The Third Way

Loneliness by Hans Thoma (National Museum in Warsaw)


AS I sat down last night to finish writing Part II of this series on Human Sexuality and Freedom, the Holy Spirit put the brakes on. The grace was not there to continue. However, this morning as I resumed writing, an email came to me that put everything aside. It is a new documentary that summarizes the things I am writing you. While my series is not focused on homosexuality, but all forms of sexual expression, this short film is just too good not to share at this point.

That, and another email arrived that is a perfect bookend to this documentary. It is a message allegedly from Our Lady of Medjugorje. Whether you believe in the apparitions or not, [1]cf. On Medjugorje; I am puzzled by Catholics who want to pre-empt the Vatican (which continues to investigate and discern the Medjugorje phenomenon) and declare on their own authority that the apparitions are false. Given the thousands of thoroughly orthodox vocations, ministries, and healings that have come from there, I for one will celebrate the fruit and do exactly what St. Paul said to do with prophecy: “retain what is good.” My bishop said to me recently that he would have no problem quoting private revelation that is not contrary to Catholic teaching and has not been “condemned” by the Magisterium. That is my mind as well. To those who feel they must attack this alleged apparition and ridicule those who continue to discern its message and fruit, I ask, why are you so afraid? Rather, stay close to the Magisterium, await their decision, and be obedient to it—as will I. In On Medjugorje, I explain why Catholics everywhere should pause before the “good fruit” that is being born while we await the Vatican’s official statement. the alleged messages continue to perfectly echo, not only Catholic teaching, but the prophetic pulse of this hour. I quote here in part a message that Our Lady, on June 2nd, 2015, allegedly gave to Mirjana:

…the time has come for acts of truth, for my Son. My love will work in you – I will make use of you…. do not be afraid to witness Truth. If you are not afraid and witness courageously, the truth will miraculously win, but remember, strength is in love. My children, love is repentance, forgiveness, prayer, sacrifice and mercy. If you will know how to love, by your works you will convert others, you will enable the light of my Son to penetrate into souls. (My emphasis)

I have some personal matters to tend to today as it turns out, and so in lieu of Part II, which I am still writing, I want to share this video that should, in fact, be seen by the entire world. It will leave many of you cheering and praising God for that love and truth that always, in the end, miraculously wins…



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1 cf. On Medjugorje; I am puzzled by Catholics who want to pre-empt the Vatican (which continues to investigate and discern the Medjugorje phenomenon) and declare on their own authority that the apparitions are false. Given the thousands of thoroughly orthodox vocations, ministries, and healings that have come from there, I for one will celebrate the fruit and do exactly what St. Paul said to do with prophecy: “retain what is good.” My bishop said to me recently that he would have no problem quoting private revelation that is not contrary to Catholic teaching and has not been “condemned” by the Magisterium. That is my mind as well. To those who feel they must attack this alleged apparition and ridicule those who continue to discern its message and fruit, I ask, why are you so afraid? Rather, stay close to the Magisterium, await their decision, and be obedient to it—as will I. In On Medjugorje, I explain why Catholics everywhere should pause before the “good fruit” that is being born while we await the Vatican’s official statement.

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