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An Interview on the End Times

ARE we truly living in the “end times”? This is the question Salt + Light Television host Pedro Guevara Mann puts to EHTV’s Mark Mallett in a blunt and compelling interview from a Catholic viewpoint. Mark answers the questions many of us are asking, putting the question of the “end times” into perspective without overlooking the dramatic signs of our day. This is the interview that took place in Toronto for the October 15th edition of S + L’s Perspectives.



Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?

The Popes and the Dawning Era



Salt + Light Television

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Be Merciful to Yourself

IN order to become Apostles of Mercy, we have to be merciful to ourselves. This comes by accepting once again God’s mercy through a courageous act of honesty. This webcast is sure to encourage anyone who is struggling with temptation and failure. God IS on your side…



The Paralyzed Soul

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The Value of One Soul

WE are all called to sanctity, but we are not all called to the same kind of mission. As a result, some Christians feel insignificant and that their lives have little impact. In this episode, Mark shares a powerful encounter with the Lord that helped him to understand that nothing in the Kingdom is insignificant because of the value of even one soul…

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Can I Be Light?

JESUS said that His followers are the “light of the world.” But often, we feel inadequate—that we could not possibly be an “evangelist” for Him. Mark explains how we can more effectively let the light of Jesus shine through us…

Laborers Are Few

THERE is an “eclipse of God” in our times, a “dimming of the light” of truth, says Pope Benedict. As such, there is a vast harvest of souls in need of the Gospel. However, the other side to this crisis is that laborers are few… Mark explains why faith is not a private matter and why it is everyone’s calling to live and preach the Gospel with our lives—and words.

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How Long?

THE cry of many Christians today is, “How long, Lord? How long before the suffering, sin, and depravity of this generation comes to an end?” This is a song of sorrow, and a song of hope… in Him who is Hope itself.


Available on iTunes or go to markmallett.com

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Song For Karol

A moving and powerful tribute to John Paul II by Catholic songwriter and evangelist, Mark Mallett, with Raylene Scarrott. Mark wrote this song while praying before the Blessed Sacrament on the day John Paul II died…


Available on iTunes or go to markmallett.com

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The Word… Power to Change

POPE Benedict prophetically sees a “new springtime” in the Church fueled by meditation of Sacred Scripture. Why can reading the Bible transform your life and the entire Church? Mark answers this question in a webcast sure to stir a new hunger in viewers for the Word of God.

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The Coming New Evangelization

THE darker the world becomes, the brighter the stars of Christian witness will be. We may be in a spiritual winter, but a “new springtime” is coming. In this webcast, Mark explains why the Gospel has yet to reach the ends of the earth and why the opportunity to evangelize has never been greater and yet never so difficult… and that God is preparing us for the new evangelization, which is here and coming…



Our Lady’s Battle

The Battle Cry

Hope is Dawning