Ask, Seek, and Knock


Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you…
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly Father
give good things to those who ask him.
(Matt 7:7-11)

Recently, the writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta have been cast into doubt, if not slanderously attacked, by certain radical traditionalists.[1]cf. Luisa Attacked Again; One claim is that Luisa’s writings are “pornographic” because of symbolic imagery, for example, of Luisa “suckling” at the breast of Christ. However, this is the very mystical language of Scripture itself: You shall suck the milk of nations, and be nursed at royal breasts… That you may drink with delight at her abundant breasts!… As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you…” (Isaiah 60:16, 66:11-13) There was also a leaked private communique between the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and a bishop that appears to have suspended her Cause while the Korean bishops issued a negative but strange ruling.[2]see Is Luisa Piccarreta’s Cause Suspended? However, the official position of the Church on the writings of this Servant of God remains one of “approval” as her writings bear the proper ecclesial seals, which have not been revoked by the Pope.[3]ie. Luisa’s first 19 volumes received the Nihil Obstat from St. Hannibal di Francia, and the Imprimatur from Bishop Joseph Leo. The Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will also bear the same ecclesiastical seals.Continue reading


1 cf. Luisa Attacked Again; One claim is that Luisa’s writings are “pornographic” because of symbolic imagery, for example, of Luisa “suckling” at the breast of Christ. However, this is the very mystical language of Scripture itself: You shall suck the milk of nations, and be nursed at royal breasts… That you may drink with delight at her abundant breasts!… As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you…” (Isaiah 60:16, 66:11-13)
2 see Is Luisa Piccarreta’s Cause Suspended?
3 ie. Luisa’s first 19 volumes received the Nihil Obstat from St. Hannibal di Francia, and the Imprimatur from Bishop Joseph Leo. The Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will also bear the same ecclesiastical seals.

Antidotes to Antichrist


WHAT is God’s antidote to the spectre of Antichrist in our days? What is the Lord’s “solution” to safeguard His people, the Barque of His Church, through the rough waters ahead? Those are crucial questions, particularly in light of Christ’s own, sobering question:

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8)Continue reading

The Greatest Revolution


THE world is ready for a great revolution. After thousands of years of so-called progress, we are no less barbaric than Cain. We think we are advanced, but many are clueless how to plant a garden. We claim to be civilized, yet we are more divided and in peril of mass self-destruction than any previous generation. It is no little thing that Our Lady has said through several prophets that “You are living in a time worse than the time of the Flood,” but she adds, “…and the moment has come for your return.”[1]June 18th, 2020, “Worse than the Flood” But return to what? To religion? To “traditional Masses”? To pre-Vatican II…?Continue reading


1 June 18th, 2020, “Worse than the Flood”

St. Paul’s Little Way


Rejoice always, pray constantly
and give thanks in all situations,
for this is the will of God
for you in Christ Jesus.” 
(1Thessalonians 5:16)

SINCE I wrote you last, our lives have descended into chaos as we have begun the move from one province to another. On top of that, unexpected expenses and repairs have cropped up amidst the usual struggle with contractors, deadlines, and broken supply chains. Yesterday, I finally blew a gasket and had to go for a long drive.Continue reading

How to Live In the Divine Will


GOD has reserved, for our times, the “gift of living in the Divine Will” that once was Adam’s birthright but was lost through original sin. Now it is being restored as the final stage of the People of God’s long journey back to the Father’s heart, to make of them a Bride “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:27).Continue reading

Our Lady’s Wartime



THERE are two ways to approach the times now unfolding: as victims or protagonists, as bystanders or leaders. We have to choose. Because there is no more middle ground. There is no more place for the lukewarm. There is no more waffling on the project of our holiness or of our witness. Either we are all in for Christ — or we will be taken in by the spirit of the world.Continue reading

The Secret


…the daybreak from on high will visit us
to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.
(Luke 1:78-79)


AS it was the first time Jesus came, so it is again on the threshold of the coming of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, which prepares for and precedes His final coming at the end of time. The world, once again, is “in darkness and death’s shadow,” but a new dawn is quickly approaching.Continue reading

Drawing Near to Jesus


I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all my readers and viewers for your patience (as always) at this time of year when the farm is busy and I also try to sneak in some rest and vacation with my family. Thank you also to those who have offered your prayers and donations for this ministry. I will never have the time to thank everyone personally, but know that I pray for all of you. 


WHAT is the purpose of all my writings, webcasts, podcasts, book, albums, etc.? What is my goal in writing about the “signs of the times” and the “end times”? Certainly, it has been to prepare readers for the days which are now at hand. But at the very heart of all this, the goal is ultimately to draw you nearer to Jesus.Continue reading

When Wisdom Comes

for Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent, March 26th, 2015

Liturgical texts here



THE words came to me recently:

Whatever happens, happens. Knowing about the future does not prepare you for it; knowing Jesus does.

There is a gigantic gulf between knowledge and Wisdom. Knowledge tells you what is. Wisdom tells you what to do with it. The former without the latter can be catastrophic on many levels. For example:

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Reshaping Fatherhood

for Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 19th, 2015
Solemnity of St. Joseph

Liturgical texts here


FATHERHOOD is one of the most amazing gifts from God. And it’s time we men truly reclaim it for what it is: an opportunity to reflect the very face of the Heavenly Father.

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When the Spirit Comes

for Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 17th, 2015
St. Patrick’s Day

Liturgical texts here


THE Holy Spirit.

Have you met this Person yet? There is the Father and the Son, yes, and it is easy for us to imagine them because of Christ’s face and the image of fatherhood. But the Holy Spirit… what, a bird? No, the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, and the one who, when He comes, makes all the difference in the world.

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Pray More, Speak Less



I could have written this for the past week. First published 

THE Synod on the family in Rome last autumn was the beginning of a firestorm of attacks, assumptions, judgments, grumbling, and suspicions against Pope Francis. I set everything aside, and for several weeks responded to reader’s concerns, media distortions, and most especially distortions of fellow Catholics that simply needed to be addressed. Thanks be to God, many people stopped panicking and started praying, started reading more of what the Pope was actually saying rather than what the headlines were. For indeed, Pope Francis’ colloquial style, his off-the-cuff remarks that reflect a man who is more comfortable with street-talk than theological-speak, has required greater context.

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The Right Spiritual Steps




Your Duty in

God’s Imminent Plan of Holiness

Through His Mother

by Anthony Mullen


YOU have been drawn to this website to be prepared: the ultimate preparation is to be really and truly transformed into Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Spiritual Motherhood and Triumph of Mary our Mother, and the Mother of our God.  The preparation for the Storm is simply one (but important) part in the preparation for your “New & Divine Holiness” that St. John Paul II prophesized would occur “to make Christ the Heart of the world.”

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Losing Our Children

for January 5th-10th, 2015
of the Epiphany

Liturgical texts here


I have had countless parents come up to me in person or write me saying, “I don’t understand. We took our children to Mass every Sunday. My kids would pray the Rosary with us. They would go to spiritual functions… but now, they’ve all left the Church.”

The question is why? As a parent of eight children myself, the tears of these parents has sometimes haunted me. Then why not my kids? In truth, every one of us has free will. There is no forumla, per se, that if you do this, or say that prayer, that the outcome is sainthood. No, sometimes the outcome is atheism, as I’ve seen in my own extended family.

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Why We Don't Hear His Voice

for March 28th, 2014
Friday of the Third Week of Lent

Liturgical texts here



JESUS said my sheep hear my voice. He did not say “some” sheep, but my sheep hear my voice. So why then, you may ask, do I not hear His voice? Today’s readings offer some reasons why.

I am the Lord your God: hear my voice… I tested you at the waters of Meribah. Hear, my people, and I will admonish you; O Israel, will you not hear me?” (Today’s Psalm)

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The Little Path



DO not waste time thinking about the heroics of the saints, their miracles, extraordinary penances, or ecstasies if it only brings you discouragement in your present state (“I’ll never be one of them,” we mumble, and then promptly return to the status quo beneath the heel of Satan). Rather, then, occupy yourself with simply walking on the The Little Path, which leads no less, to the beatitude of the saints.


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Prowling for Pray



Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings. (1 Pet 5:8-9)

St. Peter’s words are frank. They should awaken every single one of us to a stark reality: we are being hunted daily, hourly, every second by a fallen angel and his minions. Few people understand this relentless assault on their souls. In fact, we live in a time where some theologians and clergy have not only downplayed the role of demons, but have denied their existence altogether. Perhaps it is divine providence in a way when movies such as the The Exorcism of Emily Rose or The Conjuring based on “true events” appear on the silver screen. If people do not believe in Jesus through the Gospel message, perhaps they will believe when they see His enemy at work. [1]Caution: these films are about real demonic possession and infestations and should only be watched in a state of grace and prayer. I have not seen The Conjuring, but highly recommend seeing The Exorcism of Emily Rose with its stunning and prophetic ending, with the aforementioned preparation.

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1 Caution: these films are about real demonic possession and infestations and should only be watched in a state of grace and prayer. I have not seen The Conjuring, but highly recommend seeing The Exorcism of Emily Rose with its stunning and prophetic ending, with the aforementioned preparation.

To You, Jesus



TO you, Jesus,

Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer my day and my entire being.

To look at only that which you want me to see;

To listen to only that which you wish me to hear;

To speak only that which you want me to say;

To love only that which you wish me to love.

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Just Today



GOD wants to slow us down. More than that, He wants us to rest, even in chaos. Jesus never rushed to His Passion. He took the time to have a last meal, a last teaching, an intimate moment of washing another’s feet. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He set aside time to pray, to gather His strength, to seek the will of the Father. So as the Church approaches her own Passion, we too should imitate our Savior and become a people of rest. In fact, only in this way can we possibly offer ourselves as true instruments of “salt and light.”

What does it mean to “rest”?

When you die, all worrying, all restlessness, all passions cease, and the soul is suspended in a state of stillness… a state of rest. Meditate on this, for that should be our state in this life, since Jesus calls us to a state of “dying” while we live:

Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it…. I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. (Matt 16:24-25; John 12:24)

Of course, in this life, we cannot help but wrestle with our passions and struggle with our weaknesses. The key, then, is not to let yourself be caught up in the rushing currents and impulses of the flesh, in the tossing waves of the passions. Rather, dive deep into the soul where the Waters of the Spirit are still.

We do this by living in a state of trust.


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Join Mark in Sault Ste. Marie




 December 9 & 10, 2012
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
114 MacDonald Ave

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
7:00 pm nightly
(705) 942-8546


As We Get Closer



THESE past seven years, I have felt the Lord comparing what is here and coming upon the world to a hurricane. The closer one gets to the eye of the storm, the more intense the winds become. Likewise, the closer we get to the Eye of the Storm—what mystics and saints have referred to as a global “warning” or “illumination of conscience” (perhaps the “sixth seal” of Revelation)—the more intense world events will become.

We began to feel the first winds of this Great Storm in 2008 when the global economic collapse began to unfold [1]cf. The Year of the Unfolding, Landslide &, The Coming Counterfeit. What we will see in the days and months ahead will be events unfolding very rapidly, one upon the other, that will increase the intensity of this Great Storm. It is the convergence of chaos. [2]cf. Wisdom and the Convergence of Chaos Already, there are significant events happening all over the world that, unless you are watching, as this ministry is, most will be oblivious to them.


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Be Resolved


FAITH is the oil which fills our lamps and prepares us for Christ’s coming (Matt 25). But how do we attain this faith, or rather, fill our lamps? The answer is through prayer

Prayer attends to the grace we need…Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), n.2010

Many people begin the new year making a “New Year’s Resolution” — a promise to change a certain behavior or accomplish some goal. Then brothers and sisters, be resolved to pray. So few Catholics see the importance of God today because they no longer pray. If they prayed consistently, their hearts would be filled more and more with the oil of faith. They would encounter Jesus in a very personal way, and be convinced within themselves that He exists and is who He says He is. They would be given a divine wisdom by which to discern these days we live in, and more of a heavenly perspective of all things. They would encounter Him when they seek Him with a childlike trust…

…seek him in integrity of heart; because he is found by those who do not test him, and manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him. (Wisdom 1:1-2)

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Conquering Fear In Our Times


Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding in the Temple, by Michael D. O’Brien.


LAST week, the Holy Father sent 29 newly ordained priests into the world asking them to “proclaim and witness to joy.” Yes! We must all continue to witness to others the joy of knowing Jesus.

But many Christians do not even feel joy, let alone witness to it. In fact, many are full of stress, anxiety, fear, and a sense of abandonment as the pace of life quickens, the cost of living increases, and they watch the news headlines unfold around them. “How,” some ask, “can I be joyful?”


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Like a Thief


THE past 24 hours since writing After the Illumination, the words have been echoing in my heart: Like a thief in the night…

Concerning times and seasons, brothers, you have no need for anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night. When people are saying, “Peace and security,” then sudden disaster comes upon them, like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,and they will not escape. (1 Thess 5:2-3)

Many have applied these words to the Second Coming of Jesus. Indeed, the Lord will come at an hour that no one but the Father knows. But if we read the above text carefully, St. Paul is speaking about the coming of the “day of the Lord,” and what comes suddenly are like “labor pains.” In my last writing, I explained how the “day of the Lord” is not a single day or event, but a period of time, according to Sacred Tradition. Thus, that which leads up to and ushers in the Day of the Lord are precisely those labor pains that Jesus spoke of [1]Matt 24: 6-8; Luke 21:9-11 and St. John saw in the vision of The Seven Seals of Revolution.

They too, for many, will come like a thief in the night.

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1 Matt 24: 6-8; Luke 21:9-11



IF you read Custody of the Heart, then you know by now how often we fail to keep it! How easily we are distracted by the smallest thing, pulled away from peace, and derailed from our holy desires. Again, with St. Paul we cry out:

I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate…! (Rom 7:14)

But we need to hear again the words of St. James:

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  (James 1:2-4)

Grace is not cheap, handed over like fast-food or at the click of a mouse. We have to fight for it! Recollection, which is taking custody again of the heart, is often a struggle between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit. And so, we have to learn to follow the ways of the Spirit…


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