Ukuya kwii-Extremes

kaDisemba 11, 2015
NgoLwesihlanu weVeki yesiBini yokuBuya

Imibhalo yeLigugu Apha



THE ingozi yokwenene ngeli lixa emhlabeni ayisiyiyo ukuba kukho ukudideka okungaka, kodwa kunjalo sasinokuzibamba nathi. Ngapha koko, ukothuka, uloyiko, kunye nokusabela okunyanzelekileyo ziyinxalenye yeNkohliso eNkulu. Isusa umphefumlo embindini wayo, onguKristu. Uxolo lushiya, kunye nalo, ubulumko kunye nokukwazi ukubona ngokucacileyo. Owona mngcipheko wokwenene.

People are beginning to go to the extremes. The middle ground of reason and respect, of listening and docility, is quickly disappearing. Courtesy, kindness, and deference are giving way to name-calling, hatred, and insistence. Left-wing, right-wing, conservative, liberal, terrorist, radical, dangerous, divisive, intolerant, hater, denier, biggot… these are the kind of words, once reserved for true extremists, that people are now slapping on one another for even relatively benign disagreements. 

Understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days. People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, as they make a pretense of religion but deny its power. (2 Tim 3:1-4)

It is because we fail to see the good in one another, [1]cf. Ukubona Okuhle fail to see the universal dignity originating from the umfanekiso kaThixo in which we were created. Unless we recover this ability, Imfazwe will be our companion in the days and years ahead. Jesus said to St. Faustina, “Uluntu aluyi kuba noxolo lude luguquke ngokuthembela kwinceba yam." [2]cf. Diary, Inceba kaThixo kumphefumlo wam, n. I-300 And that begins with having mercy upon one another.

Banoyolo abanenceba; ngokuba baya kwenzelwa inceba bona. (Mat 5: 7)

Without mercy, there is only the imposition of justice, and one’s own version of justice at that. And that almost always produces war to one degree or another: war between nations, war between leaders, war between races, war between political parties, war between neighbourhoods, war between families.

Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction… —POPE FRANCIS, BBC News, Sept. 13th, 2014

… Kunye the sword of the tongue. Can we not say that this weapon, the weapon of words, is already undermining peace?

Xa yalivulayo elesibini itywina… Kwaphuma elinye ihashe, libomvu. Lowo ke wayehleli phezu kwalo wanikwa igunya lokususa uxolo emhlabeni, ukuze abantu babulalane. Kwaye wanikwa ikrele elikhulu. (ISityhi 6: 3-4)

Within the Church, the sword of the tongue is being carelessly and grievously wielded as well, and most often, from those most interested in bringing others into an encounter with the Catechism rather than an encounter with Christ. Pope Francis’ call for the Church to become more merciful has itself been greeted with a lack of mercy and understanding. 

The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ Wisdom is vindicated by her works. (Today’s Gospel)

Did you notice that the closer Jesus got to His Passion, the more silent he became? As the Church draws closer to her own Passion, we would do well to imitate Our Lord. The world is under a thick cloud of confusion and deception. Reason and reasonable discourse has gone out the door, just as it did when Jesus faced Pilate and the Sanhedrin. It was then that He gave Impendulo ethe cwakaFor “wisdom is vindicated by her works.”

Thus, what is needed most at this time is bulumko, that gift of the Spirit that helps us to know when to speak and when to remain silent. That gift that helps one to rise above the din of noise, debate, and polemic, above the Storm clouds and confusion, and gain a divine perspective of all things that will help one find the “jet stream” of truth. Because the forces behind this Great Storm are diabolical. We are not dealing with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. If you try to survive it by your own devices, your own intellect and shrewdness, you’re done. This is no ordinary “bump” in Church history, as much as some clergy want to play it down. It is “the final confrontation” of this era, said John Paul II. [3]cf. Ukuqonda iMfazwe yokuGqibelaThus, it is faith, trust, and a childlike heart that will endure this Storm, because only such hearts will be given the Wisdom and grace that alone will carry them safely to the other side—whether that is the next era, or eternity.

It says in the book of Sirach:

Before man are life and death, whichever he chooses will be given him. (Sir 15:17)

Or as Hosea said,

Xa behlwayela umoya, baya kuvuna isaqhwithi. (Hos 8: 7)

All the confusion we are seeing today over climate change, immigration, conversion of the Jews, Israel, Russia, the stock market, gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia, assisted-suicide… all of it is symptomatic of a world that is reaping the whirlwind of its choice to untether itself from the Word of God, from the unchanging natural moral law. And so, it’s going to get really bad until mankind has tasted enough of the fruit of death, division, and sorrow. What good is it, then, to analyze every bad headline? Unless you’re called to do so, you’ll get caught up in the whirlwind with the risk of being sucked into the extremes that polarize and divide (although, ultimately, those who follow Christ and Sacred Tradition ngeke be persecuted). Rather, what Jesus asks of us is very simple: thembeka. My Catechism has the same number of pages, the same paragraphs that it did on the day it was published. Follow it. Follow Jesus. Remain in communion with the office of Peter, and all will be well. For Our Lord himself said,

Wonk 'ubani owaphulaphulayo la mazwi am aze awenze uya kuba njengendoda eyingqondi, eyakha indlu yayo phezu kolwalwa. (Mat. 7:24)

This Year of Mercy must be, above all, about showing the face of Mercy to others… not the extremes. 

If you would hearken to my commandments, your prosperity would be like a river, and your vindication like the waves of the sea… (First reading)



Calling all “liberals” and “conservatives”: read The Thin Line Between Mercy and Heresy- Part III

Yiba Nenceba

Ukuvula Banzi iiMinyango zeNceba

Inceba kubantu abaMnyama

Ubulumko kunye nokuhlangana kwesiphithiphithi

Ukuthethelelwa kobulumko

Ubulumko buya kungqinelwa


Usikelele, kwaye enkosi.


Ukuhamba noMark kwi The Ngoku iLizwi oku kuza,
cofa kwibhena engezantsi ukuya rhuma.
I-imeyile yakho ayizokwabelwana naye nabani na.

NgokuIgama leBanner


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1 cf. Ukubona Okuhle
2 cf. Diary, Inceba kaThixo kumphefumlo wam, n. I-300
3 cf. Ukuqonda iMfazwe yokuGqibela