The King Comes


Before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. 
Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 83


SOMETHING stunning, powerful, hopeful, sobering, and inspiring emerges once we filter the message of Jesus to St. Faustina through Sacred Tradition. That, and we simply take Jesus at His word—that with these revelations to St. Faustina, they mark a period known as the “end times”:Continue reading

The Great Day of Light



Now I am sending to you Elijah the prophet,
before the day of the Lord comes,
the great and terrible day;
He will turn the heart of fathers to their sons,
and the heart of sons to their fathers,
lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction.
(Mal 3:23-24)


PARENTS understand that, even when you have a rebellious prodigal, your love for that child never ends. It only hurts that much more. You just want that child to “come home” and find themselves again. That’s why, before the Day of Justice, God, our loving Father, is going to give the prodigals of this generation one last opportunity to return home—to board “the Ark”—before this present Storm purifies the earth.Continue reading

The Day of Justice


I saw the Lord Jesus, like a king in great majesty, looking down upon our earth with great severity; but because of His Mother’s intercession, He prolonged the time of His mercy… I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy… I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of [sinners]. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation… 
—Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 126I, 1588, 1160


AS the first light of dawn passed through my window this morning, I found myself borrowing St. Faustina’s prayer: “O my Jesus, speak to souls Yourself, because my words are insignificant.”[1]Diary, n. 1588 This is a difficult subject but one we cannot avoid without doing damage to the entire message of the Gospels and Sacred Tradition. I will draw from dozens of my writings to give a summary of the nearing Day of Justice. Continue reading


1 Diary, n. 1588

The Last Hour

Italian Earthquake, May 20th, 2012, Associated Press


LIKE it’s happened in the past, I felt called by Our Lord to go and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. It was intense, deep, sorrowful… I sensed the Lord had a word this time, not for me, but for you… for the Church. After giving it to my spiritual director, I share it now with you…

Continue reading

The Hour of Great Mercy


EVERY day, an extraordinary grace is made available to us that previous generations did not have or were not aware of. It is a grace tailored for our generation who, since the early 20th century, is now living in a “time of mercy.” Continue reading

The Signs of Our Times

Notre Dame on Fire, Thomas Samson/Agence France-Presse


IT was the coldest day on our visit to Jerusalem last month. The breeze was merciless as the sun fought against the clouds for dominion. It was here on the Mount of Olives that Jesus wept over that ancient city. Our pilgrim group entered the chapel there, rising above the Garden of Gethsemane, to say Mass.Continue reading

Sleeping While the House Burns


THERE is a scene from the 1980’s comedy series The Naked Gun where a car chase ends with a fireworks factory blowing up, people running in every direction, and general mayhem. The main cop played by Leslie Nielsen makes his way through the crowd of gawkers and, with explosions going off behind him, states calmly, “Nothing to see here, please disperse. Nothing to see here, please.”
Continue reading

Ashamed of Jesus

Photo from The Passion of the Christ


SINCE my trip to the Holy Land, something deep within has been stirring, a holy fire, a holy desire to make Jesus loved and known again. I say “again” because, not only has the Holy Land barely retained a Christian presence, but the entire Western world is in a rapid collapse of Christian belief and values,[1]cf. All the Difference and hence, the destruction of its moral compass.Continue reading


1 cf. All the Difference

The Eighth Sacrament


THERE is a little “now word” that has been stuck in my thoughts for years, if not decades. And that is the growing need for authentic Christian community. While we have seven sacraments in the Church, which are essentially “encounters” with the Lord, I believe one could also speak of an “eighth sacrament” based on Jesus’ teaching:Continue reading

All the Difference


CARDINAL Sarah was blunt: “A West that denies its faith, its history, its roots, and its identity is destined for contempt, for death, and disappearance.” [1]cf. The African Now Word Statistics reveal that this is not a prophetic warning—it’s a prophetic fulfillment:Continue reading


1 cf. The African Now Word

The African Now Word

Cardinal Sarah kneels before the Blessed Sacrament in Toronto (University of St Michael’s College)
Photo: Catholic Herald


CARDINAL Robert Sarah has given a stunning, perceptive and prescient interview in the Catholic Herald today. It not only repeats “the now word” in terms of the warning that I have been compelled to speak for over a decade, but most especially and importantly, the solutions. Here are some of the key thoughts from Cardinal Sarah’s interview along with links for new readers to some of my writings that parallel and expand his observations:Continue reading

Lightening the Cross


The secret of happiness is docility to God and generosity to the needy…
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Nov 2nd, 2005, Zenit

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other…
—Saint Teresa of Calcutta


WE speak so much of how heavy our crosses are. But did you know that crosses can be light? Do you know what makes them lighter? It is love. The kind of love that Jesus spoke about:Continue reading

The Cross is Love


WHENEVER we see someone suffering, we often say “Oh, that person’s cross is heavy.” Or I might think that my own circumstances, be they unexpected sorrows, reversals, trials, breakdowns, health issues, etc. are my “cross to carry.” Moreover, we might seek out certain mortifications, fasts, and observances to add to our “cross.” While it is true that suffering is part of one’s cross, to reduce it to this is to miss what the Cross truly signifies: love. Continue reading

Loving Jesus


FRANKLY, I feel unworthy of writing on the present subject, as one who has loved the Lord so poorly. Everyday I set out to love Him, but by the time I enter an examination of conscience, I find that I have loved myself more. And the words of St. Paul become my own:Continue reading

Finding Jesus


WALKING along the Sea of Galilee one morning, I wondered how it was possible that Jesus was so rejected and even tortured and killed. I mean, here was One who not only loved, but was love itself: “for God is love.” [1]1 John 4:8 Every breath then, every word, every glance, every thought, every moment was imbued with Divine Love, so much so that hardened sinners would simply leave everything at once at the mere sound of his voice.Continue reading


1 1 John 4:8

The Crisis Behind the Crisis


To repent is to not just acknowledge that I have done wrong;
it is to turn my back on the wrong and start incarnating the Gospel.
On this hinges the future of Christianity in the world today.
The world does not believe what Christ taught
because we do not incarnate it. 
—Servant of God Catherine Doherty, from Kiss of Christ


THE Church’s greatest moral crisis continues to escalate in our times. This has resulted in “lay inquisitions” led by Catholic media, calls for sweeping reforms, an overhaul of alert systems, updated procedures, the excommunication of bishops, and so forth. But all of this fails to recognize the real root of the problem and why every “fix” proposed thus far, no matter how backed by righteous indignation and sound reason, fails to deal with the crisis within the crisis.Continue reading

Co-workers in Christ’s Vineyard

Mark Mallett by the Sea of Galilee


Now is above all the hour of the lay faithful,
who, by their specific vocation to shape the secular world in accordance with the Gospel,
are called to carry forward the Church’s prophetic mission
by evangelizing the various spheres of family,
social, professional and cultural life.

—POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Indianapolis, Chicago
and Milwaukee
on their “Ad Limina” visit, May 28th, 2004


I want to continue to reflect on the theme of evangelization as we move forward. But before I do, there is a practical message I need to repeat.Continue reading

In the Footsteps of St. John

St. John resting on the breast of Christ, (John 13:23)


AS you read this, I am on a flight to the Holy Land to embark on a pilgrimage. I am going to take the next twelve days to lean upon the breast of Christ at His Last Supper… to enter Gethsemane to “watch and pray”… and to stand in the silence of Calvary to draw strength from the Cross and Our Lady. This will be my last writing until I return.Continue reading

Resurrection, not Reform…


…the Church is in such a state of crisis, such a state of needing massive reform…
—John-Henry Westen, Editor of LifeSiteNews;
from the video “Is Pope Francis Driving the Agenda?”, Feb. 24th, 2019

The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover,
when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 677

You know how to judge the appearance of the sky,
but you cannot judge the signs of the times. (Matt 16:3)

Continue reading

Fear Not!

Against the Wind, by Liz Lemon Swindle, 2003


WE have entered the decisive struggle with the powers of darkness. I wrote in When the Stars Fall how the popes believe we are living the hour of Revelation 12, but especially verse four, where the devil sweeps to the earth a “third of the stars of heaven.” These “fallen stars,” according to biblical exegesis, are the hierarchy of the Church—and that, according to private revelation as well. A reader brought to my attention the following message, allegedly from Our Lady, that carries the Magisterium’s Imprimatur. What is remarkable about this locution is that it refers to the falling of these stars in the same period that Marxist ideologies are spreading—that is, the underpinning ideology of Socialism and Communism that are gaining traction again, especially in the West.[1]cf. When Communism Returns Continue reading


When the Stars Fall


POPE FRANCIS and bishops from around the world have gathered this week to face what is arguably the gravest trial in the history of the Catholic Church. It is not just a sexual abuse crisis of those entrusted with Christ’s flock; it is a crisis of faith. For men entrusted with the Gospel ought not only preach it, but above all live it. When they—or we—don’t, then we fall from grace like stars from the firmament.

St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and St. Paul VI all felt that we are presently living the twelfth chapter of Revelation like no other generation, and I submit, in a startling way…Continue reading

Only Jesus Walks On Water

Be Not Afraid, Liz Lemon Swindle


…has it not been thus throughout the history of the Church that the Pope,
the successor of Peter, has been at once
Petra and Skandalon
both the rock of God and a stumbling block?

—POPE BENEDICT XIV, from Das neue Volk Gottes, p. 80ff


IN Last Call: Prophets Arise!, I said that the role of all of us at this hour is simply to speak the truth in love, in season or out, without attachment to the results. That is a call to boldness, a new boldness… Continue reading

Last Call: Prophets Arise!


AS the weekend Mass readings rolled by, I sensed the Lord saying once again: it is time for the prophets to arise! Let me repeat that:

It is time for the prophets to arise!

But don’t start Googling to find out who they are… just look in the mirror.Continue reading

On Weaponizing the Mass


THERE are serious seismic changes occurring in the world and our culture almost on an hourly basis. It doesn’t take a keen eye to recognize that the prophetic warnings foretold over many centuries are unfolding now in real time. So why have I focused on the radical conservatism in the Church this week (not to mention radical liberalism through abortion)? Because one of the foretold events is a coming schism. “A house divided against itself will fall,” Jesus warned.Continue reading

The Bloody Red Herring

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam,  (AP Photo/Steve Helber)


THERE is a collective gasp rising from America, and rightly so. Politicians have begun to move in several States to repeal restrictions on abortion that would then allow the procedure up until the moment of birth. But more than that. Today, the Governor of Virginia defended a proposed bill that would let mothers and their abortion provider decide whether a baby whose mother is in labor, or a baby born alive through a botched abortion, can still be killed.

This is a debate on legalizing infanticide.Continue reading

On Love


So faith, hope, love remain, these three;
but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)


FAITH is the key, which unlocks the door of hope, that opens to love.
Continue reading

The Now Word in 2019


AS we begin this new year together, the “air” is pregnant with expectation. I confess that, by Christmas, I wondered if the Lord was going to be speaking less through this apostolate in the coming year. It has been the opposite. I sense the Lord almost eager to speak to His beloved ones… And so, day by day, I will continue to strive to let His words be in mine, and mine in His, for your sake. As the Proverb goes:

Where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint. (Prov 29:18)

Continue reading

On Hope


Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea,
but the encounter with an event, a person,
which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. 
—POPE BENEDICT XVI; Encyclical Letter: Deus Caritas Est, “God is Love”; 1


I AM a cradle Catholic. There have been many key moments that have deepened my faith over the past five decades. But the ones that produced hope were when I personally encountered the presence and power of Jesus. This, in turn, led me to love Him and others more. Most often, those encounters happened when I approached the Lord as a broken soul, for as the Psalmist says:Continue reading

On Faith


IT is no longer a fringe notion that the world is plunging into a deep crisis. All around us, the fruits of moral relativism abound as the “rule of law” that has more or less guided nations is being re-written: moral absolutes have been all but abolished; medical and scientific ethics are mostly ignored; economic and political norms that maintained civility and order are rapidly being abandoned (cf. The Hour of Lawlessness). The watchmen have cried that a Storm is coming… and now it’s here. We are heading into difficult times. But bound in this Storm is the seed of a coming new Era in which Christ will reign in His saints from coastland to coastland (see Rev 20:1-6; Matt 24:14). It will be a time of peace—the “period of peace” promised at Fatima:Continue reading

The Power of Jesus

Embracing Hope, by Léa Mallett


OVER Christmas, I took time away from this apostolate to make a necessary reset of my heart, scarred and exhausted from a pace of life that has hardly slowed since I began full-time ministry in 2000. But I soon learned that I was more powerless to change things than I’d realized. This led me to a place of near despair as I found myself staring into the abyss between Christ and I, between myself and the needed healing in my heart and family… and all I could do was weep and cry out.Continue reading

Not the Wind Nor the Waves


DEAR friends, my recent post Off Into the Night ignited a flurry of letters unlike anything in the past. I am so deeply grateful for the letters and notes of love, concern, and kindness that have been expressed from all over the world. You have reminded me that I am not speaking into a vacuum, that many of you have been and continue to be deeply affected by The Now Word. Thanks be to God who uses all of us, even in our brokenness.Continue reading

Off Into the Night


AS renovations and repairs have begun to wind up at our farm since the storm six months ago, I find myself in a place of utter brokenness. Eighteen years of full time ministry, at times living on the verge of bankruptcy, isolation and trying to answer God’s call to be a “watchman” whilst raising eight children, pretending to be a farmer, and keeping a straight face… have taken their toll. Years of wounds lie open, and I find myself breathless in my brokenness.Continue reading

When He Calms the Storm


IN previous ice ages, the effects of global cooling were devastating on many regions. Shorter growing seasons led to failed crops, famine and starvation, and as a result, disease, poverty, civil unrest, revolution, and even war. As you just read in The Winter of Our Chastisementboth scientists and Our Lord are predicting what seems to be the onset of another “little ice age.” If so, it may shed a new light on why Jesus spoke of these particular signs at the end of an age (and they are virtually a summary of the Seven Seals of Revolution also spoken of by St. John):Continue reading

The Winter of Our Chastisement


There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars,
and on earth nations will be in dismay….
(Luke 21:25)


I heard a startling claim from a scientist nearly a decade ago. The world is not warming—it is about to enter a cooling period, even a “little ice age.” He based his theory on examining past ice ages, solar activity, and the natural cycles of the earth. Since then, he has been echoed by dozens of environmental scientists from around the world who posit the same conclusion based on one or more of the same factors. Surprised? Don’t be. It’s another “sign of the times” of the approaching multi-faceted winter of chastisement…Continue reading

Was Pope Francis’ Election Invalid?


A group of cardinals known as “St. Gallen’s mafia” apparently wanted Jorge Bergoglio elected to advance their modernist agenda. News of this group emerged a few years ago and has led some to continue to allege that the election of Pope Francis is, therefore, invalid. Continue reading

Silence or the Sword?

The Capture of Christ, artist unknown (c. 1520, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon)


SEVERAL readers have been taken aback by the recent alleged messages of Our Lady around the world to “Pray more… speak less” [1]cf. Pray More… Speak Less or this:Continue reading
