Covenant Sign



GOD leaves, as a sign of his covenant with Noah, a rainbow in the sky.

But why a rainbow?

Jesus is the Light of the world. Light, when fractured, breaks into many colors. God had made a covenant with his people, but before Jesus came, the spiritual order was still fractured—broken—until Christ came and gathered all things into Himself making them "one". You could say the Cross is the prism, the locus of the Light.

When we see a rainbow, we should recognize it as a sign of Christ, the New Covenant: an arc which touches heaven, but also earth… symbolizing the twofold nature of Christ, both divine and human.

In all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth. Ephesians, 1:8-10

Echoes of Warning…



THERE were a few times this past week when I was preaching, that I was suddenly overwhelmed. The sense I had was as if I were Noah, shouting from the ramp of the ark: "Come in! Come in! Enter into the Mercy of God!"

Why do I feel this way? I cannot explain it… except that I see storm clouds, pregnant and billowing, moving quickly on the horizon.

Time — Is It Speeding Up?



TIMEis it speeding up? Many believe it is. This came to me while meditating:

An MP3 is a song format in which the music is compressed, and yet the song sounds the same and is still the same length. The more you compress it, however, even though the length remains the same, the quality begins to deteriorate.

So too, it seems, time is being compressed, even though the days are the same length. And the more they are compressed, the more there is a deterioration in morals, nature, and civil order.

The New Ark



A READING from the Divine Liturgy this week has lingered with me:

God patiently waited in the days of Noah during the building of the ark. (1 Peter 3:20)

The sense is that we are in that time when the ark is being completed, and soon. What is the ark? When I asked this question, I looked up at the icon of Mary……… the answer seemed that her bosom is the ark, and she is gathering a remnant to herself, for Christ.

And it was Jesus who said he would return “as in the days of Noah” and “as in the days of Lot” (Luke 17:26, 28). Everyone’s looking at the weather, earthquakes, wars, plagues, and violence; but are we forgetting about the “moral” signs of the times Christ is referring to? A reading of Noah’s generation and Lot’s generation–and what their offences were–should look uncomfortably familiar.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.Winston Churchill

Why a Sleeping Church Needs to Wake Up


PERHAPS it’s just the mild winter, and so everyone’s outside instead of following the news. But there have been some disturbing headlines in the country which have barely ruffled a feather. And yet, they have the ability to influence this nation for generations to come:

  • This week, experts are warning of a "hidden epidemic" as sexually transmitted diseases in Canada have exploded the past decade. This while the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that public orgies in sex clubs are acceptable to a "tolerant" Canadian society.

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THE intolerance of “tolerance!”


It is curious how those who accuse Christians of
hatred and intolerance

are often the most venomous in
tone and intent. 

It is the most obvious—and easily over-looked
hypocrisy of our times.