For the dreams that disturbed them had proclaimed this beforehand,
lest they perish unaware of why they endured such evil.
(Wisdom 18:19)
In light of major headlines of large drones mysteriously appearing over North American cities, I am compelled to share some vivid dreams I had some 20 years ago…
Dream of the Drones
…stars in the sky begin to spin in the shape of a circle. Then the stars began to fall, turning suddenly into strange “military” aircraft. The dream suddenly switched to a large drone looking for us, as we hid in the hills….
I can still see in my memory the skies filled with clusters of these crafts. Only in the past several years have I come to recognize what they appeared to be: drones! Every time I see video or photos, like the above, of drones flying together, it’s exactly what I saw in my dream. But there’s more…
Sitting at the edge of the bed one morning after having had this dream again, I asked the Lord what it meant. I immediately heard in my heart: “Look at the flag of China.” I couldn’t remember what it looked like beyond its red and yellow colors, so I searched it on the web… and there it was, a flag with stars in a circle.
In another dream…
I was pointing eastward to the sky, telling my wife that stars were going to fall there someday. Just then, a friend walked up and I was eager to tell her of this “prophetic word”. Instead, my wife exclaimed, “Look!” I turned around, and stared into the clouds just after sunset. I could make out a distinct ear… and then an angel, filling the sky. And then, within the angel’s wings, I saw Him… Jesus, His eyes closed, and His head bowed. His hand was extended: He was offering me the Crown of Thorns.
The final time I had this dream, I recall seeing the stars begin to spin and fall again, and then exclaiming: “It’s begun!”
Finally, as I was walking down a deserted country road several years ago, immersed in prayer and reflecting on this dream, I received a “now word” that came more like an infused understanding:
There is coming a UFO deception.
This stunned me. I thought it was crazy. But I finally wrote about a coming UFO deception tied to the New Age in The Coming Counterfeit.
When Communism Returns
So what does this all mean when put together? I can only speculate… but it seems to me that the significant nighttime appearance of drones over major cities could be a harbinger that we are on the verge of epochal events. As I write, there is speculation that these are U.S. military drones trying to locate radioactive material or even nuclear warheads that went missing from the Ukraine.[1]cf. This, at the same time that China has just released “a ‘hit list’ of US naval targets that it would attack in the event of conflict with America.”[2]December 16, 2024,
China is a country I have been keeping my eye on for a number of years. It began in 2008 when I drove past a Chinese businessman walking down the sidewalk. I looked into his eyes, dark and empty. There was an aggression about him that disturbed me. In that moment (and it’s hard to explain), I was given what seemed a “word of knowledge” that China was going to “invade” the West. That is, this man seemed to represent the ideology or (Communist) spirit behind China (not the Chinese people themselves, many who are faithful Christians in the underground Church there).
One of the chilling “words” I sensed the Lord speak to me several years ago was:
Your land will be given to another’s if there is not repentance for the sin of abortion.
And more recently — and this, I tremble in typing:
For the sin of abortion in your land, your sons will be sent to war.
Today, we see China alongside Russia beginning to rise as an economic and military power at the same time America is beginning to collapse much like the Roman Empire due to moral and political corruption.[3]The debt of the United States may be too much for even Donald Trump to overcome. See here and here Indeed, America is arguably the “last standing” Western nation to (barely) uphold Christianity and the right to practice it. With the fall of America, I believe we may well see come to fruition the prophecy of St. John Henry Newman, who echoed the Church Fathers:
I grant that as Rome, according to the prophet Daniel’s vision, succeeded Greece, so Antichrist succeeds Rome, and our Savior Christ succeeds Antichrist. But it does not hence follow that Antichrist is come; for I do not grant that the Roman empire is gone. Far from it: the Roman empire remains even to this day… And as the horns, or kingdoms, still exist, as a matter of fact, consequently we have not yet seen the end of the Roman empire. —St. John Henry Newman (1801-1890), The Times of Antichrist, Sermon 1
What then? According to Early Church Father Lactantius…
Then the sword will traverse the world, mowing down everything, and laying low all things as a crop. And — my mind dreads to relate it, but I will relate it, because it is about to happen — the cause of this desolation and confusion will be this; because the Roman name, by which the world is now ruled, will be taken away from the earth, and the government return to Asia; and the East will again bear rule, and the West be reduced to servitude. —Lactantius, Fathers of the Church: The Divine Institutes, Book VII, Chapter 15, Catholic Encyclopedia;
This is precisely what Our Lady warned about in her apparitions at Fatima and Garabandal — that Communism (ie. the “errors of Russia”) would spread across the earth. But this would also trigger Divine intervention, namely a “Warning,” according to Garabandal seer Conchita Gonzalez:
“When Communism comes again everything will happen.”
The author responded: “What do you mean by comes again?”
“Yes, when it newly comes again,” [Conchita] replied.
“Does that mean that Communism will go away before that?”
“I don’t know,” she said in reply, “the Blessed Virgin simply said ‘when Communism comes again’.” —Garabandal – Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2
Today, Communism is indeed reappearing, though its promoters don’t use that word. Nor does it have to appear as it did last century (at least at first) with jackboots in the streets. Rather, today’s Marxists refer to it as “The Great Reset” or the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” — a globalist movement that combines communist principles with capitalist money.[4]see The New Rising Beast
Speaking of drones, I think we are already witnessing the potential for mass deception if not false “signs and wonders.” In the following video, 10,000 drones were controlled by a single computer in this nighttime display in China:
Regardless, one simply cannot dismiss the quiet and growing power of neo-Communism, particularly from China…
…there is the immensely strong, red dragon with a striking and disturbing manifestation of power without grace, without love, of absolute selfishness, terror and violence. At the time when St. John wrote the Book of Revelation, this dragon represented for him the power of the anti-Christian Roman Emperors, from Nero to Domitian. This power seemed boundless; the military, political and propagandist power of the Roman Empire was such that before it, faith, the Church, appeared as a defenseless woman with no chance of survival and even less of victory. Who could stand up to this omnipresent force that seemed capable of achieving everything? …Thus, not only does this dragon suggest the anti-Christian power of the persecutors of the Church of that time, but also anti-Christian dictatorships of all periods. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Homily, August 15th, 2007;
With the coming of Antichrist, Scripture speaks of accompanying false signs and wonders and false prophets. The “supreme religious deception,” says the Catechism:
…is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 675
Communism is the penultimate pseudo-messianism — a political system devoid of God that puts man at the center of the universe. Hence, the transhumanist “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is really the techno-version of practical atheism where man will literally seek to merge his biological and digital identities into one…
…so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god. (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
“Communism, which so many believed to be an invention of Marx,” writes Stephen Mahowald, “had been fully hatched in the mind of the Illuminists long before he was put on the payroll.”[5]She Shall Crush Thy Head, p. 101 The “Illuminists” and Freemasonry eventually combined as a secret society. Speaking to Dr. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican magazine, an unnamed retired Vatican official said:
The fact is that the thought of Freemasonry, which was the thought of the Enlightenment, believes Christ and his teachings, as taught by the Church, are an impediment to human freedom and self-fulfillment. And this thought has become dominant in the elites of the West, even when those elites are not officially members of any Freemasonic lodge. It is a pervasive modern worldview. —from “Letter #4, 2017: Knight of Malta and Freemasonry”, January 25th, 2017
Yes, Communism has almost become ubiquitous — just as Our Lady predicted — and few realize it.
As for the “crown of thorns” in my dream, perhaps this was to indicate that the emergence of these signs are concomitant with the passion of the Church at the hands of global Communism.
The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 677
A UFO Deception?
Whether drones will have a part to play in “false signs and wonders” that precede it, is speculation. (The recent sitings could also be military; one U.S. Senator has suggested that they are drones from China).
What is not speculation is the well-known fact that within the New Age, there is a belief that the human race was “birthed” from aliens…. aliens who will return at some point to bring us into an “age of peace and harmony.” This is essentially a satanic counterfeit of the Era of Peace prophesied in Scripture, by the Church Fathers, the popes, and Our Lady. I believe this is a demonic deception, in part, because those who report having been “abducted” have often left behind a “residue” of after-effects which are very similar to demonic possession, including at times the smell of sulfur.
I have a friend who, before his conversion to Christianity decades ago, encountered a UFO hovering in a park. He described it as very oppressive:
…Demonic. Something trying to take over your thoughts. My friend had a blank stare and, though standing, did not respond as he stared at this light or orb-like thing in the sky, probably 50 yards away. I remember a voice was saying in my head, “It’s alright….” I resisted strongly and ran for my life with no intention of letting this thing into my mind! Later when we met up, my friend was very shook up and did not remember details (we were separated when I went to get help.) He was not joking. He was terrified. I was probably 17 at the time.
I will be addressing the theological questions surrounding the possibility of extraterrestrial beings with my colleague Daniel O’Connor. For now, I believe there may be coming a UFO deception of sorts that is both demonic and government — a collusion on some occult level. Remember what St. Paul said of the Antichrist…
…the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie… (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
I have long felt that the timing of a Great Deception of this sort is after the Warning, which the Devil is fully prepared for, even if it disarms him for a time. I agree with my colleague:
Immediately after the Warning, I believe that even the Devil won’t be able to manipulate the effect of its outpouring of graces. He will be cast out for a brief time [cf. Rev 12:9 and The Exorcism of the Dragon]. But as the weeks after the Warning continue on, and the shock of the Warning wears off, those who do not remain firm in holding onto their pious convictions will be susceptible to deceitful machinations. And that is the most dangerous time. For this is when men will be told that the pangs of conscience they felt–the veritable mini-Judgment-Day they experienced–was actually just a warm up for the Big Reveal (of the ETs, or the “superintelligent AI”), which will “correct all the mistaken interpretations of that event and direct the lessons it delivered in the path of cosmic evolution.” —Prof. Daniel O’Connor, from
Is this what St. Paul foresaw of those who reject the graces of the Warning?
Therefore, God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
Artificial intelligence that creates “deep fakes” and alter realities out of thin air… undisclosed technological advancements… and the deliberate unleashing of man-made “labor pains,” as Jesus described in Matthew 24, are ways it increasingly appears that the “father of lies” is working to unleash his centuries-old plan to impose global Communism — the “beast” of Revelation — and crush the Church.
They worshiped the dragon because it gave its authority to the beast; they also worshiped the beast and said, “Who can compare with the beast or who can fight against it?” The beast was given a mouth uttering proud boasts and blasphemies, and it was given authority to act for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling and those who dwell in heaven. It was also allowed to wage war against the holy ones and conquer them, and it was granted authority over every tribe, people, tongue, and nation… Whoever has ears ought to hear these words. (Revelation 13:4-9)
But Heaven also has a plan: the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart that will, like two thousand years ago, usher in her Son, Jesus, and a New Era — the reign of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. We’ve been praying it in the “Our Father” for 2000 years: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” If Satan is attempting to usher in his false kingdom escorted by “falling of stars”, Jesus, the Morning Star, will dispel it by His rising within the hearts of a faithful remnant.
We possess the prophetic message that is altogether reliable. You will do well to be attentive to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts… I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star… I am coming soon. (2 Pet 1:9; Rv 22:16, 20)
Related Reading
How Freemasonry is deliberating collapsing America and the West: The Fall of Mystery Babylon
How the “window of opportunity” has opened for global Communism: Hidden in Plain Sight
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↑1 | cf. |
↑2 | December 16, 2024, |
↑3 | The debt of the United States may be too much for even Donald Trump to overcome. See here and here |
↑4 | see The New Rising Beast |
↑5 | She Shall Crush Thy Head, p. 101 |