The Popes and The New World Order


THE conclusion of the series on The New Paganism is a rather sobering one. A false environmentalism, ultimately organized and promoted by the United Nations, is leading the world down the path toward an increasingly godless “new world order.” So why, you might be asking, is Pope Francis supporting the UN? Why have other popes echoed their goals? Shouldn’t the Church have nothing to do with this rapidly emerging globalization?Continue reading

The Great Reset


For some reason I think you are weary.
I know I am frightened and weary too.
For the face of the Prince of Darkness
is becoming clearer and clearer to me.
It seems he does not care any more to remain
“the great anonymous one,” the “incognito,” the “everyone.”
He seems to have come into his own and
shows himself in all his tragic reality.
So few believe in his existence that he does not
need to hide himself anymore!

Compassionate Fire, The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty,
March 17th, 1962, Ave Maria Press (2009), p. 60


IT is clear to me and many of you, my fellow sojourners, that the plans of Satan are no longer hidden—or one could say, they are “hidden in plain sight.” It is precisely because everything has become so obvious that many do not believe the warnings that have been sounding, most especially, from Our Blessed Mamma. As I noted in Our 1942, when the German soldiers entered the streets of Hungary, they were polite and smiled from time to time, even offering chocolates. No one believed Moishe the Beadle’s warnings of what was coming. Likewise, many do not believe that the smiling faces of global leaders may have another agenda beyond protecting aged seniors in the nursing home: that of completely overturning the present order of things—what they themselves call “The Great Reset”—a Global Revolution.Continue reading

The Second Coming


IN this final webcast on the Timeline of events of the “end times”, Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor explain what leads up to the Second Coming of Jesus in the flesh at the very end of time. Hear ten Scriptures that will be fulfilled before His return, how Satan attacks the Church one last time, and why we need to prepare for the Final Judgment now. Continue reading

Faith, Not Fear


AS the world becomes more unstable and the times more uncertain, people are looking for answers. Some of those answers are found at Countdown to the Kingdom where “Heaven’s Messages” are being provided for the faithful’s discernment. While this has borne many good fruits, some people are also afraid.Continue reading

A Gospel for All

The Sea of Galilee at Dawn (photo by Mark Mallett)


Continuing to gain traction is the notion that there are many paths to Heaven and that we’ll all eventually get there. Sadly, even many “Christians” are adopting this fallacious ethos. What is needed, more than ever, is a bold, charitable, and powerful proclamation of the Gospel and the name of Jesus. This is the duty and privilege most especially of Our Lady’s Little Rabble. Who else is there?


First published March 15th, 2019.


THERE are no words that can adequately describe what it’s like to walk in the literal footsteps of Jesus. It’s as though my trip to the Holy Land was entering into a mythical realm that I’d read about all my life… and then, suddenly, there I was. Except, Jesus is no myth. Continue reading

On Getting Out of Babylon

He Will Reign, by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


This morning when I awoke, the “now word” on my heart was to find a writing from the past about “coming out of Babylon.” I found this one, first published exactly three years ago on October 4th, 2017! The words in this are everything that is on my heart at this hour, including the opening Scripture from Jeremiah. I have updated it with current links. I pray this will be as edifying, reassuring, and challenging for you as it is for me this Sunday morning… Remember, you are loved.


THERE are times when the words of Jeremiah pierce my soul as though they are my own. This week is one of those times. 

Whenever I speak, I must cry out, violence and outrage I proclaim; the word of the Lord has brought me reproach and derision all day long. I say I will not mention him, I will no longer speak in his name. But then it is as if fire is burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding back, I cannot! (Jeremiah 20:7-9) 

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The Coming Collapse of America


AS as Canadian, I sometimes tease my American friends for their “Amero-centric” view of the world and Scripture. For them, the Book of Revelation and its prophecies of persecution and cataclysm are future events. Not so if you are one of millions being being hunted or already driven out of your home in the Middle East and Africa where Islamic bands are terrorizing Christians. Not so if you are one of the millions risking your life in the underground Church in China, North Korea, and dozens of other countries. Not so if you are one of those facing martyrdom on a daily basis for your faith in Christ. For them, they must feel they are already living the pages of the Apocalypse. Continue reading

Why Now?


Now more than ever it is crucial that you be “watchers of the dawn”,
the lookouts who announce the light of dawn and the new springtime of the Gospel
of which the buds can already be seen.

—POPE JOHN PAUL II, 18th World Youth Day, April 13th, 2003;


A letter from a reader:

When you read through all the messages from visionaries, all of them have an urgency in them. Many are also saying that that there will be floods, earthquakes, etc. even back to 2008 and longer. These things have been happening for years. What makes those times different to now in terms of the Warning, etc.? We are told in the Bible that we don’t know the hour but to be prepared. Apart from a sense of urgency in my being, it seems the messages are no different than say 10 or 20 years ago. I know Fr. Michel Rodrigue has made a comment that we “will see great things this Fall” but what if he is wrong? I realize we have to discern private revelation and hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I know people are getting “excited” about what is happening in the world in terms of eschatology. I am just querying it all as the messages have been saying similar things for many many years. Could we still be hearing these messages in 50 year’s time and still waiting? The disciples thought Christ was going to return not long after He ascended into heaven… We are still waiting.

These are great questions. Certainly, some of the messages we are hearing today go back several decades. But is this problematic? For me, I think of where I was at the turn of the millennium… and where I am today, and all I can say is thank God that He has given us more time! And hasn’t it flown by? Is a few decades, relative to salvation history, really that long? God is never late in speaking to His people nor in acting, but how hard of heart and slow we are to respond!

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The Descent Into Darkness


WHEN churches began closing last winter, this apostolate virtually tripled in readership overnight. People were looking for answers as many sensed that “something” was wrong on a deep, existential level. They were, and are right. But something changed for me too. The interior “now word” that the Lord would give, perhaps a few times a week, suddenly became a “now stream.” The words were constant, and more surprisingly, were confirmed usually within minutes by someone else in the Body of Christ—either an email, a text, a phone call, etc. I was overwhelmed… I tried my best in those weeks to relay to you what the Lord was showing me, things I had never seen or thought of before. For example… Continue reading

The Tree and the Sequel


The remarkable novel The Tree by Catholic author Denise Mallett (daughter of Mark Mallett) is now available on Kindle! And just in time as the sequel The Blood prepares for press this Fall. If you haven’t read The Tree, you’re missing an unforgettable experience. This is what reviewers had to say:Continue reading

On the Threshold


THIS week, a deep, inexplicable sadness came over me, as it has in the past. But I know now what this is: it is a drop of sadness from the Heart of God—that man has rejected Him to the point of bringing humanity to this painful purification. It is the sadness that God was not allowed to triumph over this world through love but must do so, now, through justice.Continue reading

Dawn of Hope


WHAT will the Era of Peace be like? Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor go into the beautiful details of the coming Era as found in Sacred Tradition and the prophecies of mystics and seers. Watch or listen to this exciting webcast to learn about events that may transpire in your lifetime!Continue reading

The Era of Peace


MYSTICS and popes alike say that we are living in the “end times”, the end of an era—but not the end of the world. What is coming, they say, is an Era of Peace. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor show where this is in Scripture and how it is consistent with the Early Church Fathers to the present day Magisterium as they continue to explain the Timeline on Countdown to the Kingdom.Continue reading

Drawing Near to Jesus


I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all my readers and viewers for your patience (as always) at this time of year when the farm is busy and I also try to sneak in some rest and vacation with my family. Thank you also to those who have offered your prayers and donations for this ministry. I will never have the time to thank everyone personally, but know that I pray for all of you. 


WHAT is the purpose of all my writings, webcasts, podcasts, book, albums, etc.? What is my goal in writing about the “signs of the times” and the “end times”? Certainly, it has been to prepare readers for the days which are now at hand. But at the very heart of all this, the goal is ultimately to draw you nearer to Jesus.Continue reading

Can You Ignore Private Revelation?


Those who have fallen into this worldliness look on from above and afar,
they reject the prophecy of their brothers and sisters…

—POPE FRANCIS, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 97


WITH the events of the past few months, there has been a flurry of so-called “private” or prophetic revelation in the Catholic sphere. This has led to some reasserting the notion that one does not have to believe in private revelations. Is that true? While I’ve covered this topic before, I’m going to respond authoritatively and to the point so that you can pass this on to those who are confused on this issue.Continue reading

The Coming Divine Chastisements


THE world is careening toward Divine Justice, precisely because we are refusing Divine Mercy. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor explain the main reasons why Divine Justice may soon purify the world through various chastisements, including what Heaven calls Three Days of Darkness. Continue reading

The Real False Prophets


The widespread reluctance on the part of many Catholic thinkers
to enter into a profound examination of the apocalyptic elements of contemporary life is,
I believe, part of the very problem which they seek to avoid.
If apocalyptic thinking is left largely to those who have been subjectivized
or who have fallen prey to the vertigo of cosmic terror,
then the Christian community, indeed the whole human community,
is radically impoverished.
And that can be measured in terms of lost human souls.

–Author, Michael D. O’Brien, Are We Living In Apocalyptic Times?


I TURNED off my computer and every device that could possibly stalk my peace. I spent much of the last week floating on a lake, my ears submerged under the water, staring up into the infinite with only a few passing clouds glancing back with their morphing faces. There, in those pristine Canadian waters, I listened to the Silence. I tried not to think about anything except the present moment and what God was carving in the heavens, His little love messages to us in Creation. And I loved Him back.Continue reading

The Reign of Antichrist



COULD the Antichrist already be on earth? Will he be revealed in our times? Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they explain how the edifice is in place for the long foretold “man of sin”…Continue reading

The Religion of Scientism


scientism | ˈsʌɪəntɪz(ə)m | noun:
excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques

We must also face the fact that certain attitudes 
deriving from the mentality of “this present world”
can penetrate our lives if we are not vigilant.
For example, some would have it that only that is true
which can be verified by reason and science… 
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2727


SERVANT of God Sr. Lucia Santos gave a most prescient word regarding the coming times that we are now living:

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The Warning of Love


IS it possible to break God’s heart? I would say that it is possible to pierce His heart. Do we ever consider that? Or do we think of God as being so big, so eternal, so beyond the seemingly insignificant temporal works of men that our thoughts, words, and actions are insulated from Him?Continue reading

The Time of Refuges


IN the coming trials upon the world, are there going to be places of refuge to protect God’s people? And what about “the rapture”? Fact or fiction? Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they explore the Time of Refuges.Continue reading

Why Talk About Science?


LONG time readers know that I have been compelled in recent months to address issues related to science in the context of this pandemic. These subjects, on face value, may seem to fall outside the parameters of an evangelist (though I’m a news reporter by trade).Continue reading

Unmasking the Plan


WHEN COVID-19 began to spread beyond China’s borders and churches began to close, there was a period over 2-3 weeks that I personally found overwhelming, but for reasons different than most. Suddenly, like a thief in the night, the days I had been writing about for fifteen years were upon us. Over those first weeks, many new prophetic words came and deeper understandings of what has already been said—some which I’ve written, others I hope to soon. One “word” that troubled me was that the day was coming when we would all be required to wear masks, and that this was part of Satan’s plan to continue to dehumanize us.Continue reading

The Warning – The Sixth Seal


SAINTS and mystics call it the “great day of change”, the “hour of decision for mankind.” Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they show how the coming “Warning,” which is drawing nearer, appears to be the same event in the Sixth Seal in the Book of Revelation.Continue reading

What’s the Use?


WHAT’S the use? Why bother planning anything? Why start any projects or invest in the future if everything is going to collapse anyway?” These are the questions some of you are asking as you begin to grasp the seriousness of the hour; as you see the fulfillment of prophetic words unfolding and examine the “signs of the times” for yourself.Continue reading

Persecution – The Fifth Seal


THE garments of the Bride of Christ have become filthy. The Great Storm that is here and coming will purify her through persecution—the Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation. Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they continue to explain the Timeline of events that are now unfolding… Continue reading

Social Collapse – The Fourth Seal


THE Global Revolution underway is intended to bring about the collapse of this present order. What St. John foresaw in the Fourth Seal in the Book of Revelation is already beginning to play out in the headlines. Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they continue to breakdown the Timeline of events leading to the reign of Christ’s Kingdom.Continue reading

Control! Control!

Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)


First published April 19th, 2007.


WHILE praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I had the impression of an angel in the mid-heavens hovering above the world and shouting,

“Control! Control!”

As man tries more and more to banish Christ’s presence from the world, wherever they succeed, chaos takes His place. And with chaos, comes fear. And with fear, comes the opportunity to control.Continue reading

Economic Collapse – The Third Seal


THE global economy is already on life-support; should the Second Seal be a major war, what’s left of the economy will collapse—the Third Seal. But then, that’s the idea of those orchestrating a New World Order in order to create a new economic system based on a new form of Communism.Continue reading

War – The Second Seal

THE Time of Mercy we are living is not indefinite. The coming Door of Justice is preceded by hard labor pains, among them, the Second Seal in the book of Revelation: perhaps a Third World War. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor explain the reality an unrepentant world faces—a reality that has caused even Heaven to weep.

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Mystery Babylon

He Will Reign, by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


It is clear that there is a battle raging for the soul of America. Two visions. Two futures. Two powers. Is it already written in the Scriptures? Few Americans may realize that the battle for their country’s heart began centuries ago and the revolution underway there is part of an ancient plan. First published June 20th, 2012, this is more relevant at this hour than ever…

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Time of Mercy – First Seal


IN this second webcast on the Timeline of events unfolding on the earth, Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor breakdown the “first seal” in the Book of Revelation. A compelling explanation of why it heralds the “time of mercy” we are living now, and why it may soon expire…Continue reading

Explaining the Great Storm



MANY have asked, “Where are we on the Timeline of events in the world?” This is the first of several videos that will explain “tab by tab” where we are at in the Great Storm, what is coming, and how to prepare. In this first video, Mark Mallett shares powerful prophetic words that unexpectedly called him into a full-time ministry as a “watchman” in the Church that has led to him preparing his brethren for the present and coming Storm.Continue reading

Exposing this Revolutionary Spirit


…without the guidance of charity in truth,
this global force could cause unprecedented damage
and create new divisions within the human family…
humanity runs new risks of enslavement and manipulation..
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n.33, 26


WHEN I was a child, the Lord was already preparing me for this worldwide ministry. That formation came primarily through my parents whom I saw love and reach out to people in need with concrete help, irregardless of their color or status. So, in the school yard, I was often drawn to the kids who were left behind: the overweight kid, the Chinese boy, the aboriginals who became good friends, etc. These were the ones Jesus wanted me to love. I did so, not because I was superior, but because they needed to be acknowledged and loved like me.Continue reading

Communion in the Hand? Pt. I


SINCE the gradual re-opening in many regions of Masses this week, several readers have asked me to comment on the restriction several bishops are putting into place that Holy Communion must be received “in the hand.” One man said that he and his wife have received Communion “on the tongue” for fifty years, and never in the hand, and that this new prohibition has put them in an unconscionable position. Another reader writes:Continue reading

Black and White

On the memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions,
Martyred by fellow Africans

Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man
and that you are not concerned with anyone’s opinion.
You do not regard a person’s status
but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. (Yesterday’s Gospel)


GROWING up on the Canadian prairies in a country that had long embraced multiculturalism as part of her creed, my classmates were from nearly every background on the planet. One friend was of aboriginal blood, his skin brownish red. My polish friend, who barely spoke English, was a pale white. Another playmate was Chinese with yellowish skin. The kids we played with up the street, one who would eventually deliver our third daughter, were dark East Indians. Then there were our Scottish and Irish friends, pink-skinned and freckled. And our Filipino neighbours around the corner were a soft brown. When I worked in radio, I grew in good friendships with a Sikh and a Muslim. In my television days, a Jewish comedian and I became great friends, eventually attending his wedding. And my adopted niece, the same age as my youngest son, is a beautiful African American girl from Texas. In other words, I was and am colorblind. Continue reading

Warnings in the Wind

Our Lady of Sorrows, painting by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


The past three days, the winds here have been unceasing and strong. All day yesterday, we were under a “Wind Warning.” When I started to reread this post just now, I knew I had to republish it. The warning herein is crucial and must be heeded regarding those who are “playing in sin.” The followup to this writing is “Hell Unleashed“, which gives practical advice on closing the cracks in one’s spiritual life so that Satan cannot get a stronghold. These two writings are a serious warning about turning from sin… and going to confession while we still can. First published in 2012…Continue reading

Apocalypse… Not?


RECENTLY, some Catholic intellects have been downplaying if not outright dismissing any notion that our generation could be living in the “end times.” Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor team up in their first webcast to respond with a reasoned rebuttal to the naysayers of this hour…Continue reading

Our 1942


And so I solemnly declare to you this day
that I am not responsible for the blood of any of you,
for I did not shrink from proclaiming to you the entire plan of God…
So be vigilant and remember that for three years, night and day,
I unceasingly admonished each of you with tears.
(Acts 20:26-27, 31)


HIS army division was to liberate the last of the three concentration camps in Germany.Continue reading

The Real “Witchcraft”


…your merchants were the great men of the earth,
all nations were led astray by your magic potion. (Rev 18:23)

Greek for “magic potion” : φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) —
the use of medicine, drugs or spells
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