Fullness of Sin: Evil Must Exhaust Itself

Cup of Wrath


First published October 20th, 2009. I have added a recent message from Our Lady below… 


THERE is a cup of suffering that is to be drunk from twice in the fullness of time. It has already been emptied by Our Lord Jesus Himself who, in the Garden of Gethsemane, placed it to His lips in His holy prayer of abandonment:

My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will. (Matt 26:39)

The cup is to be filled again so that His Body, who, in following its Head, will enter into its own Passion in her participation in the redemption of souls:

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Weeding Out Sin

for Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent, March 3rd, 2015

Liturgical texts here


WHEN it comes to weeding out sin this Lent, we cannot divorce mercy from the Cross, nor the Cross from mercy. Today’s readings are a powerful blend of both…

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for Saturday after Ash Wednesday, February 21st, 2015

Liturgical texts here



IF you really stop to think about it, to really absorb what just happened in today’s Gospel, it should revolutionize your life.

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Sin that Keeps us from the Kingdom

for October 15th, 2014
Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Liturgical texts here




Genuine freedom is an outstanding manifestation of the divine image in man. —SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Veritatis Splendor, n. 34


TODAY, Paul moves from explaining how Christ has set us free for freedom, to being specific as to those sins that lead us, not only into slavery, but even eternal separation from God: immorality, impurity, drinking bouts, envy, etc.

I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. (First reading)

How popular was Paul for saying these things? Paul didn’t care. As he said himself earlier in his letter to the Galatians:

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Open Wide the Draft of Your Heart



HAS your heart grown cold? There’s usually a good reason, and Mark gives you four possibilities in this inspiring webcast. Watch this all-new Embracing Hope webcast with author and host Mark Mallett:

Open Wide the Draft of Your Heart

Go to: www.embracinghope.tv to watch other webcasts by Mark.


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The Song of God



I think we’ve got the whole "saint thing" wrong in our generation. Many think that becoming a Saint is this extraordinary ideal that only a handful of souls will ever be capable of achieving. That sanctity is a pious thought far out of reach. That as long as one avoids mortal sin and keeps his nose clean, he’ll still "make it" to Heaven—and that is good enough.

But in truth, friends, that is a terrible lie that keeps the children of God in bondage, that keeps souls in a state of unhappiness and dysfunction. It’s as big a lie as telling a goose that it cannot migrate.


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