


I have often written over the past few years of the necessity to stay awake, to persevere in these days of change. I believe there is a temptation, however, to read the prophetic warnings and words that God is speaking through various souls these days… and then dismiss or forget them because they have not yet been fulfilled after a few or even several years. Hence, the image I see in my heart is of a Church fallen asleep… "will the son of man find faith on earth when he returns?"

The root of this complacency is often a misunderstanding of how God works through His prophets. It takes time not only for such messages to be disseminated, but for hearts to be converted. God, in His infinite Mercy, gives us that time. I believe the prophetic word is often urgent so as to move our hearts to conversion, though the fulfillment of such words may be—in human perception—some time off. But when they do come to fulfillment (at least those messages which cannot be mitigated), how many souls will wish they had another ten years! For many events will come "like a thief in the night."

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