When Face to Face With Evil


ONE of my translators forwarded this letter to me:

For too long the Church has been destroying itself by refusing messages from heaven and not helping those who call heaven for help. God has been silent too long, he proves that he is weak because he allows evil to act. I don’t understand his will, nor his love, nor the fact that he lets evil spread. Yet he created SATAN and did not destroy him when he revolted, reducing him to ashes. I do not have more confidence in Jesus who supposedly is stronger than the Devil. It could just take one word and one gesture and the world would be saved! I had dreams, hopes, projects, but now I only have one desire when comes the end of the day: to close my eyes definitively!

Where is this God? is he deaf? is he blind? Does he care about people who are suffering?…. 

You ask God for Health, he gives you sickness, suffering and death.
You ask for a job you have unemployment and suicide
You ask for children you have infertility.
You ask for holy priests, you have freemasons.

You ask for joy and happiness, you have pain, sorrow, persecution, misfortune.
You ask for Heaven you have Hell.

He has always had his preferences — like Abel to Cain, Isaac to Ishmael, Jacob to Esau, the wicked to the righteous. It’s sad, but we have to face the facts SATAN IS STRONGER THAN ALL THE SAINTS AND ANGELS COMBINED! So if God exists, let him prove it to me, I am looking forward to converse with him if that can convert me. I didn’t ask to be born.

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Fullness of Sin: Evil Must Exhaust Itself

Cup of Wrath


First published October 20th, 2009. I have added a recent message from Our Lady below… 


THERE is a cup of suffering that is to be drunk from twice in the fullness of time. It has already been emptied by Our Lord Jesus Himself who, in the Garden of Gethsemane, placed it to His lips in His holy prayer of abandonment:

My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will. (Matt 26:39)

The cup is to be filled again so that His Body, who, in following its Head, will enter into its own Passion in her participation in the redemption of souls:

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The Gospel of Suffering

for April 18th, 2014
Good Friday

Liturgical texts here



YOU may have noticed in several writings, lately, the theme of “springs of living water” flowing from within the soul of a believer. Most dramatic is the ‘promise’ of a coming “Blessing” that I wrote about this week in The Convergence and the Blessing.

But as we meditate upon the Cross today, I want to speak of one more wellspring of living water, one that even now can flow from within to irrigate the souls of others. I am speaking of suffering.

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Speak Lord, I am Listening

for January 15th, 2014

Liturgical texts here



EVERYTHING that happens in our world passes through the fingers of God’s permissive will. This does not mean that God wills evil—He doesn’t. But he permits it (the free will of both men and fallen angels to choose evil) in order to work toward the greater good, which is the salvation of mankind and the creation of a new heavens and new earth.

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The Time of the Tomb

for December 6th, 2013

Liturgical texts here

Artist Unknown


WHEN the Angel Gabriel comes to Mary to announce that she will conceive and bear a son to whom “the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,” [1]Luke 1:32 she responds to his annunciation with the words, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” [2]Luke 1:38 A heavenly counterpart to these words is later verbalized when Jesus is approached by two blind men in today’s Gospel:

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1 Luke 1:32
2 Luke 1:38

Your Testimony

for December 4th, 2013

Liturgical texts here



THE lame, the blind, the deformed, the mute… these are the ones who gathered around the feet of Jesus. And today’s Gospel says, “he cured them.” Minutes before, one could not walk, another could not see, one could not work, another could not speak… and all of sudden, they could. Perhaps a moment before, they were complaining, “Why has this happened to me? What did I ever do to you, God? Why have you abandoned me…?” Yet, moments later, it says “they glorified the God of Israel.” That is, suddenly these souls had a testimony.

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Just Today



GOD wants to slow us down. More than that, He wants us to rest, even in chaos. Jesus never rushed to His Passion. He took the time to have a last meal, a last teaching, an intimate moment of washing another’s feet. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He set aside time to pray, to gather His strength, to seek the will of the Father. So as the Church approaches her own Passion, we too should imitate our Savior and become a people of rest. In fact, only in this way can we possibly offer ourselves as true instruments of “salt and light.”

What does it mean to “rest”?

When you die, all worrying, all restlessness, all passions cease, and the soul is suspended in a state of stillness… a state of rest. Meditate on this, for that should be our state in this life, since Jesus calls us to a state of “dying” while we live:

Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it…. I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. (Matt 16:24-25; John 12:24)

Of course, in this life, we cannot help but wrestle with our passions and struggle with our weaknesses. The key, then, is not to let yourself be caught up in the rushing currents and impulses of the flesh, in the tossing waves of the passions. Rather, dive deep into the soul where the Waters of the Spirit are still.

We do this by living in a state of trust.


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Peace In Presence, Not Absence


HIDDEN it seems from the ears of the world is the collective cry I hear from the Body of Christ, a cry that is reaching the Heavens: “Father, if it is possible take this cup away from me!” Letters I receive speak of tremendous family and financial strain, lost security, and growing concern over The Perfect Storm that has emerged on the horizon. But as my spiritual director often says, we are in “boot camp,” training for this present and coming “final confrontation” that the Church is facing, as John Paul II put it. What appears to be contradictions, endless difficulties, and even a sense of abandonment is the Spirit of Jesus working through the firm hand of the Mother of God, forming her troops and preparing them for the battle of the ages. As it says in that precious book of Sirach:

My son, when you come to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity.  Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you, in crushing misfortune be patient; for in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation. (Sirach 2:1-5)


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Time to Set Our Faces


WHEN it came time for Jesus to enter His Passion, He set His face toward Jerusalem. It is time for the Church to set her face toward her own Calvary as the storm clouds of persecution continue to gather on the horizon. In the next episode of Embracing Hope TV, Mark explains how Jesus prophetically signals the spiritual condition necessary for the Body of Christ to follow its Head on the Way of the Cross, in this Final Confrontation that the Church is now facing…

 To watch this episode, go to www.embracinghope.tv