New Novel Release! The Blood


PRINT version of the sequel The Blood is now available!

Since the release of my daughter Denise’s first novel The Tree some seven years ago — a book that garnered rave reviews and the efforts by some to have it made into a movie — we have awaited the sequel. And it’s finally here. The Blood continues the story in a mythical realm with Denise’s incredible word-smithing to shape realistic characters, craft incredible imagery, and make the story linger long after you’ve put the book down. So many themes in The Blood speak profoundly to our times. I couldn’t be more proud as her father… and delighted as a reader. But don’t take my word for it: read the reviews below!

Today, we are officially releasing the print version of her new novel after waiting weeks for a paper shortage to be resolved. The Blood is also available on Kindle (we still have print copies of The Tree, which is also on Kindle. See below). To download a digital copy now, just click on the images below… and enter the beautiful and inspiring world of this young and gifted Catholic writer. To order the print version, visit my store.

“The Blood” – Reviews

Following in the footsteps of writers
like Michael O’Brien and Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera, 
Denise Mallett represents a new generation of gifted Catholic storytellers.
In The Blood, Mallett once again demonstrates her unique ability
to unsettle her readers, charm them, and fill them with hope.
—Matt Nelson, Assistant Director of the Word on Fire Institute
Mallett’s prose is a joy to read—beautifully written, compelling, the characters believable. Highly recommend! —Ellen Gable, award-winning author
I was held captive, constantly wanting to sneak away time to read it, staying up until the wee hours to finish it. This story finds its way deep into the reader’s heart. It is woven with characters who truly come to life, with the splendor of beauty amidst dark shadows, and will lead you to ponder the meaning of suffering, the depth of mercy, and ultimately to cling to the promise of healing. —Carmen Marcoux, author of Arms of Love and Surrender
An intricate tale exploring human nature in its greatest and darkest moments. As the journey unfolds through political and spiritual battlefields, readers will come to understand integrity in the face of deception and hope in redemptive suffering.
—Dr. Brian Doran, MD, founder of Arcātheos

“The Tree” – Reviews

Mallett has penned a truly epic human and theological tale
of adventure, love, intrigue, and the search
for ultimate truth and meaning.
If this book is ever made into a movie—and it should be—
the world need only surrender to the truth of the everlasting message. 
—Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, author & speaker

From the first word to the last I was captivated, suspended between awe and amazement. How did one so young write such intricate plot lines, such complex characters, such compelling dialogue? How had a mere teenager mastered the craft of writing, not just with proficiency, but with depth of feeling? How could she treat profound themes so deftly without the least bit of preachiness? I am still in awe. Clearly the hand of God is in this gift. —Janet Klasson, author of The Joy of Penance blog

Exquisitely written… From the very first pages of the prologue, I could not put it down!—Janelle Reinhart, Christian recording artist

From the moment I picked up The Tree, I could not put it down… What most impressed me, however, was the depth of knowledge and understanding of the human person that Mallett shows in her characters. A great story and treasure. —Jennifer M.

This is my daughter’s first novel. I was expecting to read it, pat her on the head and say, “Good job, dear.” Instead, I found myself in utter awe that this came out of her mind, her prayer-life. It is one of the most moving novels I have read in a long time and the characters and story have never left me. Finally, Christian fare that isn’t cheesy. I can honestly say I can’t wait for the sequel. —Mark Mallett, author of and The Final Confrontation


To Order Print Copies

We still have some print copies of The Tree! 
Order here:

To order a print copy of The Blood,
Order here:

To immediately download the Kindle version of either novel
to your iPad or Kindle reader device…

Click here for The Tree

Click here for The Blood


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