Prophecy in Perspective


Confronting the subject of prophecy today
is rather like looking at wreckage after a shipwreck.

— Archbishop Rino Fisichella,
“Prophecy” in Dictionary of Fundamental Theology, p. 788


AS the world draws closer and closer to the end of this age, prophecy is becoming more frequent, more direct, and even more specific. But how do we respond to the more sensational of Heaven’s messages? What do we do when seers feel “off” or their messages simply don’t resonate?

The following is a guide for new and regular readers in the hopes to provide balance on this delicate subject so that one can approach prophecy without anxiety or fear that one is somehow being misled or deceived. Continue reading

Grave Warnings


Mark Mallett is a former television reporter with CTV Edmonton and award-winning documentarian and the author of The Final Confrontation and The Now Word.


IT is increasingly the mantra of our generation — the “go to” phrase to seemingly end all discussions, resolve all problems, and calm all troubled waters: “Follow the science.” During this pandemic, you hear politicians breathlessly evoke it, bishops repeating it, laity wielding it and social media proclaiming it. The problem is that some of the most credible voices in the fields of virology, immunology, microbiology, etc. today are being silenced, suppressed, censored or ignored at this hour. Hence, “follow the science” de facto means “follow the narrative.”

And that is potentially catastrophic if the narrative is not ethically grounded.Continue reading

Your Questions on the Pandemic


SEVERAL new readers are asking questions on the pandemic—on the science, the morality of lockdowns, mandatory masking, church closures, vaccines and more. So the following is a summary of key articles related to the pandemic to help you form your conscience, to educate your families, to give you ammunition and courage to approach your politicians and support your bishops and priests, who are under immense pressure. Any way you cut it, you’re going to have to make unpopular choices today as the Church enters deeper into her Passion as each day passes by. Don’t be intimidated either by the censors, “fact-checkers” or even family who try to bully you into the powerful narrative drummed out each minute and hour on the radio, television, and social media.

Continue reading

The Coming Descent of the Divine Will




HAVE you ever wondered why God continually sends the Virgin Mary to appear in the world? Why not the great preacher, St. Paul… or the great evangelist, St. John… or the first pontiff, St. Peter, the “rock”? The reason is because Our Lady is inseparably linked to the Church, both as her spiritual mother and as a “sign”:Continue reading

Prepare for the Holy Spirit


HOW God is purifying and preparing us for the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will be our strength through the present and coming tribulations… Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor with a powerful message about the dangers we face, and how God is going to safeguard His people amidst them.Continue reading

The Chair of Rock





Note: If you have stopped receiving emails from me, check your “junk” or “spam” folder and mark them as not junk. 


I was passing through a trade fair when I came across a “Christian Cowboy” booth. Sitting on a ledge were a stack of NIV bibles with a snapshot of horses on the cover. I picked one up, then looked at the three men in front of me grinning proudly beneath the brim of their Stetsons.

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Preparing for the Era of Peace

Photo by Michał Maksymilian Gwozdek


Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.
—POPE PIUS XI, Quas Primas, n. 1; Dec. 11th, 1925

Holy Mary, Mother of God, our Mother,
teach us to believe, to hope, to love with you.
Show us the way to his Kingdom!
Star of the Sea, shine upon us and guide us on our way!
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvin. 50


WHAT essentially is the “Era of Peace” that is coming after these days of darkness? Why did the papal theologian for five popes, including St. John Paul II, say it will be “the greatest miracle in the history of the world, second only to the Resurrection?”[1]Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi was the papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and St. John Paul II; from Family Catechism, (Sept. 9th, 1993), p. 35 Why did Heaven say to Elizabeth Kindelmann of Hungary…Continue reading


1 Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi was the papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and St. John Paul II; from Family Catechism, (Sept. 9th, 1993), p. 35

A Father of Divine Mercy

I HAD the pleasure of speaking alongside Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC in California at a few churches some eight years ago. During our time in the car, Fr. Seraphim confided to me that there was a time when the diary of St. Faustina was in danger of being totally suppressed due to a bad translation. He stepped in, however, and fixed the translation, which paved the way for her writings to be disseminated. He eventually became the Vice Postulator for her canonization.

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Our Lady’s Wartime



THERE are two ways to approach the times now unfolding: as victims or protagonists, as bystanders or leaders. We have to choose. Because there is no more middle ground. There is no more place for the lukewarm. There is no more waffling on the project of our holiness or of our witness. Either we are all in for Christ — or we will be taken in by the spirit of the world.Continue reading

A Warning on the Powerful


SEVERAL messages from Heaven are warning the faithful that the struggle against the Church is “at the gates”, and not to trust the powerful of the world. Watch or listen to the latest webcast with Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor. 

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Fatima and the Apocalypse

Beloved, do not be surprised that
a trial by fire is occurring among you,
as if something strange were happening to you.
But rejoice to the extent that you
share in the sufferings of Christ,
so that when his glory is revealed
you may also rejoice exultantly. 
(1 Peter 4:12-13)

[Man] shall be actually disciplined beforehand for incorruption,
and shall go forwards and flourish in the times of the kingdom,
in order that he may be capable of receiving the glory of the Father. 
—St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Church Father (140–202 A.D.) 

Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons, passim
Bk. 5, Ch. 35, The Fathers of the Church, CIMA Publishing Co


YOU are loved. And that’s why the sufferings of this present hour are so intense. Jesus is preparing the Church to receive a “new and divine holiness” that, until these times, was unknown. But before He can clothe His Bride in this new garment (Rev 19:8), He has to strip His beloved of her soiled garments. As Cardinal Ratzinger stated so vividly:Continue reading

The Time of Fatima is Here


POPE BENEDICT XVI said in 2010 that “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete.”[1]Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2010 Now, Heaven’s recent messages to the world say that the fulfillment of Fatima’s warnings and promises have now arrived. In this new webcast, Prof. Daniel O’Connor and Mark Mallett break down recent messages and leave the viewer with several nuggets of practical wisdom and direction…Continue reading


1 Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2010

The Agitators – Part II


Hatred of the brethren makes room next for Antichrist;
for the devil prepares beforehand the divisions among the people,
that he who is to come may be acceptable to them.

—St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Church Doctor, (c. 315-386)
Catechetical Lectures, Lecture XV, n.9

Read Part I here: The Agitators


THE world watched it like a soap opera. Global news incessantly covered it. For months on end, the U.S. election was the preoccupation of not only Americans but billions across the world. Families argued bitterly, friendships fractured, and social media accounts erupted, whether you lived in Dublin or Vancouver, Los Angeles or London. Defend Trump and you were exiled; criticize him and you were deceived.  Somehow, the orange-haired businessman from New York managed to polarize the world like no other politician in our times.Continue reading

The Politics of Death


LORI Kalner lived through Hitler’s regime. When she heard classrooms of children beginning to sing songs of praise for Obama and his call for “Change” (listen here and here), it set off alarms and memories of the eerie years of Hitler’s transformation of Germany society. Today, we see the fruits of the “politics of Death”, echoed throughout the world by “progressive leaders” over the past five decades and now reaching their devastating pinnacle, particularly under the presidency of “Catholic” Joe Biden”, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and many other leaders throughout the Western World and beyond.Continue reading

On Secular Messianism


AS America turns another page in its history as the entire world looks on, a wake of division, controversy and failed expectations raises some crucial questions for all… are people misplacing their hope, that is, in leaders rather than their Creator?Continue reading

The False Peace and Security


For you yourselves know very well
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
When people are saying, “Peace and security,”
then sudden disaster comes upon them,
like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
(1 Thess 5:2-3)


JUST as the Saturday night vigil Mass heralds Sunday, what the Church calls the “day of the Lord” or “Lord’s day”[1]CCC, n. 1166, so too, the Church has entered the vigil hour of the Great Day of the Lord.[2]Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day And this Day of the Lord, taught the Early Church Fathers, is not a twenty-four hour day at the end of the world, but a triumphant period of time when the enemies of God will be vanquished, the Antichrist or “Beast” is cast into the lake of fire, and Satan chained for a “thousand years.”[3]cf. Rethinking the End TimesContinue reading


1 CCC, n. 1166
2 Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day
3 cf. Rethinking the End Times

To Vax or Not to Vax?


Mark Mallett is a former television reporter with CTV Edmonton and award-winning documentarian and author of The Final Confrontation and The Now Word.


“SHOULD I take the vaccine?” That’s the question filling my inbox at this hour. And now, the Pope has weighed in on this controversial subject. Thus, the following is crucial information from those who are experts to help you weigh this decision, which yes, has huge potential consequences for your health and even freedom… Continue reading

The Purge


THE past week has been the most extraordinary in all my years as both an observer and former member of the media. The level of censorship, manipulation, deception, outright lies and careful construction of a “narrative” has been breathtaking. It’s also alarming because a great many people don’t see it for what it is, have bought in to it, and hence, are cooperating with it, even unwittingly. This is all too familiar… Continue reading

The Secret


…the daybreak from on high will visit us
to shine on those who sit in darkness and death’s shadow,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.
(Luke 1:78-79)


AS it was the first time Jesus came, so it is again on the threshold of the coming of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, which prepares for and precedes His final coming at the end of time. The world, once again, is “in darkness and death’s shadow,” but a new dawn is quickly approaching.Continue reading

2020: A Watchman’s Perspective


AND so that was 2020. 

It is interesting to read in the secular realm how glad people are to put the year behind them — as if 2021 will soon return to “normal.” But you, my readers, know this is not going to be the case. And not only because global leaders have already announced themselves that we will never return to “normal,” but, more importantly, Heaven has announced that the Triumph of Our Lord and Lady are well on their way — and Satan knows this, knows his time is short. So we are now entering the decisive Clash of the Kingdoms — the satanic will vs. the Divine Will. What a glorious time to be alive!Continue reading

When I was Hungry


We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of the virus… We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. This is a terrible global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdowns as your primary control method.—Dr. David Nabarro, World Health Organization (WHO) special envoy, October 10th, 2020; The Week in 60 Minutes #6 with Andrew Neil;
…we were already calculating 135 million people around the world, before COVID, marching to the brink of starvation. And now, with the new analysis with COVID, we’re looking at 260 million people, and I’m not talking about hungry. I’m talking about marching toward starvation… we literally could see 300,000 people die per day over a 90-day period. —Dr. David Beasley, Executive Director of The United Nations World Food Program; April 22nd, 2020; cbsnews.comContinue reading

A True Christmas Tale


IT was the end of a long winter concert tour across Canada—nearly 5000 miles in all. My body and mind were exhausted. Having finished my last concert, we were now a mere two hours from home. Just one more stop for fuel, and we would be off in time for Christmas. I looked over at my wife and said, “All I want to do is light the fireplace and lie like a lump on the couch.” I could smell the woodsmoke already.Continue reading

Where Are We Now?


SO much is happening in the world as 2020 draws to a close. In this webcast, Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor discuss where we are in the biblical Timeline of events that are leading to the end of this era and the purification of the world…Continue reading

Not Herod’s Way

And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod,

they departed for their country by another way.
(Matthew 2:12)


AS we near Christmas, naturally, our hearts and minds are turned toward the coming of the Savior. Christmas melodies play in the background, the soft glow of lights adorn homes and trees, the Mass readings express great anticipation, and normally, we await the gathering of family. So, when I woke up this morning, I grimaced at what the Lord was compelling me to write. And yet, things the Lord has shown me decades ago are being fulfilled right now as we speak, becoming clearer to me by the minute. 

So, I am not trying to be a depressing wet rag before Christmas; no, the governments are doing that well enough with their unprecedented lockdowns of the healthy. Rather, it is with sincere love for you, your health, and above all, your spiritual well-being that I address a less “romantic” element of the Christmas story that has everything to do with the hour in which we are living.Continue reading

Defeating the Spirit of Fear


FEAR is not a good counsellor.” Those words from French Bishop Marc Aillet have echoed in my heart all week. For everywhere I turn, I meet people who are no longer thinking and acting rationally; who cannot see the contradictions in front of their noses; who have handed to their unelected “chief medical officers” infallible control over their lives. Many are acting in a fear that has been driven into them through a powerful media machine — either the fear that they are going to die, or the fear that they are going to kill someone by simply breathing. As Bishop Marc went on to say:

Fear… leads to ill-advised attitudes, it sets people against one another, it generates a climate of tension and even violence. We may well be on the verge of an explosion! —Bishop Marc Aillet, December 2020, Notre Eglise;

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Dear Shepherds… Where Are You?


WE are living through incredibly fast-changing and confusing times. The need for sound direction has never been greater… and neither has the sense of abandonment many of the faithful feel. Where, many are asking, is the voice of our shepherds? We are living through one of the most dramatic spiritual tests in the history of the Church, and yet, the hierarchy has remained mostly silent — and when they do speak these days, we often hear the voice of the Good Government rather than the Good Shepherd.Continue reading

The Caduceus Key

The Caduceus — a medical symbol used around the world 
…and in Freemasonry — that sect provoking a global revolution


Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens
2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.
The world is now at the start of the influenza pandemic
The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.
Sequence the virus and determine its origin.
It was a virus. Something in the blood.
A virus which should be engineered at a genetic level
to be helpful rather than harmful.

—From the 2013 rap song “Pandemic” by Dr. Creep
(Helpful to what? Read on…)


WITH each passing hour, the scope of what is taking place in the world is becoming clearer — as well as the degree to which humanity is almost completely in the dark.  In the Mass readings last week, we read that prior to Christ’s coming to establish an Era of Peace, He permits a “veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations.” [1]Isaiah 25:7 St. John, who often echoes Isaiah’s prophecies, describes this “web” in economic terms:Continue reading


1 Isaiah 25:7

The Middle Coming

Pentecôte (Pentecost), by Jean II Restout (1732)


ONE of the great mysteries of the “end times” being unveiled at this hour is the reality that Jesus Christ is coming, not in the flesh, but in Spirit to establish His Kingdom and reign among all the nations. Yes, Jesus will come in His glorified flesh eventually, but His final coming is reserved for that literal “last day” on earth when time will cease. So, when several seers around the world continue to say, “Jesus is coming soon” to establish His Kingdom in an “Era of Peace,” what does this mean? Is it biblical and is it in Catholic Tradition? 

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The Great Stripping


IN April of this year when churches began to close, the “now word” was loud and clear: The Labor Pains are RealI compared it to when a mother’s water breaks and she begins labor. Even though the first contractions may be tolerable, her body has now begun a process that cannot be stopped. The following months were akin to the mother packing her bag, driving to the hospital, and entering the birthing room to go through, at last, the coming birth.Continue reading

Francis and The Great Reset

Photo credit: Mazur/


…when conditions are right, a reign will spread across the whole earth
to wipe out all Christians,
and then establish a universal brotherhood
without marriage, family, property, law or God.

—Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, philosopher and Freemason
She Shall Crush Thy Head (Kindle, loc. 1549), Stephen Mahowald


ON May 8th of 2020, an “Appeal for the Church and the World to Catholics and All People of Good Will” was published.[1] Its signatories include Cardinal Joseph Zen, Cardinal Gerhard Müeller (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith), Bishop Joseph Strickland, and Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, to name but a few. Among the appeal’s pointed messages are the warning that “under the pretext of a virus… an odious technological tyranny ” is being established “in which nameless and faceless people can decide the fate of the world”.Continue reading


Fake News, Real Revolution

A scene from The Apocalypse Tapestry in Angers, France. It is the longest wall-hanging in Europe. It was once 140 meters long until it was vandalized
during the “Enlightenment” period


When I was a news reporter in the 1990’s, the kind of blatant bias and editorializing that we see today from mainstream “news” reporters and anchors was taboo. It still is—for newsrooms with integrity. Sadly, many media outlets have become nothing short of propaganda mouthpieces for a diabolical agenda set in motion decades, if not centuries ago. Even sadder is how gullible people have become. A quick perusal of social media reveals how easily millions of people buy into the lies and distortions that are presented to them as “news” and “facts.” Three Scriptures come to mind:

The beast was given a mouth uttering proud boasts and blasphemies… (Revelation 13:5)

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)


First published January 27th, 2017: 


IF you stand close enough to a tapestry, all you will see is a portion of the “story”, and you can lose the context. Stand back, and the whole picture comes into view. So it is with the events unfolding in America, the Vatican, and all over the world which, at first glance, may not appear connected. But they are. If you press your face up against current events without understanding them in the larger context of, really, the past two thousand years, you lose the “story.” Fortunately, St. John Paul II reminded us to take a step back…

Continue reading

Unmasking the Facts

Mark Mallett is a former award-winning journalist with CTV News Edmonton (CFRN TV) and resides in Canada. The following article is regularly updated to reflect new science.

THERE perhaps is no issue more contentious than the mandatory mask laws spreading across the world. Aside from sharp disagreements on their effectiveness, the issue is dividing not only the general public but churches. Some priests have forbidden parishioners to enter the sanctuary without masks while others have even called the police on their flock.[1]October 27th, 2020; Some regions have required that face coverings be enforced in one’s own home [2] while some countries have mandated that individuals wear masks while driving alone in your car.[3]Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, heading up the U.S. COVID-19 response, goes even further saying that, aside from a facial mask, “If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it”[4] or even wear two.[5], January 26th, 2021 And Democrat Joe Biden stated, “masks save lives — period,”[6] and that when he becomes President, his first action will be to force mask-wearing across the board claiming, “These masks make a gigantic difference.”[7] And that he did. Some Brazilian scientists alleged that actually refusing to wear a facial covering is a sign of a “serious personality disorder.”[8] And Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, flatly stated that mask-wearing and social distancing will be with us for “several years”[9] as did a Spanish virologist.[10]marketwatch.comContinue reading


Our First Love


ONE of the “now words” the Lord put on my heart some fourteen years ago was that a “Great Storm like a hurricane is coming upon the earth,” and that the closer we get to the Eye of the Stormthe more there will be chaos and confusion. Well, the winds of this Storm are becoming so fast now, events beginning to unfold so rapidly, that it is easy to become disoriented. It is easy to lose sight of the most essential. And Jesus tell His followers, His faithful followers, what that is:Continue reading

Fr. Michel’s October?

AMONG the seers we are testing and discerning is Canadian priest Fr. Michel Rodrigue. In March 2020, he wrote in a letter to supporters:

My dear people of God, we are now passing a test. The great events of purification will begin this fall. Be ready with the Rosary to disarm Satan and to protect our people. Make sure that you are in the state of grace by having made your general confession to a Catholic priest. The spiritual battle will begin. Remember these words: The month of the rosary will see great things.

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Fr. Dolindo’s Incredible Prophecy


A COUPLE of days ago, I was moved to republish An Invincible Faith in Jesus. It is a reflection on the beautiful words to Servant of God Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970).  Then this morning, my colleague Peter Bannister found this incredible prophecy from Fr. Dolindo given by Our Lady in 1921. What makes it so remarkable is that it is a summary of everything I’ve written here, and of so many authentic prophetic voices from around the world. I think the timing of this discovery is, itself, a prophetic word to all of us.Continue reading

An Invincible Faith in Jesus


First published May 31st, 2017.

has been overrun with a glut of super hero movies. There is practically one in theatres, somewhere, almost constantly now. Perhaps it speaks of something deep within the psyche of this generation, an era in which true heroes are now few and far between; a reflection of a world longing for real greatness, if not, a real Savior…Continue reading

The Body, Breaking


The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover,
when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. 
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 677

Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn,
while the world rejoices;

you will grieve, but your grief will become joy.
(John 16:20)


DO you want some real hope today? Hope is born, not in the denial of reality, but in a living faith, in spite of it.Continue reading

A Great Shipwreck?


ON October 20th, Our Lady allegedly appeared to Brazilian seer Pedro Regis (who enjoys the broad support of his Archbishop) with a strong message:

Dear children, the Great Vessel and a Great Shipwreck; this is the [cause of] suffering for men and women of faith. Be faithful to My Son Jesus. Accept the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church. Stay on the path that I have pointed out to you. Do not let yourself be contaminated by the mire of false doctrines. You are the Lord’s Possession and Him alone should you follow and serve. —Read full message here

Today, on this eve of the Memorial of St. John Paul II, the Barque of Peter shuddered and listed as the news headline emerged:

“Pope Francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples,
in shift from Vatican stance”

Continue reading

The Popes and the New World Order – Part II


The primary cause of the sexual and cultural revolution is ideological. Our Lady of Fatima has said that Russia’s errors would spread all over the world. It was first done under a violent form, classical Marxism, by killing tens of millions. Now it’s being done mostly by cultural Marxism. There is continuity from Lenin’s sex revolution, through Gramsci and the Frankfurt school, to the current-day gay-rights and gender ideology. Classical Marxism pretended to redesign society through violent take-over of property. Now the revolution goes deeper; it pretends to redefine family, sex identity and human nature. This ideology calls itself progressive. But it is nothing else than
the ancient serpent’s offer, for man to take control, to replace God,
to arrange salvation here, in this world.

—Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea, speech at the Synod of the Family in Rome;
October 17th, 2015

First published December of 2019.


THE Catechism of the Catholic Church warns that the “final trial” that would shake the faith of many believers would constitute, in part, the Marxist ideas of arranging “salvation here, in this world” through the secular State.Continue reading