First published June 5th, 2013…
IF I may recall briefly here a powerful experience about ten years ago when I felt driven to go to the church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament…
First published June 5th, 2013…
IF I may recall briefly here a powerful experience about ten years ago when I felt driven to go to the church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament…
THERE is a Scripture lingering on my heart for months now, one I would consider a chief “sign of the times”:
Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. (Matt 24:11-12)
What many people may not connect is “false prophets” with the “increase of evildoing.” But today, there is a direct connection.Continue reading
In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things,
that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.
—Cardinal Luigi Ciappi,
—cited in The Still Hidden Secret,
Christopher A. Ferrara, p. 43
IN a statement on the Vatican’s website, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone provided an interpretation of the so-called “Third Secret of Fatima” suggesting that the vision had already been fulfilled by the attempted assassination of John Paul II. To say the least, many Catholics were left perplexed and unconvinced. Many felt there was nothing in this vision that was too astonishing to be revealed, as Catholics had been told in decades prior. What exactly disturbed popes so much that they allegedly kept the secret hidden all those years? It’s a fair question.Continue reading
IF we seek Jesus, the Beloved, we should seek Him where He is. And where He is, is there, on the altars of His Church. Why then is He not surrounded by thousands of believers every day in the Masses said throughout the world? Is it because even we Catholics no longer believe that His Body is Real Food and His Blood, Real Presence?Continue reading
Woe to the shepherds of Israel
who have been pasturing themselves!
Should not shepherds pasture the flock?
(Ezekiel 34:5-6)
IT’S clear the Church has entered a period of great confusion and division — exactly what Our Lady predicted at Akita when she said:
The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. —to the late Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan, October 13th, 1973
It follows that if the shepherds are in disarray, so too, will be the sheep. Spend an hour or two on social media and you’ll find Catholics openly and bitterly divided in unexpected ways.Continue reading
A storm has swirled of late around Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Her Cause for canonization was reportedly “paused” earlier this year due to a private letter from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) to another bishop. The Korean bishops and a couple others issued negative statements against the Servant of God that were theologically weak. Then a rash of YouTube videos appeared from a priest calling the messages of Luisa, which bear some 19 Imprimaturs and Nihil Obstats, “pornographic” and “demonic.” His bizarre rants (more “toxic radical traditionalism“) played well into those who have not properly studied the messages of this Servant of God, which reveal as it were the “science” of the Divine Will. Moreover, it was a direct contradiction of the Church’s official position that remains in effect to this day:
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SHE looked at me like I was crazy. As I spoke at a conference about the Church’s mission to evangelize and the power of the Gospel, a woman seated near the back had a contorted look on her face. She would occasionally whisper mockingly to her sister sitting beside her and then return to me with a stupefied gaze. It was hard not to notice. But then, it was hard not to notice her sister’s expression, which was markedly different; her eyes spoke of a soul searching, processing, and yet, not certain.Continue reading
IN a previous webcast with US Grace Force, we discussed “toxic radical traditionalism” that is causing new divisions. I received several letters where people wept during the webcast, as it spoke deeply to them. Yet, others responded defensively and harshly, jumping to conclusions that were baseless.
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Vladimir Lenin launched the communist revolution
under which as many as 60 million died
(according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
SINCE Christ’s ascension, the history of mankind has seen the rise and fall of fearsome armies and dictators. From the final persecutions of the Roman Empire to the onslaught of Islam to the rise of fascist regimes, recent centuries are not without their troubling figures. But it was only when Communism was about to explode upon the horizon that Heaven saw fit to send Our Lady with a dire warning:Continue reading
THE nearer we draw to the eye of the Great Storm, the more trials, chaos, and grace are increasing. But so too are divisions among the Body of Christ. From modernism to radical traditionalism, the emergence of factions within the Church threatens to tear apart her unity.Continue reading
HAY season is just wrapping up for me (which is why I have been absent of late). Today, as I was heading to the last field to harvest, I was taking notice of the crops around me. As far as the eye could see, almost all of them are canola. This is (now) a genetically modified seed that is sprayed with glyphosate (aka. Roundup) several times before harvesting.[1]Glyphosate is now linked to sperm reduction and cancer. The end product is not something you can eat, at least, not directly. The seed is turned into various products such as canola oil or margarine — but not an edible like wheat, barley, or rye.
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↑1 | Glyphosate is now linked to sperm reduction and cancer. |
In my reflection On Radical Traditionalism, I ultimately pointed toward a spirit of rebellion in both the so-called “extreme conservative” as well as “progressive” in the Church. In the former, they only accept a narrow theological view of the Catholic Church while rejecting the fullness of the Faith. On the other hand, the progressive attempts to alter or add to the “deposit of faith.” Neither is borne of the Spirit of truth; neither is in keeping with Sacred Tradition (despite their protests).Continue reading
THERE is no question that a post-Vatican II revolution of “progressives” has wreaked havoc in the Church, ultimately levelling entire religious orders, church architecture, music and Catholic culture – manifestly witnessed in all things surrounding the Liturgy. I have written much about the damage to the Mass as it emerged after the Second Vatican Council (see Weaponizing the Mass). I have heard first-hand accounts of how “reformers” entered into parishes late at night, white-washing iconography, smashing statues, and taking a chainsaw to ornate high altars. In their place, a simple altar covered in a white cloth was left standing in the middle of the sanctuary — to the horror of many churchgoers at the next Mass. “What the Communists did in our churches by force,” immigrants from Russia and Poland have said to me, “is what you’re doing yourselves!”Continue reading
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you…
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly Father
give good things to those who ask him.
(Matt 7:7-11)
Recently, the writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta have been cast into doubt, if not slanderously attacked, by certain radical traditionalists.[1]cf. Luisa Attacked Again; One claim is that Luisa’s writings are “pornographic” because of symbolic imagery, for example, of Luisa “suckling” at the breast of Christ. However, this is the very mystical language of Scripture itself: “You shall suck the milk of nations, and be nursed at royal breasts… That you may drink with delight at her abundant breasts!… As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you…” (Isaiah 60:16, 66:11-13) There was also a leaked private communique between the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and a bishop that appears to have suspended her Cause while the Korean bishops issued a negative but strange ruling.[2]see Is Luisa Piccarreta’s Cause Suspended? However, the official position of the Church on the writings of this Servant of God remains one of “approval” as her writings bear the proper ecclesial seals, which have not been revoked by the Pope.[3]ie. Luisa’s first 19 volumes received the Nihil Obstat from St. Hannibal di Francia, and the Imprimatur from Bishop Joseph Leo. The Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will also bear the same ecclesiastical seals.Continue reading
↑1 | cf. Luisa Attacked Again; One claim is that Luisa’s writings are “pornographic” because of symbolic imagery, for example, of Luisa “suckling” at the breast of Christ. However, this is the very mystical language of Scripture itself: “You shall suck the milk of nations, and be nursed at royal breasts… That you may drink with delight at her abundant breasts!… As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you…” (Isaiah 60:16, 66:11-13) |
↑2 | see Is Luisa Piccarreta’s Cause Suspended? |
↑3 | ie. Luisa’s first 19 volumes received the Nihil Obstat from St. Hannibal di Francia, and the Imprimatur from Bishop Joseph Leo. The Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will also bear the same ecclesiastical seals. |
We may see that attacks
against the Pope and the Church
do not only come from outside;
rather, the sufferings of the Church
come from inside the Church,
from the sin that exists in the Church.
This was always common knowledge,
but today we see it in truly terrifying form:
the greatest persecution of the Church
does not come from external enemies,
but is born of sin within the Church.
interview on flight to Lisbon,
Portugal, May 12th, 2010
WITH a collapse of leadership in the Catholic Church and a progressive agenda emerging from Rome, more and more Catholics are fleeing their parishes to seek out “traditional” Masses and havens of orthodoxy.Continue reading
THE Vatican has issued new norms for discerning “alleged supernatural phenomena”, but without leaving bishops with the authority to declare mystical phenomena as heaven-sent. How will this impact not only the ongoing discernment of apparitions but all supernatural workings in the Church?Continue reading
When does an empire die?
Does it collapse in one terrible moment?
No, no.
But there comes a time
when its people no longer believe in it…
—trailer, Megalopolis
IN 2012, as my flight soared above California, I felt the Spirit urging me to read Revelation Chapters 17-18. As I began to read, it was as though a veil was lifting on this arcane book, like another page of thin tissue turning to reveal a bit more of the mysterious image of the “end times.” The word “apocalypse” means, in fact, the unveiling.
What I read began to put America into a completely new biblical light. As I researched the historical foundations of that country, I could not help but see it as perhaps the most worthy candidate of what St. John called “mystery babylon” (read Mystery Babylon). Since then, two recent trends seem to cement that view…
WITH news headlines becoming more grim and dire by the hour and prophetic words echoing much the same, fear and anxiety are causing people to “lose it.” This crucial webcast explains, then, just how we can “keep it together” as the world around us literally begins to crumble…Continue reading
First published July 5th, 2007…
PRAYING before the Blessed Sacrament, the Lord seemed to explain why the world is entering a purification that now, seems irreversible.
Throughout the history of My Church, there have been times when the Body of Christ has taken ill. At those times I have sent remedies.
And so I solemnly declare to you this day
that I am not responsible
for the blood of any of you,
for I did not shrink from proclaiming to you
the entire plan of God…
So be vigilant and remember
that for three years, night and day,
I unceasingly admonished each of you
with tears.
(Acts 20:26-27, 31)
After three years of intensive research and writing on the “pandemic,” including a documentary that went viral, I have written very little about it in the past year. Partly due to extreme burnout, partly a need to decompress from the discrimination and hatred my family experienced in the community where we formerly lived. That, and one can only warn so much until you hit critical mass: when those with ears to hear have heard — and the rest will only understand once the consequences of unheeded warning touches them personally.
IT doesn’t seem that long ago that I stood on a prairie field as a storm began to roll in. The words spoken in my heart then became the defining “now word” that would form the basis of this apostolate for the next 18 years:Continue reading
ONE of the “now words” the Lord has sealed on my heart is that He is allowing His people to be tested and refined in a kind of “last call” to the saints. He is allowing the “cracks” in our spiritual lives to be exposed and exploited in order to shake us, as there is no longer any time left to sit on the fence. It is as though a gentle warning from Heaven before the Warning, like the illuminating light of dawn before the Sun breaks the horizon. This illumination is a gift [1]Heb 12:5-7: ‘“My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him; for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges.” Endure your trials as “discipline”; God treats you as sons. For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline?’ to awaken us to the great spiritual dangers that we are facing since we have entered an epochal change — the time of harvest. Continue reading
↑1 | Heb 12:5-7: ‘“My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him; for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges.” Endure your trials as “discipline”; God treats you as sons. For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline?’ |
There is no other way to describe it other than an oppressive heaviness. I sat there, hunched over in my pew, straining to listen to the Mass readings on Divine Mercy Sunday. It was as though the words were hitting my ears and bouncing off.
THE second Sunday of Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday. It is a day that Jesus promised to pour out immeasurable graces to the degree that, for some, it is “the last hope of salvation.” Still, many Catholics have no idea what this feast is or never hear about it from the pulpit. As you’ll see, this is no ordinary day…
Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors to Christ”!
—ST. JOHN PAUL II, Homily, Saint Peter’s Square
October 22, 1978, No. 5
First published June 18th, 2019.
YES, I know John Paul II often said, “Be not afraid!” But as we see the Storm winds increasing around us and waves beginning to overwhelm the Barque of Peter… as freedom of religion and speech become fragile and the possibility of an antichrist remains on the horizon… as Marian prophecies are being fulfilled in real-time and the warnings of the popes go unheeded… as your own personal troubles, divisions and sorrows mount around you… how can one possibly not be afraid?”Continue reading
The most authoritative view, and the one that appears
to be most in harmony with Holy Scripture, is that,
after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will
once again enter upon a period of
prosperity and triumph.
—The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life,
Fr. Charles Arminjon (1824-1885), p. 56-57; Sophia Institute Press
THERE is a mysterious passage in the book of Daniel that is unfolding in our time. It further reveals what God is planning at this hour as the world continues its descent into darkness…Continue reading
If the Church is to “enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover” (CCC 677), that is, The Passion of the Church, then she will also follow her Lord through the Tomb…
If the word has not converted,
it will be blood that converts.
—ST. JOHN PAUL II, from poem “Stanislaw“
Some of my regular readers may have noticed that I have written less in recent months. Part of the reason, as you know, is because we are in the fight for our lives against industrial wind turbines — a fight we are beginning to make some progress on.
Having written about the “climate change” deception for nearly a decade (see Related Reading below), this new film is a fresh breath of truth. Climate: The Movie is a brilliant and crucial summary of the global power grab through the levers of “pandemics” and “climate change.”
Just as Our Lord’s face was disfigured in His Passion, so too, the face of the Church has become disfigured in this hour. What does she stand for? What is her mission? What is her message? What does real Christianity really look like?
Jesus is the only Gospel: we have nothing further to say
or any other witness to bear.
Evangelium Vitae, n. 80
All around us, the winds of this Great Storm have begun to beat down upon this poor humanity. The sad parade of death led by the rider of the Second Seal of Revelation who “takes peace away from the world” (Rev 6:4), boldly marches through our nations. Whether it is through war, abortion, euthanasia, the poisoning of our food, air, and water or the pharmakeia of the powerful, the dignity of man is being trodden beneath the hooves of that red horse… and his peace robbed. It is the “image of God” that is under assault.
Life is always a good.
This is an instinctive perception and a fact of experience,
and man is called to grasp the profound reason why this is so.
Why is life a good?
Evangelium Vitae, 34
WHAT happens to people’s minds when their culture — a culture of death — informs them that human life is not only disposable but apparently an existential evil to the planet? What happens to the psyche of children and young adults who are repeatedly told that they are just a random by-product of evolution, that their existence is “overpopulating” the earth, that their “carbon footprint” is ruining the planet? What happens to seniors or the ill when they are told that their health issues are costing the “system” too much? What happens to youth who are encouraged to reject their biological sex? What happens to one’s self-image when their worth is defined, not by their inherent dignity but by their productivity?Continue reading
THERE is a mysterious passage in the Gospel of John where Jesus explains that some things are too difficult to be revealed yet to the Apostles.
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth… he will declare to you the things that are to come. (John 16:12-13)
“Walk as children of light … and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph 5:8, 10-11).
In our present social context, marked by a
dramatic struggle between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death”…
the urgent need for such a cultural transformation is linked
to the present historical situation,
it is also rooted in the Church’s mission of evangelization.
The purpose of the Gospel, in fact, is
“to transform humanity from within and to make it new”.
—John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, “The Gospel of Life”, n. 95
JOHN PAUL II’s “Gospel of Life” was a powerful prophetic warning to the Church of an agenda of the “powerful” to impose a “scientifically and systematically programmed… conspiracy against life.” They act, he said, like “The Pharaoh of old, haunted by the presence and increase… of the current demographic growth.“[1]Evangelium, Vitae, n. 16, 17
That was 1995.Continue reading
↑1 | Evangelium, Vitae, n. 16, 17 |
SOMEONE asked me the other day, “You are not leaving the Holy Father or the true magisterium, are you?” I was startled by the question. “No! what gave you that impression??” He said he wasn’t sure. So I reassured him that schism is not on the table. Period.
See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
In the wilderness I make a way,
in the wasteland, rivers.
(Isaiah 43:19)
I HAVE pondered a lot of late about the trajectory of certain elements of the hierarchy toward a false mercy, or what I wrote about a few years ago: an Anti-Mercy. It is the same false compassion of so-called wokism, where in order to “accept others”, everything is to be accepted. The lines of the Gospel are blurred, the message of repentance is ignored, and the liberating demands of Jesus are dismissed for the saccharine compromises of Satan. It seems as if we are finding ways to excuse sin rather than repent of it.Continue reading
Even if we or an angel from heaven
should preach to you a gospel
other than the one that we preached to you,
let that one be accursed!
(Gal 1:8)
THEY spent three years at the feet of Jesus, listening carefully to His teaching. When He ascended into Heaven, He left them a “great commission” to “make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19-20). And then He sent them the “Spirit of truth” to infallibly guide their teaching (Jn 16:13). Hence, the first homily of the Apostles would no doubt be seminal, setting the direction of the entire Church… and world.
So, what did Peter say??Continue reading
Nihil innovetur, nisi quod traditum est
“Let there be no innovation beyond what has been handed down.”
—POPE Saint Stephen I (+ 257)
THE Vatican’s permission for priests to dole out blessings for same-sex “couples” and those in “irregular” relationships has created a deep fissure within the Catholic Church.
Within days of its announcement, nearly entire continents (Africa), bishops’ conferences (eg. Hungary, Poland), cardinals, and religious orders rejected the self-contradictory language in Fiducia supplicans (FS). According to a press release this morning from Zenit, “15 Episcopal Conferences from Africa and Europe, plus around twenty dioceses worldwide, have prohibited, limited, or suspended the application of the document in the diocesan territory, highlighting the existing polarization around it.”[1]Jan 4, 2024, Zenit A Wikipedia page following opposition to Fiducia supplicans currently counts rejections from 16 bishops’ conferences, 29 individual cardinals and bishops, and seven congregations and priestly, religious, and lay associations. Continue reading
DEAR brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I want to leave you on a more positive note, despite this most troubling week. It’s in the short video below that I recorded last week, but never sent out to you. It’s a most apropos message for what has transpired this week, but is a general message of hope. But I also want to be obedient to the “now word” the Lord has been speaking all week. I will be brief…Continue reading
THE Catholic Church has experienced a deep division with the Vatican’s new Declaration permitting the blessing of same-sex “couples”, with conditions. Some are calling for me to outright condemn the Pope. Mark responds to both controversies in an emotional webcast.Continue reading
Note: Since publishing this, I have added some supporting quotes from authoritative voices as responses around the world continue to roll out. This is too crucial a subject for the collective concerns of the Body of Christ to not be heard. But the framework of this reflection and arguments remain unchanged.
THE news shot across the globe like a missile: “Pope Francis approves allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples” (ABC News). Reuters declared: “Vatican approves blessings for same-sex couples in landmark ruling.” For once, the headlines weren’t twisting the truth, even though there’s more to the story… Continue reading
A NEW scandal has rocketed across the world with headlines proclaiming that Pope Francis has authorized priests to bless same-sex couples. This time, the headlines weren’t spinning it. Is this the Great Shipwreck Our Lady spoke of three years ago? Continue reading
BOTH terror and exultant victory. That was the vision of the prophet Daniel of a future time when a “great beast” would arise over the whole world, a beast “quite different” than previous beasts who imposed their rule. He said it “shall devour the whole earth, beat it down, and crush it” through “ten kings.” It will overturn the law and even alter the calendar. From its head sprung a diabolical horn whose goal is to “oppress the holy ones of the Most High.” For three and a half years, says Daniel, they will be handed over to him — he who is universally recognized as the “Antichrist.”Continue reading
A POWERFUL prophecy was given in St. Peter’s Square in 1975 — words that seem to be unfolding now in our present time. Joining Mark Mallett is the man who received that prophecy, Dr. Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries. They discuss the troubling times, the crisis of faith, and the possibility of the Antichrist in our days — plus the Answer to it all!Continue reading
THE doctor said without hesitation, “We need to either burn or cut out your thyroid to make it more manageable. You will need to stay on medication for the rest of your life.” My wife Lea looked at him like he was crazy and said, “I can’t get rid of a part of my body because it’s not working for you. Why don’t we find the root cause of why my body is attacking itself instead?” The doctor returned her gaze as if she was crazy. He bluntly replied, “You go that route and you’re going to leave your children orphaned.”
But I knew my wife: she would be determined to find the problem and help her body restore itself. Continue reading