The Last Stand

El clan Mallett cavalca per la llibertat...


No podem deixar morir la llibertat amb aquesta generació.
- Major de l'exèrcit Stephen Chledowski, Soldat canadenc; 11 de febrer de 2022

Ens acostem a les últimes hores...
El nostre futur és, literalment, llibertat o tirania...
—Robert G., un canadenc preocupat (de Telegram)

Tant de bo tots els homes jutgin l'arbre pel seu fruit,
i reconeixeria la llavor i l'origen dels mals que ens pressionen,
i dels perills que s'acosten!
Hem de tractar amb un enemic enganyós i astut, que,
gratificant les orelles de la gent i dels prínceps,
els ha atrapat amb discursos suaus i per adulació. 
—POPEU LEO XIII, Humanus Gèneren. 28


IT has been an emotional roller-coaster this week for citizens across the world who, after two years of repeated falsehoods, demonstrably flawed science,[1]veure Després de la ciència?, Top 10 rondalles de pandèmia, Carta oberta als bisbes catòlics i Desemmascarant els fets and experimentation on their bodies, have risen up against their governments. Ironically, Canada — the one country most known for its passiveness and proclivity for political correctness — is leading the charge against the medical tyranny being imposed on their citizens. And governments have done everything in their power to vilify these people as “hateful”, “violent”, “racist”, etc..[2]cf. Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat But thousands of videos and testimonies from eyewitnesses have debunked the accusations of CBC and the rest of the establishment media that have attempted to demonize the entire movement by the behavior of literally a few individuals.[3]Canadian convoy spokesman rejects government attempts to provoke violence: see In France, the same tactic is being rolled out by its government:

This is not the Freedom Convoy. It is the convoy of shame and selfishness. These are not patriots but people who are irresponsible. It is paradoxical to claim to be in favor of freedom when the idea is to block people’s lives. —Clément Beaune, French state secretary for European Affairs;

What a paradox that the very governments that enacted unprecedented and immoral lockdowns,[4]cf. Quan tenia gana banned children from playing together and pursuing their dreams, destroyed countless businesses and lives and bitterly divided communities — for a virus with a survival rate now in line with the flu…[5]El bioestadístic i epidemiòleg de renom mundial, el professor John Iannodis de la Universitat de Standford, va publicar un article sobre la taxa de mortalitat per infecció de COVID-19. Aquestes són les estadístiques estratificades per edat:

0-19: 0027% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.9973%)
20-29 014% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.986%)
30-39 031% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.969%)
40-49 082% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.918%)
50-59 27% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.73%)
60-69 59% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.31%) (Font:

… molt més baix del que es temia originalment i no és diferent de la grip greu. —Dr. Eshani M King, 13 de novembre de 2020;
are preaching about freedom. The hypocrisy and callousness is breathtaking. And “the science” stands squarely on the side of the protesters.

… els confinaments han tingut pocs o cap efecte sobre la salut pública, han imposat enormes costos econòmics i socials allà on s'han adoptat. En conseqüència, les polítiques de confinament estan mal fonamentades i haurien de ser rebutjades com a instrument de política pandèmic. —John Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, “A Literature Review and Meta-Anlaysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality”, Herby, Jonung and Hanke; January 2022,

La resposta de "bloqueig" canadenc matarà almenys deu vegades més del que podria haver salvat del virus real, COVID-10. L'ús inconscient de la por durant una emergència, per garantir el compliment, ha provocat una violació de la confiança en el govern que durarà una dècada o més. El dany a la nostra democràcia durarà almenys una generació. —David Redman, M.Eng., juliol de 2021, pàgina 5, "La resposta mortal del Canadà a COVID-19"

Make no mistake: if your government is telling you that, in order to participate in society, you must henceforth take whatever drug cocktail they have purchased from mega pharmaceutical corporations — you are living in tyranny.

No pope, no bishop, no politician, no medical official, no dictator, and certainly no family member, has the right to force, guilt, or shame an injection into your body. Ever.

…the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. —Nuremberg Code; Shuster E. Cinquanta anys després: la importància del codi de NurembergRevista de Medicina de Nova Anglaterrae. 1997; 337: 1436-1440

…vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary. - "Nota sobre la moralitat de l'ús d'algunes vacunes anti-Covid-19", n. 6;

Research or experimentation on the human being cannot legitimate acts that are in themselves contrary to the dignity of persons and to the moral law. Experimentation on human beings is not morally legitimate if it exposes the subject’s life or physical and psychological integrity to disproportionate or avoidable risks. -Catecisme de l'Església Catòlica, 2295

Even if it is couched in the words that it is an “act of love”, it cannot be forced. We have a word for an act of love that is forced: rape. You are in denial if you believe that, for the rest of your life, endless boosters and injections are “for the common good.” This is a lie, and if you believe it, you need to pray and fast to be untangled from this “mass formation psychosis”[6]cf. L’engany fort i Psicosi de masses i totalitarisme — especially when the short-term data reveals that such injections are unquestionably devastating for not a few[7]cf. Els peatges and the long-term effects for tots are still unknown (though the late Nobel laureate, Dr. Luc Montagnier, has something to say about that aquí). In other words, if you weren’t harmed thus far, to deliberately ignore the devastation this has wrought on millions is not an act of love but truly “selfish”.[8]cf. Els peatges; read their stories aquí i aquí.


The New Totalitarianism

We must get it out of our minds that jackboots and tanks rolling up and down our streets are the només “true” totalitarianism.

A Chinese Communist-style social credit system is “happening at our doorsteps now in the United States and in Europe.” —Chen Guangcheng, human rights lawyer and Chinese dissident; February 11th, 2022,

No, today it has taken on a much more powerful and insidious form through Nova Tecnologia LED by El Gran Corralling of humanity into an infrastructure whereby our movement, banking, purchasing, and health care are all digitally fused together. We are only a short step away from the currency becoming digitized — which has already begun in China and soon, India.[9];

It used to be that if an activist were going to go participate in something and the Chinese Communist Party wanted to prevent them from leaving or prevent them from partaking in something, they would send a bunch of thugs to go and prevent them from going. But now, what they can do is on a computer, they can change the status — vaccination status or other health information — to make it so they can’t even buy a plane ticket or a train ticket to go somewhere. —Chen Guangcheng, Ibid.

Once this is tied to your vaccine passport, your ability to buy and sell, ie. access to your bank account, enter businesses and so forth will depend on whether you are fully “vaxxed” or not. It’s already happening! I can’t sit down for a cup of coffee in my local town, even though I’ve had COVID, am healthy, and fully immune. This is segregation! This is discrimination! This is immoral!

I can’t say it more forcefully enough, this is literaly the end of human liberty in the West if this plan [for vaccine passports] unfolds as planned. —Dr. Naomi Wolfe, Després de la ciència?, 59:04

And God forgive our bishops for their incomprehensible silence, if not complicity, while these mounting injustices have taken place beneath their eyes.[10]Dear Shepherds… Where Are You; Carta oberta als bisbes catòlics At last, a Vatican correspondent has broken ranks with the silence of the majority of the Catholic media and spoken the truth: 

Church leaders, beginning with Pope Francis and the Vatican, have been silent and complicit in the face of grave wrongs committed over the past two years… In the case of the Vatican, it has committed these injustices on its own territory, enforcing some of the world’s strictest vaccine mandates even when evidence mounts that these shots pose considerable health risks, especially for young people, and the threat of the virus, once serious according to scientific modelling, recedes.

Having long washed its hands of any concern over the jabs being abortion-tainted, the Vatican unquestioningly went along with the powers-that-be followed by most of the world’s bishops. That might have been understandable at first but this position did not change.

Never mind the gross injustices, unnecessary hardships, and suffering caused to millions by the madness of lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

The Church’s leaders remained silent on the policies, but not before becoming complicit: committing injustices against the souls of their flocks by closing churches for long periods, enforcing restrictions on worship, banning the unvaccinated from the sacraments in some cases, and most recently backing grossly unjust, state-sanctioned vaccine mandates.

The sheep felt abandoned by their shepherds as their bishops fixed their gaze on physical health and mass groupthink rather than the eternal well-being of souls and common sense — a this-worldly orientation that has been in the making for decades but which came of age during COVID.

History will not look kindly on the leaders of the Church during this period, even less so if they remain silent and complicit as more details of unjust and dishonest public health policies of the past two years continue to emerge. —Edward Pentin, “The Deafening Silence and Grievous Complicity of Church Leaders During Covid”, 5 de febrer de 2022

Indeed, as Fr. Alfred Delp, S.J. wrote before the Nazi’s executed him:

En una data futura, l'historiador honest tindrà algunes coses amargs sobre la contribució de les Esglésies a la creació de la ment de masses, del col·lectivisme, de les dictadures, etc. —Fr. Alfred Delp, SJ, Escrits a la presó (Orbis Books), pp. xxxi-xxxii 

És l'últim bastió per la llibertat a Occident. Si els líders occidentals prevalen i aixafen el moviment per la llibertat i tenen èxit amb els seus mandats i passaports, la llibertat desapareixerà, tant per als "vaxxed" com per als "no vaxxed". I llavors, estarem vivint literalment les paraules de Sant Joan:

... totes les nacions van ser enganyades pel teu fetilleria. (Rev 18:23; the Greek word for sorcery is φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) — “the use of medicina, drogues o encanteris.")

The attempts by politicians to smear the characters of the hundreds of millions of Canadians, French, Australians, Russians, and others who have risen up against this global takeover is disgusting and reprehensible — and time will prove that those who opposed them were on the wrong side of both history and ciència.[11]Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat Today, three top Canadian doctors and scientists arranged a meeting with Canadian health officials to discuss the data of the current mass vaccination.[12]Veure: But the health officials didn’t show up. Why? The answer is obvious. The data completely upends their careful, brilliant, but failed narrative.[13]Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat; Deu rondalles de pandèmia


Revolution in the Church

In the meantime, another battle is taking place within the Church herself  — an equally diabolical revolution. Just as the pandemic has completely turned the scientific-medical paradigm upside down…

L'ordre pseudomèdica post-Covid no només ha destruït el paradigma mèdic que vaig practicar fidelment com a metge l'any passat ... ho ha fet invertida ella. Jo no reconèixer l'apocalipsi del govern en la meva realitat mèdica. L’al·lucinant accelerar i una despietada eficiència amb el qual el complex mediàtic-industrial ha cooptat la nostra saviesa mèdica, democràcia i govern per iniciar aquest nou ordre mèdic és un acte revolucionari. —Un metge anònim del Regne Unit conegut com "El metge Covid"

…so too, apostate prelates, clearly in contradiction of Catholic teaching, are attempting to destroy the moral foundations of the Church. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, the relator general of the unfolding Synod on Synodality, has outright stated that the Church’s teaching on homosexuality “is false” and that its teaching on human sexuality that is ordered toward conjugal love between husband and wife, an image of Trinitarian life — is fundamentally flawed.[14] Here, we are seeing the prophetic warning of Pope Leo XIII finally reaching its fulfillment in our times: the attempted overthrow of both the social and Christian order:

Ara, la secta maçònica produeix fruits perniciosos i del sabor més amarg. Perquè, pel que hem mostrat anteriorment amb més claredat, el que és el seu propòsit final es força a la vista, és a dir, l’enderrocament total de tot l’ordre religiós i polític del món que ha produït l’ensenyament cristià i la substitució d’un nou estat de les coses d’acord amb les seves idees, dels quals els fonaments i les lleis s’extreuen del mer naturalisme. -Gènere HumanumApril 20th, 1884; n. 10

You are alive, born for these times, to witness what St. John Paul II called “the final confrontation” of this era. And as usual, God has raised up the anawim, the little ones, the obscure to raise the battle cry. Truckers. Farmers. Commoners. You and me — La nostra petita rabosa de la senyora

It is the last stand. It is the hour for us to prepare to give our lives for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of truth. What an honor and privilege to give everything to Jesus, who gave everything for us. 

Hi ha valors que mai no s’han d’abandonar per obtenir un valor superior i fins i tot superar la preservació de la vida física. Hi ha martiri. Déu és (aproximadament) més que una simple supervivència física. Una vida que es compraria per la negació de Déu, una vida que es basa en una mentida final, és una no-vida. El martiri és una categoria bàsica de l’existència cristiana. El fet que el martiri ja no sigui moralment necessari en la teoria defensada per Böckle i molts altres demostra que aquí es juga l'essència mateixa del cristianisme ... L'Església d'avui és més que mai una "Església dels Màrtirs" i, per tant, un testimoni dels vius. Déu. —PAPA EMÈRIT BENEDICTE XVI, Assaig: «L’Església i l’escàndol dels abusos sexuals»; Catholic News Agency10th abril, 2019

No és moment de vergonyar-se de l’Evangeli. És el moment de predicar-lo des dels terrats. —POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Homilia, Homry, Cherry Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, 15 d’agost de 1993;


Major Stephen Chledowski breaks ranks with a powerful statement:

Febrer 11th, 2022


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Notes al peu

Notes al peu
1 veure Després de la ciència?, Top 10 rondalles de pandèmia, Carta oberta als bisbes catòlics i Desemmascarant els fets
2 cf. Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat
3 Canadian convoy spokesman rejects government attempts to provoke violence: see
4 cf. Quan tenia gana
5 El bioestadístic i epidemiòleg de renom mundial, el professor John Iannodis de la Universitat de Standford, va publicar un article sobre la taxa de mortalitat per infecció de COVID-19. Aquestes són les estadístiques estratificades per edat:

0-19: 0027% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.9973%)
20-29 014% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.986%)
30-39 031% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.969%)
40-49 082% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.918%)
50-59 27% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.73%)
60-69 59% (o una taxa de supervivència de 99.31%) (Font:

… molt més baix del que es temia originalment i no és diferent de la grip greu. —Dr. Eshani M King, 13 de novembre de 2020;

6 cf. L’engany fort i Psicosi de masses i totalitarisme
7 cf. Els peatges
8 cf. Els peatges; read their stories aquí i aquí.
10 Dear Shepherds… Where Are You; Carta oberta als bisbes catòlics
11 Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat
12 Veure:
13 Trudeau està equivocat, equivocat; Deu rondalles de pandèmia
publicat a INICI, ELS GRANS PROVES i etiquetada , , , , , , , .