The Strong Delusion


There’s a mass psychosis.
It’s akin to what happened in German society
before and during World War II where
normal, decent people were turned into aides
and “just following orders” type of mentality
that led to genocide.
I see now that same paradigm happening.

–Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, August 14th, 2021;
35:53, Stew Peters Show

It’s a disturbia.
It’s maybe a group neurosis.
It is something that’s come over the minds
of people all over the world.
Whatever is going on is going on in the
tiniest island in the Philippines and Indonesia,
the smallest little village in Africa and South America.
It’s all the same — it’s come over the entire world.

—Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, August 14th, 2021;
Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode 19

What the last year has really shocked me to the core about
is that in the face of an invisible, apparently serious threat,
rational discussion went out of the window…
When we look back on the COVID era,
I think it will be seen as other human responses
to invisible threats in the past have been seen,
as a time of mass hysteria. 

—Dr. John Lee, Pathologist; Unlocked video; 41:00

Mass formation psychosis… this is like hypnosis…
This is what happened to the German people. 
—Dr. Robert Malone, MD, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology
Kristi Leigh TV; 4:54

I don’t normally use phrases like this,
but I think we are standing at the very gates of Hell.
—Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist

of Respiratory and Allergies at Pfizer;
1:01:54, Following the Science?


First published November 10th, 2020:


THERE are extraordinary things happening every day now, just as Our Lord said they would: the closer we get to to the Eye of the Storm, the faster the “winds of change” will be… the more rapid major events will befall a world in rebellion. Recall the words of the American seer, Jennifer, to whom Jesus said:Continue reading

The Agitators – Part II


Hatred of the brethren makes room next for Antichrist;
for the devil prepares beforehand the divisions among the people,
that he who is to come may be acceptable to them.

—St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Church Doctor, (c. 315-386)
Catechetical Lectures, Lecture XV, n.9

Read Part I here: The Agitators


THE world watched it like a soap opera. Global news incessantly covered it. For months on end, the U.S. election was the preoccupation of not only Americans but billions across the world. Families argued bitterly, friendships fractured, and social media accounts erupted, whether you lived in Dublin or Vancouver, Los Angeles or London. Defend Trump and you were exiled; criticize him and you were deceived.  Somehow, the orange-haired businessman from New York managed to polarize the world like no other politician in our times.Continue reading

The False Peace and Security


For you yourselves know very well
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
When people are saying, “Peace and security,”
then sudden disaster comes upon them,
like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
(1 Thess 5:2-3)


JUST as the Saturday night vigil Mass heralds Sunday, what the Church calls the “day of the Lord” or “Lord’s day”[1]CCC, n. 1166, so too, the Church has entered the vigil hour of the Great Day of the Lord.[2]Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day And this Day of the Lord, taught the Early Church Fathers, is not a twenty-four hour day at the end of the world, but a triumphant period of time when the enemies of God will be vanquished, the Antichrist or “Beast” is cast into the lake of fire, and Satan chained for a “thousand years.”[3]cf. Rethinking the End TimesContinue reading


1 CCC, n. 1166
2 Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day
3 cf. Rethinking the End Times

Persecution – The Fifth Seal


THE garments of the Bride of Christ have become filthy. The Great Storm that is here and coming will purify her through persecution—the Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation. Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they continue to explain the Timeline of events that are now unfolding… Continue reading

The Hour of the Sword


THE Great Storm I spoke of in Spiraling Toward the Eye has three essential components according to the Early Church Fathers, Scripture, and confirmed in credible prophetic revelations. The first part of the Storm is essentially man-made: humanity reaping what it has sown (cf. Seven Seals of Revolution). Then comes the Eye of the Storm followed by the last half of the Storm which will culminate in God Himself directly intervening through a Judgment of the Living.
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The Seven Seals of Revolution


IN truth, I think most of us are very tired… tired of not only seeing the spirit of violence, impurity, and division sweeping over the world, but tired of having to hear about it—perhaps from people like me too. Yes, I know, I make some people very uncomfortable, even angry. Well, I can assure you that I have been tempted to flee to the “normal life” many times… but I realize that in the temptation to escape this strange writing apostolate is the seed of pride, a wounded pride that does not want to be “that prophet of doom and gloom.” But at the end of every day, I say “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. How can I say ‘no’ to You who did not say ‘no’ to me on the Cross?” The temptation is to simply close my eyes, fall asleep, and pretend that things are not what they really are. And then, Jesus comes with a tear in His eye and gently pokes me, saying:Continue reading

The Great Antidote

Stand your ground…



HAVE we entered into those times of lawlessness that will culminate in the “lawless one,” as St. Paul described in 2 Thessalonians 2? [1]Some Church Fathers saw the Antichrist appearing before the “era of peace” while others toward the end of the world. If one follows St. John’s vision in Revelation, the answer seems to be that they are both right. See The Last Two Eclipses It is an important question, because our Lord himself commanded us to “watch and pray.” Even Pope St. Pius X raised the possibility that, given the spread of what he called “a terrible and deep-rooted malady” that is dragging society to destruction, that is, “apostasy”…

…there may be already in the world the “Son of Perdition” of whom the Apostle speaks. —POPE ST. PIUS X, E Supremi, Encyclical On the Restoration of All Things in Christ, n. 3, 5; October 4th, 1903

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1 Some Church Fathers saw the Antichrist appearing before the “era of peace” while others toward the end of the world. If one follows St. John’s vision in Revelation, the answer seems to be that they are both right. See The Last Two Eclipses

Global Revolution!


…the order of the world is shaken. (Psalm 82:5)

WHEN I wrote about Revolution! a few years ago, it was not a word being used much in the mainstream. But today, it is being spoken everywhere… and now, the words “global revolutionare rippling throughout the world. From the uprisings in the Middle East, to Venezuela, Ukraine, etc. to the first murmurings in the “Tea Party” revolution and “Occupy Wall Street” in the U.S., unrest is spreading like “a virus.” There is indeed a global upheaval underway.

I will rouse Egypt against Egypt: brother will war against brother, neighbour against neighbour, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. (Isaiah 19:2)

But it is a Revolution that has been in the making for a very long time…

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Wisdom and the Convergence of Chaos

Photo by Oli Kekäläinen



First published on April 17th, 2011, I woke up this morning sensing the Lord wanted me to republish this. The main point is at the end, and the need for wisdom. For new readers, the rest of this meditation can also serve as a wake-up call to the seriousness of our times….


SOME time ago, I listened on the radio to a news story about a serial killer somewhere on the loose in New York, and all the horrified responses. My first reaction was anger at the stupidity of this generation. Do we seriously believe that constantly glorifying psychopathic killers, mass murderers, vile rapists, and war in our “entertainment” has no effect on our emotional and spiritual well-being? A quick glance at the shelves of a movie rental store reveals a culture so dumbed down, so oblivious, so blinded to the reality of our internal sickness that we actually believe our obsession with sexual idolatry, horror, and violence is normal.

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The Hour of the Laity

World Youth Day



WE are entering a most profound period of purification of the Church and the planet. The signs of the times are all around us as the upheaval in nature, the economy, and social and political stability speaks of a world on the verge of a Global Revolution. Thus, I believe we are also approaching the hour of God’s “last effort” before the “day of justice” arrives (see The Last Effort), as St. Faustina recorded in her diary. Not the end of the world, but the end of an era:

Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy; let them profit from the Blood and Water which gushed forth for them. —Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 848

Blood and Water is pouring forth this moment from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is this mercy gushing forth from the Heart of the Savior that is the final effort to…

…withdraw [mankind] from the empire of Satan which He desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them into the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion.—St. Margaret Mary (1647-1690),

It is for this that I believe we have been called into The Bastiona time of intense prayer, focus, and preparation as the Winds of Change gather strength. For the heavens and earth are going to shake, and God is going to concentrate His love into one last moment of grace before the world is purified. [1]see The Eye of the Storm and The Great Earthquake It is for this time that God has prepared a little army, primarily of the laity.


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The Heart of the New Revolution



IT seemed like a benign philosophy—deism. That the world was indeed created by God… but then left for man to sort it out himself and determine his own destiny. It was a little lie, born in the 16th century, that was a catalyst in part for the “Enlightenment” period, which gave birth to atheistic materialism, which was embodied by Communism, which has prepared the soil for where we are today: on the threshold of a Global Revolution.

The Global Revolution taking place today is unlike anything seen before. It certainly has political-economic dimensions like past revolutions. In fact, the very conditions that led to the French Revolution (and its violent persecution of the Church) are among us today in several parts of the world: high unemployment, food shortages, and anger fomenting against the authority of both Church and State. In fact, the conditions today are ripe for upheaval (read The Seven Seals of Revolution).

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