The Chastisement Comes… Part II

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow, Russia.
The statue commemorates the princes who gathered an all-Russian volunteer army
and expelled the forces of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


RUSSIA remains one of the most mysterious countries in both historical and current affairs. It is “ground zero” for several seismic events in both history and prophecy.Continue reading

The Chastisement Comes… Part I


For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God;
if it begins with us, how will it end for those
who fail to obey the gospel of God?
(1 Peter 4:17)


WE are, without question, beginning to live through some of the most extraordinary and serious moments in the life of the Catholic Church. So much of what I’ve been warning about for years is coming to fruition before our very eyes: a great apostasy, a coming schism, and of course, the fruition of the “seven seals of Revelation”, etc.. It can all be summed up in the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers… The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —CCC, n. 672, 677

What would shake the faith of many believers more than perhaps witnessing their shepherds betray the flock?Continue reading

The Numbering


THE new Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, gave a powerful and prophetic speech that recalls the prescient warnings of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. First, that speech (note: adblockers must may need to be turned off if you cannot view it):Continue reading

A Time of War


There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every thing under the heavens.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance…
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.

(Today’s First Reading)


IT may seem that the author of Ecclesiastes is saying that tearing down, killing, war, death and mourning are simply inevitable, if not “appointed” moments throughout history. Rather, what is described in this famous biblical poem is the state of fallen man and the inevitability of reaping what has been sown. 

Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7)Continue reading

The Great Meshing


THIS past week, a “now word” from 2006 has been in the forefront of my mind. It is the meshing of many global systems into one, overwhelmingly powerful new order. It is what St. John called a “beast”. Of this global system, which seeks to control every aspect of people’s lives — their commerce, their movement, their health, etc. — St. John hears the people cry out in his vision…Continue reading

Who is the True Pope?


WHO is the true pope?

If you could read my inbox, you’d see that there is less agreement on this subject than you’d think. And this divergence was made even stronger recently with an editorial in a major Catholic publication. It proposes a theory that is gaining traction, all the while flirting with schismContinue reading

The Authentic Christian


It is often said nowadays that the present century thirsts for authenticity.
Especially in regard to young people, it is said that
they have a horror of the artificial or false
and that they are searching above all for truth and honesty.

These “signs of the times” should find us vigilant.
Either tacitly or aloud — but always forcefully — we are being asked:
Do you really believe what you are proclaiming?
Do you live what you believe?
Do you really preach what you live?
The witness of life has become more than ever an essential condition
for real effectiveness in preaching.
Precisely because of this we are, to a certain extent,
responsible for the progress of the Gospel that we proclaim.

—POPE ST. PAUL VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 76


TODAY, there is so much mud-slinging toward the hierarchy regarding the state of the Church. To be certain, they bear a great responsibility and accountability for their flocks, and many of us are frustrated with their overwhelming silence, if not cooperation, in the face of this godless global revolution under the banner of the “Great Reset”. But this is not the first time in salvation history that the flock has been all but abandoned — this time, to the wolves of “progressiveness” and “political correctness”. It’s precisely in such times, however, that God looks to the laity, to raise up within them saints who become like shining stars in the darkest nights. When people want to flog the clergy these days, I reply, “Well, God is looking to you and me. So let’s get with it!”Continue reading

Defending Jesus Christ

Peter’s Denial by Michael D. O’Brien


Years ago at the height of his preaching ministry and before leaving the public eye, Fr. John Corapi came to a conference I was attending. In his deep throaty voice, he took to the stage, looked out upon the intent crowd with a grimace and exclaimed: “I’m angry. I’m angry at you. I’m angry at me.” He then went on to explain in his usual boldness that his righteous anger was due to a Church sitting on its hands in the face of a world in need of the Gospel.

With that, I am republishing this article from October 31st, 2019. I have updated it with a section called “Globalism Spark”.

Continue reading

Jesus is Coming!


First published December 6th, 2019.


I WANT to say it as clear and loud and boldly as I possibly can: Jesus is coming! Did you think that Pope John Paul II was just being poetic when he said:Continue reading

Creation’s “I love you”



“WHERE is God? Why is He so silent? Where is He?” Nearly every person, at some point in their lives, utters these words. We do most often in suffering, sickness, loneliness, intense trials, and probably most frequently, in dryness in our spiritual lives. Yet, we really have to answer those questions with an honest rhetorical question: “Where can God go?” He is ever-present, always there, always with and among us — even if the sense of His presence is intangible. In some ways, God is simply and almost always in disguise.Continue reading

The Dark Night

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus


YOU know her for her roses and the simplicity of her spirituality. But fewer know her for the utter darkness she walked in before her death. Suffering from tuberculosis, St. Thérèse de Lisieux admitted that, if she didn’t have faith, she would have committed suicide. She said to her bedside nurse:

I am surprised that there aren’t more suicides among atheists. —as reported by Sister Marie of the Trinity;

Continue reading

The Tragic Irony

(AP Photo, Gregorio Borgia/Photo, The Canadian Press)


SEVERAL Catholic churches were burned to the ground and dozens more vandalized in Canada last year as allegations surfaced that “mass graves” were discovered at former residential schools there. These were institutions, established by the Canadian government and run in part with the assistance of the Church, to “assimilate” indigenous peoples into Western society. The allegations of mass graves, as it turns out, have never been proven and further evidence suggests that they are patently false.[1]cf.; What is not untrue is that many individuals were separated from their families, forced to abandon their native tongue, and in some cases, abused by those running the schools. And thus, Francis has flown to Canada this week to issue an apology to the indigenous people who were wronged by members of the Church.Continue reading


1 cf.;

On Luisa and her Writings…


First published January 7th, 2020:


IT’S time to address some of the emails and messages questioning the orthodoxy of the writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Some of you have said that your priests have gone so far as to declare her a heretic. It’s perhaps necessary, then, to restore your confidence in Luisa’s writings which, I assure you, are approved by the Church.

Continue reading

The Little Stone


SOMETIMES the sense of my insignificance is overwhelming. I see how expansive the universe is and how planet Earth is but a grain of sand amidst it all. Moreover, on this cosmic speck, I am but one of nearly 8 billion people. And soon, like the billions before me, I will be buried in the ground and all but forgotten, save perhaps for those who are closest to me. It is a humbling reality. And in the face of this truth, I sometimes struggle with the idea that God could possibly concern Himself with me in the intense, personal, and profound way that both modern evangelicalism and the writings of the Saints suggest. And yet, if we enter into this personal relationship with Jesus, as I and many of you have, it is true: the love we can experience at times is intense, real, and literally “out of this world” — to the point that an authentic relationship with God is truly The Greatest Revolution

Still, I feel my littleness no more intensely at times than when I read the writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the profound invitation to live in the Divine Will… Continue reading

The Greatest Sign of the Times


I KNOW that I have not written much for several months about the “times” in which we are living. The chaos of our recent move to the province of Alberta has been a major upheaval. But the other reason is that a certain hard-heartedness has set in the Church, particularly among educated Catholics who have displayed a shocking lack of discernment and even willingness to see what is unfolding all around them. Even Jesus eventually fell silent when the people became stiff-necked.[1]cf. The Silent Answer Ironically, it is vulgar comedians like Bill Maher or honest feminists like Naomi Wolfe, who have become the unwitting “prophets” of our times. They seem to see more clearly these days than a vast majority of the Church! Once the icons of leftwing political correctness, they are now the ones warning that a dangerous ideology is sweeping across the world, eradicating freedom and trampling upon common sense — even if they express themselves imperfectly. As Jesus said to the Pharisees, “I tell you, if these [ie. the Church] were silent, the very stones would cry out.” [2]Luke 19:40Continue reading


1 cf. The Silent Answer
2 Luke 19:40

The Greatest Revolution


THE world is ready for a great revolution. After thousands of years of so-called progress, we are no less barbaric than Cain. We think we are advanced, but many are clueless how to plant a garden. We claim to be civilized, yet we are more divided and in peril of mass self-destruction than any previous generation. It is no little thing that Our Lady has said through several prophets that “You are living in a time worse than the time of the Flood,” but she adds, “…and the moment has come for your return.”[1]June 18th, 2020, “Worse than the Flood” But return to what? To religion? To “traditional Masses”? To pre-Vatican II…?Continue reading


1 June 18th, 2020, “Worse than the Flood”

The Hard Truth — Part V

                                     Unborn Baby at 8 Weeks                                                    Lobster 


WORLD leaders call Roe vs. Wades’ overturning “horrific” and “appalling”.[1] What is horrific and appalling is that as early as 11 weeks, babies begin developing pain receptors. So when they are burned to death by saline solution or dismembered alive (never with anesthetic), they are subjected to the most brutal tortures. Abortion is barbaric. Women have been lied to. Now the truth comes into the light… and the Final Confrontation between the Culture of Life and the culture of death comes to a head…Continue reading



The Great Divide


I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing!…

Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.
From now on a household of five will be divided,
three against two and two against three…

(Luke 12:49-53)

So a division occurred in the crowd because of him.
(John 7:43)


I LOVE that word from Jesus: “I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!” Our Lord wants a People who are on fire with love. A People whose life and presence ignites others to repent and seek their Savior, thereby expanding the mystical Body of Christ.

And yet, Jesus follows this word with a warning that this Divine Fire will actually divide. It doesn’t take a theologian to understand why. Jesus said, “I am the truth” and we see daily how His truth divides us. Even Christians who love the truth can recoil when that sword of truth pierces their own heart. We can become proud, defensive, and argumentative when faced with the truth of ourselves. And is it not true that today we see the Body of Christ being broken and divided again in a most egregious way as bishop opposes bishop, cardinal stands against cardinal — just as Our Lady predicted at Akita?


The Great Purification

The past two months whilst driving back and forth numerous times between Canadian provinces to move my family, I have had a lot of hours to reflect on my ministry, what is happening in the world, what is happening in my own heart. In summary, we are passing through one of the greatest purifications of humanity since the Flood. That means we are also being sifted like wheat — everyone, from pauper to pope. Continue reading

Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism


WE are nearing the end of our family and ministry’s move to another province. It’s been quite an upheaval… but I’ve managed to keep one eye out for what is rapidly taking place in the world as self-appointed global “elites” wrestle power, sovereignty, supplies and food from the world’s population through manufactured crises. 

Church Father Lactantius called it “one common robbery”. This is the sum of what all the headlines today are pointing to: The Great Robbery at the end of this age — a neo-Communist take over under the auspices of “environmentalism” and “health”. Of course, these are lies and Satan is the “father of lies”. All of this was prophesied some 2700 years ago and you and I are alive to see it. The victory will be Christ’s after this great tribulation…


First published in July 2020…

WRITTEN over 2700 years ago, Isaiah is the preeminent prophet of the coming Era of Peace. The Early Church Fathers often cited his works when speaking of a coming “period of peace” on earth—prior to the end of the world—and as also prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima.Continue reading

St. Paul’s Little Way


Rejoice always, pray constantly
and give thanks in all situations,
for this is the will of God
for you in Christ Jesus.” 
(1Thessalonians 5:16)

SINCE I wrote you last, our lives have descended into chaos as we have begun the move from one province to another. On top of that, unexpected expenses and repairs have cropped up amidst the usual struggle with contractors, deadlines, and broken supply chains. Yesterday, I finally blew a gasket and had to go for a long drive.Continue reading

So, You Saw Him Too?

brooksThe Man of Sorrows, by Matthew Brooks


First published October 18th, 2007.


IN my travels throughout Canada and the United States, I have been blessed to spend time with some very beautiful and holy priests — men who are truly laying down their lives for their sheep. Such are the shepherds whom Christ seeks these days. Such are the shepherds who must have this heart in order to lead their sheep in the coming days…

Continue reading

Not a Magic Wand


THE Consecration of Russia on March 25th, 2022 is a monumental event, insofar as it fulfills the explicit request of Our Lady of Fatima.[1]cf. Did the Consecration of Russia Happen? 

In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.—Message of Fatima,

However, it would be a mistake to believe this is akin to waving some kind of magic wand that will cause all our troubles to disappear. No, the Consecration does not override the biblical imperative that Jesus clearly proclaimed:Continue reading


This is the Hour…




SO much is happening, so quickly these days — just as the Lord said it would.[1]cf. Warp Speed, Shock and Awe Indeed, the closer we draw to the “Eye of the Storm”, the faster the winds of change are blowing.  This man-made Storm is moving at an ungodly pace to “shock and awe” humanity into a place of subservience — all “for the common good”, of course, under the nomenclature of the “Great Reset” in order to “build back better.” The messianists behind this new utopia are beginning to pull out all the tools for their revolution — war, economic turmoil, famine, and plagues. It is truly coming upon many “like a thief in the night”.[2]1 Thess 5:12 The operative word is “thief”, which is at the heart of this neo-communistic movement (see Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism).

And all this would be a cause for the man without faith to tremble. As St. John heard in a vision 2000 years ago of the people of this hour saying:

“Who can compare with the beast or who can fight against it?” (Rev 13:4)

But for those whose faith is in Jesus, they are going to see the miracles of Divine Providence soon, if not already…Continue reading


1 cf. Warp Speed, Shock and Awe
2 1 Thess 5:12

The Judgment of the West


WE have posted a host of prophetic messages this past week, both current and from decades past, on Russia and their role in these times. Yet, it’s not only seers but the voice of the Magisterium that has prophetically warned of this present hour…Continue reading

The Jonah Hour


AS I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament this past weekend, I felt Our Lord’s intense grief — sobbing, it seemed, that mankind has so refused His love. For the next hour, we wept together… me, profusely begging His forgiveness for my and our collective failure to love Him in return… and He, because humanity has now unleashed a Storm of its own making.Continue reading

Burning Coals


THERE is so much war. War between nations, war between neighbours, war between friends, war between families, war between spouses. I am sure every one of you is a casualty in some way of what has taken place over the past two years. The divisions I see between people are bitter and deep. Perhaps at no other time in human history do the words of Jesus apply so readily and on such a massive scale:Continue reading

WAM – National Emergency?


THE Prime Minister of Canada has made the unprecedented decision to invoke the Emergencies Act on the peaceful convoy protest against vaccine mandates. Justin Trudeau says he is “following the science” to justify his mandates. But his colleagues, provincial premiers, and the science itself have something else to say…Continue reading

The Last Stand

The Mallett Clan riding for freedom…


We cannot let freedom die with this generation.
—Army Major Stephen Chledowski, Canadian soldier; February 11th, 2022

We are approaching the final hours…
Our future is quite literally, freedom or tyranny…
—Robert G., a concerned Canadian (from Telegram)

Would that all men would judge of the tree by its fruit,
and would acknowledge the seed and origin of the evils which press upon us,
and of the dangers that are impending!
We have to deal with a deceitful and crafty enemy, who,
gratifying the ears of people and of princes,
has ensnared them by smooth speeches and by adulation. 
—POPE LEO XIII, Humanus Genusn. 28

Continue reading

Trudeau is Wrong, Dead Wrong


Mark Mallett is a former award-winning journalist with CTV News Edmonton and resides in Canada.


JUSTIN Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, has called one of the largest protests of its kind in the world a “hateful” group for their rally against forced injections in order to keep their livelihoods. In a speech today in which the Canadian leader had an opportunity to appeal for unity and dialogue, he flatly stated that he had no interest in going…

…anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric and violence towards their fellow citizens. —January 31st, 2022;

Continue reading

It’s Happening


FOR years, I have been writing that the closer we get to the Warning, the more quickly major events will unfold. The reason is that some 17 years ago, while watching a storm rolling across the prairies, I heard this “now word”:

There is a Great Storm coming upon the earth like a hurricane.

Several days later, I was drawn to the sixth chapter of the Book of Revelation. As I began to read, I unexpectedly heard again in my heart another word:

This IS the Great Storm. 

Continue reading

Surrendering Everything


We are having to rebuild our subscription list. This is the best way to stay in touch with you — beyond the censorship. Subscribe here.


THIS morning, before rising from bed, the Lord put the Novena of Abandonment on my heart again. Did you know that Jesus said, “There is no novena more effective than this”?  I believe it. Through this special prayer, the Lord brought so much-needed healing in my marriage and my life, and continues to do so. Continue reading

The Poverty of This Present Moment


If you are a subscriber to The Now Word, be sure that emails to you are “whitelisted” by your internet provider by allowing email from “”. Also, check your junk or spam folder if emails are ending up there and be sure to mark them as “not” junk or spam. 


THERE is something happening that we have to pay attention to, something the Lord is doing, or one could say, allowing. And that is the stripping of His Bride, Mother Church, of her worldly and stained garments, until she stands naked before Him.Continue reading

An Unapologetic Apocalyptic View


…there is none more blind than he who does not want to see,
and despite the signs of the times foretold,
even those who have faith
refuse to look at what is happening. 
Our Lady to Gisella Cardia, October 26th, 2021 


I AM supposed to be embarrassed by this article’s title — ashamed to utter the phrase “end times” or quote the Book of Revelation much less dare to mention Marian apparitions. Such antiquities supposedly belong in the dust bin of medieval superstitions alongside archaic beliefs in “private revelation”, “prophecy” and those ignominious expressions of “the mark of the beast” or “Antichrist.” Yes, better to leave them to that garish era when Catholic churches billowed with incense as they churned out saints, priests evangelized pagans, and commoners actually believed that faith could drive away plagues and demons. In those days, statues and icons not only adorned churches but public buildings and homes. Imagine that. The “dark ages” — enlightened atheists call them.Continue reading

On the Mass Going Forward


…each particular Church must be in accord with the universal Church
not only regarding the doctrine of the faith and sacramental signs,
but also as to the usages universally received from apostolic and unbroken tradition. 
These are to be observed not only so that errors may be avoided,
but also that the faith may be handed on in its integrity,
since the Church’s rule of prayer (lex orandi) corresponds
to her rule of faith (lex credendi).
—General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 3rd ed., 2002, 397


IT might seem odd that I am writing about the unfolding crisis over the Latin Mass. The reason is that I have never attended a regular Tridentine liturgy in my life.[1]I did attend a Tridentine rite wedding, but the priest didn’t seem to know what he was doing and the whole liturgy was scattered and odd. But that’s exactly why I am a neutral observer with hopefully something helpful to add to the conversation…Continue reading


1 I did attend a Tridentine rite wedding, but the priest didn’t seem to know what he was doing and the whole liturgy was scattered and odd.

Protecting Your Holy Innocents

Renaissance Fresco depicting the Massacre of the Innocents
in the Collegiata of San Gimignano, Italy


SOMETHING has gone terribly wrong when the very inventor of a technology, now in world-wide distribution, is calling for its immediate halt. In this sobering webcast, Mark Mallett and Christine Watkins share why doctors and scientists are warning, based on the newest data and studies, that injecting babies and children with an experimental gene therapy could leave them with severe disease in years to come… It amounts to one of the most crucial warnings we’ve given this year. The parallel to Herod’s attack on the Holy Innocents during this Christmas season is unmistakable. Continue reading

New Novel Release! The Blood


PRINT version of the sequel The Blood is now available!

Since the release of my daughter Denise’s first novel The Tree some seven years ago — a book that garnered rave reviews and the efforts by some to have it made into a movie — we have awaited the sequel. And it’s finally here. The Blood continues the story in a mythical realm with Denise’s incredible word-smithing to shape realistic characters, craft incredible imagery, and make the story linger long after you’ve put the book down. So many themes in The Blood speak profoundly to our times. I couldn’t be more proud as her father… and delighted as a reader. But don’t take my word for it: read the reviews below!Continue reading