The Most Important Homily


Even if we or an angel from heaven
should preach to you a gospel
other than the one that we preached to you,
let that one be accursed!
(Gal 1:8)


THEY spent three years at the feet of Jesus, listening carefully to His teaching. When He ascended into Heaven, He left them a “great commission” to “make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19-20). And then He sent them the “Spirit of truth” to infallibly guide their teaching (Jn 16:13). Hence, the first homily of the Apostles would no doubt be seminal, setting the direction of the entire Church… and world.

So, what did Peter say??Continue reading

The Great Fissure


Nihil innovetur, nisi quod traditum est
“Let there be no innovation beyond what has been handed down.”
—POPE Saint Stephen I (+ 257)


THE Vatican’s permission for priests to dole out blessings for same-sex “couples” and those in “irregular” relationships has created a deep fissure within the Catholic Church.

Within days of its announcement, nearly entire continents (Africa), bishops’ conferences (eg. Hungary, Poland), cardinals, and religious orders rejected the self-contradictory language in Fiducia supplicans (FS). According to a press release this morning from Zenit, “15 Episcopal Conferences from Africa and Europe, plus around twenty dioceses worldwide, have prohibited, limited, or suspended the application of the document in the diocesan territory, highlighting the existing polarization around it.”[1]Jan 4, 2024, Zenit A Wikipedia page following opposition to Fiducia supplicans currently counts rejections from 16 bishops’ conferences, 29 individual cardinals and bishops, and seven congregations and priestly, religious, and lay associations. Continue reading


1 Jan 4, 2024, Zenit

A Watchman’s Warning


DEAR brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I want to leave you on a more positive note, despite this most troubling week. It’s in the short video below that I recorded last week, but never sent out to you. It’s a most apropos message for what has transpired this week, but is a general message of hope. But I also want to be obedient to the “now word” the Lord has been speaking all week. I will be brief…Continue reading

Have We Turned a Corner?


Note: Since publishing this, I have added some supporting quotes from authoritative voices as responses around the world continue to roll out. This is too crucial a subject for the collective concerns of the Body of Christ to not be heard. But the framework of this reflection and arguments remain unchanged. 


THE news shot across the globe like a missile: “Pope Francis approves allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples” (ABC News). Reuters declared: “Vatican approves blessings for same-sex couples in landmark ruling.” For once, the headlines weren’t twisting the truth, even though there’s more to the story… Continue reading

Confront the Storm


A NEW scandal has rocketed across the world with headlines proclaiming that Pope Francis has authorized priests to bless same-sex couples. This time, the headlines weren’t spinning it. Is this the Great Shipwreck Our Lady spoke of three years ago? Continue reading

The Promised Kingdom


BOTH terror and exultant victory. That was the vision of the prophet Daniel of a future time when a “great beast” would arise over the whole world, a beast “quite different” than previous beasts who imposed their rule. He said it “shall devour the whole earth, beat it down, and crush it” through “ten kings.” It will overturn the law and even alter the calendar. From its head sprung a diabolical horn whose goal is to “oppress the holy ones of the Most High.” For three and a half years, says Daniel, they will be handed over to him — he who is universally recognized as the “Antichrist.”Continue reading

VIDEO: The Prophecy At Rome


A POWERFUL prophecy was given in St. Peter’s Square in 1975 — words that seem to be unfolding now in our present time. Joining Mark Mallett is the man who received that prophecy, Dr. Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries. They discuss the troubling times, the crisis of faith, and the possibility of the Antichrist in our days — plus the Answer to it all!Continue reading

The War On Creation – Part III


THE doctor said without hesitation, “We need to either burn or cut out your thyroid to make it more manageable. You will need to stay on medication for the rest of your life.” My wife Lea looked at him like he was crazy and said, “I can’t get rid of a part of my body because it’s not working for you. Why don’t we find the root cause of why my body is attacking itself instead?” The doctor returned her gaze as if she was crazy. He bluntly replied, “You go that route and you’re going to leave your children orphaned.”

But I knew my wife: she would be determined to find the problem and help her body restore itself. Continue reading

The Big Lie


…the apocalyptic language surrounding the climate
has done a deep disservice to humanity.
It has led to incredibly wasteful and ineffectual spending.
The psychological costs have also been immense.
Many people, particularly younger ones,
live in fear that the end is nigh,
too often leading to debilitating depression
about the future.
A look at the facts would demolish
those apocalyptic anxieties.
—Steve Forbes, Forbes magazine, July 14, 2023

Continue reading

The War on Creation – Part II




TO Catholics, the last hundred years or so bear significance in prophecy. As the legend goes, Pope Leo XIII had a vision during Mass that left him utterly stunned. According to one eyewitness:

Leo XIII truly saw, in a vision, demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome). —Father Domenico Pechenino, eyewitness; Ephemerides Liturgicae, reported in 1995, p. 58-59;

It is said that Pope Leo overheard Satan asking the Lord for a “hundred years” to test the Church (which resulted in the now famous prayer to St. Michael the Archangel).[1]cf. Catholic News Agency When exactly the Lord punched the clock to begin a century of testing, no one knows. But certainly, the diabolical was unleashed upon the whole of creation in the 20th century, beginning with medicine itself…Continue reading


1 cf. Catholic News Agency

The War on Creation – Part I


I have been discerning writing this series for over two years now. I have touched on some aspects already, but lately, the Lord has given me a green light to boldly proclaim this “now word.” The real cue for me was today’s Mass readings, which I’ll mention at the end… 




THERE is a war on creation, which is ultimately a war on the Creator himself. The attack runs broad and deep, from the smallest microbe to the pinnacle of creation, which is man and woman created “in the image of God.”Continue reading

Why Still Be a Catholic?

AFTER repeated news of scandals and controversies, why stay a Catholic? In this powerful episode, Mark & Daniel lay out more than their personal convictions: they make the case that Christ Himself wants the world to be Catholic. This is sure to anger, encourage, or console many!Continue reading

I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ


The pope cannot commit heresy
when he speaks ex cathedra,
this is a dogma of faith.
In his teaching outside of 
ex cathedra statements, however,
he can commit doctrinal ambiguities,
errors and even heresies.
And since the pope is not identical
with the entire Church,
the Church is stronger
than a singular erring or heretical Pope.
—Bishop Athanasius Schneider
September 19th, 2023,


I HAVE long been avoiding most comments on social media. The reason is that people have become mean, judgmental, flat-out uncharitable — and often in the name of “defending the truth.” But after our last webcast, I attempted to respond to some who accused my colleague Daniel O’Connor and me of “bashing” the Pope. Continue reading

A Time to Weep

A Flaming Sword: Nuclear-capable missile fired over California in November, 2015
Caters News Agency, (Abe Blair)



…at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’—Sr. Lucia of Fatima, July 13th, 1917

Continue reading

The Eclipse of the Son

Someone’s attempt to photograph the “miracle of the sun”


As an eclipse is about to cross the United States (like a crescent over certain regions), I have been pondering the “miracle of the sun” that occurred in Fatima on October 13th, 1917, the rainbow colors that spun from it… the crescent moon on Islamic flags, and the moon which Our Lady of Guadalupe stands upon. Then I found this reflection this morning from April 7, 2007. It seems to me we are living Revelation 12, and will see God’s power manifested in these days of tribulation, especially through Our Blessed Mother — “Mary, the shining star that announces the Sun” (POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Meeting with Young People at Air Base of Cuatro Vientos, Madrid, Spain, May 3rd, 2003)… I sense I am not to comment or develop this writing but just republish, so here it is… 


JESUS said to St. Faustina,

Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy.Diary of Divine Mercy, n. 1588

This sequence is presented on the Cross:

(MERCY:) Then [the criminal] said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

(JUSTICE:) It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun. (Luke 23:43-45)


Continue reading

Rwanda’s Warning


When he broke open the second seal,
I heard the second living creature cry out,
“Come forward.”
Another horse came out, a red one.
Its rider was given power
to take peace away from the earth,

so that people would slaughter one another.
And he was given a huge sword.
(Rev 6:3-4)

…we witness daily events where people
appear to be growing more aggressive
and belligerent…

—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Pentecost Homily,
May 27th, 2012


IN 2012, I published a very strong “now word” that I believe is presently being “unsealed” at this hour. I wrote then (cf. Warnings in the Wind) of the warning that violence is going to burst out suddenly upon the world like a thief in the night because we are persisting in grave sin, thereby losing God’s protection.[1]cf. Hell Unleashed It may very well be the landfall of the Great Storm

When they sow the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind. (Hos 8:7)Continue reading


1 cf. Hell Unleashed

The Obedience of Faith


Now to Him who can strengthen you,
according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ…
to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith… 
(Rom 16:25-26)

…he humbled himself and became obedient unto death,
even death on a cross. (Phil 2:8)


GOD must be shaking His head, if not laughing at His Church. For the plan unfolding since the dawn of Redemption has been for Jesus to prepare for Himself a Bride who is “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27). And yet, some within the hierarchy itself[1]cf. The Final Trial have reached the point of inventing ways for people to remain in objective mortal sin, and yet feel “welcome” in the Church.[2]Indeed, God welcomes all to be saved. The condition for this salvation are in the words of Our Lord himself: “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15) What a vastly different vision than God’s! What an immense abyss between the reality of what is prophetically unfolding at this hour — the purification of the Church — and what some bishops are proposing to the world!Continue reading


1 cf. The Final Trial
2 Indeed, God welcomes all to be saved. The condition for this salvation are in the words of Our Lord himself: “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15)

October Warning


HEAVEN has been warning that October 2023 would be a significant month, a turning point in the escalation of events. It’s only a week in, and major events have already unfolded…Continue reading

Remain in Me


First published May 8, 2015…


IF you are not at peace, ask yourself three questions: Am I in the will of God? Am I trusting Him? Am I loving God and neighbour in this moment? Simply, am I being faithful, trusting, and loving?[1]see Building the House of Peace Whenever you lose your peace, go through these questions like a checklist, and then realign one or more aspects of your mindset and behavior in that moment saying, “Ah, Lord, I am sorry, I have stopped abiding in you. Forgive me and help me to begin again.” In this way, you will steadily build a House of Peace, even in the midst of trials.

Continue reading


The Great Theft


The first step towards regaining the state of primitive liberty
consisted in learning to do without things.
Man must divest himself of all the trappings
laid on him by civilization and return to nomadic conditions —
even clothing, food, and fixed abodes should be abandoned.
—philosophical theories of Weishaupt and Rousseau;
from World Revolution (1921), by Nessa Webster, p. 8

Communism, then, is coming back again on the Western world,
because something died in the Western world—namely, 
the strong faith of men in the God that made them.
—Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen,
“Communism in America”, cf.


OUR Lady told Conchita Gonzalez of Garabandal, Spain, “When Communism comes again everything will happen,” [1]Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2 but she did not say how Communism would come again. At Fatima, the Blessed Mother warned that Russia would spread her errors, but she did not say how those errors would spread. As such, when the Western mind imagines Communism, it likely darts back to the USSR and the Cold War era.

But the Communism emerging today looks nothing like that. In fact, I sometimes wonder if that old form of Communism still preserved in North Korea — gray ugly cities, lavish military displays, and closed borders — is not a deliberate distraction from the real communist threat spreading over humanity as we speak: The Great ResetContinue reading


1 Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2

The Final Trial?

Duccio, The Betrayal of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, 1308 


All of you will have your faith shaken, for it is written:
‘I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep will be dispersed.’
(Mark 14:27)

Before Christ’s second coming
the Church must pass through a final trial
that will shake the faith of many believers…

Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.675, 677


WHAT is this “final trial that will shake the faith of many believers?”  

Continue reading

Hidden In Plain Sight

Baphomet – Photo by Matt Anderson


IN a paper on occultism in the Age of Information, its authors note that “members of the occult community are oath-bound, even on pain of death and destruction, not to reveal that which Google will instantly share.” And so, it is well known that secret societies will simply keep things “hidden in plain sight,” burying their presence or intentions in symbols, logos, movie scripts, and the like. The word occult literally means to “conceal” or “cover over.” Hence, secret societies such as the Freemasons, whose roots are occultic, are often found hiding their intentions or symbols in plain sight, which are meant to be seen on some level…Continue reading

Forward Into the Fall…



THERE is quite a buzz about this coming October. Given that numerous seers around the world are pointing toward some kind of shift beginning next month — a rather specific and eye-brow raising prediction — our reaction should be one of balance, caution, and prayer. At the bottom of this article, you’ll find a new webcast in which I was invited to discuss this coming October with Fr. Richard Heilman and Doug Barry of US Grace Force.Continue reading

An Apostolic Timeline


JUST when we think God should throw in the towel, He throws in another few centuries. This is why predictions as specific as “this October” have to be regarded with prudence and caution. But we also know the Lord has a plan that is being brought to fulfillment, a plan that is culminating in these times, according to not only numerous seers but, in fact, the Early Church Fathers.Continue reading

The Breaking Point


Many false prophets will arise and deceive many;
and because of the increase of evildoing,
the love of many will grow cold.
(Matt 24:11-12)


I REACHED a breaking point last week. Everywhere I turned, I saw nothing but humans ready to tear one another apart. The ideological divide between people has become an abyss. I truly fear that some may not be able to cross over as they have become utterly entrenched in globalist propaganda (see The Two Camps). Some people have reached an astonishing point where anyone who questions the government narrative (whether it’s “global warming”, “the pandemic”, etc.) is deemed to literally be killing everyone else. For instance, one person blamed me for the deaths in Maui recently because I presented another point of view on climate change. Last year I was called a “murderer” for warning about the now unquestionable dangers of mRNA injections or exposing the true science on masking. It’s all led me to ponder those ominous words of Christ…Continue reading

Church On a Precipice – Part II

The Black Madonna of Częstochowa – profaned


If you live in a time that no man will give you good counsel,
nor any man give you good example,
when you shall see virtue punished and vice rewarded
stand fast, and firmly stick to God upon pain of life…
— Saint Thomas More,
beheaded in 1535 for defending marriage
The Life of Thomas More: A Biography by William Roper



ONE of the greatest gifts Jesus left His Church was the grace of infallibility. If Jesus said, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32), then it is imperative that every generation know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what the truth is. Otherwise, one could take a lie for truth and fall into slavery. For…

…everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. (John 8:34)

Hence, our spiritual freedom is intrinsic to knowing the truth, which is why Jesus promised, “When He comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you to all truth.” [1]John 16:13 Despite the flaws of the individual members of the Catholic Faith over two millennia and even the moral failures of Peter’s successors, our Sacred Tradition reveals that the teachings of  Christ have been accurately preserved for over 2000 years. It is one of the surest signs of Christ’s providential hand upon His Bride.Continue reading


1 John 16:13

The Last Standing


THE past several months have been a time for me of listening, waiting, of interior and exterior battle. I have questioned my calling, my direction, my purpose. Only in the stillness before the Blessed Sacrament did the Lord finally answer my appeals: He is not done with me yet. Continue reading

Babylon Now


THERE is a startling passage in the Book of Revelation, one that could easily be missed. It speaks of “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth” (Rev 17:5). Of her sins, for which she is judged “in an hour,” (18:10) is that her “markets” trade not only in gold and silver but in humans. Continue reading

The Path of Life

“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through… We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel, of Christ versus the anti-Christ… It is a trial… of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization, with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations.” —Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online (confirmed by Deacon Keith Fournier who was in attendance) “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through… We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel, of Christ versus the anti-Christ… It is a trial… of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization, with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations.” —Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online (confirmed by Deacon Keith Fournier who was in attendance)

We are now facing the final confrontation
between the Church and the anti-Church,
of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel,
of Christ versus the anti-Christ…
It is a trial… of 2,000 years of culture
and Christian civilization,
with all of its consequences for human dignity,
individual rights, human rights
and the rights of nations.

—Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA,
August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online

WE are living in an hour where nearly the entire Catholic culture of 2000 years is being rejected, not only by the world (which is to be somewhat expected), but by Catholics themselves: bishops, cardinals, and laity who believe the Church needs to “updated”; or that we need a “synod on synodality” in order to rediscover the truth; or that we need to agree with the ideologies of the world in order to “accompany” them.Continue reading

Your Healing Stories

IT has been a real privilege to have journeyed with you these past two weeks of the Healing Retreat. There are many beautiful testimonies I want to share with you below. At the very end is a song in thanksgiving to Our Blessed Mother for her intercession and love for each of you during this retreat.Continue reading

Day 15: A New Pentecost

YOU’VE made it! The end of our retreat — but not the end of God’s gifts, and never the end of His love. In fact, today is very special because the Lord has a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bestow upon you. Our Lady has been praying for you and anticipating this moment as well, as she joins you in the upper room of your heart to pray for a “new Pentecost” in your soul. Continue reading

Day 14: The Center of the Father

SOMETIMES we can get stuck in our spiritual lives due to our wounds, judgments, and unforgiveness. This retreat, thus far, has been a means to help you see the truths about both yourself and your Creator, so that “the truth will set you free.” But it is necessary that we live and have our being in the whole truth, in the very center of the Father’s heart of love…Continue reading

Day 13: His Healing Touch and Voice

I would love to share your testimony with others of how the Lord has touched your life and brought healing to you through this retreat. You can simply reply to the email you received if you’re on my mailing list or go here. Just write a few sentences or a short paragraph. It can be anonymous if you choose.

WE are not abandoned. We are not orphaned… Continue reading

Day 11: The Power of Judgments

EVEN though we may have forgiven others, and even ourselves, there is still a subtle but dangerous deception that we need to be sure is rooted out of our lives — one that can still divide, wound, and destroy. And that is the power of wrongful judgments. Continue reading

Day 10: The Healing Power of Love

IT says in First John:

We love, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

This retreat is happening because God loves you. The sometimes hard truths you are facing are because God loves you. The healing and liberation you’re beginning to experience is because God loves you. He loved you first. He will not stop loving you.Continue reading

Day 8: The Deepest Wounds

WE are now crossing the halfway point of our retreat. God is not finished, there is more work to do. The Divine Surgeon is beginning to reach the deepest places of our woundedness, not to trouble and disturb us, but to heal us. It can be painful to face these memories. This is the moment of perseverance; this is the moment of walking by faith and not sight, trusting in the process that the Holy Spirit has begun in your heart. Standing beside you is the Blessed Mother and your brothers and sisters, the Saints, all interceding for you. They are closer to you now than they were in this life, because they are fully united to the Holy Trinity in eternity, who dwells within you by virtue of your Baptism.

Yet, you may feel alone, even abandoned as you struggle to answer questions or to hear the Lord speaking to you. But as the Psalmist says, “Where can I go from your Spirit? From your presence, where can I flee?”[1]Psalm 139:7 Jesus promised: “I am with you always, until the end of the age.”[2]Matt 28:20Continue reading


1 Psalm 139:7
2 Matt 28:20