Abaphelelwa lixesha

ngoSeptemba 26, 2014
Khetha. Abangcwele beSikhumbuzo uCosmas noDamian

Imibhalo yeLigugu Apha




PHA lixesha elimisiweyo layo yonke into. Kodwa okumangalisayo kukuba, ayizange yenzelwe ukuba ngolu hlobo.

Ukulila kunexesha lako; ukuhleka kunexesha lako; kukho ixesha lokulila umbambazelo, kukho nexesha lokudloba; (Ufundo lokuqala)

Le nto ithethwa ngumbhali wezibhalo apha ayisiyomfuneko okanye ngumyalelo ekufuneka siwenzile; Endaweni yoko, kukuqonda ukuba imeko yomntu, njengokuhla nokuhamba kwamaza, inyukela eluzukweni… yehle ibe lusizi.

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build.

It is the sad story of the human state, drifting in and out of suffering, never far from joy, never far from pain—never intended by God.

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Oh, how often I feel this wound in my heart! The wound of giving birth to a child knowing that some day I will have to let her go; the wound of holding my wife knowing that some day I may have to bury her; the wound of joyful reunions with family and friends, knowing that soon we must part; the wound of the smell of Spring knowing that Autumn will eventually carry it away. Sometimes I cry out, “Lord, this life seems so painful at times! Why must it be this way?!”

And the answer is this:

He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts, without man’s ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done.

Time makes us aware of the Elingenamkhawulo. The highs and lows of life continually point toward that which is beyond this life—the former, carrying to us the perfume of Heaven, while the latter reminding us that there is more beyond the smell of Earth. Indeed, sin and death have measured out man’s days. So God has picked up those sands of time and counted them one by one, minute by minute, so that every grain that will fall forever into the past can work toward the possibility of our being with Him in eternity.

How precious then is each day, whether it be a time to laugh or a time to cry. Because each hour carries within it the seed of the Timeless that awaits me.

Bazalwana, mna ngokwam andizicingeli ukuba ndinelifa. Inye nje into: ndilibale okungasemva, kodwa ndisiya phambili, ndikhangele phambili ukuya emvuzweni, umvuzo wobizo lwaphezulu lukaThixo kuKristu Yesu. (KwabaseFil.3: 13-14)

If I fail to remember, though; if I have spent my hour in sin; if I have forgotten my dignity as a child of God… I can turn back toward Him the very next minute, and enter again into the stream of Timeless that is reached, ironically, only through time. Hence, my cry of distress can turn into a cry of trust—even if it is the cross I am facing, the cross I am carrying.

Blessed be the LORD, my rock, my mercy and my fortress, my stronghold, my deliverer, my shield, in whom I trust. (Today’s Psalm)



Enkosi ngemithandazo yakho nenkxaso.


Incwadana entsha enamandla yamaKatolika…




by Mark’s daughter,
UDenise Mallett


Ukusuka kwigama lokuqala ukuya kwelokugqibela ndathinjwa, ndanqunyanyiswa phakathi koloyiko kunye nokumangaliswa. Kwenzeka njani ukuba omnye omncinci kangaka abhale imigca eyintsokothileyo, abalinganiswa abantsokothileyo, ingxoxo enomdla kangaka? Kwenzeka njani ukuba umntwana ofikisayo abe nobuchule bokubhala, kungekuphela nje ngobuchule, kodwa ngobunzulu beemvakalelo? Angayiphatha njani imixholo enzulu ngobuqili ngaphandle kokushumayela? Ndisoyika nangoku. Ngokucacileyo isandla sikaThixo sikulesi sipho. Njengokuba ekubonelele ngalo lonke ubabalo ukuza kuthi ga ngoku, angaqhubeka nokukukhokela kwindlela ayikhethileyo kuwe nangonaphakade.
-UJanet Klasson, umbhali we I-Pelianito Journal Blog

Kubhalwe ngokukhethekileyo… Ukususela kumaphepha okuqala entshayelelo, Khange ndikwazi ukuyibeka phantsi!
-UJanelle Reinhart, Umculi orekhodayo ongumKristu

Ndiyabulela uBawo wethu omangalisayo okunike eli bali, lo myalezo, oku kukhanya, kwaye ndiyabulela kuwe ngokufunda ubugcisa bokuMamela kwaye wenze oko akunike ukuba ukwenze.
-ULarisa J. Strobel


Incwadi Yomthi

Kude kube ngu-30 Septemba, ukuhambisa kuphela yi- $ 7 / incwadi.
Ukuhanjiswa simahla kwii-odolo ezingaphezu kwe- $ 75. Thenga 2 ufumane 1 Simahla!

Ukufumana The Ngoku iLizwi,
Ukucamngca kukaMarko kufundo lweMisa,
nokucamngca kwakhe “ngemiqondiso yamaxesha,”
cofa kwibhena engezantsi ukuya rhuma.
I-imeyile yakho ayizokwabelwana naye nabani na.

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