The Era of Peace


MYSTICS and popes alike say that we are living in the “end times”, the end of an era—but not the end of the world. What is coming, they say, is an Era of Peace. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor show where this is in Scripture and how it is consistent with the Early Church Fathers to the present day Magisterium as they continue to explain the Timeline on Countdown to the Kingdom.Continue reading

Drawing Near to Jesus


I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all my readers and viewers for your patience (as always) at this time of year when the farm is busy and I also try to sneak in some rest and vacation with my family. Thank you also to those who have offered your prayers and donations for this ministry. I will never have the time to thank everyone personally, but know that I pray for all of you. 


WHAT is the purpose of all my writings, webcasts, podcasts, book, albums, etc.? What is my goal in writing about the “signs of the times” and the “end times”? Certainly, it has been to prepare readers for the days which are now at hand. But at the very heart of all this, the goal is ultimately to draw you nearer to Jesus.Continue reading

Can You Ignore Private Revelation?


Those who have fallen into this worldliness look on from above and afar,
they reject the prophecy of their brothers and sisters…

—POPE FRANCIS, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 97


WITH the events of the past few months, there has been a flurry of so-called “private” or prophetic revelation in the Catholic sphere. This has led to some reasserting the notion that one does not have to believe in private revelations. Is that true? While I’ve covered this topic before, I’m going to respond authoritatively and to the point so that you can pass this on to those who are confused on this issue.Continue reading

The Coming Divine Chastisements


THE world is careening toward Divine Justice, precisely because we are refusing Divine Mercy. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor explain the main reasons why Divine Justice may soon purify the world through various chastisements, including what Heaven calls Three Days of Darkness. Continue reading

The Real False Prophets


The widespread reluctance on the part of many Catholic thinkers
to enter into a profound examination of the apocalyptic elements of contemporary life is,
I believe, part of the very problem which they seek to avoid.
If apocalyptic thinking is left largely to those who have been subjectivized
or who have fallen prey to the vertigo of cosmic terror,
then the Christian community, indeed the whole human community,
is radically impoverished.
And that can be measured in terms of lost human souls.

–Author, Michael D. O’Brien, Are We Living In Apocalyptic Times?


I TURNED off my computer and every device that could possibly stalk my peace. I spent much of the last week floating on a lake, my ears submerged under the water, staring up into the infinite with only a few passing clouds glancing back with their morphing faces. There, in those pristine Canadian waters, I listened to the Silence. I tried not to think about anything except the present moment and what God was carving in the heavens, His little love messages to us in Creation. And I loved Him back.Continue reading