Toward the Storm




IT is time to share with you what happened to me this summer when a sudden storm assailed our farm. I feel certain that God allowed this “micro-storm,” in part, to prepare us for what is coming upon the whole world. Everything I experienced this summer is symbolic of what I have spent nearly 13 years writing about in order to prepare you for these times.Continue reading

Choosing Sides


Whenever someone says, “I belong to Paul,” and another,
“I belong to Apollos,” are you not merely men?
(Today’s first Mass reading)


PRAY more… speak less. Those are the words Our Lady has allegedly addressed to the Church at this very hour. However, when I wrote a meditation on this last week,[1]cf. Pray More… Speak Less a handful of readers somewhat disagreed. Writes one:Continue reading


Hope and Healing Conference


ARE you worn out, tired, or joyless? Are you discouraged, depressed, or losing hope? Are you suffering from your own brokenness and that of those around you? Does your heart, mind, or body need healing? At a time when the Church and the world continue to descend into turmoil comes a much-needed two-day conference: Hope and Healing.Continue reading

Pray More… Speak Less

The Hour of Vigil; Oli Scarff, Getty Images




Dearest brothers and sisters… it’s been so long since I have had the opportunity to write a meditation—a “now word” for our times. As you know, we have been reeling here from that storm and all the other problems that cascaded during the past three months. It seems that these crises are not over, as we just learned that our roof has been rotting and needs to be replaced. Through it all, God has been crushing me in the crucible of my own brokenness, revealing the areas of my life that need to be purified. While it feels like punishment, it is actually preparation—for deeper union with Him. How exciting is that? Yet, it has been extremely painful to enter into the depths of self-knowledge… but I see the loving discipline of the Father through it all. In the weeks ahead, if God wills it, I will share what He is teaching me in hopes that some of you may also find encouragement and healing. With that, onward to today’s Now Word


WHILE unable to write a meditation the past few months—until now—I have continued to follow the dramatic events unfolding throughout the world: the continued fracturing and polarization of families and nations; the rise of China; the beating of war drums between Russia, North Korea, and the United States; the move to unseat the American President and rise of socialism in the West; the growing censorship by social media and other institutions to silence moral truths; the rapid advance toward a cashless society and new economic order, and thus, central control of everyone and everything; and last, and most notably, the revelations of moral putrescence in the Catholic Church hierarchy that has led to a nearly shepherd-less flock at this hour.Continue reading

Wormwood and Loyalty


From the archives: written on February 22nd, 2013…. 


A LETTER from a reader:

I totally agree with you — we each need a personal relationship with Jesus. I was born and raised Roman Catholic but find myself now attending the Episcopal (High Episcopal) church on Sunday and becoming involved with the life of this community. I was a member of my church council, a choir member, a CCD teacher and a full-time teacher in a Catholic school. I personally knew four of the priests credibly accused and who confessed of sexually abusing minor children… Our cardinal and bishops and other priests covered up for these men. It strains belief that Rome didn’t know what was going on and, if it truly didn’t, shame on Rome and the Pope and the curia. They are simply horrid representatives of Our Lord…. So, I should remain a loyal member of the RC church? Why? I found Jesus many years ago and our relationship has not changed — in fact it is even stronger now. The RC church is not the beginning and the end of all truth. If anything, the Orthodox church has just as much if not more credibility than Rome. The word “catholic” in the Creed is spelled with a small “c” – meaning “universal” not meaning only and forever the Church of Rome. There is only one true path to the Trinity and that is following Jesus and coming into relationship with the Trinity by first coming into friendship with Him. None of that is dependent upon the Roman church. All of that can be nourished outside of Rome. None of this is your fault and I admire your ministry but I just needed to tell you my story.

Dear reader, thank you for sharing your story with me. I rejoice that, despite the scandals you have encountered, your faith in Jesus has remained. And this doesn’t surprise me. There have been times in history when Catholics in the midst of persecution no longer had access to their parishes, the priesthood, or the Sacraments. They survived within the walls of their inner temple where the Holy Trinity resides. The lived out of faith and trust in a relationship with God because, at its core, Christianity is about the love of a Father for his children, and the children loving Him in return.

Thus, it begs the question, which you have tried to answer: if one can remain a Christian as such: “Should I remain a loyal member of the Roman Catholic Church? Why?”

The answer is a resounding, unhesitating “yes.” And here is why: it’s a matter of staying loyal to Jesus.


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Update from Up North

I snapped this photo of a field near our farm when my hay equipment broke down
and I was waiting for parts,
Tramping Lake, SK, Canada


DEAR family and friends,

It’s been awhile since I have had a moment to sit down and write you. Since the storm that struck our farm back in June, the whirlwind of ongoing crises and problems has kept me away from my desk literally ever day. You would not believe it if I told you all that continues to happen. It has been nothing short of a mind-numbing two months.Continue reading

On True Humility


A few days ago, another strong wind passed through our area blowing half of our hay crop away. Then the past two days, a deluge of rain pretty much destroyed the rest. The following writing from earlier this year came to mind…

My prayer today: “Lord, I am not humble. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart unto Thine…”


THERE are three levels of humility, and few of us get beyond the first. Continue reading

Your Kindness


SINCE the storm on Saturday (read The Morning After), many of you have reached out to us with words of comfort and asking how you can help, knowing that we live on Divine Providence in order to provide this ministry. We are so grateful and moved by your presence, concern, and love. I am still a bit numb knowing how close my family members were to possible injury or death, and so grateful for God’s watchful hand over us.Continue reading

The Morning After


BY the time evening rolled around, I had two flat tires, had broken a taillight, took a huge rock in the windshield, and my grain auger was spewing smoke and fuel. I turned to my son-in-law and said, “I think I’m going to crawl under my bed until this day is over.” He and my daughter and their newborn baby just moved from the East coast to stay with us for the summer. So, as we walked back to the farmhouse, I added a footnote: “Just so you know, this ministry of mine is often surrounded by a whirlwind, a storm…”Continue reading

The Last Effort

The Last Effort, by Tianna (Mallett) Williams




IMMEDIATELY after Isaiah’s beautiful vision of an era of peace and justice, which is preceded by a purification of the earth leaving only a remnant, he writes a brief prayer in praise and thanksgiving of God’s mercy—a prophetic prayer, as we will see:Continue reading

The Coming Age of Love


First published on October 4th, 2010. 


Dear young friends, the Lord is asking you to be prophets of this new age… —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Homily, World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia, July 20th, 2008

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Challenging the Church


IF you are looking for someone to tell you that everything’s going to be okay, that the world is simply going to go on as it is, that the Church is not in a serious crisis, and that humanity is not facing a day of reckoning—or that Our Lady is simply going to appear out of the blue and rescue us all so that we won’t have to suffer, or that Christians will be “raptured” from the earth… then you have come to the wrong place.Continue reading

The Catholic Fail


FOR twelve years the Lord has asked me to sit upon the “rampart” as one of John Paul II’s “watchmen” and speak about what I see coming—not according to my own ideas, pre-conceptions, or thoughts, but according to the authentic Public and private revelation through which God continually speaks to his People. But taking my eyes off the horizon the past few days and looking instead to our own House, the Catholic Church, I find myself bowing my head in shame.Continue reading

Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part V


TRUE freedom is living each moment in the fullest reality of who you are.

And who are you? That is the aching, over-arching question that mostly eludes this present generation in a world where the elderly have misplaced the answer, the Church has fumbled it, and the media has ignored it. But here it is:

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part IV


As we continue this five part series on Human Sexuality and Freedom, we now examine some of the moral questions on what is right and what is wrong. Please note, this is for mature readers…




SOMEONE once said, “The truth will set you free—but first it will tick you off.”

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part III




THERE is a joy that we must rediscover as Christians today: the joy of seeing the face of God in the other—and this includes those who have compromised their sexuality. In our contemporary times, St. John Paul II, Blessed Mother Teresa, Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Jean Vanier and others come to mind as individuals who found the capacity to recognize God’s image, even in the distressing disguise of poverty, brokenness, and sin. They saw, as it were, the “crucified Christ” in the other.

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part II




THERE is something else that must be said about the creation of man and woman that was determined “in the beginning.” And if we don’t understand this, if we don’t grasp this, then any discussion of morality, of right or wrong choices, of following God’s designs, risks casting the discussion of human sexuality into a sterile list of prohibitions. And this, I am certain, would only serve to deepen the divide between the Church’s beautiful and rich teachings on sexuality, and those who feel alienated by her.

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Human Sexuality and Freedom – Part I



There is a full-blown crisis today—a crisis in human sexuality. It follows in the wake of a generation that is almost entirely un-catechized on the truth, beauty, and goodness of our bodies and their God-designed functions. The following series of writings is a frank discussion on the subject that will cover questions regarding alternative forms of marriage, masturbation, sodomy, oral sex, etc. Because the world is discussing these issues every day on radio, television and the internet. Does the Church have nothing to say on these matters? How do we respond? Indeed, she does—she has something beautiful to say.

“The truth will set you free,” Jesus said. Perhaps this is no more true than in matters of human sexuality. This series is recommended for mature readers… First published in June, 2015. 

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Courage in the Storm


ONE moment they were cowards, the next courageous. One moment they were doubting, the next they were certain. One moment they were hesitant, the next, they rushed headlong toward their martyrdoms. What made the difference in those Apostles that turned them into fearless men?Continue reading

Enough Good Souls


FATALISM—an indifference fostered by the belief that future events are inevitable—is not a Christian disposition. Yes, Our Lord spoke of events in the future that would precede the end of the world. But if you read the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, you’ll see that the timing of these events is conditional: they hinge on our response or lack thereof:Continue reading

Interpreting Revelation



WITHOUT a doubt, the Book of Revelation is one of the most controversial in all of Sacred Scripture. On one end of the spectrum are fundamentalists who take every word literally or out of context. On the other are those who believe the book has already been fulfilled in the first century or who ascribe to the book a merely allegorical interpretation.Continue reading

That Pope Francis! Part II

Mark Mallett


FR. Gabriel was a few minutes late for his Saturday morning brunch with Bill and Kevin. Marg Tomey had just returned from a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima with a fist full of rosaries and holy medals that she wanted blessed after Mass. She came prepared with a pre-Vatican II book of blessings that included exorcism rites. “For good measure,” she said, winking at Fr. Gabriel, who was half the age of the weathered prayer-book.

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Pope Francis On…


…as the Church’s one and only indivisible magisterium, the pope and the bishops in union with him carry the gravest responsibility that no ambiguous sign or unclear teaching comes from them, confusing the faithful or lulling them into a false sense of security.
—Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller, former prefect of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; First ThingsApril 20th, 2018


THE Pope can be confusing, his words ambiguous, his thoughts incomplete. There are many rumours, suspicions, and accusations that the current Pontiff is trying to change Catholic teaching. So, for the record, here is Pope Francis…Continue reading

Papal Puzzlery


A comprehensive response to many questions directed my way regarding the turbulent pontificate of Pope Francis. I apologize that this is a bit lengthier than usual. But thankfully, it is answering several readers’ questions….


FROM a reader:

I pray for conversion and for the intentions of Pope Francis everyday.  I am one who initially fell in love with the Holy Father when he was first elected, but over the years of his Pontificate, he has confused me and made me very concerned that his liberal Jesuit spirituality was almost goose-stepping with the left-leaning world view and liberal times. I am a Secular Franciscan so my profession binds me to obedience to him.  But I must admit that he scares me… How do we know he is not an anti-pope?  Is the media twisting his words? Are we to blindly follow and pray for him all the more?  This is what I have been doing, but my heart is conflicted.

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Calling Christ’s Prophets


Love for the Roman Pontiff must be in us a delightful passion, for in him we see Christ. If we deal with the Lord in prayer, we will go forward with a clear gaze that will permit us to perceive the action of the Holy Spirit, even in the face of events we do not understand or which produce sighs or sorrow.
—St. José Escriva, In Love with the Church, n. 13


AS Catholics, our duty is not to look for perfection in our bishops, but to listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd in theirs. 

Obey your leaders and defer to them, for they keep watch over you and will have to give an account, that they may fulfill their task with joy and not with sorrow, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Hebrews 13:17)

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It is I

Never Forsaken by Abraham Hunter


It had already grown dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.
(John 6:17)


THERE can be no denying that darkness has folded over our world and strange clouds swirl above the Church. And in this present night, many Christians are wondering, “How long, Lord? How long before the dawn?” Continue reading



BEFORE Easter, I published two writings addressed particularly to men: On Becoming a Real Man and The Hunted. There are hundreds of other writings here to help men and women to become authentic lights in the world. It is especially crucial that men start to become men again in this hour…Continue reading

Of China


In 2008, I sensed the Lord begin to speak about “China.” That culminated in this writing from 2011. As I read the headlines today, it seems timely to republish it tonight. It also seems to me that many of the “chess” pieces that I’ve been writing about for years are now moving into place. While the purpose of this apostolate is mainly helping readers to keep their feet on the ground, our Lord also said to “watch and pray.” And so, we continue to prayerfully watch…

The following was first published in 2011. 



POPE Benedict warned before Christmas that the “eclipse of reason” in the West was putting “the very future of the world” at stake. He alluded to the collapse of the Roman Empire, drawing a parallel between it and our times (see On the Eve).

All the while, there is another power rising in our time: Communist China. While it does not presently bare the same teeth that the Soviet Union did, there is much to be concerned about the ascent of this soaring superpower.


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Why Are You Troubled?


AFTER publishing The Shaking of the Church on Holy Thursday, it was only hours later that a spiritual earthquake, centered in Rome, shook all of Christendom. As chunks of plaster reportedly rained down from the ceiling of St. Peter’s Basilica, headlines across the world rattled with Pope Francis allegedly having said: “Hell Does Not Exist.”Continue reading

The Shaking of the Church


FOR two weeks after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, a warning continually rose in my heart that the Church was now entering into “dangerous days” and a time of “great confusion.” [1]Cf. How Do You Hide a Tree Those words greatly impacted how I would approach this writing apostolate, knowing that it would be necessary to prepare you, my readers, for the Storm winds that were coming.Continue reading


The Hunted


HE would never walk into a peep show. He would never pick through the racy section of the magazine rack. He would never rent an x-rated video.

But he’s addicted to internet porn…

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A Flame of Her Heart

Anthony Mullen (1956 – 2018)
The late National Coordinator 

for the International Movement of the Flame of Love
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


“HOW can you help me spread the message of Our Lady?”

Those were among the first words Anthony (“Tony”) Mullen spoke to me over some eight years ago. I thought his question was a little bold since I’d never heard of the Hungarian seer Elizabeth Kindelmann. Moreover, I frequently received requests to promote a certain devotion, or some particular apparition. But unless the Holy Spirit put it on my heart, I wouldn’t write about it.Continue reading

Barbarians at the Gates


“Lock ’em in and burn it down.”
—protesters at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, against a transgender debate
with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, March 6th, 2018;

Barbarians at the gate… It was absolutely surreal… 
The mob neglected to bring torches and pitchforks,
but the sentiment was there: “Lock them in and burn it down”…

— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson), Twitter posts, March 6, 2018

When you speak all these words to them,
they will not listen to you either;
when you call to them, they will not answer you…
This is the nation that does not listen
to the voice of the Lord, its God,
or take correction.
Faithfulness has disappeared;
the word itself is banished from their speech.

(Today’s first Mass reading; Jeremiah 7:27-28)


THREE years ago, I wrote of a new “sign of the times” emerging (see The Growing Mob).  Like a wave reaching the shore that grows and grows until it becomes a huge tsunami, so too, there is a growing mob mentality toward the Church and freedom of speech. The zeitgeist has shifted; there are a swelling boldness and intolerance sweeping through the courts, flooding the media, and spilling out onto the streets. Yes, the time is right to silence the Church—especially as the sexual sins of priests continue to emerge, and the hierarchy becomes increasingly divided on pastoral issues.Continue reading