Medjugorje… and Hairsplitting

All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
(Ecclesiastes 1:8)


IN recent weeks, the Vatican has surprised many with announcements pertaining to the mystical realm. The late Fr. Stefano Gobbi, who founded the Marian Movement of Priests, was declared a Servant of God and his Cause for canonization opened; the canonization process of another Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, was issued a nihil obstat to proceed after a brief pause; the Vatican affirmed the current bishop’s judgement regarding the alleged apparitions at Garabandal that “there are no elements to conclude that they are supernatural”; and the phenomenon surrounding the decades-old and ongoing apparitions at Medjugorje were given an official ruling, namely, a nihil obstat. Continue reading

Love Grown Cold



THERE is a Scripture lingering on my heart for months now, one I would consider a chief “sign of the times”:

Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. (Matt 24:11-12)

What many people may not connect is “false prophets” with the “increase of evildoing.” But today, there is a direct connection.Continue reading

Luisa’s Cause Resumes


A storm has swirled of late around Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Her Cause for canonization was reportedly “paused” earlier this year due to a private letter from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) to another bishop. The Korean bishops and a couple others issued negative statements against the Servant of God that were theologically weak. Then a rash of YouTube videos appeared from a priest calling the messages of Luisa, which bear some 19 Imprimaturs and Nihil Obstats, pornographic” and “demonic.” His bizarre rants (more “toxic radical traditionalism“) played well into those who have not properly studied the messages of this Servant of God, which reveal as it were the “science” of the Divine Will. Moreover, it was a direct contradiction of the Church’s official position that remains in effect to this day:
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Fatima and The Unhumans

Vladimir Lenin launched the communist revolution
under which as many as 60 million died
(according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn)


SINCE Christ’s ascension, the history of mankind has seen the rise and fall of fearsome armies and dictators. From the final persecutions of the Roman Empire to the onslaught of Islam to the rise of fascist regimes, recent centuries are not without their troubling figures. But it was only when Communism was about to explode upon the horizon that Heaven saw fit to send Our Lady with a dire warning:Continue reading

The Now Word in 2024


IT doesn’t seem that long ago that I stood on a prairie field as a storm began to roll in. The words spoken in my heart then became the defining “now word” that would form the basis of this apostolate for the next 18 years:Continue reading



See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
In the wilderness I make a way,
in the wasteland, rivers.
(Isaiah 43:19)


I HAVE pondered a lot of late about the trajectory of certain elements of the hierarchy toward a false mercy, or what I wrote about a few years ago: an Anti-Mercy. It is the same false compassion of so-called wokism, where in order to “accept others”, everything is to be accepted. The lines of the Gospel are blurred, the message of repentance is ignored, and the liberating demands of Jesus are dismissed for the saccharine compromises of Satan. It seems as if we are finding ways to excuse sin rather than repent of it.Continue reading

A Time to Weep

A Flaming Sword: Nuclear-capable missile fired over California in November, 2015
Caters News Agency, (Abe Blair)



…at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’—Sr. Lucia of Fatima, July 13th, 1917

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The Eclipse of the Son

Someone’s attempt to photograph the “miracle of the sun”


As an eclipse is about to cross the United States (like a crescent over certain regions), I have been pondering the “miracle of the sun” that occurred in Fatima on October 13th, 1917, the rainbow colors that spun from it… the crescent moon on Islamic flags, and the moon which Our Lady of Guadalupe stands upon. Then I found this reflection this morning from April 7, 2007. It seems to me we are living Revelation 12, and will see God’s power manifested in these days of tribulation, especially through Our Blessed Mother — “Mary, the shining star that announces the Sun” (POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Meeting with Young People at Air Base of Cuatro Vientos, Madrid, Spain, May 3rd, 2003)… I sense I am not to comment or develop this writing but just republish, so here it is… 


JESUS said to St. Faustina,

Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy.Diary of Divine Mercy, n. 1588

This sequence is presented on the Cross:

(MERCY:) Then [the criminal] said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

(JUSTICE:) It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun. (Luke 23:43-45)


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Fill the Earth!


God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them:
“Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth… Be fertile, then, and multiply;
abound on earth and subdue it.” 
(Today’s Mass reading for February 16, 2023)


After God cleansed the world by Flood, He once again turned to man and wife and repeated what He had commanded at the very beginning to Adam and Eve:Continue reading

Love Comes to Earth


ON this eve, Love itself descends to earth. All fear and cold is dispelled, for how could one be afraid of a baby? The perennial message of Christmas, repeated each morning through every sunrise, is that you are loved.Continue reading

How Terrible Is the Gospel?


First published September 13, 2006…


THIS word was impressed upon me yesterday afternoon, a word bursting with passion and grief: 

Why are you rejecting Me, My people? What is so terrible about the Gospel — the Good News — which I bring you?

I came into the world to forgive your sins, that you may hear the words, “Your sins are forgiven.” How terrible is this?

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The Greatest Sign of the Times


I KNOW that I have not written much for several months about the “times” in which we are living. The chaos of our recent move to the province of Alberta has been a major upheaval. But the other reason is that a certain hard-heartedness has set in the Church, particularly among educated Catholics who have displayed a shocking lack of discernment and even willingness to see what is unfolding all around them. Even Jesus eventually fell silent when the people became stiff-necked.[1]cf. The Silent Answer Ironically, it is vulgar comedians like Bill Maher or honest feminists like Naomi Wolfe, who have become the unwitting “prophets” of our times. They seem to see more clearly these days than a vast majority of the Church! Once the icons of leftwing political correctness, they are now the ones warning that a dangerous ideology is sweeping across the world, eradicating freedom and trampling upon common sense — even if they express themselves imperfectly. As Jesus said to the Pharisees, “I tell you, if these [ie. the Church] were silent, the very stones would cry out.” [2]Luke 19:40Continue reading


1 cf. The Silent Answer
2 Luke 19:40

The Greatest Lie


THIS morning after prayer, I felt moved to re-read a crucial meditation I wrote some seven years ago called Hell UnleashedI was tempted to simply resend that article to you today, as there is so much in it that was prophetic and critical for what has now unfolded over the past year and a half. How true those words have become! 

However, I will just summarize some key points and then move on to a new “now word” that came to me during prayer today… Continue reading

It’s Not Coming – It’s Here


YESTERDAY, I walked into a bottle depot with a mask not covering my nose.[1]Read how the overwhelming data shows that masks not only don’t work, but may actually make a new COVID infection far worse, and how masks are likely spreading the contagion faster: Unmasking the Facts What ensued was disturbing: the militant women… the way I was treated like a walking bio-hazard… they refused to do business and threatened to call the police, even though I offered to stand outside and wait until they were done.

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1 Read how the overwhelming data shows that masks not only don’t work, but may actually make a new COVID infection far worse, and how masks are likely spreading the contagion faster: Unmasking the Facts

It’s Happening Again


I HAVE published a few meditations at my sister site (Countdown to the Kingdom). Before I list these… may I just say thank you to everyone who has written notes of encouragement, offered prayers, Masses, and contributed to the “war effort” here. I am so grateful. You have been a strength to me at this time. I am so sorry that I cannot write everyone back, but I read everything and am praying for all of you.Continue reading

The Temptation to Give Up


Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing. 
(Today’s Gospel, Luke 5:5)


SOMETIMES, we need to taste our true weakness. We need to feel and know our limitations in the depths of our being. We need to rediscover that the nets of human capability, achievement, prowess, glory… will come up empty if they are devoid of the Divine. As such, history is really a story of the rise and fall of not only individuals but entire nations. The most glorious cultures have all but faded and the memories of emperors and caesars have all but disappeared, save for a crumbling bust in the corner of a museum…Continue reading

The Strong Delusion


There’s a mass psychosis.
It’s akin to what happened in German society
before and during World War II where
normal, decent people were turned into aides
and “just following orders” type of mentality
that led to genocide.
I see now that same paradigm happening.

–Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, August 14th, 2021;
35:53, Stew Peters Show

It’s a disturbia.
It’s maybe a group neurosis.
It is something that’s come over the minds
of people all over the world.
Whatever is going on is going on in the
tiniest island in the Philippines and Indonesia,
the smallest little village in Africa and South America.
It’s all the same — it’s come over the entire world.

—Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, August 14th, 2021;
Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode 19

What the last year has really shocked me to the core about
is that in the face of an invisible, apparently serious threat,
rational discussion went out of the window…
When we look back on the COVID era,
I think it will be seen as other human responses
to invisible threats in the past have been seen,
as a time of mass hysteria. 

—Dr. John Lee, Pathologist; Unlocked video; 41:00

Mass formation psychosis… this is like hypnosis…
This is what happened to the German people. 
—Dr. Robert Malone, MD, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology
Kristi Leigh TV; 4:54

I don’t normally use phrases like this,
but I think we are standing at the very gates of Hell.
—Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist

of Respiratory and Allergies at Pfizer;
1:01:54, Following the Science?


First published November 10th, 2020:


THERE are extraordinary things happening every day now, just as Our Lord said they would: the closer we get to to the Eye of the Storm, the faster the “winds of change” will be… the more rapid major events will befall a world in rebellion. Recall the words of the American seer, Jennifer, to whom Jesus said:Continue reading

Jesus is the Main Event

Expiatory Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mount Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain


THERE are so many serious changes unfolding in the world right now that it is almost impossible to keep up with them. Because of these “signs of the times,” I have dedicated a portion of this website to occasionally speaking about those future events that Heaven has communicated to us primarily through Our Lord and Our Lady. Why? Because Our Lord Himself spoke of future things to come so that the Church would not be caught off guard. In fact, so much of what I began writing thirteen years ago is beginning to unfold in real-time before our eyes. And to be honest, there is a strange comfort in this because Jesus already foretold these times. 

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The Agitators – Part II


Hatred of the brethren makes room next for Antichrist;
for the devil prepares beforehand the divisions among the people,
that he who is to come may be acceptable to them.

—St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Church Doctor, (c. 315-386)
Catechetical Lectures, Lecture XV, n.9

Read Part I here: The Agitators


THE world watched it like a soap opera. Global news incessantly covered it. For months on end, the U.S. election was the preoccupation of not only Americans but billions across the world. Families argued bitterly, friendships fractured, and social media accounts erupted, whether you lived in Dublin or Vancouver, Los Angeles or London. Defend Trump and you were exiled; criticize him and you were deceived.  Somehow, the orange-haired businessman from New York managed to polarize the world like no other politician in our times.Continue reading

2020: A Watchman’s Perspective


AND so that was 2020. 

It is interesting to read in the secular realm how glad people are to put the year behind them — as if 2021 will soon return to “normal.” But you, my readers, know this is not going to be the case. And not only because global leaders have already announced themselves that we will never return to “normal,” but, more importantly, Heaven has announced that the Triumph of Our Lord and Lady are well on their way — and Satan knows this, knows his time is short. So we are now entering the decisive Clash of the Kingdoms — the satanic will vs. the Divine Will. What a glorious time to be alive!Continue reading

Fake News, Real Revolution

A scene from The Apocalypse Tapestry in Angers, France. It is the longest wall-hanging in Europe. It was once 140 meters long until it was vandalized
during the “Enlightenment” period


When I was a news reporter in the 1990’s, the kind of blatant bias and editorializing that we see today from mainstream “news” reporters and anchors was taboo. It still is—for newsrooms with integrity. Sadly, many media outlets have become nothing short of propaganda mouthpieces for a diabolical agenda set in motion decades, if not centuries ago. Even sadder is how gullible people have become. A quick perusal of social media reveals how easily millions of people buy into the lies and distortions that are presented to them as “news” and “facts.” Three Scriptures come to mind:

The beast was given a mouth uttering proud boasts and blasphemies… (Revelation 13:5)

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)


First published January 27th, 2017: 


IF you stand close enough to a tapestry, all you will see is a portion of the “story”, and you can lose the context. Stand back, and the whole picture comes into view. So it is with the events unfolding in America, the Vatican, and all over the world which, at first glance, may not appear connected. But they are. If you press your face up against current events without understanding them in the larger context of, really, the past two thousand years, you lose the “story.” Fortunately, St. John Paul II reminded us to take a step back…

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Why Now?


Now more than ever it is crucial that you be “watchers of the dawn”,
the lookouts who announce the light of dawn and the new springtime of the Gospel
of which the buds can already be seen.

—POPE JOHN PAUL II, 18th World Youth Day, April 13th, 2003;


A letter from a reader:

When you read through all the messages from visionaries, all of them have an urgency in them. Many are also saying that that there will be floods, earthquakes, etc. even back to 2008 and longer. These things have been happening for years. What makes those times different to now in terms of the Warning, etc.? We are told in the Bible that we don’t know the hour but to be prepared. Apart from a sense of urgency in my being, it seems the messages are no different than say 10 or 20 years ago. I know Fr. Michel Rodrigue has made a comment that we “will see great things this Fall” but what if he is wrong? I realize we have to discern private revelation and hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I know people are getting “excited” about what is happening in the world in terms of eschatology. I am just querying it all as the messages have been saying similar things for many many years. Could we still be hearing these messages in 50 year’s time and still waiting? The disciples thought Christ was going to return not long after He ascended into heaven… We are still waiting.

These are great questions. Certainly, some of the messages we are hearing today go back several decades. But is this problematic? For me, I think of where I was at the turn of the millennium… and where I am today, and all I can say is thank God that He has given us more time! And hasn’t it flown by? Is a few decades, relative to salvation history, really that long? God is never late in speaking to His people nor in acting, but how hard of heart and slow we are to respond!

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On the Threshold


THIS week, a deep, inexplicable sadness came over me, as it has in the past. But I know now what this is: it is a drop of sadness from the Heart of God—that man has rejected Him to the point of bringing humanity to this painful purification. It is the sadness that God was not allowed to triumph over this world through love but must do so, now, through justice.Continue reading

The Religion of Scientism


scientism | ˈsʌɪəntɪz(ə)m | noun:
excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques

We must also face the fact that certain attitudes 
deriving from the mentality of “this present world”
can penetrate our lives if we are not vigilant.
For example, some would have it that only that is true
which can be verified by reason and science… 
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2727


SERVANT of God Sr. Lucia Santos gave a most prescient word regarding the coming times that we are now living:

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Control! Control!

Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)


First published April 19th, 2007.


WHILE praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I had the impression of an angel in the mid-heavens hovering above the world and shouting,

“Control! Control!”

As man tries more and more to banish Christ’s presence from the world, wherever they succeed, chaos takes His place. And with chaos, comes fear. And with fear, comes the opportunity to control.Continue reading

Black and White

On the memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions,
Martyred by fellow Africans

Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man
and that you are not concerned with anyone’s opinion.
You do not regard a person’s status
but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. (Yesterday’s Gospel)


GROWING up on the Canadian prairies in a country that had long embraced multiculturalism as part of her creed, my classmates were from nearly every background on the planet. One friend was of aboriginal blood, his skin brownish red. My polish friend, who barely spoke English, was a pale white. Another playmate was Chinese with yellowish skin. The kids we played with up the street, one who would eventually deliver our third daughter, were dark East Indians. Then there were our Scottish and Irish friends, pink-skinned and freckled. And our Filipino neighbours around the corner were a soft brown. When I worked in radio, I grew in good friendships with a Sikh and a Muslim. In my television days, a Jewish comedian and I became great friends, eventually attending his wedding. And my adopted niece, the same age as my youngest son, is a beautiful African American girl from Texas. In other words, I was and am colorblind. Continue reading

Warnings in the Wind

Our Lady of Sorrows, painting by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


The past three days, the winds here have been unceasing and strong. All day yesterday, we were under a “Wind Warning.” When I started to reread this post just now, I knew I had to republish it. The warning herein is crucial and must be heeded regarding those who are “playing in sin.” The followup to this writing is “Hell Unleashed“, which gives practical advice on closing the cracks in one’s spiritual life so that Satan cannot get a stronghold. These two writings are a serious warning about turning from sin… and going to confession while we still can. First published in 2012…Continue reading

Apocalypse… Not?


RECENTLY, some Catholic intellects have been downplaying if not outright dismissing any notion that our generation could be living in the “end times.” Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor team up in their first webcast to respond with a reasoned rebuttal to the naysayers of this hour…Continue reading

The Real “Witchcraft”


…your merchants were the great men of the earth,
all nations were led astray by your magic potion. (Rev 18:23)

Greek for “magic potion” : φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) —
the use of medicine, drugs or spells
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Awakening to the Storm


I HAVE received numerous letters over the years from people saying, “My grandmother talked about these times decades ago.” But many of those grandmothers have long since passed on. And then there was the explosion of the prophetic in the 1990’s with the messages of Fr. Stefano Gobbi, Medjugorje, and other prominent seers. But as the turn of the millennium came and went and expectations of imminent apocalyptic changes never materialized, a certain sleepiness to the times, if not cynicism, set in. Prophecy in the Church became a point of suspicion; bishops were quick to marginalize private revelation; and those who did follow it seemed to be on the fringe of the Church’s life in shrinking Marian and Charismatic circles.Continue reading

A Prophetic Webcast…?


THE bulk of this writing apostolate has been relaying “the now word” that is being spoken through the popes, the Mass readings, Our Lady, or visionaries throughout the world. But it has also involved speaking the now word that has been put on my own heart. As Our Blessed Lady once said to St. Catherine Labouré:Continue reading

Science Will Not Save Us


‘Civilizations collapse slowly, just slowly enough
so you think it might not really happen.
And just fast enough so that
there’s little time to maneuver.’

The Plague Journal, p. 160, a novel
by Michael D. O’Brien


WHO doesn’t love science? The discoveries of our universe, whether the intricacies of DNA or the passing of comets, continue to fascinate. How things work, why they work, where they come from—these are perennial questions from deep within the human heart. We want to know and understand our world. And at one time, we even wanted to know the One behind it, as Einstein himself stated:Continue reading



This writing from nine years ago came to mind a couple of days ago. I wasn’t going to republish it until I received a wild confirmation this morning (read to the end!) The following was first published on January 11th, 2011 at 13:33…


FOR some time now, I have spoken with the occasional reader who is befuddled as to why they are suddenly seeing the number 11:11 or 1:11, or 3:33, 4:44, etc. Whether glancing at a clock, a cellphone, television, page number, etc. they are suddenly seeing this number “everywhere.” For instance, they won’t look at the clock all day, but suddenly feel the urge to look up, and there it is again.

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Spiraling Toward the Eye




The following is the “now word” on my heart on this Feast of the Mother of God. It is adapted from the Third Chapter of my book The Final Confrontation about how time is accelerating. Do you feel it? Perhaps this is why…


But the hour is coming, and is now here… 
(John 4:23)


IT may seem that to apply the words of the Old Testament prophets as well as the book of Revelation to our day is perhaps presumptuous or even fundamentalist. Yet, the words of the prophets such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi and St. John, to name but a few, are now burning in my heart in a way they did not in the past. Many people I have met in my travels say the same thing, that the readings of the Mass have taken on a powerful meaning and relevance that they never felt before.Continue reading

On Those Idols…


IT was to be a benign tree-planting ceremony, a consecration of the Amazonian Synod to St. Francis. The event was not organized by the Vatican but the Order of Friars Minor, the World Catholic Movement for Climate (GCCM) and REPAM (Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network). The Pope, flanked by other hierarchy, gathered in the Vatican Gardens along with indigenous folk from the Amazon. A canoe, a basket, wooden statues of pregnant women and other “artifacts” were set in front of the Holy Father. What happened next, however, sent shockwaves throughout Christendom: several people present suddenly bowed down before the “artifacts.” This no longer seemed to be a simple “visible sign of integral ecology,” as stated in the Vatican’s press release, but had all the appearances of a pagan ritual. The central question immediately became, “Who were the statues representing?”Continue reading

Newman’s Prophecy

St. John Henry Newman inset by Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896)
Canonized on October 13th, 2019


FOR a number of years, whenever I spoke publicly about the times we are living in, I would have to carefully paint a picture through the words of the popes and saints. People were simply not ready to hear from a nobody-layman like me that we are about to face the greatest struggle the Church has ever gone through—what John Paul II called “the final confrontation” of this era. Nowadays, I barely have to say anything. Most people of faith can tell, despite the good that still exists, that something has gone terribly wrong with our world.Continue reading

The Spirit of Control


WHILE praying before the Blessed Sacrament in 2007, I had a sudden and strong impression of an angel in the mid-heavens hovering above the world and shouting,

“Control! Control!”

As man tries to banish Christ’s presence from the world, wherever they succeed, chaos takes His place. And with chaos, comes fear. And with fear, comes the opportunity to control. But the spirit of Control is not only in the world at large, it is operating in the Church as well… Continue reading

The Signs of Our Times

Notre Dame on Fire, Thomas Samson/Agence France-Presse


IT was the coldest day on our visit to Jerusalem last month. The breeze was merciless as the sun fought against the clouds for dominion. It was here on the Mount of Olives that Jesus wept over that ancient city. Our pilgrim group entered the chapel there, rising above the Garden of Gethsemane, to say Mass.Continue reading