Day 6: Forgiveness to Freedom

LET us begin this new day, these new beginnings: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your unconditional love, lavished upon me when I least deserve it. Thank You for giving me the life of Your Son so that I may truly live. Come now Holy Spirit, and enter into the darkest corners of my heart where there still lingers painful memories, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Shine the light of truth that I may truly see; speak the words of truth that I may truly hear, and be freed from the chains of my past. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.Continue reading

Day 4: On Loving Thyself

NOW that you are resolved to finish this retreat and not give up… God has one of the most important healings in store for you… the healing of your self-image. Many of us have no problem loving others… but when it comes to ourselves?Continue reading

Day 1 – Why Am I Here?

WELCOME to The Now Word Healing Retreat! There is no cost, no fee, just your commitment. And so, we begin with readers from all over the world who have come to experience healing and renewal. If you did not read Healing Preparations, please take a moment to review that important information on how to have a successful and blessed retreat, and then come back here.Continue reading

Healing Preparations

THERE are a few things to go over before we begin this retreat (which will start on Sunday, May 14th, 2023 and end on Pentecost Sunday, May 28th) — things like where to find the washrooms, mealtimes, etc. Okay, kidding. This is an online retreat. I’ll leave it up to you find the washrooms and plan your meals. But there are a few things that are crucial if this is to be a blessed time for you.Continue reading

A Healing Retreat

I HAVE tried to write about some other things the past few days, particularly of those things forming in the Great Storm that is now overhead. But when I do, I am completely drawing a blank. I was even frustrated with the Lord because time has been a commodity lately. But I believe there are two reasons for this “writer’s block”…

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The Iron Rod

READING the words of Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, you begin to understand that the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, as we pray each day in the Our Father, is the single greatest objective of Heaven. “I want to raise the creature back to her origin,” Jesus said to Luisa, “…that my Will be known, loved, and done on earth as It is in Heaven.” [1]Vol. 19, June 6, 1926 Jesus even says that the glory of the Angels and Saints in Heaven “will not be complete if my Will does not have Its complete triumph on earth.”

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1 Vol. 19, June 6, 1926

The Wind Storm

A different kind of storm blew in upon our ministry and family last month. We suddenly received a letter from a wind energy company that has plans to install massive industrial wind turbines in our rural residential area. The news was stunning, because I had already been studying the adverse effects of “wind farms” on human and animal health. And the research is horrifying. Essentially, many people have been forced to leave their homes and lose everything due to adverse health effects and the absolute demise of property values.

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By His Wounds


JESUS wants to heal us, He wants us to “have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). We may seemingly do everything right: go to Mass, Confession, pray every day, say the Rosary, have devotions, etc. And yet, if we have not dealt with our wounds, they can get in the way. They can, in fact, stop that “life” from flowing in us…Continue reading

The Dew of the Divine Will


HAVE you ever wondered what good it is to pray and “live in the Divine Will”?[1]cf. How to Live in the Divine Will How does it affect others, if at all?Continue reading




THIS morning, I dreamt I was in a church sitting off to the side, next to my wife. The music being played were songs I had written, though I’d never heard them until this dream. The entire church was quiet, no one was singing. Suddenly, I began to quietly sing along spontaneously, raising up the name of Jesus. As I did, others began to sing and praise, and the power of the Holy Spirit began to descend. It was beautiful. After the song ended, I heard a word in my heart: Revival. 

And I woke up. Continue reading

The Great Refuge and Safe Harbour


First published March 20th, 2011.


WHENEVER I write of “chastisements” or “divine justice,” I always cringe, because so often these terms are misunderstood. Because of our own woundedness, and thus distorted views of  “justice”, we project our misconceptions on God. We see justice as “hitting back” or others getting “what they deserve.” But what we often don’t understand is that the “chastisements” of God, the “punishments” of the Father, are rooted always, always, always, in love.Continue reading

The Woman in the Wilderness


May God grant each of you and your families a blessed Lent…


HOW is the Lord going to safeguard His people, the Barque of His Church, through the rough waters ahead? How — if the entire world is being forced into a godless global system of control — is the Church possibly going to survive?Continue reading

Psalm 91


You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shade of the Almighty,
Say to the LORD, “My refuge and fortress,
my God in whom I trust.”

Continue reading

Fill the Earth!


God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them:
“Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth… Be fertile, then, and multiply;
abound on earth and subdue it.” 
(Today’s Mass reading for February 16, 2023)


After God cleansed the world by Flood, He once again turned to man and wife and repeated what He had commanded at the very beginning to Adam and Eve:Continue reading

Antidotes to Antichrist


WHAT is God’s antidote to the spectre of Antichrist in our days? What is the Lord’s “solution” to safeguard His people, the Barque of His Church, through the rough waters ahead? Those are crucial questions, particularly in light of Christ’s own, sobering question:

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8)Continue reading

These Times of Antichrist


The world at the approach of a new millennium,
for which the whole Church is preparing,
is like a field ready for the harvest.

—ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II, World Youth Day, homily, August 15th, 1993



THE Catholic world has been abuzz recently with the release of a letter written by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI essentially stating that the Antichrist is alive. The letter was sent in 2015 to Vladimir Palko, a retired Bratislava statesman who lived through the Cold War. The late pope wrote:Continue reading

The Thousand Years


Then I saw an angel come down from heaven,
holding in his hand the key to the abyss and a heavy chain.
He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan,
and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss,
which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer
lead the nations astray until the thousand years are completed.
After this, it is to be released for a short time.

Then I saw thrones; those who sat on them were entrusted with judgment.
I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God,
and who had not worshiped the beast or its image
nor had accepted its mark on their foreheads or hands.
They came to life and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

(Rev 20:1-4, Friday’s first Mass reading)


THERE is, perhaps, no Scripture more widely interpreted, more eagerly contested and even divisive, than this passage from the Book of Revelation. In the early Church, Jewish converts believed that the “thousand years” referred to Jesus coming again to literally reign on earth and establish a political kingdom amidst carnal banquets and festivity.[1]“…who then rise again shall enjoy the leisure of immoderate carnal banquets, furnished with an amount of meat and drink such as not only to shock the feeling of the temperate, but even to surpass the measure of credulity itself.” (St. Augustine, City of God, Bk. XX, Ch. 7) However, the Church Fathers quickly kiboshed that expectation, declaring it a heresy — what we call today millenarianism [2]see Millenarianism — What it is and is Not and How the Era was Lost.Continue reading


1 “…who then rise again shall enjoy the leisure of immoderate carnal banquets, furnished with an amount of meat and drink such as not only to shock the feeling of the temperate, but even to surpass the measure of credulity itself.” (St. Augustine, City of God, Bk. XX, Ch. 7)
2 see Millenarianism — What it is and is Not and How the Era was Lost

Stay the Course


Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.
(Hebrews 13:8)


GIVEN that I am now entering my eighteenth year in this apostolate of The Now Word, I carry a certain perspective. And that is that things are not dragging on as some claim, or that prophecy is not being fulfilled, as others say. On the contrary, I cannot keep up with all that is coming to pass — much of it, what I have written over these years. While I have not known the details of how exactly things would come to fruition, for example, how Communism would return (as Our Lady allegedly warned the seers of Garabandal — see When Communism Returns), we now see it returning in the most astonishing, clever, and ubiquitous manner.[1]cf. The Final Revolution It is so subtle, in fact, that many still do not realize what is unfolding all around them. “Whoever has ears ought to hear.”[2]cf. Matthew 13:9Continue reading


1 cf. The Final Revolution
2 cf. Matthew 13:9

You Were Loved


IN the wake of the outgoing, affectionate, and even revolutionary pontificate of St. John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was cast under a long shadow when he assumed the throne of Peter. But what would soon mark the pontificate of Benedict XVI would not be his charisma or humor, his personality or vigor — indeed, he was quiet, serene, almost awkward in public. Rather, it would be his unswerving and pragmatic theology at a time when the Barque of Peter was being assailed from both within and without. It would be his lucid and prophetic perception of our times that seemed to clear the fog before the bow of this Great Ship; and it would be an orthodoxy that proved time and again, after 2000 years of often stormy waters, that the words of Jesus are an unshakeable promise:

I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. (Matt 16:18)

Continue reading

Love Comes to Earth


ON this eve, Love itself descends to earth. All fear and cold is dispelled, for how could one be afraid of a baby? The perennial message of Christmas, repeated each morning through every sunrise, is that you are loved.Continue reading

God is With Us

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow.
The same loving Father who cares for you today will
care for you tomorrow and everyday.
Either he will shield you from suffering
or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings

—St. Francis de Sales, 17th century bishop,
Letter to a Lady (LXXI), January 16th, 1619,
from the Spiritual Letters of S. Francis de Sales,
Rivingtons, 1871, p 185

Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,
which means “God is with us.”
(Matt 1:23)

LAST week’s content, I’m sure, has been as difficult for my faithful readers as it has been for me. The subject matter is heavy; I am aware of the ever-lingering temptation to despair at the seemingly unstoppable spectre that is spreading across the globe. In truth, I am longing for those days of ministry when I would sit in the sanctuary and just lead people into God’s presence through music. I find myself frequently crying out in the words of Jeremiah:Continue reading

The Final Revolution


It is not the sanctuary that is in danger; it is civilization.
It is not infallibility that may go down; it is personal rights.
It is not the Eucharist that may pass away; it is freedom of conscience.
It is not divine justice that may evaporate; it is the courts of human justice.
It is not that God may be driven from His throne;
it is that men may lose the meaning of home.

For peace on earth will come only to those who give glory to God!
It is not the Church that is in danger, it is the world!”
—Venerable Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
“Life is Worth Living” television series


I don’t normally use phrases like this,
but I think we are standing at the very gates of Hell.
—Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist

of Respiratory and Allergies at Pfizer;
1:01:54, Following the Science?


Continued from The Two Camps


AT this late hour, it has become very apparent that a certain “prophetic fatigue” has set in and many are simply tuning out — at the most critical time.Continue reading

The Two Camps


A great revolution is waiting for us.
The crisis doesn’t only make us free to imagine other models,
another future, another world.
It obliges us to do so.

—former French President Nicolas Sarkozy
September 14th, 2009;; cf. The Guardian

…without the guidance of charity in truth,
this global force could cause unprecedented damage
and create new divisions within the human family…
humanity runs new risks of enslavement and manipulation. 
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n.33, 26


IT’S been a sobering week. It has become abundantly clear that the Great Reset is unstoppable as unelected bodies and officials begin the final phases of its implementation.[1]“G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme”, But that’s not really the source of a deep sadness. Rather, it is that we are seeing two camps forming, their positions hardening, and the division is getting ugly.Continue reading


1 “G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme”,

The Art of Beginning Again – Part I



First published November 20th, 2017…

This week, I am doing something different—a five part series, based on this week’s Gospels, on how to begin again after having fallen. We live in a culture where we are saturated in sin and temptation, and it is claiming many victims; many are discouraged and exhausted, downtrodden and losing their faith. It is necessary, then, to learn the art of beginning again…


WHY do we feel crushing guilt when we do something bad? And why is this common to every single human being? Even babies, if they do something wrong, often seem to “just know” that they shouldn’t have.Continue reading



THE media and government narrative — versus what actually took place in the historic Convoy protest in Ottawa, Canada in early 2022, when millions of Canadians peacefully rallied across the country to support truckers in their rejection of unjust mandates — are two different stories. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, froze bank accounts of Canadian supporters of all walks of life, and used violence against peaceful protesters. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland felt threatened… but so did millions of Canadians by their own government.Continue reading

“Died Suddenly” — Prophecy Fulfilled


ON May 28, 2020, 8 months before a mass inoculation of the experimental mRNA gene therapies were to begin, my heart was burning with a “now word”:  a serious warning that genocide was coming.[1]cf. Our 1942 I followed that up with the documentary Following the Science? that now has nearly 2 million views in all languages, and provides the scientific and medical warnings that went largely unheeded. It echoes what John Paul II called a “conspiracy against life”[2]Evangelium Vitae,  n. 12 that is being unleashed, yes, even through healthcare professionals.Continue reading


1 cf. Our 1942
2 Evangelium Vitae,  n. 12

WAM – To Mask or Not to Mask


NOTHING has divided families, parishes, and communities more than “masking.” With the flu season starting with a kick and hospitals paying the price for reckless lockdowns that kept people from building their natural immunity, some are calling for mask mandates again. But wait a minute… based on what science, after previous mandates failed to work in the first place?Continue reading

The Millstone


Jesus said to his disciples,
“Things that cause sin will inevitably occur,
but woe to the one through whom they occur.
It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck
and he be thrown into the sea
than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.”
(Monday’s Gospel, Lk 17:1-6)

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
(Matt 5:6)


TODAY, in the name of “tolerance” and “inclusivity”, the most egregious crimes — physical, moral and spiritual — against the “little ones”, are being excused and even celebrated. I cannot remain silent. I don’t care how “negative” and “gloomy” or whatever other label people want to call me. If ever there were a time for the men of this generation, starting with our clergy, to defend the “least of the brethren”, it is now. But the silence is so overwhelming, so deep and widespread, that it reaches into the very bowels of space where one can already hear another millstone hurtling toward the earth. Continue reading

How Terrible Is the Gospel?


First published September 13, 2006…


THIS word was impressed upon me yesterday afternoon, a word bursting with passion and grief: 

Why are you rejecting Me, My people? What is so terrible about the Gospel — the Good News — which I bring you?

I came into the world to forgive your sins, that you may hear the words, “Your sins are forgiven.” How terrible is this?

Continue reading

The Second Act


…we must not underestimate
the disturbing scenarios that threaten our future,
or the powerful new instruments
that the “culture of death” has at its disposal. 
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n. 75


THERE is no question the world needs a great reset. This is the heart of Our Lord and Our Lady’s warnings spanning over a century: there is a renewal coming, a Great Renewal, and mankind has been given the choice to usher in its triumph, either through repentance, or through the Refiner’s fire. In Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta’s writings, we have perhaps the most explicit prophetic revelation revealing the proximate times in which you and I are now living:Continue reading

Is the Eastern Gate Opening?


Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning
who announce the coming of the sun
who is the Risen Christ!
—POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father

to the Youth of the World,
XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)


First published December 1st, 2017… a message of hope and victory.


WHEN the sun sets, even though it is the beginning of nightfall, we enter into a vigil. It is the anticipation of a new dawn. Every Saturday evening, the Catholic Church celebrates a vigil Mass precisely in anticipation of the “day of the Lord”—Sunday—even though our communal prayer is made on the threshold of midnight and the deepest darkness. 

I believe this is the period that we are living now—that vigil that “anticipates” if not hastens the Day of the Lord. And just as dawn announces the rising Sun, so too, there is a dawn before the Day of the Lord. That dawn is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In fact, there are signs already that this dawn is approaching….Continue reading

The Hour to Shine


THERE is much chatter these days among the Catholic remnant about “refuges” — physical places of divine protection. It is understandable, as it is within the natural law for us to want to survive, to avoid pain and suffering. The nerve endings in our body reveal these truths. And still, there is a higher truth yet: that our salvation passes through the Cross. As such, pain and suffering now take on a redemptive value, not only for our own souls but for that of others as we fill up “what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church” (Col 1:24).Continue reading


ARE you feeling frozen in fear, paralyzed in moving forward into the future? Practical words from Heaven to get your spiritual feet moving again…

Continue reading

The Essence


IT was in 2009 when my wife and I were led to move into the country with our eight children. It was with mixed emotions that I left the small town where we were living… but it seemed that God was leading us. We found a remote farm in the middle of Saskatchewan, Canada lodged between vast treeless tracts of land, accessible only by dirt roads. Really, we couldn’t afford much else. The nearby town had a population of around 60 people. The main street was an array of mostly empty, dilapidated buildings; the schoolhouse was empty and abandoned; the small bank, post office, and grocery store quickly closed after our arrival leaving no doors open but the Catholic Church. It was a lovely sanctuary of classic architecture — strangely large for such a small community. But old photos revealed it brimming with congregants in the 1950s, back when there were large families and small farms. But now, there were only 15-20 showing up to the Sunday liturgy. There was virtually no Christian community to speak of, save for the handful of faithful seniors. The nearest city was almost two hours away. We were without friends, family, and even the beauty of nature that I grew up with around lakes and forests. I did not realize that we had just moved into the “desert”…Continue reading