On Recovering Our Dignity


Life is always a good.
This is an instinctive perception and a fact of experience,
and man is called to grasp the profound reason why this is so.
Why is life a good?
Evangelium Vitae, 34


WHAT happens to people’s minds when their culture — a culture of death — informs them that human life is not only disposable but apparently an existential evil to the planet? What happens to the psyche of children and young adults who are repeatedly told that they are just a random by-product of evolution, that their existence is “overpopulating” the earth, that their “carbon footprint” is ruining the planet? What happens to seniors or the ill when they are told that their health issues are costing the “system” too much? What happens to youth who are encouraged to reject their biological sex? What happens to one’s self-image when their worth is defined, not by their inherent dignity but by their productivity?Continue reading