Coronavirus Emergence Kâr Amacı Gütmeyen İstihbarat, Spartaküs Mektubu, P. 10. Ayrıca bkz. Zhang L, Richards A, Khalil A, et al. “SARS-CoV-2 RNA ters kopyalandı ve insan genomuna entegre edildi”, 13 Aralık 2020, PubMed; “MIT ve Harvard Çalışması, mRNA Aşısının Sonuçta DNA'yı Kalıcı Olarak Değiştirebileceğini Önerdi” Haklar ve Özgürlükler, 13 Ağustos 2021; Markus Aldén et. al, www.mdpi.com; “SARS-CoV-3 Furin Bölünme Bölgesine MSH2 Homolojisi ve Potansiyel Rekombinasyon Bağlantısı”, frontiersin.org; bkz. “Enjeksiyon Dolandırıcılığı – Bu Bir Aşı Değil” – Solari Raporu, May 27th, 2020. Finally, a Swedish study in 2022 confirmed that Pfizer vaccines have the propensity to alter DNA. See the study okuyun.

7 12 Eylül 2023, epochtimes.com
8 Luke 10: 34
9 D. Gary Young, The World Leader in Essential Oils, s. 21
10 “Our LNPs could contribute, in whole or in part, to one or more of the following: immune reactions, infusion reactions, complement reactions, opsonation reactions, antibody reactions… or some combination thereof, or reactions to the PEG…” —November 9th, 2018; Moderna prospektüs
11 cf. Rüzgarın Arkasındaki Sıcak Hava
12 cf. İkinci Kanun
13 Gnosticism saw the body and the material as evil.