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Time to Set Our Faces

WHEN it came time for Jesus to enter His Passion, He set His face toward Jerusalem. It is time for the Church to set her face toward her own Calvary as the storm clouds of persecution continue to gather on the horizon. In this Episode, Mark explains how Jesus prophetically signals the spiritual condition necessary for the Body of Christ to follow its Head on the Way of the Cross, in this Final Confrontation that the Church is now facing…


A moral tsunami has led the world into a culture of death, and the Church to the moment of perhaps its greatest persecution. Read Persecution! (Moral Tsuanmi)

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The Prophecy at Rome – Part VII

WATCH this gripping episode which warns of a coming deception after the “Illumination of Conscience.” Following the Vatican’s document on the New Age, Part VII deals with the difficult subjects of an antichrist and persecution. Part of the preparation is knowing beforehand what is coming…



Read about the coming deception: The Coming Counterfeit

The Great Vacuum left in the souls in many today must be filled, but with what? This writing addresses the dangerous precipice humanity is on…

How the “loss of the sense of sin” is leaving humanity vulnerable to The Great Deception.

How our dependency upon “the grid” in the Western World may play into the greater deception:  The Great Deception – Part II

Pope Benedict’s warning that humanity risks once again becoming “inhumane:  The Great Deception – Part III