Hidden In Plain Sight

Baphomet – Photo by Matt Anderson


IN a paper on occultism in the Age of Information, its authors note that “members of the occult community are oath-bound, even on pain of death and destruction, not to reveal that which Google will instantly share.” And so, it is well known that secret societies will simply keep things “hidden in plain sight,” burying their presence or intentions in symbols, logos, movie scripts, and the like. The word occult literally means to “conceal” or “cover over.” Hence, secret societies such as the Freemasons, whose roots are occultic, are often found hiding their intentions or symbols in plain sight, which are meant to be seen on some level…


A “window of opportunity”

I’m not going to pull any punches. Those who need to “catch up” on the thousands of hours of research I did during the pandemic can view the hyperlinks, videos, etc. I produced. In casual conversations I’ve had with people here and there, it’s still clear that many have no clue of the spell of propaganda they are under (see Pandemic of Control), [1]cf. Top Ten Pandemic Fables and watch Following the Science? nor of an agenda unfolding at Warp Speed to “shock and awe.” That is not said to be condescending to the intelligence of anyone, rather, it is to recognize that, once again, we are repeating history.[2]cf. The Strong Delusion and Our 1942

All that you and I have lived through these past three years was the beginning of a deliberate and carefully planned demolition of the present order — from the release of a biological weapon; to the coordinated global responses that killed scores through lockdowns, destroyed thousands of businesses, and wreaked havoc on the mental health of billions; to the hyperinflation expanding now throughout the globe due to governments’ reckless “pandemic inflated debt”;[3]cf. “A post-covid economy for health: from the great reset to build back differently to the “new” variants (ie. biological weapons) beginning to spread;[4]cf. ‘“Unnatural evolution”: indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants’ to the manipulation of weather and the elements;[5]cf. geoengineeringwatch.org to the demonstrable anthropogenic warming hoax; [6]see Hot Air Behind the Wind for the most up to date research from honest climate scientists to being at the brink of nuclear war… it is all what, according to Our Lady, “men have prepared with their own hands.” [7]cf. “Humanity Heading Toward the Abyss of Self-Destruction

I have often quoted the motto of the Freemason/Illuminati secret societies whom numerous popes and papal documents have condemned:[8]“How important is the threat posed by speculative Freemasonry? Well, eight popes in seventeen official documents condemned it… over two hundred Papal condemnations issued by the Church either formally or informally… in less than three hundred years.” —Stephen, Mahowald, She Shall Crush Thy Head, MMR Publishing Company, p. 73 Ordo ab chaos — “order out of chaos.” World Economic Forum (WEF) founder, Prof. Klaus Schwab, says it with a smile:

The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, re-imagine, and reset our world. — Prof. Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the WEF; “The Great Reset”,weforum.org

But why should we care what Schwab says? Because we’re told to.

And so this is a big moment. And the World Economic Forum… is going to have to really play a front and center role in defining “Reset” in a way that nobody misinterprets it: as just taking us back to where we were… —John Kerry, former United States Secretary of State; The Great Reset Podcast, “Redesigning Social Contracts in Crisis”, June 2020

And so, voila, in perfect unison, WEF’s global leaders uniformly chimed:

This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a “reset”. —Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Global News, Sept. 29th, 2020; Youtube.com, 2:05 mark

While the rest of us thought the last few years were about combating a nasty bug, these global “elites”, as Schwab actually calls them, were long ago waiting and planning for this “window of opportunity” to dismantle and reset Western civilization as we know it, to “build back better.”

This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary… we must find a way to cooperate on fighting climate change and the novel coronavirus. —George Soros, May 13th, 2020; independent.co.uk.

There you have the two pillars of this global revolution: “climate change” and the “coronavirus.” So-called global warming is the instrument by which to tax, weaken, and redistribute the wealth of nations while dissolving their borders through uncontrolled migration, war, and the eventual dissolution of private property.[9]Agenda 21, which was the precursor to the current Agenda 2030: “Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes.” — “Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender”, June 7th, 2012; investors.com Health crises are the instrument by which to destroy personal freedom and control populations[10]cf. The Great Corralling through digital ID’s and “vaccine passports”, which, by the way, were given their full stamp of approval by the G20 nations this past week.[11]Sept. 12, 2023, epochtimes.com But once again, the effervescent Schwab puts a smile on it all as simply…

…the fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities. — known as “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”; cf. The Rise of the Antichurch, 20:11 mark, rumble.com

What we were told was to be “two weeks to flatten the curve” is now two pillars to flatten civilization as we know it — and quickly:

Without swift and immediate action, at an unprecedented pace and scale, we will miss the window of opportunity to ‘reset’ for… a more sustainable and inclusive future… we must put ourselves on what can only be described as a war footing. —King (Prince) Charles, dailymail.com, September 20th, 2020

You have to ask yourself who in their right mind would lock down entire healthy populations to the point of harming people in order to save them?[12]cf. When I Was Hungry

Or who would declare that there is a famine coming while at the same time cutting back on agricultural fertilizers and mass culling the food supply?[13]cf. https://leohohmann.com

Or who would declare that we need to cut back on “carbon emissions” while pandering to the greatest producer — China? (and setting simultaneous wildfires[14]The fires in GreeceQuebecAlbertaNova ScotiaYellowknifeKelownaSpokaneLouisianaItaly Kaʻū and Maui, have been connected to numerous acts of arson and/or incompetence. In fact, there may be evidence of something far more ominous in Maui: see here. across the globe??)[15]cf. Hot Air Behind the Wind

Or who would say that we need to protect people from a respiratory virus while injecting them with what was already known as a dangerous experimental gene therapy?[16]cf. To Vax or Not to Vax

Who would do such things? If none of this makes sense — and it shouldn’t to the rational mind — it’s because it’s not supposed to. Ordo ab chaos. Or put another way, Solve et Coagula…


Solve et Coagula

I accidentally stumbled upon that phrase the other day. What I found blew my mind.

One of my readers had a vision in July of 2020. She shared it with me then, but somehow I missed it in my inbox. I put it forward here for your discernment. She saw lines of many people being stamped on their foreheads by “officials” with the seal of a horned goat head. These people, in turn, would mingle in their “circle of friends” and make them take this seal while others were being marked with a cross with a “loop” in it. Then, in a much smaller group of people, she saw angels marking people’s foreheads with the Cross of Jesus.

When the vision ended some two hours later, she went online to see if she could find these images. The “loop” cross is an Egyptian symbol known as the ankh, “frequently depicted being held in [the] gods’ hands, representing their life-giving power.”[17]cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh

The goat head she found is used in Satanism, as on the statue of Baphomet. Many depictions of this statue have two prominent insignias. The first is the inscription Solve and Coagula written on the goat-creature’s left and right arms. The second is a caduceus on its chest.[18]cf. bbc.com

Perhaps you will recall my article The Caduceus Key. In summary, it is also a Masonic symbol that has been incorporated into the health world: two serpents entwined around the staff of the Greek god Hermes. Hermes carried the staff or “wand” with “wings of speed.” Take note again of that word “speed”, which is exactly how the mRNA injections were rolled out to the world: Operation Warp Speed. As I have shared many times, the closer we get to the “eye” of the Great Storm, the faster the “seals of Revelation” are going to come at us to the point of overwhelming in this mostly man-made Storm:[19]cf. Brace For Impact 

Because history teaches us that events of this magnitude — wars, famines, plagues; events that affect the vast bulk of humanity, as this virus has — they do not just come and go. They are more often than not the trigger for an acceleration of social and economic change… —Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Conservative Party speech, October 6th, 2020; conservatives.com

We need nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace. We simply cannot waste anymore time. —King (Prince) Charles, cf. The Rise of the Antichurch24:36

Which brings us to the inscription Solve et Coagula. The more likely reason the Freemasons chose the caduceus as the symbol for their pharmaceutical drugs is its link to alchemy and the alchemical Azoth: the symbol of which was the caduceus. Alchemy is an ancient practice and the forerunner of chemistry with roots in the Kabbala (Kabbalism has its roots in Egyptian magic and sorcery and is the forerunner to Freemasonry.)[20]see The Caduceus Key; read The New Paganism – Part V for how this all goes back to the Garden of Eden. It was imbued with the occult and the pursuit of not only a “Universal elixir” but the ability to transform matter into another form — such as base metals into gold. Solve et Coagula means “to dissolve and congeal.”[21]cf. hogwartsprofessor.com It means to dismantle and recreate. 

It means to destroy and build back betterThe Great Reset.


The Final Revolution

Let’s tie this all together. The aim of the Freemasons is Ordo ab chaos, or Solve et Coagula. To destroy the present order in order to rebuild it in their own image. That image is essentially what Our Lady warned us of at Fatima, “the errors of Russia”, which would lead to the present form of global Communism.[22]cf. The Final Revolution

You are aware indeed, that the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism… —POPE PIUS IX, Nostis et Nobiscum, Encyclical, n. 18, DECEMBER 8, 1849

Communism has not waned, it resurfaces in the midst of this great confusion on Earth and great spiritual distress. —Our Lady to Luz de Maria Bonnila, April 20, 2018; her first volumes bear the bishop’s Imprimatur

But even more than overturning the present order is the goal to overturn man himself as we know him, created in the “image of God”, and to “build back better” a transhumanist creation: Human 2.0.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is literally, as they say, a transformative revolution, not just in terms of the tools that you will use to modify your environment, but for the first time in human history to modify human beings themselves. —Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny, research professor of science and technology policy at Universidad San Martin de Porres in Peru; November 25th, 2020; lifesitenews.com

Their ultimate instrument to subvert man is the “Universal elixir” called a “vaccine” — the mRNA gene therapy — which new studies show may actually integrate into one’s genome.[23]cf. brightlightnews.com And like the gods of old, thinking they are indeed gods, these messianic “elites”[24]cf. The Case Against Gates hold it out to the world like an ankh as a “life-giving power.”[25]Note, at the upcoming Clinton Foundation conference, which has Pope Francis as its keynote speaker, their website says that the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) works across the world, allowing some 125 countries to have access to specially reduced “medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, devices, or other life-saving health products and services.”

But at the heart of this is a satanic deception — Baphomet (essentially Satan) — whom Jesus calls the “father of lies” and a “murderer from the beginning.”[26]cf. John 8:44 The ultimate goal is neither your health nor the well-being of the planet but a war on God and His creation, including its depopulation.

Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people… I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation [for using mRNA]… The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. —Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD, former VP and Chief Scientist at Pfizer, April 7th, 2021; lifesitenews.com

It is long overdue for Catholics to stop dismissing these warnings as “conspiracy theory” and listen, at the very least, to the Magisterium: 

At this period… the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself …that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view — namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism. —POPE LEO XIII, Humanum Genus, Encyclical on Freemasonry, n.10, April 20th, 1884

That prophecy is now coming to its climax. The line has been drawn in the sand. You will soon have to choose whose seal you will bear. From everything I have read in the past few weeks, we are going to see full mandates and impositions rolled out in the months ahead as new “viruses” spread. As the globalists tell us over and over and over again, “no one will be left behind.” 

But the Father has a plan as well. That is why the call to prayer, fasting, repentance, and sincere conversion is the most important sentence in this article. It is by grace, and grace alone, that we will remain faithful to Jesus during this Storm and not be led astray by these so-called “philanthropists,” the “great men of the earth:”

…your merchants were the great men of the earth,
all nations were led astray by your magic potion. (Rev 18:23)

The Greek word for “magic potion” is φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) —
“the use of medicine, drugs or spells.”

Do not panic or be afraid! That has never been Heaven’s messages. Rather, ensure that you and your family are in the “ark” that God has provided for this Storm — a mother, the Blessed Mother. 

My Mother is Noah’s Ark… Jesus to Elizabeth Kindelmann, The Flame of Love, p. 109; Imprimatur from Archbishop Charles Chaput

My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God. —Our Lady of Fatima, June 13, 1917, The Revelation of the Two Hearts in Modern Times, www.ewtn.com

(For my dear Protestant/Evangelical readers, see Why Mary? and The Refuge For Our Times). 


Related Reading

The Final Revolution

Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism

The Great Corralling

Brace For Impact




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1 cf. Top Ten Pandemic Fables and watch Following the Science?
2 cf. The Strong Delusion and Our 1942
3 cf. “A post-covid economy for health: from the great reset to build back differently
4 cf. ‘“Unnatural evolution”: indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants’
5 cf. geoengineeringwatch.org
6 see Hot Air Behind the Wind for the most up to date research from honest climate scientists
7 cf. “Humanity Heading Toward the Abyss of Self-Destruction
8 “How important is the threat posed by speculative Freemasonry? Well, eight popes in seventeen official documents condemned it… over two hundred Papal condemnations issued by the Church either formally or informally… in less than three hundred years.” —Stephen, Mahowald, She Shall Crush Thy Head, MMR Publishing Company, p. 73
9 Agenda 21, which was the precursor to the current Agenda 2030: “Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes.” — “Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender”, June 7th, 2012; investors.com
10 cf. The Great Corralling
11 Sept. 12, 2023, epochtimes.com
12 cf. When I Was Hungry
13 cf. https://leohohmann.com
14 The fires in GreeceQuebecAlbertaNova ScotiaYellowknifeKelownaSpokaneLouisianaItaly Kaʻū and Maui, have been connected to numerous acts of arson and/or incompetence. In fact, there may be evidence of something far more ominous in Maui: see here.
15 cf. Hot Air Behind the Wind
16 cf. To Vax or Not to Vax
17 cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh
18 cf. bbc.com
19 cf. Brace For Impact
20 see The Caduceus Key; read The New Paganism – Part V for how this all goes back to the Garden of Eden.
21 cf. hogwartsprofessor.com
22 cf. The Final Revolution
23 cf. brightlightnews.com
24 cf. The Case Against Gates
25 Note, at the upcoming Clinton Foundation conference, which has Pope Francis as its keynote speaker, their website says that the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) works across the world, allowing some 125 countries to have access to specially reduced “medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, devices, or other life-saving health products and services.”
26 cf. John 8:44