Top Ten Pandemic Fables



Mark Mallett is a former award-winning journalist with CTV News Edmonton (CFRN TV) and resides in Canada.


IT’S a year unlike any other on planet earth. Many know deep down that there is something very wrong taking place. No one is allowed to have an opinion any more, no matter how many PhD’s behind their name. No one has the freedom any longer to make their own medical choices (“My body, my choice” no longer applies). No one is allowed to engage facts publicly without being censored or even dismissed from their careers. Rather, we have entered a period reminiscent of the powerful propaganda and intimidation campaigns that immediately preceded the most distressing dictatorships (and genocides) of the past century. Volksgesundheit — for the “Public Health” — was a centrepiece in Hitler’s plan. Continue reading

For the Love of Neighbour


“SO, what just happened?”

As I floated in silence on a Canadian lake, staring up into the deep blue past the morphing faces in the clouds, that was the question rolling through my mind recently. Over a year ago, my ministry suddenly took a seemingly unexpected turn into examining the “science” behind the sudden global lockdowns, church closures, mask mandates, and coming vaccine passports. This took some readers by surprise. Remember this letter?Continue reading