Fatima, and the Great Shaking


SOME time ago, as I pondered why the sun was seemingly darting about the sky at Fatima, the insight came to me that it was not a vision of the sun moving per se, but the earth. That’s when I pondered the connection between the “great shaking” of the earth foretold by many credible prophets, and the “miracle of the sun.” However, with the recent release of Sr. Lucia’s memoirs, a new insight into the Third Secret of Fatima was revealed in her writings. Up till this point, what we knew of a postponed chastisement of the earth (that has given us this “time of mercy”) was described on the Vatican’s website:Continue reading

For the Love of Neighbour


“SO, what just happened?”

As I floated in silence on a Canadian lake, staring up into the deep blue past the morphing faces in the clouds, that was the question rolling through my mind recently. Over a year ago, my ministry suddenly took a seemingly unexpected turn into examining the “science” behind the sudden global lockdowns, church closures, mask mandates, and coming vaccine passports. This took some readers by surprise. Remember this letter?Continue reading

Debunking the Sun Miracle Skeptics

Scene from The 13th Day


THE rain pelted the ground and drenched the crowds. It must have seemed like an exclamation point to the ridicule that filled the secular newspapers for months prior. Three shepherd children near Fatima, Portugal claimed that a miracle would occur in the Cova da Ira fields at high noon that day. It was October 13, 1917. As many as 30, 000 to 100, 000 people had gathered to witness it.

Their ranks included believers and non-believers, pious old ladies and scoffing young men. —Fr. John De Marchi, Italian priest and researcher; The Immaculate Heart, 1952

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Prophecy Properly Understood


WE are living in a time when prophecy has perhaps never been so important, and yet, so misunderstood by the vast majority of Catholics. There are three harmful positions being taken today regarding prophetic or “private” revelations that, I believe, are doing at times great damage in many quarters of the Church. One is that “private revelations” never have to be heeded since all we are obligated to believe is the definitive Revelation of Christ in the “deposit of faith.” Another harm being done is by those who tend to not only put prophecy above the Magisterium, but give it the same authority as Sacred Scripture. And last, there is the position that most prophecy, unless uttered by saints or found without error, should be mostly shunned. Again, all these positions above carry unfortunate and even dangerous pitfalls.


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