Forward Into the Fall…



THERE is quite a buzz about this coming October. Given that numerous seers around the world are pointing toward some kind of shift beginning next month — a rather specific and eye-brow raising prediction — our reaction should be one of balance, caution, and prayer. At the bottom of this article, you’ll find a new webcast in which I was invited to discuss this coming October with Fr. Richard Heilman and Doug Barry of US Grace Force.Continue reading

New Novel Release! The Blood


PRINT version of the sequel The Blood is now available!

Since the release of my daughter Denise’s first novel The Tree some seven years ago — a book that garnered rave reviews and the efforts by some to have it made into a movie — we have awaited the sequel. And it’s finally here. The Blood continues the story in a mythical realm with Denise’s incredible word-smithing to shape realistic characters, craft incredible imagery, and make the story linger long after you’ve put the book down. So many themes in The Blood speak profoundly to our times. I couldn’t be more proud as her father… and delighted as a reader. But don’t take my word for it: read the reviews below!Continue reading

The Tree and the Sequel


The remarkable novel The Tree by Catholic author Denise Mallett (daughter of Mark Mallett) is now available on Kindle! And just in time as the sequel The Blood prepares for press this Fall. If you haven’t read The Tree, you’re missing an unforgettable experience. This is what reviewers had to say:Continue reading

You Make a Difference

JUST so you know… you make a big difference. Your prayers, your notes of encouragement, the Masses you have said, the rosaries you pray, the wisdom you reflect, the confirmations you share… it makes a difference.Continue reading

The Now Word in 2020

Mark & Lea Mallett, Winter 2020


IF you would have told me 30 years ago that, in 2020, I would be writing articles on the Internet that would be read all over the world… I would have laughed. For one, I did not consider myself an author. Two, I was at the beginning of what became an award winning television career in news. Third, my heart’s desire was really to make music, especially love songs and ballads. But here I sit now, speaking to thousands of Christians across the planet about the extraordinary times we live in and the remarkable plans God has after these days of sorrow are through. Continue reading

Watch and Pray… for Wisdom


IT has been an incredible week as I continue to write this series on The New Paganism. I am writing today to ask you to persevere with me. I know in this age of the internet that our attention spans are down to mere seconds. But what I believe Our Lord and Lady are revealing to me is so important that, for some, it could mean plucking them from a terrible deception that has already deluded many. I am literally taking thousands of hours of prayer and research and condensing them down to just a few minutes of reading for you every few days. I originally stated that the series would be three parts, but by the time I’m finished, it could be five or more. I don’t know. I’m just writing as the Lord teaches. I promise, however, that I am trying to keep things to the point so that you have the essence of what you need to know.Continue reading

Update… and Conference in California



DEAR brothers and sisters, since writing Under Siege in early August imploring your intercession and prayers, the trials and financial crises literally multiplied overnight. Those who know us have been left as breathless as us at the scope of inexplicable breakdowns, repairs, and costs as we try to cope with one trial after the next. It seems beyond the “normal” and more like an intense spiritual attack in order to not only discourage and dishearten us, but take every waking minute of my day trying to manage our lives and stay afloat. That’s why I have not written anything since then—I simply have not had time. I do have many thoughts and words I could write, and hope to, when the bottleneck begins to open up. My spiritual director has often said that God is permitting these kinds of trials in my life in order to help others when the “big” Storm hits.Continue reading

Co-workers in Christ’s Vineyard

Mark Mallett by the Sea of Galilee


Now is above all the hour of the lay faithful,
who, by their specific vocation to shape the secular world in accordance with the Gospel,
are called to carry forward the Church’s prophetic mission
by evangelizing the various spheres of family,
social, professional and cultural life.

—POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Indianapolis, Chicago
and Milwaukee
on their “Ad Limina” visit, May 28th, 2004


I want to continue to reflect on the theme of evangelization as we move forward. But before I do, there is a practical message I need to repeat.Continue reading

The Now Word in 2019


AS we begin this new year together, the “air” is pregnant with expectation. I confess that, by Christmas, I wondered if the Lord was going to be speaking less through this apostolate in the coming year. It has been the opposite. I sense the Lord almost eager to speak to His beloved ones… And so, day by day, I will continue to strive to let His words be in mine, and mine in His, for your sake. As the Proverb goes:

Where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint. (Prov 29:18)

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Hope and Healing Conference


ARE you worn out, tired, or joyless? Are you discouraged, depressed, or losing hope? Are you suffering from your own brokenness and that of those around you? Does your heart, mind, or body need healing? At a time when the Church and the world continue to descend into turmoil comes a much-needed two-day conference: Hope and Healing.Continue reading

Update from Up North

I snapped this photo of a field near our farm when my hay equipment broke down
and I was waiting for parts,
Tramping Lake, SK, Canada


DEAR family and friends,

It’s been awhile since I have had a moment to sit down and write you. Since the storm that struck our farm back in June, the whirlwind of ongoing crises and problems has kept me away from my desk literally ever day. You would not believe it if I told you all that continues to happen. It has been nothing short of a mind-numbing two months.Continue reading



BEFORE Easter, I published two writings addressed particularly to men: On Becoming a Real Man and The Hunted. There are hundreds of other writings here to help men and women to become authentic lights in the world. It is especially crucial that men start to become men again in this hour…Continue reading

Our Resources

The Mallett Clan, 2018
Nicole, Denise with husband Nick, Tianna with husband Michael and our grand baby Clara, Moi with my bride Lea and our son Brad, Gregory with Kevin, Levi, and Ryan


WE want to thank those who responded to our appeal for donations for this full-time writing apostolate. About 3% of our readership has contributed, which will help us to cover the salary of our staff. But, of course, we need to raise funds for other ministry expenses and our own bread and butter. If you are able to support this work as part of your Lenten almsgiving, just click the Donate button at the bottom.Continue reading

Forward in Christ

Mark and Lea Mallett


TO be honest, I really don’t have any plans. No, really. My plans many years ago were to record my music, travel around singing, and continue to make albums until my voice croaked. But here I am, sitting in a chair, writing to people all over the world because my spiritual director told me to “go where the people are.” And here you are. Not that this is a total surprise to me, though. When I began my music ministry over a quarter century ago, the Lord gave me a word: “Music is a doorway to evangelize.” The music was never meant to be “the thing”, but a doorway.Continue reading

Changing Our Culture

The Mystical Rose, by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


IT was the last straw. When I read the details of a new cartoon series launched on Netflix that sexualizes children, I canceled my subscription. Yes, they have some good documentaries that we’ll miss… But part of Getting Out of Babylon means having to make choices that literally involve not participating in or supporting a system that is poisoning the culture. As it says in Psalm 1:Continue reading

Ministry Clan

The Mallett Clan


WRITING to you several thousand feet above the earth on my way to Missouri to give a “healing and strengthening” retreat with Annie Karto and Fr. Philip Scott, two wonderful servants of God’s love. This is the first time in a while that I’ve done any ministry outside my office. In the past few years, in discernment with my spiritual director, I feel that the Lord has asked me to leave behind most public events and focus on listening and writing to you, my dear readers. This year, I’m taking on a bit more outside ministry; it feels like a last “push” in some respects… I’ll have more announcements of upcoming dates shortly.

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Powerful Notes and Letters



SOME powerful and moving notes and letters from readers over the past couple of days. We want to thank everyone who has responded to our appeal with your generosity and prayers. So far, about 1% of our readers have responded… so if you are able, please pray about supporting this full-time ministry dedicated to listening and proclaiming the “now word” to the Church at this hour. Know, brothers and sisters, that when you donate to this ministry, you are essentially donating to readers like Andrea…

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Toward 2017

markleaWith my wife Léa outside the “Door of Mercy” at St. Joseph’s Cathedral Basilica in San Jose, CA, October 2016, on our 25th Wedding Anniversary


THERE’s been a whole lot of thinkin’, a whole lot of prayin’ goin’ on these past couple of months. I have had a sense of anticipation followed by a curious “unknowing” as to what my role will be in these times. I have really been living day to day not knowing what God wants of me as we enter into winter. But the past couple of days, I sensed Our Lord simply saying, “Stay where you are and be My voice crying out in the wilderness…”

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The Tour of Truth


It was a beautiful and extraordinary time of grace with my brothers and sisters in Louisiana. My thanks to all who worked so hard to bring us there. My prayers and love remain with the people of Louisiana. 


“Tour of Truth”

September 21: Encounter With Jesus, St. John of the Cross, Lacombe, LA USA, 7:00 pm

• September 22: Encounter With Jesus, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette, LA USA, 7:00 pm

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A New Name…


IT’S hard to put into words, but it is the sense that this ministry is entering a new phase. I’m not sure I understand what it is even, but there is a deep sense that God is pruning and preparing something new, even if it is only interior.

As such, I feel compelled this week to make some minor changes here. I have given this blog, once called “Spiritual Food for Thought”, a new name, simply: The Now Word. This isn’t by any means a new title to readers here, as I have used it to refer to meditations on the Mass Readings. However, I feel it is an even more apt description of what I feel the Lord is doing… that the “now word” needs to be spoken—whatever the cost—with the time that is left.

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Mark Mallett in Concert, Winter 2015


Among the reasons why one would have a “heart of stone,” [is that someone] has gone through a “painful experience.” The heart, when it is hardened, is not free and if it is not free it is because it does not love…
—POPE FRANCIS, Homily, Jan. 9th, 2015, Zenit


WHEN I produced my last album, “Vulnerable”, I put together a collection of songs I’ve written that speak of the ‘painful experiences’ that many of us have gone through: death, family breakup, betrayal, loss… and then God’s response to it. It is, for me, one of the most moving albums I’ve created, not only for the content of the words, but also for the incredible emotion that the musicians, backup singers, and orchestra brought to the studio.

And now, I feel it is time to take this album on the road so that many, whose hearts have been hardened by their own painful experiences, can perhaps be softened by the love of Christ. This first tour is through Saskatchewan, Canada this Winter.

There are no tickets or fees, so everyone can come (a free-will offering will be taken up). I hope to meet many of you there…

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Joyful Greetings!

Family Christmas 2014Mallett Family, Christmas 2014



THANK you for every prayer, every letter,
every kind word, every gift this past year.

I am filled with a deep joy and sense of wonder
at the great gift of not only our Savior
but of His Church, which has spread to every nation.


Love and blessings from the Mallett clan
with gratitude and prayers for your joy, peace, and refuge in
Jesus Christ Our Savior.





Comfort My People


THE words have been on my heart for some time,

Comfort My People.

They are drawn from Isaiah 40—those prophetic words from which the people of Israel drew their comfort knowing that, indeed, a Savior would come. It was to them, “a people in darkness”, [1]cf. Isa 9:2 that the Messiah would visit from on high.

Are we any different today? In fact, this generation is arguably in more darkness that any before it for the fact that we have already seen the Messiah.

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1 cf. Isa 9:2

Important Changes



BROTHERS and sisters, things are beginning to move very fast in the world with events, one on top of the other… like the winds of a hurricane nearest the eye of the Storm. [1]cf. The Seven Seals of Revolution This is what the Lord showed me would happen several years ago. But who of us can prepare for these things outside of God’s grace?

As such, I have been inundated with emails, texts, phone calls…. and I can’t keep up. Furthermore, I sense the Lord is calling me to more prayer and listening. I feel I am not keeping up with what He wants me to say! Something has to give…

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An Exciting New Novel! — "The Tree"

Tree Book



I laughed, I cried, I was riveted to the very last word. But perhaps more than anything, I was astonished that such a young mind could conceive The Tree, a new novel by my 20-year-old daughter Denise…

Begun when she was thirteen, and now finished seven years later, The Tree has been stunning reviewers. I am more than excited to share what they’re saying about this new book that, set in a medieval period, is a journey through raw emotion, suffering, and mysticism. We are proud to announce today the release of The Tree!


NOW AVAILABLE! Order today!

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AS I mentioned recently, when you come between the Woman and the dragon, you’re entering a primordial battle!

A storm passed over today and a near lightning strike fried my computer (even though it was plugged into a powerbar)! Fortunately, it was backed up to a hard drive… unfortunately, the computer is damaged.

But it gives me an excuse to introduce (at my office manager’s behest) our new Donation page that makes it way easier for supporters to contribute to this ministry. Just click the button below, and donating on a monthly, annual, or one-time basis has been streamlined. We’ve heard your complaints, and hope you will appreciate the new design.

And suddenly, we need some extra help!

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The Now Word and New Law


ON July 1st, 2014, Canada’s new anti-spam law comes into effect. While The Now Word is a subscription based service only, we have to be certain that we are in compliance with Canada’s new laws. You are subscribed to one or both of Mark Mallett’s email lists:

Subscribers to The Now Word will receive occasional meditations from Mark as well as occasional emails promoting Mark’s music and/or books and other products. If you no longer consent to receive these emails, Click here to go to our unsubscribe page, or simply click the link at the bottom of this email.

Those subscribed also to Spiritual Food for Thought/EHTV will receive a separate email.

God bless you,
Mark Mallett


Contact: Nail It Records/Publishing.
Mark Mallett




Receive Song for Karol Free!



Prepare for the canonization of John Paul II
on April 27th, Divine Mercy Sunday

Order Mark Mallett’s Divine Mercy Chaplet
set to JPII’s Stations of the Cross
and receive

a copy of Song For Karol,
the beloved hymn to the late Pope that Mark wrote on the day of the pontiff’s passing.

Only $14.99 for 2 CDs.
plus shipping

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"Prepare you… as no other work I've read"



What’s in the book?

  • Understand how the Woman and dragon of Revelation appeared in the 16th century, beginning “the greatest historical confrontation” mankind has gone through.
  • Learn how the stars on Our Lady of Guadalupe’s tilma match the morning sky on December 12th, 1531 when she appeared to St. TheFinalConfrontationBook-1Juan Diego, and how they carry a “prophetic word” for our times.
  • Other miracles of the tilma that science cannot explain.
  • What the early Church Fathers have to say about the Antichrist and the so-called “era of peace”.
  • What the Fathers say about the timing  of the Antichrist.
  • Learn why the “day of the Lord” is not a 24 hour period, but symbolic of what Tradition refers to as the “thousand year” reign.
  • Learn how the “era of peace” is not the heresy of millenarianism.
  • How we are not coming to the end of the world, but the end of our era according to the popes and Fathers.
  • Read Mark’s powerful encounter with the Lord while singing the Sanctus, and how it launched this writing ministry.
  • Discover the hope that lies on the horizon after the coming judgment.


Buy two, get one book free!
Go to


Receive FREE SHIPPING on Mark’s music, book,
and family original art on all orders over $75.
See here for details.

Mark Mallett's Store: Free Shipping!



Receive free shipping on Mark’s Music, Book,
and beautiful family original art
on all orders over $75.


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OUR heartfelt thanks to those of you who have responded to our goal to have a thousand people donate $10 each monthly. We are approximately a fifth of the way there.

We have always accepted and relied upon donations throughout this ministry. As such, there is a certain responsibility to be transparent regarding our financial operations.

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