
NgoLwesihlanu weVeki eNgcwele, ngo-Epreli 3, 2015
NgoLwesihlanu olungileyo wokuNqwenela kweNkosi

Imibhalo yeLigugu Apha


nina bayathandwa.


Nokuba ungubani, uyathandwa.

Ngale mini, uThixo uxele ngesenzo esinye esindilisekileyo ukuba uyathandwa.

Prostitutes, tax collectors and Pharisees: uyathandwa.

Thieves, centurions, and governors: uyathandwa.

Kings, queens, and dictators: uyathandwa.

Rich, poor, and alike: uyathandwa

Liars, murderers, and drunkards: uyathandwa.

Adulterers, abortionists, and frauds: uyathandwa.

Drug addicts, drunkards, and gluttons: you are loved…….

Nokuba ungubani, uyathandwa.


Be gone doubts. Be gone fear. Be gone uncertainty. The One who created you has now died for you. There is no more wondering, no more guessing, no more speculating: the Divine Heart, pierced for your sins, gushes forth a single love song whose notes are amanzi, whose words are igazi:


The long night of banishment draws to an end; the Garden of Eden sends forth a new shoot; the ancient tears of sorrow begin to dry, for written upon the Tree of Life is the Word made flesh, a Word that says:


O shake yourself, soul! O wake yourself, quick! For the lie that you are forgotten, unwanted, and alone is shattered by the Shepherd who has gone to the ends of the earth—gone to the limits of love to find you and tell you:


Whoever you are, even lost in utter darkness, a light shines from nail pierced holes, a message from an open side, a poem from the punctures of thorns, and a ballad from caked blood, a torn beard, and bruised lips:


Follow this light, listen to this message, recite this poem, and sing this ballad until it becomes your own, until you believe without a doubt: I am loved.

Take courage and be stouthearted, all you who hope in the LORD. (Today’s Psalm)

It is called Good Friday, dear soul, because uyathandwa. And when you trust this Gift-from-the-Father, then the One who will emerge from the tomb will begin to heal the rest…

…he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins; upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed… (First reading)

Ndiqinisekile ukuba nakukufa, nakubomi, nazingelosi, nazilawuli, nazinto zangoku, nazinto zizayo, namandla, nobude, nobunzulu, nasiphi na esinye isidalwa, aziyi kuba nako ukwahlula eluthandweni lukaThixo sikuKristu UYesu iNkosi yethu. (KwabaseRoma 8: 38-39)



Enkosi ngokuxhasa le nkonzo yexesha elizeleyo.



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