When Face to Face With Evil


ONE of my translators forwarded this letter to me:

For too long the Church has been destroying itself by refusing messages from heaven and not helping those who call heaven for help. God has been silent too long, he proves that he is weak because he allows evil to act. I don’t understand his will, nor his love, nor the fact that he lets evil spread. Yet he created SATAN and did not destroy him when he revolted, reducing him to ashes. I do not have more confidence in Jesus who supposedly is stronger than the Devil. It could just take one word and one gesture and the world would be saved! I had dreams, hopes, projects, but now I only have one desire when comes the end of the day: to close my eyes definitively!

Where is this God? is he deaf? is he blind? Does he care about people who are suffering?…. 

You ask God for Health, he gives you sickness, suffering and death.
You ask for a job you have unemployment and suicide
You ask for children you have infertility.
You ask for holy priests, you have freemasons.

You ask for joy and happiness, you have pain, sorrow, persecution, misfortune.
You ask for Heaven you have Hell.

He has always had his preferences — like Abel to Cain, Isaac to Ishmael, Jacob to Esau, the wicked to the righteous. It’s sad, but we have to face the facts SATAN IS STRONGER THAN ALL THE SAINTS AND ANGELS COMBINED! So if God exists, let him prove it to me, I am looking forward to converse with him if that can convert me. I didn’t ask to be born.

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Defeating the Spirit of Fear


FEAR is not a good counsellor.” Those words from French Bishop Marc Aillet have echoed in my heart all week. For everywhere I turn, I meet people who are no longer thinking and acting rationally; who cannot see the contradictions in front of their noses; who have handed to their unelected “chief medical officers” infallible control over their lives. Many are acting in a fear that has been driven into them through a powerful media machine — either the fear that they are going to die, or the fear that they are going to kill someone by simply breathing. As Bishop Marc went on to say:

Fear… leads to ill-advised attitudes, it sets people against one another, it generates a climate of tension and even violence. We may well be on the verge of an explosion! —Bishop Marc Aillet, December 2020, Notre Eglise; countdowntothekingdom.com

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Fullness of Sin: Evil Must Exhaust Itself

Cup of Wrath


First published October 20th, 2009. I have added a recent message from Our Lady below… 


THERE is a cup of suffering that is to be drunk from twice in the fullness of time. It has already been emptied by Our Lord Jesus Himself who, in the Garden of Gethsemane, placed it to His lips in His holy prayer of abandonment:

My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will. (Matt 26:39)

The cup is to be filled again so that His Body, who, in following its Head, will enter into its own Passion in her participation in the redemption of souls:

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The Incurable Evil

for Thursday of the First Week of Lent, February 26th, 2015

Liturgical texts here

The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin, attributed to Lorenzo Monaco, (1370–1425)


WHEN we speak of a “last chance” for the world, it is because we are talking about an “incurable evil.” Sin has so entwined itself in men’s affairs, so corrupted the very foundations of not only economics and politics but also the food chain, medicine, and the environment, that nothing short of cosmic surgery [1]cf. The Cosmic Surgery is necessary. As the Psalmist says,

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1 cf. The Cosmic Surgery


for Saturday after Ash Wednesday, February 21st, 2015

Liturgical texts here



IF you really stop to think about it, to really absorb what just happened in today’s Gospel, it should revolutionize your life.

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Do Not Be Shaken

for January 13th, 2015
Opt. Memorial of St. Hilary

Liturgical texts here


WE have entered a period of time in the Church that will shake the faith of many. And that is because it is going to increasingly appear as though evil has won, as though the Church has become completely irrelevant, and in fact, an enemy of the State. Those who hold fast to the whole of the Catholic faith will be few in number and be universally considered antiquated, illogical, and an obstacle to be removed.

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When Legion Comes

for February 3rd, 2014

Liturgical texts here

A “performance” at the 2014 Grammy Awards



ST. Basil wrote that,

Among the angels, some are set in charge of nations, others are companions of the faithful…Adversus Eunomium, 3:1; The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 68

We see the principle of angels over nations in the Book of Daniel where it speaks of the “prince of Persia”, whom the archangel Michael comes to battle. [1]cf. Dan 10:20 In this case, the prince of Persia appears to be the satanic stronghold of a fallen angel.

The guardian angel of the Lord “guards the soul like an army,” said St. Gregory of Nyssa, “provided we do not drive him out by sin.” [2]The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 69 That is, grave sin, idolatry, or deliberate occult involvement can leave one vulnerable to the demonic. Is it possible then that, what happens to an individual who opens himself up to evil spirits, can also happen on a national basis? Today’s Mass readings lend some insights.

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1 cf. Dan 10:20
2 The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 69

Just Another Holy Eve?



WHEN I awoke this morning, an unexpected and bizarre cloud hung over my soul. I sensed a strong spirit of violence and death in the air all around me. As I drove into town, I took my Rosary out, and invoking the name of Jesus, prayed for God’s protection. It took me about three hours and four cups of coffee to finally figure out what I was experiencing, and why: it’s Halloween today.

No, I’m not going to delve into the the history of this strange American “holiday” or wade into the debate on whether to participate in it or not. A quick search of these topics on the Internet will provide ample reading in between ghouls arriving at your door, threatening tricks in lieu of treats.

Rather, I want to look at what Halloween has become, and how it is a harbinger, another “sign of the times.”


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The Progression of Man

Victims of genocide



PERHAPS the most short-sighted aspect of our modern culture is the notion that we are on a linear path of advancement. That we are leaving behind, in the wake of human achievement, the barbarism and narrow-minded thinking of past generations and cultures. That we are loosening the shackles of prejudice and intolerance and marching toward a more democratic, free, and civilized world.

This assumption is not only false, but dangerous.

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