The Coming Counterfeit

The Mask, by Michael D. O’Brien


First published, April, 8th 2010.


THE warning in my heart continues to grow about a coming deception, which may in fact be the one described in 2 Thess 2:11-13. What follows after the so-called “illumination” or “warning” is not only a brief but powerful period of evangelization, but a dark counter-evangelization that will, in many ways, be just as convincing. Part of the preparation for that deception is knowing beforehand that it is coming:

Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets… I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them. (Amos 3:7; John 16:1-4)

Satan not only knows what is coming, but has been planning for it for a long time. It is exposed in the language being used…Continue reading

The Popes and the Dawning Era


The LORD addressed Job out of the storm and said:
Have you ever in your lifetime commanded the morning
and shown the dawn its place
for taking hold of the ends of the earth,
till the wicked are shaken from its surface?”
(Job 38: 1, 12-13)

We thank you because your Son is to come again in majesty to
judge those who have refused to repent and acknowledge you;
while to all who have acknowledged you,
worshiped you, and served you in penitence, He will
say: Come, you blessed of my Father, take possession
of the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning
of the world.
—St. Francis of Assisi,The Prayers of Saint Francis,
Alan Name, Tr. © 1988, New City Press


THERE can be no doubt that the pontiffs of the last century have been exercising their prophetic office so as to awaken believers to the drama unfolding in our day (see Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?). It is a decisive battle between the culture of life and the culture of death… the woman clothed with the sun—in labor to give birth to a new era—versus the dragon who seeks to destroy it, if not attempt to establish his own kingdom and “new age” (see Rev 12:1-4; 13:2). But while we know Satan will fail, Christ will not. The great Marian saint, Louis de Montfort, frames it well:

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Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!


TO His Holiness, Pope Francis:


Dear Holy Father,

Throughout the pontificate of your predecessor, St. John Paul II, he continually invoked us, the youth of the Church, to become “morning watchmen at the dawn of the new millennium.” [1]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

…watchmen who proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood and peace. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002,

From Ukraine to Madrid, Peru to Canada, he beckoned us to become “protagonists of the new times” [2]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003; that lay directly ahead of the Church and the world:

Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

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1 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)
2 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003;

The Essence


IT was in 2009 when my wife and I were led to move into the country with our eight children. It was with mixed emotions that I left the small town where we were living… but it seemed that God was leading us. We found a remote farm in the middle of Saskatchewan, Canada lodged between vast treeless tracts of land, accessible only by dirt roads. Really, we couldn’t afford much else. The nearby town had a population of around 60 people. The main street was an array of mostly empty, dilapidated buildings; the schoolhouse was empty and abandoned; the small bank, post office, and grocery store quickly closed after our arrival leaving no doors open but the Catholic Church. It was a lovely sanctuary of classic architecture — strangely large for such a small community. But old photos revealed it brimming with congregants in the 1950s, back when there were large families and small farms. But now, there were only 15-20 showing up to the Sunday liturgy. There was virtually no Christian community to speak of, save for the handful of faithful seniors. The nearest city was almost two hours away. We were without friends, family, and even the beauty of nature that I grew up with around lakes and forests. I did not realize that we had just moved into the “desert”…Continue reading

The Chastisement Comes… Part I


For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God;
if it begins with us, how will it end for those
who fail to obey the gospel of God?
(1 Peter 4:17)


WE are, without question, beginning to live through some of the most extraordinary and serious moments in the life of the Catholic Church. So much of what I’ve been warning about for years is coming to fruition before our very eyes: a great apostasy, a coming schism, and of course, the fruition of the “seven seals of Revelation”, etc.. It can all be summed up in the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers… The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —CCC, n. 672, 677

What would shake the faith of many believers more than perhaps witnessing their shepherds betray the flock?Continue reading

Who is the True Pope?


WHO is the true pope?

If you could read my inbox, you’d see that there is less agreement on this subject than you’d think. And this divergence was made even stronger recently with an editorial in a major Catholic publication. It proposes a theory that is gaining traction, all the while flirting with schismContinue reading

The Authentic Christian


It is often said nowadays that the present century thirsts for authenticity.
Especially in regard to young people, it is said that
they have a horror of the artificial or false
and that they are searching above all for truth and honesty.

These “signs of the times” should find us vigilant.
Either tacitly or aloud — but always forcefully — we are being asked:
Do you really believe what you are proclaiming?
Do you live what you believe?
Do you really preach what you live?
The witness of life has become more than ever an essential condition
for real effectiveness in preaching.
Precisely because of this we are, to a certain extent,
responsible for the progress of the Gospel that we proclaim.

—POPE ST. PAUL VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 76


TODAY, there is so much mud-slinging toward the hierarchy regarding the state of the Church. To be certain, they bear a great responsibility and accountability for their flocks, and many of us are frustrated with their overwhelming silence, if not cooperation, in the face of this godless global revolution under the banner of the “Great Reset”. But this is not the first time in salvation history that the flock has been all but abandoned — this time, to the wolves of “progressiveness” and “political correctness”. It’s precisely in such times, however, that God looks to the laity, to raise up within them saints who become like shining stars in the darkest nights. When people want to flog the clergy these days, I reply, “Well, God is looking to you and me. So let’s get with it!”Continue reading

The Great Divide


I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing!…

Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.
From now on a household of five will be divided,
three against two and two against three…

(Luke 12:49-53)

So a division occurred in the crowd because of him.
(John 7:43)


I LOVE that word from Jesus: “I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!” Our Lord wants a People who are on fire with love. A People whose life and presence ignites others to repent and seek their Savior, thereby expanding the mystical Body of Christ.

And yet, Jesus follows this word with a warning that this Divine Fire will actually divide. It doesn’t take a theologian to understand why. Jesus said, “I am the truth” and we see daily how His truth divides us. Even Christians who love the truth can recoil when that sword of truth pierces their own heart. We can become proud, defensive, and argumentative when faced with the truth of ourselves. And is it not true that today we see the Body of Christ being broken and divided again in a most egregious way as bishop opposes bishop, cardinal stands against cardinal — just as Our Lady predicted at Akita?


The Great Purification

The past two months whilst driving back and forth numerous times between Canadian provinces to move my family, I have had a lot of hours to reflect on my ministry, what is happening in the world, what is happening in my own heart. In summary, we are passing through one of the greatest purifications of humanity since the Flood. That means we are also being sifted like wheat — everyone, from pauper to pope. Continue reading

The Last Stand

The Mallett Clan riding for freedom…


We cannot let freedom die with this generation.
—Army Major Stephen Chledowski, Canadian soldier; February 11th, 2022

We are approaching the final hours…
Our future is quite literally, freedom or tyranny…
—Robert G., a concerned Canadian (from Telegram)

Would that all men would judge of the tree by its fruit,
and would acknowledge the seed and origin of the evils which press upon us,
and of the dangers that are impending!
We have to deal with a deceitful and crafty enemy, who,
gratifying the ears of people and of princes,
has ensnared them by smooth speeches and by adulation. 
—POPE LEO XIII, Humanus Genusn. 28

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An Unapologetic Apocalyptic View


…there is none more blind than he who does not want to see,
and despite the signs of the times foretold,
even those who have faith
refuse to look at what is happening. 
Our Lady to Gisella Cardia, October 26th, 2021 


I AM supposed to be embarrassed by this article’s title — ashamed to utter the phrase “end times” or quote the Book of Revelation much less dare to mention Marian apparitions. Such antiquities supposedly belong in the dust bin of medieval superstitions alongside archaic beliefs in “private revelation”, “prophecy” and those ignominious expressions of “the mark of the beast” or “Antichrist.” Yes, better to leave them to that garish era when Catholic churches billowed with incense as they churned out saints, priests evangelized pagans, and commoners actually believed that faith could drive away plagues and demons. In those days, statues and icons not only adorned churches but public buildings and homes. Imagine that. The “dark ages” — enlightened atheists call them.Continue reading

New Novel Release! The Blood


PRINT version of the sequel The Blood is now available!

Since the release of my daughter Denise’s first novel The Tree some seven years ago — a book that garnered rave reviews and the efforts by some to have it made into a movie — we have awaited the sequel. And it’s finally here. The Blood continues the story in a mythical realm with Denise’s incredible word-smithing to shape realistic characters, craft incredible imagery, and make the story linger long after you’ve put the book down. So many themes in The Blood speak profoundly to our times. I couldn’t be more proud as her father… and delighted as a reader. But don’t take my word for it: read the reviews below!Continue reading

Fatima, and the Great Shaking


SOME time ago, as I pondered why the sun was seemingly darting about the sky at Fatima, the insight came to me that it was not a vision of the sun moving per se, but the earth. That’s when I pondered the connection between the “great shaking” of the earth foretold by many credible prophets, and the “miracle of the sun.” However, with the recent release of Sr. Lucia’s memoirs, a new insight into the Third Secret of Fatima was revealed in her writings. Up till this point, what we knew of a postponed chastisement of the earth (that has given us this “time of mercy”) was described on the Vatican’s website:Continue reading

The Greatest Lie


THIS morning after prayer, I felt moved to re-read a crucial meditation I wrote some seven years ago called Hell UnleashedI was tempted to simply resend that article to you today, as there is so much in it that was prophetic and critical for what has now unfolded over the past year and a half. How true those words have become! 

However, I will just summarize some key points and then move on to a new “now word” that came to me during prayer today… Continue reading

There is Only One Barque


…as the Church’s one and only indivisible magisterium,
the pope and the bishops in union with him,
 the gravest responsibility that no ambiguous sign
or unclear teaching comes from them,
confusing the faithful or lulling them
into a false sense of security. 
—Cardinal Gerhard Müller,

former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
First ThingsApril 20th, 2018

It is not a question of being ‘pro-’ Pope Francis or ‘contra-’ Pope Francis.
It is a question of defending the Catholic faith,
and that means defending the Office of Peter
to which the Pope has succeeded. 
—Cardinal Raymond Burke, The Catholic World Report,
January 22, 2018


BEFORE he passed away, almost a year ago to the day at the very start of the pandemic, the great preacher Rev. John Hampsch, C.M.F. (c. 1925-2020) wrote me a letter of encouragement. In it, he included an urgent message for all my readers:Continue reading

The Mystery of the Kingdom of God


What is the Kingdom of God like?
To what can I compare it?
It is like a mustard seed that a man took
and planted in the garden.
When it was fully grown, it became a large bush
and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.

(Today’s Gospel)


EVERY day, we pray the words: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Jesus would not have taught us to pray as such unless we were to expect the Kingdom yet to come. At the same time, the first words of Our Lord in His ministry were:Continue reading

Francis and The Great Shipwreck


…the true friends are not those who flatter the Pope,
but those who help him with the truth
and with theological and human competence. 
—Cardinal Müller, Corriere della Sera, Nov. 26, 2017;

from the Moynihan Letters, #64, Nov. 27th, 2017

Dear children, the Great Vessel and a Great Shipwreck;
this is the [cause of] suffering for men and women of faith. 
—Our Lady to Pedro Regis, October 20th, 2020;


WITHIN the culture of Catholicism has been an unspoken “rule” that one must never criticize the Pope. Generally speaking, it is wise to refrain from criticizing our spiritual fathers. However, those who turn this into an absolute expose a grossly exaggerated understanding of papal infallibility and come dangerously close to a form of idolatry — papalotry — that elevates a pope to an emperor-like status where everything he utters is infallibly divine. But even a novice historian of Catholicism will know that popes are very human and prone to mistakes — a reality that began with Peter himself:Continue reading

You Have the Wrong Enemy

ARE you sure your neighbours and family are the actual enemy? Mark Mallett and Christine Watkins open up with a raw two-part webcast on the past year and a half — the emotions, sadness, new data, and imminent dangers facing the world being torn apart by fear…Continue reading

The Enemy is Within the Gates


THERE is a scene in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings where Helms Deep is under attack. It was supposed to be an impenetrable stronghold, surrounded by the massive Deeping Wall. But a vulnerable spot is discovered, which the forces of darkness exploit by causing all kinds of distraction and then planting and igniting an explosive. Moments before a torch runner reaches the wall to light the bomb, he is spotted by one of the heroes, Aragorn. He yells to the archer Legolas to take him down… but it’s too late. The wall explodes and is breached. The enemy is now within the gates. Continue reading

For the Love of Neighbour


“SO, what just happened?”

As I floated in silence on a Canadian lake, staring up into the deep blue past the morphing faces in the clouds, that was the question rolling through my mind recently. Over a year ago, my ministry suddenly took a seemingly unexpected turn into examining the “science” behind the sudden global lockdowns, church closures, mask mandates, and coming vaccine passports. This took some readers by surprise. Remember this letter?Continue reading

The Great Division


And then many will fall away,
and betray one another, and hate one another.
And many false prophets will arise

and lead many astray.
And because wickedness is multiplied,
most men’s love will grow cold.
(Matt 24:10-12)


LAST week, an interior vision that came to me before the Blessed Sacrament some sixteen years ago was burning on my heart again. And then, as I entered the weekend and read the latest headlines, I felt I should share it again as it may be more relevant than ever. First, a look at those remarkable headlines…  

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The Politics of Death


LORI Kalner lived through Hitler’s regime. When she heard classrooms of children beginning to sing songs of praise for Obama and his call for “Change” (listen here and here), it set off alarms and memories of the eerie years of Hitler’s transformation of Germany society. Today, we see the fruits of the “politics of Death”, echoed throughout the world by “progressive leaders” over the past five decades and now reaching their devastating pinnacle, particularly under the presidency of “Catholic” Joe Biden”, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and many other leaders throughout the Western World and beyond.Continue reading

The Secret


…the daybreak from on high will visit us
to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.
(Luke 1:78-79)


AS it was the first time Jesus came, so it is again on the threshold of the coming of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, which prepares for and precedes His final coming at the end of time. The world, once again, is “in darkness and death’s shadow,” but a new dawn is quickly approaching.Continue reading

The Caduceus Key

The Caduceus — a medical symbol used around the world 
…and in Freemasonry — that sect provoking a global revolution


Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens
2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.
The world is now at the start of the influenza pandemic
The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.
Sequence the virus and determine its origin.
It was a virus. Something in the blood.
A virus which should be engineered at a genetic level
to be helpful rather than harmful.

—From the 2013 rap song “Pandemic” by Dr. Creep
(Helpful to what? Read on…)


WITH each passing hour, the scope of what is taking place in the world is becoming clearer — as well as the degree to which humanity is almost completely in the dark.  In the Mass readings last week, we read that prior to Christ’s coming to establish an Era of Peace, He permits a “veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations.” [1]Isaiah 25:7 St. John, who often echoes Isaiah’s prophecies, describes this “web” in economic terms:Continue reading


1 Isaiah 25:7

The Great Stripping


IN April of this year when churches began to close, the “now word” was loud and clear: The Labor Pains are RealI compared it to when a mother’s water breaks and she begins labor. Even though the first contractions may be tolerable, her body has now begun a process that cannot be stopped. The following months were akin to the mother packing her bag, driving to the hospital, and entering the birthing room to go through, at last, the coming birth.Continue reading

Francis and The Great Reset

Photo credit: Mazur/


…when conditions are right, a reign will spread across the whole earth
to wipe out all Christians,
and then establish a universal brotherhood
without marriage, family, property, law or God.

—Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, philosopher and Freemason
She Shall Crush Thy Head (Kindle, loc. 1549), Stephen Mahowald


ON May 8th of 2020, an “Appeal for the Church and the World to Catholics and All People of Good Will” was published.[1] Its signatories include Cardinal Joseph Zen, Cardinal Gerhard Müeller (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith), Bishop Joseph Strickland, and Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, to name but a few. Among the appeal’s pointed messages are the warning that “under the pretext of a virus… an odious technological tyranny ” is being established “in which nameless and faceless people can decide the fate of the world”.Continue reading


Dawn of Hope


WHAT will the Era of Peace be like? Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor go into the beautiful details of the coming Era as found in Sacred Tradition and the prophecies of mystics and seers. Watch or listen to this exciting webcast to learn about events that may transpire in your lifetime!Continue reading

Drawing Near to Jesus


I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all my readers and viewers for your patience (as always) at this time of year when the farm is busy and I also try to sneak in some rest and vacation with my family. Thank you also to those who have offered your prayers and donations for this ministry. I will never have the time to thank everyone personally, but know that I pray for all of you. 


WHAT is the purpose of all my writings, webcasts, podcasts, book, albums, etc.? What is my goal in writing about the “signs of the times” and the “end times”? Certainly, it has been to prepare readers for the days which are now at hand. But at the very heart of all this, the goal is ultimately to draw you nearer to Jesus.Continue reading

The Religion of Scientism


scientism | ˈsʌɪəntɪz(ə)m | noun:
excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques

We must also face the fact that certain attitudes 
deriving from the mentality of “this present world”
can penetrate our lives if we are not vigilant.
For example, some would have it that only that is true
which can be verified by reason and science… 
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2727


SERVANT of God Sr. Lucia Santos gave a most prescient word regarding the coming times that we are now living:

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Unmasking the Plan


WHEN COVID-19 began to spread beyond China’s borders and churches began to close, there was a period over 2-3 weeks that I personally found overwhelming, but for reasons different than most. Suddenly, like a thief in the night, the days I had been writing about for fifteen years were upon us. Over those first weeks, many new prophetic words came and deeper understandings of what has already been said—some which I’ve written, others I hope to soon. One “word” that troubled me was that the day was coming when we would all be required to wear masks, and that this was part of Satan’s plan to continue to dehumanize us.Continue reading

Persecution – The Fifth Seal


THE garments of the Bride of Christ have become filthy. The Great Storm that is here and coming will purify her through persecution—the Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation. Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they continue to explain the Timeline of events that are now unfolding… Continue reading

Economic Collapse – The Third Seal


THE global economy is already on life-support; should the Second Seal be a major war, what’s left of the economy will collapse—the Third Seal. But then, that’s the idea of those orchestrating a New World Order in order to create a new economic system based on a new form of Communism.Continue reading

Warnings in the Wind

Our Lady of Sorrows, painting by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


The past three days, the winds here have been unceasing and strong. All day yesterday, we were under a “Wind Warning.” When I started to reread this post just now, I knew I had to republish it. The warning herein is crucial and must be heeded regarding those who are “playing in sin.” The followup to this writing is “Hell Unleashed“, which gives practical advice on closing the cracks in one’s spiritual life so that Satan cannot get a stronghold. These two writings are a serious warning about turning from sin… and going to confession while we still can. First published in 2012…Continue reading

The Hour of the Sword


THE Great Storm I spoke of in Spiraling Toward the Eye has three essential components according to the Early Church Fathers, Scripture, and confirmed in credible prophetic revelations. The first part of the Storm is essentially man-made: humanity reaping what it has sown (cf. Seven Seals of Revolution). Then comes the Eye of the Storm followed by the last half of the Storm which will culminate in God Himself directly intervening through a Judgment of the Living.
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The Growing Mob

Ocean Avenue by phyzer


First published March 20th, 2015. The liturgical texts for the referenced readings that day are here.


THERE is a new sign of the times emerging. Like a wave reaching the shore that grows and grows until it becomes a huge tsunami, so too, there is a growing mob mentality toward the Church and freedom of speech. It was ten years ago that I wrote a warning of the coming persecution. [1]cf. Persecution! … and the Moral Tsunami And now it’s here, on Western shores.

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Choosing Sides


Whenever someone says, “I belong to Paul,” and another,
“I belong to Apollos,” are you not merely men?
(Today’s first Mass reading)


PRAY more… speak less. Those are the words Our Lady has allegedly addressed to the Church at this very hour. However, when I wrote a meditation on this last week,[1]cf. Pray More… Speak Less a handful of readers somewhat disagreed. Writes one:Continue reading


Wormwood and Loyalty


From the archives: written on February 22nd, 2013…. 


A LETTER from a reader:

I totally agree with you — we each need a personal relationship with Jesus. I was born and raised Roman Catholic but find myself now attending the Episcopal (High Episcopal) church on Sunday and becoming involved with the life of this community. I was a member of my church council, a choir member, a CCD teacher and a full-time teacher in a Catholic school. I personally knew four of the priests credibly accused and who confessed of sexually abusing minor children… Our cardinal and bishops and other priests covered up for these men. It strains belief that Rome didn’t know what was going on and, if it truly didn’t, shame on Rome and the Pope and the curia. They are simply horrid representatives of Our Lord…. So, I should remain a loyal member of the RC church? Why? I found Jesus many years ago and our relationship has not changed — in fact it is even stronger now. The RC church is not the beginning and the end of all truth. If anything, the Orthodox church has just as much if not more credibility than Rome. The word “catholic” in the Creed is spelled with a small “c” – meaning “universal” not meaning only and forever the Church of Rome. There is only one true path to the Trinity and that is following Jesus and coming into relationship with the Trinity by first coming into friendship with Him. None of that is dependent upon the Roman church. All of that can be nourished outside of Rome. None of this is your fault and I admire your ministry but I just needed to tell you my story.

Dear reader, thank you for sharing your story with me. I rejoice that, despite the scandals you have encountered, your faith in Jesus has remained. And this doesn’t surprise me. There have been times in history when Catholics in the midst of persecution no longer had access to their parishes, the priesthood, or the Sacraments. They survived within the walls of their inner temple where the Holy Trinity resides. The lived out of faith and trust in a relationship with God because, at its core, Christianity is about the love of a Father for his children, and the children loving Him in return.

Thus, it begs the question, which you have tried to answer: if one can remain a Christian as such: “Should I remain a loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church? Why?”

The answer is a resounding, unhesitating “yes.” And here is why: it’s a matter of staying loyal to Jesus.


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The Coming Age of Love


First published on October 4th, 2010. 


Dear young friends, the Lord is asking you to be prophets of this new age… —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Homily, World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia, July 20th, 2008

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part IV


As we continue this five part series on Human Sexuality and Freedom, we now examine some of the moral questions on what is right and what is wrong. Please note, this is for mature readers…




SOMEONE once said, “The truth will set you free—but first it will tick you off.”

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part III




THERE is a joy that we must rediscover as Christians today: the joy of seeing the face of God in the other—and this includes those who have compromised their sexuality. In our contemporary times, St. John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa, Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Jean Vanier and others come to mind as individuals who found the capacity to recognize God’s image, even in the distressing disguise of poverty, brokenness, and sin. They saw, as it were, the “crucified Christ” in the other.

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part II




THERE is something else that must be said about the creation of man and woman that was determined “in the beginning.” And if we don’t understand this, if we don’t grasp this, then any discussion of morality, of right or wrong choices, of following God’s designs, risks casting the discussion of human sexuality into a sterile list of prohibitions. And this, I am certain, would only serve to deepen the divide between the Church’s beautiful and rich teachings on sexuality, and those who feel alienated by her.

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part I



There is a full-blown crisis today—a crisis in human sexuality. It follows in the wake of a generation that is almost entirely un-catechized on the truth, beauty, and goodness of our bodies and their God-designed functions. The following series of writings is a frank discussion on the subject that will cover questions regarding alternative forms of marriage, masturbation, sodomy, oral sex, etc. Because the world is discussing these issues every day on radio, television and the internet. Does the Church have nothing to say on these matters? How do we respond? Indeed, she does—she has something beautiful to say.

“The truth will set you free,” Jesus said. Perhaps this is no more true than in matters of human sexuality. This series is recommended for mature readers… First published in June, 2015. 

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Interpreting Revelation



WITHOUT a doubt, the Book of Revelation is one of the most controversial in all of Sacred Scripture. On one end of the spectrum are fundamentalists who take every word literally or out of context. On the other are those who believe the book has already been fulfilled in the first century or who ascribe to the book a merely allegorical interpretation.Continue reading