Be Strong, Be a Man!

for February 6th, 2014
Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs

Liturgical texts here



O, to be at the bedside of King David, to hear what he would say in his dying moments. This was a man who lived and breathed a desire to walk with His God. And yet, he stumbled and fell so often. But he would pick himself up again, and almost fearlessly expose his sin to the Lord appealing to His mercy. What wisdom he would have learned along the way. Fortunately, because of the Scriptures, we can be there at David’s bedside as he turns to his son Solomon and says:

Be strong and be a man! (1 Kg 2:2; NABre)

Between today’s three Mass readings, we men in particular can find five ways to live the challenge of David.

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