A Watchman’s Warning


DEAR brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I want to leave you on a more positive note, despite this most troubling week. It’s in the short video below that I recorded last week, but never sent out to you. It’s a most apropos message for what has transpired this week, but is a general message of hope. But I also want to be obedient to the “now word” the Lord has been speaking all week. I will be brief…


The Coming Persecution

While I have addressed in an article and two videos now the serious spiritual dangers in the recent Declaration of the Vatican, I am also fully aware of those Catholics — including priests — who seem to be little concerned. I have explained at length, especially in my last video, why there are inherent dangers in this document… and that warning is only increasing in volume in my soul. So, let’s just set aside right now the debate on the semantics of the document and think practically for a moment of the implications.

Imagine this coming Christmas Day, “same-sex” or “irregular” couples coming up to your parish priest and saying, “We are so excited that Pope Francis said you can bless us as a couple,[1]As stated in the Declaration, “It is precisely in this context that one can understand the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples without officially validating their status or changing in any way the Church’s perennial teaching on marriage.” so here we are.”[2]Indeed, the Declaration clearly states that priests can bless what is “true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships.” But let’s be serious: no couple in an irregular relationship is going to approach their parish priest for a blessing only for him to say you must repent and now live apart. They’re coming for a blessing, as a “couple”, which the Vatican’s Declaration now permits.

They stand there, perhaps holding hands, waiting for the priest to bless them. What happens next as other families stand by and watch? So now, your parish priest is faced with a dilemma. He knows that the fundamental sexual relationship is contrary to God’s will and a matter of grave sin that endangers their souls. He knows that he has a duty not to cause scandal. And yet, he is told he can bless the “couple” without making it look like a wedding; that he can bless what is “true, good, and humanly valid” while ignoring the objective state of grave sin. It’s like asking a priest to bless a bowl of bad soup that has fresh vegetables added — but only blessing the vegetables.

What will be the fallout if the priest says no? Just think about that… the potential lawsuits… hate crime allegations… the trial by media… how woke governments will respond. There is a reason the Blessed Mother has begged us to pray for priests all these years… a reason why her icons and statues have wept blood.[3]see here and here

In 2005, the Lord gave me a powerful image of a coming deception and persecution, coming like a tsunami. And it was centered on gender ideology and gay “marriage.” That article is called Persecution… and the Moral Tsunami.

Surrendering it All to God’s Outcome

Last, I want to leave you with this short reflection on what to do when things get worse, instead of better. It is a practical message of hope and trust in Jesus, Our Savior.

Lea and I send you our warmest Christmas greetings and prayers for your wellbeing and God’s protection.



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1 As stated in the Declaration, “It is precisely in this context that one can understand the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples without officially validating their status or changing in any way the Church’s perennial teaching on marriage.”
2 Indeed, the Declaration clearly states that priests can bless what is “true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships.”
3 see here and here