The Gift


In my reflection On Radical Traditionalism, I ultimately pointed toward a spirit of rebellion in both the so-called “extreme conservative” as well as “progressive” in the Church. In the former, they only accept a narrow theological view of the Catholic Church while rejecting the fullness of the Faith. On the other hand, the progressive attempts to alter or add to the “deposit of faith.” Neither is borne of the Spirit of truth; neither is in keeping with Sacred Tradition (despite their protests).Continue reading

The Resurrection of the Church


The most authoritative view, and the one that appears
to be most in harmony with Holy Scripture, is that,
after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will
once again enter upon a period of
prosperity and triumph.

The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life,
Fr. Charles Arminjon (1824-1885), p. 56-57; Sophia Institute Press


THERE is a mysterious passage in the book of Daniel that is unfolding in our time. It further reveals what God is planning at this hour as the world continues its descent into darkness…Continue reading

The Promised Kingdom


BOTH terror and exultant victory. That was the vision of the prophet Daniel of a future time when a “great beast” would arise over the whole world, a beast “quite different” than previous beasts who imposed their rule. He said it “shall devour the whole earth, beat it down, and crush it” through “ten kings.” It will overturn the law and even alter the calendar. From its head sprung a diabolical horn whose goal is to “oppress the holy ones of the Most High.” For three and a half years, says Daniel, they will be handed over to him — he who is universally recognized as the “Antichrist.”Continue reading

An Apostolic Timeline


JUST when we think God should throw in the towel, He throws in another few centuries. This is why predictions as specific as “this October” have to be regarded with prudence and caution. But we also know the Lord has a plan that is being brought to fulfillment, a plan that is culminating in these times, according to not only numerous seers but, in fact, the Early Church Fathers.Continue reading

The Thousand Years


Then I saw an angel come down from heaven,
holding in his hand the key to the abyss and a heavy chain.
He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan,
and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss,
which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer
lead the nations astray until the thousand years are completed.
After this, it is to be released for a short time.

Then I saw thrones; those who sat on them were entrusted with judgment.
I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God,
and who had not worshiped the beast or its image
nor had accepted its mark on their foreheads or hands.
They came to life and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

(Rev 20:1-4, Friday’s first Mass reading)


THERE is, perhaps, no Scripture more widely interpreted, more eagerly contested and even divisive, than this passage from the Book of Revelation. In the early Church, Jewish converts believed that the “thousand years” referred to Jesus coming again to literally reign on earth and establish a political kingdom amidst carnal banquets and festivity.[1]“…who then rise again shall enjoy the leisure of immoderate carnal banquets, furnished with an amount of meat and drink such as not only to shock the feeling of the temperate, but even to surpass the measure of credulity itself.” (St. Augustine, City of God, Bk. XX, Ch. 7) However, the Church Fathers quickly kiboshed that expectation, declaring it a heresy — what we call today millenarianism [2]see Millenarianism — What it is and is Not and How the Era was Lost.Continue reading


1 “…who then rise again shall enjoy the leisure of immoderate carnal banquets, furnished with an amount of meat and drink such as not only to shock the feeling of the temperate, but even to surpass the measure of credulity itself.” (St. Augustine, City of God, Bk. XX, Ch. 7)
2 see Millenarianism — What it is and is Not and How the Era was Lost

Jesus is Coming!


First published December 6th, 2019.


I WANT to say it as clear and loud and boldly as I possibly can: Jesus is coming! Did you think that Pope John Paul II was just being poetic when he said:Continue reading

The Greatest Sign of the Times


I KNOW that I have not written much for several months about the “times” in which we are living. The chaos of our recent move to the province of Alberta has been a major upheaval. But the other reason is that a certain hard-heartedness has set in the Church, particularly among educated Catholics who have displayed a shocking lack of discernment and even willingness to see what is unfolding all around them. Even Jesus eventually fell silent when the people became stiff-necked.[1]cf. The Silent Answer Ironically, it is vulgar comedians like Bill Maher or honest feminists like Naomi Wolfe, who have become the unwitting “prophets” of our times. They seem to see more clearly these days than a vast majority of the Church! Once the icons of leftwing political correctness, they are now the ones warning that a dangerous ideology is sweeping across the world, eradicating freedom and trampling upon common sense — even if they express themselves imperfectly. As Jesus said to the Pharisees, “I tell you, if these [ie. the Church] were silent, the very stones would cry out.” [2]Luke 19:40Continue reading


1 cf. The Silent Answer
2 Luke 19:40

Not a Magic Wand


THE Consecration of Russia on March 25th, 2022 is a monumental event, insofar as it fulfills the explicit request of Our Lady of Fatima.[1]cf. Did the Consecration of Russia Happen? 

In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.—Message of Fatima,

However, it would be a mistake to believe this is akin to waving some kind of magic wand that will cause all our troubles to disappear. No, the Consecration does not override the biblical imperative that Jesus clearly proclaimed:Continue reading


The Mystery of the Kingdom of God


What is the Kingdom of God like?
To what can I compare it?
It is like a mustard seed that a man took
and planted in the garden.
When it was fully grown, it became a large bush
and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.

(Today’s Gospel)


EVERY day, we pray the words: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Jesus would not have taught us to pray as such unless we were to expect the Kingdom yet to come. At the same time, the first words of Our Lord in His ministry were:Continue reading

The Victors


THE most remarkable thing about Our Lord Jesus is that He keeps nothing for Himself. He not only gives all glory to the Father, but then wills to share His glory with us to the extent that we become coheirs and copartners with Christ (cf. Eph 3:6).

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The Coming Sabbath Rest


FOR 2000 years, the Church has laboured to draw souls into her bosom. She has endured persecutions and betrayals, heretics and schismatics. She has gone through seasons of glory and growth, decline and division, power and poverty whilst tirelessly proclaiming the Gospel — if only at times through a remnant. But someday, said the Church Fathers, she will enjoy a “Sabbath Rest” — an Era of Peace on earth before the end of the world. But what exactly is this rest, and what brings it about?Continue reading

Preparing for the Era of Peace

Photo by Michał Maksymilian Gwozdek


Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.
—POPE PIUS XI, Quas Primas, n. 1; Dec. 11th, 1925

Holy Mary, Mother of God, our Mother,
teach us to believe, to hope, to love with you.
Show us the way to his Kingdom!
Star of the Sea, shine upon us and guide us on our way!
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvin. 50


WHAT essentially is the “Era of Peace” that is coming after these days of darkness? Why did the papal theologian for five popes, including St. John Paul II, say it will be “the greatest miracle in the history of the world, second only to the Resurrection?”[1]Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi was the papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and St. John Paul II; from Family Catechism, (Sept. 9th, 1993), p. 35 Why did Heaven say to Elizabeth Kindelmann of Hungary…Continue reading


1 Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi was the papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and St. John Paul II; from Family Catechism, (Sept. 9th, 1993), p. 35

The Middle Coming

Pentecôte (Pentecost), by Jean II Restout (1732)


ONE of the great mysteries of the “end times” being unveiled at this hour is the reality that Jesus Christ is coming, not in the flesh, but in Spirit to establish His Kingdom and reign among all the nations. Yes, Jesus will come in His glorified flesh eventually, but His final coming is reserved for that literal “last day” on earth when time will cease. So, when several seers around the world continue to say, “Jesus is coming soon” to establish His Kingdom in an “Era of Peace,” what does this mean? Is it biblical and is it in Catholic Tradition? 

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Dawn of Hope


WHAT will the Era of Peace be like? Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor go into the beautiful details of the coming Era as found in Sacred Tradition and the prophecies of mystics and seers. Watch or listen to this exciting webcast to learn about events that may transpire in your lifetime!Continue reading

The Era of Peace


MYSTICS and popes alike say that we are living in the “end times”, the end of an era—but not the end of the world. What is coming, they say, is an Era of Peace. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor show where this is in Scripture and how it is consistent with the Early Church Fathers to the present day Magisterium as they continue to explain the Timeline on Countdown to the Kingdom.Continue reading

The Last Museum


A Short Story
Mark Mallett


(First published February 21st, 2018.)


2088 A.D.... Fifty-five years after The Great Storm.


HE drew a deep breath as he stared at the oddly twisted, soot-covered metal roof of The Last Museum—named so, because it simply would be. Tightly closing his eyes, a flood of memories ripped open a cavern in his mind that had long been sealed… the first time he’d ever seen nuclear fallout… the ash from the volcanoes… the suffocating air… the black billowing clouds that hung in the sky like dense clusters of grapes, blocking the sun for months on end…Continue reading

When He Calms the Storm


IN previous ice ages, the effects of global cooling were devastating on many regions. Shorter growing seasons led to failed crops, famine and starvation, and as a result, disease, poverty, civil unrest, revolution, and even war. As you just read in The Winter of Our Chastisementboth scientists and Our Lord are predicting what seems to be the onset of another “little ice age.” If so, it may shed a new light on why Jesus spoke of these particular signs at the end of an age (and they are virtually a summary of the Seven Seals of Revolution also spoken of by St. John):Continue reading

The Coming Age of Love


First published on October 4th, 2010. 


Dear young friends, the Lord is asking you to be prophets of this new age… —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Homily, World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia, July 20th, 2008

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Becoming an Ark of God


The Church, which comprises the elect,
is fittingly styled daybreak or dawn…
It will be fully day for her when she shines
with the perfect brilliance of interior light
—St. Gregory the Great, Pope; Liturgy of the Hours, Vol III, p. 308 (see also The Smoldering Candle and Wedding Preparations to understand the coming corporate mystical union, which will be preceded by a “dark night of the soul” for the Church.)


BEFORE Christmas, I asked the question: Is the Eastern Gate Opening? That is, are we beginning to see signs of the ultimate fulfillment of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart coming in to view? If so, what signs should we see? I would recommend reading that exciting writing if you have not yet.Continue reading

Journey to the Promised Land

for August 18th, 2017
Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Liturgical texts here


THE whole of the Old Testament is a kind of metaphor for the New Testament Church. What unfolded in the physical realm for the People of God is a “parable” of what God would do spiritually within them. Thus, in the drama, stories, triumphs, failures, and journeys of the Israelites, are hidden the shadows of what is, and is to come for Christ’s Church…Continue reading

When the Weeds Begin to Head

Foxtail in my pasture


I received an email from a distraught reader over an article that appeared recently in Teen Vogue magazine titled: “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know”. The article went on to encourage young people to explore sodomy as if it were as physically harmless and morally benign as clipping one’s toenails. As I pondered that article—and the thousands of headlines I’ve read over the past decade or so since this writing apostolate began, articles which essentially narrate the collapse of Western civilization—a parable came to mind. The parable of my pastures…Continue reading

The Great Unveiling

for April 11th, 2017
Tuesday of Holy Week

Liturgical texts here


Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury—
A violent whirlwind!
It will fall violently on the head of the wicked.
The anger of the Lord will not turn back
until He has executed and performed
the thoughts of His heart.

In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.
(Jeremiah 23:19-20)


JEREMIAH’s words are reminiscent of the prophet Daniel’s, who said something similar after he too received visions of the “latter days”:

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What If…?

What’s around the bend?


IN an open letter to the Pope, [1]cf. Dear Holy Father… He is Coming! I outlined to His Holiness the theological foundations for an “era of peace” as opposed to the heresy of millenarianism. [2]cf. Millenarianism: What it is and is Not and the Catechism [CCC} n.675-676 Indeed, Padre Martino Penasa posed the question on the scriptural foundation of an historic and universal era of peace versus millenarianism to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “È imminente una nuova era di vita cristiana?” (“Is a new era of Christian life imminent?”). The Prefect at that time, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied, “La questione è ancora aperta alla libera discussione, giacchè la Santa Sede non si è ancora pronunciata in modo definitivo”:

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1 cf. Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!
2 cf. Millenarianism: What it is and is Not and the Catechism [CCC} n.675-676

The Popes, and the Dawning Era

Photo, Max Rossi/Reuters


THERE can be no doubt that the pontiffs of the last century have been exercising their prophetic office so as to awaken believers to the drama unfolding in our day (see Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?). It is a decisive battle between the culture of life and the culture of death… the woman clothed with the sun—in labor to give birth to a new era—versus the dragon who seeks to destroy it, if not attempt to establish his own kingdom and “new age” (see Rev 12:1-4; 13:2). But while we know Satan will fail, Christ will not. The great Marian saint, Louis de Montfort, frames it well:

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Creation Reborn



THE “culture of death”, that Great Culling and The Great Poisoning, are not the final word. The havoc wreaked upon the planet by man is not the final say on human affairs. For neither the New nor the Old Testament speak of the end of the world after the influence and reign of the “beast.” Rather, they speak of a divine renovation of the earth where true peace and justice will reign for a time as the “knowledge of the Lord” spreads from sea to sea (cf. Is 11:4-9; Jer 31:1-6; Ezek 36:10-11; Mic 4:1-7; Zech 9:10; Matt 24:14; Rev 20:4).

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD; all the families of nations will bow low before him. (Ps 22:28)

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The Kingdom Will Never End

for Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

Liturgical texts here

The Annunciation; Sandro Botticelli; 1485


AMONG the most powerful and prophetic words spoken to Mary by the angel Gabriel was the promise that her Son’s Kingdom would never end. This is good news for those who fear that the Catholic Church is in its death throws…

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Vindication and Glory

for Tuesday, December 13th, 2016
Opt. Memorial of St. John of the Cross

Liturgical texts here

From the Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, c. 1511


“OH well, I tried.”

Somehow, after thousands of years of salvation history, the suffering, death and Resurrection of the Son of God, the arduous journey of the Church and her saints through the centuries… I doubt those will be the Lord’s words in the end. Scripture tells us otherwise:

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Hiding in Plain Sight


NOT long after we were married, my wife planted our first garden. She took me for a tour pointing out the potatoes, beans, cucumbers, lettuce, corn, etc. After she finished showing me the rows, I turned to her and said, “But where’s the pickles?” She looked at me, pointed to a row and said, “The cucumbers are there.”

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Comfort in His Coming

for Tuesday, December 6th, 2016
Opt. Memorial of St. Nicholas

Liturgical texts here



IS it possible that, this Advent, we are truly preparing for the coming of Jesus? If we listen to what the popes have been saying (The Popes, and the Dawning Era), to what Our Lady is saying (Is Jesus Really Coming?), to what the Church Fathers are saying (The Middle Coming), and put all the pieces together (Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!), the answer is an emphatic “yes!” Not that Jesus is coming this December 25th. And nor is He coming in a way that evangelical movie flicks have been suggesting, preceded by a rapture, etc. It is a coming of Christ within the hearts of the faithful to bring to fulfillment all the promises of Scripture that we are reading this month in the book of Isaiah.

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In This Vigil



A word that has given me strength for many years now came from Our Lady in the famed apparitions of Medjugorje. Mirroring the urging of Vatican II and the contemporary popes, she also called us to look at the “signs of the times”, as she implored in 2006:

My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them? —April 2nd, 2006, quoted in My Heart Will Triumph by Mirjana Soldo, p. 299

It was in this same year that the Lord called me in a powerful experience to begin speaking of the signs of the times. [1]see Words and Warnings I was terrified because, at that time, I was being awakened to the possibility that the Church was entering the “end times”—not the end of the world, but that period that would eventually usher in the final things. To speak of the “end times”, though, immediately opens one to rejection, misunderstanding, and ridicule. However, the Lord was asking me to be nailed to this cross.

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1 see Words and Warnings

Is Jesus Really Coming?

majesticloud.jpgPhoto by Janice Matuch


A friend connected to the underground Church in China told me of this incident not long ago:

Two mountain villagers descended into a Chinese city looking for a specific female leader of the underground Church there. This elderly husband and wife were not Christians. But in a vision, they were given the name of a woman they were to look for and deliver a message.

When they found this woman, the couple said, “A bearded man appeared to us in the sky and said we were to come tell you that ‘Jesus is returning.’

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New Holiness… or New Heresy?



FROM a reader in response to my writing on The Coming New and Divine Holiness:

Jesus Christ is the greatest Gift of all, and the good news is He is with us right now in all His fullness and power through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is now within the hearts of those who have been born again… now is the day of salvation. Right now, we, the redeemed are the sons of God and will be made manifest at the appointed time… we don’t need to wait on any so called secrets of some alleged apparition to be fulfilled or Luisa Piccarreta’s understanding of Living in the Divine Will in order for us to be made perfect…

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The Coming New and Divine Holiness



GOD wishes to do something in mankind that He has never done before, save for a few individuals, and that is to give the gift of Himself so completely to His Bride, that she begins to live and move and have her being in a completely new mode.

He wishes to give the Church the “sanctity of sanctities.”

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The Rising Morning Star


Jesus said, “My kingdom does not belong to this world” (Jn 18:36). Why, then, are many Christians today looking to politicians to restore all things in Christ? Only through Christ’s coming will His kingdom be established in the hearts of those who are waiting, and they in turn, will renew humanity through the power of the Holy Spirit. Look to the East, dear brothers and sisters, and no where else…. for He is coming. 


MISSING from nearly all Protestant prophecy is what we Catholics call the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.” That’s because Evangelical Christians almost universally omit the intrinsic role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in salvation history beyond Christ’s birth—something Scripture itself does not even do. Her role, designated from the very beginning of creation, is closely linked to that of the Church, and like the Church, is oriented entirely toward the glorification of Jesus in the Holy Trinity.

As you will read, the “Flame of Love” of her Immaculate Heart is the rising morning star that will have the dual purpose of crushing Satan and establishing the reign of Christ on earth, as it is in Heaven…

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Where Heaven Touches Earth




IT was to be our last Mass at the Monastery before my daughter and I would fly back to Canada. I opened my missalette to August 29th, the Memorial of The Passion of Saint John the Baptist. My thoughts drifted back to several years ago when, while praying before the Blessed Sacrament in my spiritual director’s chapel, I heard in my heart the words, “I am giving you the ministry of John the Baptist.” (Perhaps this is why I sensed Our Lady call me by the strange nickname “Juanito” during this trip. But let’s remember what happened to John the Baptist in the end…)

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Where Heaven Touches Earth


img_1525Our Lady on Mount Tabor, Mexico


God reveals Himself to those who wait for that revelation,
and who don’t try to tear at the hem of a mystery, forcing disclosure.

—Servant of God, Catherine de Hueck Doherty


MY days on Mount Tabor were drawing to a close, and yet, I knew there was more “light” to come.Continue reading

The Coming Resurrection



A question from a reader:

In Revelation 20, it says the beheaded, etc. will also come back to life and reign with Christ. What do you think that means? Or what might it look like? I believe it could be literal but wondered if you had more insight…

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Preparing for Reign



THERE is a far greater plan behind the Lenten Retreat which so many of you just participated in. The call at this hour to intense prayer, the renewal of the mind, and faithfulness to the Word of God is actually a preparation for Reign—the reign of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

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Something Beautiful

for November 29th-30th, 2015
Feast of Saint Andrew

Liturgical texts here


AS we begin this Advent, my heart is filled with wonder of the Lord’s desire to restore all things in Himself, to make the world beautiful again.

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